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Evidence for folate-salvage reactions in plants   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Folates in vivo undergo oxidative cleavage, giving pterin and p -aminobenzoylglutamate ( p ABAGlu) moieties. These breakdown products are excreted in animals, but their fate is unclear in microorganisms and unknown in plants. As indirect evidence from this and previous studies strongly suggests that plants can have high folate-breakdown rates (approximately 10% per day), salvage of the cleavage products seems likely. Four sets of observations support this possibility. First, cleavage products do not normally accumulate: pools of p ABAGlu (including its polyglutamyl forms) are equivalent to, at most, 4–14% of typical total folate pools in Arabidopsis thaliana , Lycopersicon esculentum and Pisum sativum tissues. Pools of the pterin oxidation end-product pterin-6-carboxylate are, likewise, fairly small (3–37%) relative to total folate pools. Second, little p ABAGlu built up in A. thaliana plantlets when net folate breakdown was induced by blocking folate synthesis with sulfanilamide. Third, A. thaliana and L. esculentum tissues readily converted supplied breakdown products to folate synthesis precursors: p ABAGlu was hydrolysed to p -aminobenzoate and glutamate, and dihydropterin-6-aldehyde was reduced to 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin. Fourth, both these reactions were detected in vitro ; the reduction used NADPH as cofactor. An alternative salvage route for p ABAGlu, direct reincorporation into dihydrofolate via the action of dihydropteroate synthase, appears implausible from the properties of this enzyme. We conclude that plants are excellent organisms in which to explore the biochemistry of folate salvage.  相似文献   
Plants synthesize p-aminobenzoate (pABA) in chloroplasts and use it for folate synthesis in mitochondria. It has generally been supposed that pABA exists as the free acid in plant cells and that it moves between organelles in this form. Here we show that fruits and leaves of tomato and leaves of a diverse range of other plants have a high capacity to convert exogenously supplied pABA to its beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester (pABA-Glc), whereas yeast and Escherichia coli do not. High performance liquid chromatography analysis indicated that much of the endogenous pABA in fruit and leaf tissues is esterified and that the total pool of pABA (free plus esterified) varies greatly between tissues (from 0.2 to 11 nmol g-1 of fresh weight). UDP-glucose:pABA glucosyltransferase activity was readily detected in fruit and leaf extracts, and the reaction was found to be freely reversible. p-Aminobenzoic acid beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester esterase activity was also detected in extracts. Subcellular fractionation indicated that the glucosyltransferase and esterase activities are predominantly if not solely cytosolic. Taken together, these results show that reversible formation of pABA-Glc in the cytosol is interposed between pABA production in chloroplasts and pABA consumption in mitochondria. As pABA is a hydrophobic weak acid, its uncharged form is membrane-permeant, and its anion is consequently prone to distribute itself spontaneously among subcellular compartments according to their pH. Esterification of pABA may eliminate such errant behavior and provide a readily reclaimable storage form of pABA as well as a substrate for membrane transporters.  相似文献   
DNA methylation is critical for normal genomic structure and function and is dependent on adequate folate status. A polymorphism (677C-->T) in a key folate enzyme, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), may impair DNA methylation when folate intake is inadequate and may increase the risk of reproductive abnormalities. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of the MTHFR 677C-->T polymorphism on changes in global DNA methylation in young women consuming a low folate diet followed by repletion with the current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Women (age 20-30 years) with the TT (variant; n = 19) or CC (n = 22) genotype for the MTHFR 677C-->T polymorphism participated in a folate depletion-repletion study (7 weeks, 115 microg DFE/day; 7 weeks, 400 microg DFE/day). DNA methylation was measured at baseline, week 7, and week 14 using a [3H]methyl acceptance assay and a novel liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry assay of the DNA bases methylcytosine and cytosine. [3H]Methyl group acceptance tended to increase (P = 0.08) during depletion in all subjects, indicative of a decrease in global DNA methylation. During repletion, the raw change and the percent change in the methylcytosine/total cytosine ratio increased (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively) only in the subjects with the TT genotype. Moderate folate depletion in young women may cause a decrease in overall DNA methylation. The response to folate repletion suggests that following folate depletion women with the MTHFR 677 TT genotype have a greater increase in DNA methylation with folate repletion than women with the CC genotype.  相似文献   
Equine influenza is a common disease of the horse, causing significant morbidity worldwide. Here we describe the establishment of a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for equine influenza virus. Utilizing this system, we generated three mutant viruses encoding carboxy-terminally truncated NS1 proteins. We have previously shown that a recombinant human influenza virus lacking the NS1 gene (delNS1) could only replicate in interferon (IFN)-incompetent systems, suggesting that the NS1 protein is responsible for IFN antagonist activity. Contrary to previous findings with human influenza virus, we found that in the case of equine influenza virus, the length of the NS1 protein did not correlate with the level of attenuation of that virus. With equine influenza virus, the mutant virus with the shortest NS1 protein turned out to be the least attenuated. We speculate that the basis for attenuation of the equine NS1 mutant viruses generated is related to their level of NS1 protein expression. Our findings show that the recombinant mutant viruses are impaired in their ability to inhibit IFN production in vitro and they do not replicate as efficiently as the parental recombinant strain in embryonated hen eggs, in MDCK cells, or in vivo in a mouse model. Therefore, these attenuated mutant NS1 viruses may have potential as candidates for a live equine influenza vaccine.  相似文献   
