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Contamination of litter in a broiler grow-out house with Salmonella prior to placement of a new flock has been shown to be a precursor of the flock''s Salmonella contamination further down the production continuum. In the southern USA, broiler grow-out houses are primarily built on dirt pad foundations that are placed directly on top of the native soil surface. Broiler litter is placed directly on the dirt pad. Multiple grow-out flocks are reared on a single litter batch, and the litter is kept in the houses during downtime between flocks. The effects of environmental determinants on conditions in broiler litter, hence Salmonella ecology within it, has received limited attention. In a field study that included broiler farms in the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Texas we assessed Salmonella in broiler litter at the end of downtime between flocks, i.e. at the time of placement of a new flock for rearing. Here we utilized these results and the U.S. General Soil Map (STATSGO) data to test if properties of soil at farm location impacted the probability of Salmonella detection in the litter. The significance of soil properties as risk factors was tested in multilevel regression models after accounting for possible confounding differences among the farms, the participating broiler complexes and companies, and the farms'' geographical positioning. Significant associations were observed between infiltration and drainage capabilities of soil at farm location and probability of Salmonella detection in the litter.  相似文献   
The UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that is myristylated, palmitylated, and phosphorylated and is found on the cytoplasmic faces of nuclear, Golgi apparatus-derived, and plasma membranes of infected cells. Although this protein is thought to play a role in virus budding, its specific function is unknown. Purified virions were found to contain approximately 700 copies of the UL11 protein per particle, making it an abundant component of the tegument. Moreover, comparisons of cell-associated and virion-associated UL11 showed that packaging is selective for underphosphorylated forms, as has been reported for several other tegument proteins. Although the mechanism by which UL11 is packaged is unknown, previous studies have identified several sequence motifs in the protein that are important for membrane binding, intracellular trafficking, and interaction with UL16, another tegument protein. To ascertain whether any of these motifs are needed for packaging, a transfection/infection-based assay was used in which mutant forms of the protein must compete with the wild type. In this assay, the entire C-terminal half of UL11 was found to be dispensable. In the N-terminal half, the sites of myristylation and palmitylation, which enable membrane-binding and Golgi apparatus-specific targeting, were found to be essential for efficient packaging. The acidic cluster motif, which is not needed for Golgi apparatus-specific targeting but is involved in recycling the protein from the plasma membrane and for the interaction with UL16, was found to be essential, too. Thus, something other than mere localization of UL11 to Golgi apparatus-derived membranes is needed for packaging. The critical factor is unlikely to be the interaction with UL16 because other mutants that fail to bind this protein (due to removal of the dileucine-like motif or substitutions with foreign acidic clusters) were efficiently packaged. Collectively, these results suggest that UL11 packaging is not driven by a passive mechanism but instead requires trafficking through a specific pathway.  相似文献   
A universal feature of the biochemistry of any living system is that all the molecules and catalysts that are required for reactions of the system can be built up from an available food source by repeated application of reactions from within that system. RAF (reflexively autocatalytic and food-generated) theory provides a formal way to study such processes. Beginning with Kauffman’s notion of “collectively autocatalytic sets,” this theory has been further developed over the last decade with the discovery of efficient algorithms and new mathematical analysis. In this paper, we study how the behaviour of a simple binary polymer model can be extended to models where the pattern of catalysis more precisely reflects the ligation and cleavage reactions involved. We find that certain properties of these models are similar to, and can be accurately predicted from, the simple binary polymer model; however, other properties lead to slightly different estimates. We also establish a number of new results concerning the structure of RAFs in these systems.  相似文献   
The sup-5 III and sup-7 X suppressors in C. elegans have previously been shown to have many genetic properties in common with tRNA nonsense suppressors of microorganisms. We report here the results of two lines of investigation into the molecular basis of these suppressors. In one, which sought to determine the nature of suppressible alleles, we demonstrate through DNA sequencing studies that a suppressible allele, unc-54(e 1300) I, of the myosin heavy chain gene contains a C leads to T substitution, which changes a glutamine codon to amber terminator at residue 1903. In the other approach, which sought to define the nature of the suppressing activity, we show through in vitro translation studies that tRNA fractions from the suppressor strains, but not wild-type, promote the specific readthrough of amber terminators of three different messenger RNAs. We conclude that sup-5 and sup-7 result in readthrough of amber terminators in vivo through an altered tRNA.  相似文献   


The ability to measure the concentrations of small damaging and signalling molecules such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vivo is essential to understanding their biological roles. While a range of methods can be applied to in vitro systems, measuring the levels and relative changes in reactive species in vivo is challenging.

Scope of review

One approach towards achieving this goal is the use of exomarkers. In this, exogenous probe compounds are administered to the intact organism and are then transformed by the reactive molecules in vivo to produce a diagnostic exomarker. The exomarker and the precursor probe can be analysed ex vivo to infer the identity and amounts of the reactive species present in vivo. This is akin to the measurement of biomarkers produced by the interaction of reactive species with endogenous biomolecules.

Major conclusions and general significance

Our laboratories have developed mitochondria-targeted probes that generate exomarkers that can be analysed ex vivo by mass spectrometry to assess levels of reactive species within mitochondria in vivo. We have used one of these compounds, MitoB, to infer the levels of mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide within flies and mice. Here we describe the development of MitoB and expand on this example to discuss how better probes and exomarkers can be developed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   
While supertrees have been built for many vertebrate groups (notably birds, mammals and dinosaurs), invertebrates have attracted relatively little attention. The paucity of supertrees of arthropods is particularly surprising given their economic and ecological importance, as well as their overwhelming contribution to biodiversity. The absence of comprehensive archives of machine-readable source trees, coupled with the need for software implementing repeatable protocols for managing them, has undoubtedly impeded progress. Here we present a supertree of Achelata (spiny, slipper and coral lobsters) as a proof of concept, constructed using new supertree specific software (the Supertree Toolkit; STK) and following a published protocol. We also introduce a new resource for archiving and managing published source trees. Our supertree of Achelata is synthesised from morphological and molecular source trees, and represents the most complete species-level tree of the group to date. Our findings are consistent with recent taxonomic treatments, confirming the validity of just two families: Palinuridae and Scyllaridae; Synaxidae were resolved within Palinuridae. Monophyletic Silentes and Stridentes lineages are recovered within Palinuridae, and all sub-families within Scyllaridae are found to be monophyletic with the exception of Ibacinae. We demonstrate the feasibility of building larger supertrees of arthropods, with the ultimate objective of building a complete species-level phylogeny for the entire phylum using a divide and conquer strategy.  相似文献   
Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)possesses regulated chloride channels that are crucial fortransepithelial fluid and ion transport. At present, little is knownabout the molecular nature of chloride channels in human adult RPE(haRPE) or the effects of oxidative stress on membrane conductanceproperties. In the present study, we assessed ClC channel and cysticfibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression andmembrane chloride conductance properties in haRPE cells. ClC-5, ClC-3,ClC-2, and CFTR mRNA expression was confirmed with RT-PCR analysis, andprotein expression was detected with Western blot analysis andimmunofluorescence microscopy. Whole cell recordings of primarycultures of haRPE showed an outwardly rectifying chloride current thatwas inhibited by the oxidant H2O2. Theinhibitory effects of H2O2 were reduced incultured human RPE cells that were incubated with precursors ofglutathione synthesis or that were stably transfected to overexpress glutathione S-transferase. These findings indicate apossible role for ClC channels in haRPE cells and suggest possibleredox modulation of human RPE chloride conductances.

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