Laura Quinlivan describes her job as rodent colony manager and gives advice on raising rodents.  相似文献   
Hyperhomocysteinemia in humans is associated with genetic variants of several enzymes of folate and one-carbon metabolism and deficiencies of folate and vitamins B12 and B6. In each case, hyperhomocysteinemia might be caused by diminished folate-dependent homocysteine remethylation, but this has not been confirmed in vivo. Because published stable isotopic tracer approaches cannot distinguish folate-dependent from folate-independent remethylation, we developed a dual-tracer procedure in which a [U-13C5]-methionine tracer is used in conjunction with a [3-13C]serine tracer to simultaneously measure rates of total and folate-dependent homocysteine remethylation. In young female subjects, plasma [U-13C4]homocysteine enrichment, a surrogate measure of intracellular [U-13C5]methionine enrichment, reached approximately 90% of the plasma [U-13C5]methionine enrichment. Methionine-methyl and -carboxyl group fluxes were in the range of previous reports (approximately 25 and approximately 17 micromol.kg(-1).h(-1), respectively). However, the rate of overall homocysteine remethylation (approximately 8 micromol.kg(-1).h(-1)) was twice that of previous reports, which suggests a larger role for homocysteine remethylation in methionine metabolism than previously thought. By use of estimates of intracellular [3-13C]serine enrichment based on a conservative correction of plasma [3-13C]serine enrichment, serine was calculated to contribute approximately 100% of the methyl groups used for total body homocysteine remethylation under the conditions of this protocol. This contribution represented only a small fraction (approximately 2.8%) of total serine flux. Our dual-tracer procedure is well suited to measure the effects of nutrient deficiencies, genetic polymorphisms, and other metabolic perturbations on homocysteine synthesis and total and folate-dependent homocysteine remethylation.  相似文献   
Disruption of Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) latency is mediated through the activation of the viral immediate-early proteins, BZLF1 (Z) and BRLF1 (R).i.; (Chevallier-Greco, A., et al., (1986) EMBO J., 5, 3243 – 9; Countryman, and Miller, G. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 4085 – 4089). We have previously demonstrated that these proteins cooperatively activate the EBV early promoter BMRF1 in lymphoid cells but not in epithelial cells. Although cooperative transactivation by these proteins has been demonstrated with a number of EBV promoters, the mechanism of this interaction is not well understood. We now show that the cooperative activation of the BMRF1 promoter by Z-plus-R requires an intact R binding site and at least one functional Z response element (ZRE). Despite the presence of an R binding site, the BMRF1 promoter is only moderately responsive to R alone in either HeLa or Jurkat cells. Efficient activation of the BMRF1 promoter by Z alone in HeLa cells requires two ZREs (located at − 59 and − 106), whereas two additional Z binding sites (located at − 42 and − 170) contribute very little to Z-induced activation. In the absence of ZREs, Z acted as a repressor of R-induced transactivation. These observations, along with observations made by other investigators (Giot, J.F. et al., (1991) Nucleic Acids Res., 19, 1251 – 8), suggest that Z-plus-R cooperative activation is dependent upon 1) direct binding by R and Z to responsive promoter elements and 2) contributions by cell-specific factors.  相似文献   
Scar tissue, obtained from humans, was stained for elastin fibers by a new staining method. Elastin fibers were noted at sites where they must have been formed de novo. The morphology and the distribution of elastin in various types of scars are described. Practically no elastin was found in keloids.  相似文献   
The Epstein-Barr virus early antigen diffuse component (EA-D) is essential for Epstein-Barr virus DNA polymerase activity, and its activity is suppressed during latent infection. We investigated the regulation of the promoter (BMRF1) for this early gene by studying its responsiveness in vitro to two immediate-early viral transactivators, BZLF1 (Z) and BRLF1 (R), focusing on the differences in response in lymphoid cells and epithelial cells. In lymphoid cells, Z or R alone produced only small increases in EA-D promoter activity, whereas both transactivators together produced a large stimulatory effect. In epithelial cells, the Z transactivator alone produced maximal stimulation of the EA-D promoter; the effect of R and Z together was no greater than that of Z alone. Deletional analysis and site-directed mutagenesis of the EA-D promoter demonstrated that in epithelial cells the potential AP-1 binding site plays an essential role in Z responsiveness, although sequences further upstream are also important. In lymphoid cells, only the upstream sequences are required for transactivation by the Z/R combination, and the AP-1 site is dispensable. These data suggest that EA-D (BMRF1) promoter regulation by Z and R is cell type specific and appears to involve different mechanisms in each cell type.  相似文献   
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