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The replicative lifespan of normal somatic cells is restricted by the erosion of telomeres, which are protective caps at the ends of linear chromosomes. The loss of telomeres induces antiproliferative signals that eventually lead to cellular senescence. The enzyme complex telomerase can maintain telomeres, but its expression is confined to highly proliferative cells such as stem cells and tumor cells. The immense regenerative capacity of the hematopoietic system is provided by a distinct type of adult stem cell: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Although blood cells have to be produced continuously throughout life, the HSC pool seems not to be spared by aging processes. Indeed, limited expression of telomerase is not sufficient to prevent telomere shortening in these cells, which is thought ultimately to limit their proliferative capacity. In this review, we discuss the relevance of telomere maintenance for the hematopoietic stem cell compartment and consider potential functions of telomerase in this context. We also present possible clinical applications of telomere manipulation in HSCs and new insights affecting the aging of the hematopoietic stem cell pool and replicative exhaustion. This work was supported by European Community Grant LSHC-CT-2004-502943 (MOL CANCER MED).  相似文献   
Rabbit neutrophils peptide-1 (NP-1) is a type of defensin that possesses a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Chlorella ellipsoidea is a new eukaryotic expression system for exogenously producing NP-1. The NP-1 transgenic C. ellipsoidea can be directly added into feed as antimicrobial agent without any purification procedure for the NP-1 peptide. However, the effects of C. ellipsoidea and NP-1 on the host gut microbiota should be explored before application. In this study, diets containing different concentrations (1.25, 2.5, and 5 %) of C. ellipsoidea and NP-1 transgenic C. ellipsoidea were administered to male Sprague–Dawley rats. Compared with the chow diet control group, none of the experimental groups showed any significant differences in their growth indices, and no histopathological damage was observed. The phylotypes of gut microbiota in the control group, the 5 % C. ellipsoidea diet group and the 5 % NP-1 transgenic C. ellipsoidea diet group were determined by 16S rRNA sequencing. The results showed that both 5 % experimental groups had shifted community memberships of gut microbiota. In particular, the 5 % NP-1 transgenic C. ellipsoidea diet exhibited an increased abundance of most Gram-positive bacterial taxa and a reduced abundance of most Gram-negative bacterial taxa, and it promoted the growth of some lactic acid bacterial genera. Lactic acid bacteria, especially the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, have been widely reported to be benefic effects on the host. Thus NP-1 transgenic C. ellipsoidea is promising feed additive and gut regulator, as it have the potential to increase the abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in gut microbiota of animal.  相似文献   
The structure of shoots, in particular of winter buds, ofHydrangea macrophylla was examined. The non-flower-bearing shoot is usually composed of a lower and an upper part, between which a boundary is discernible by means of a distinctly short internode. This internode is the lowermost of the upper part, and it is usually shorter than the internodes immediately above and below, although the internodes tend to shorten successively from the proximal to the distal part of the shoot. Variations exist in the following characters among the terminal bud, the axillary bud on the lower part of the shoot and the axillary bud on the upper part: (1) length of bud; (2) character of the outermost pair of leaf primordia; (3) degree of development of secondary buds in the winter bud; and (4) the number of leaf primordia. Usually, the terminal bud contains several pairs of foliage leaf primordia with a primordial inflorescence at the terminal of the bud, but the axiallary bud contains only the primordia of foliage leaves in addition to a pair of bud scales.  相似文献   
[目的]从新疆阿勒泰地区额尔齐斯河流域冷水鱼肠道中分离耐低温的乳酸菌,挖掘乳酸菌的物种和遗传多样性,为低温乳酸菌生物技术研发提供优良菌种.[方法]利用MRS、Elliker两种不同培养基从9种冷水鱼肠道中,分离筛选出耐低温菌,测定细菌最适生长温度并进行常规生理生化实验.根据16S rRNA基因序列初步确定耐低温菌的系统进化地位,并采用BOX、(GTG)5、ERIC三种不同的引物进行rep-PCR,对16S rRNA基因高度同源性的菌株进一步区分.[结果]分离得到78株耐冷菌,最终确定有24株为耐低温乳酸菌,菌株的最适生长温度在15-24℃之间.系统发育分析结果表明:24株耐低温乳酸菌隶属于6个属,其中肉杆菌属(Carnobacterium)3株,乳球菌属(Lactococcus)9株,肠球菌属(Enterococcus)7株,环丝菌属(Brochothrix)1株,魏斯氏菌属(Weissella)2株,链球菌属(Streptococcus)2株.指纹图谱聚类分析树状图显示乳球菌属(Lactococcus)和肠球菌属(Enterococcus)存在种及菌株水平上的遗传差异,前者包括4个种,后者2个种.[结论]新疆额尔齐斯河流域冷水鱼肠道中分离的耐低温乳酸菌以球菌为主,没分离到常见的乳杆菌,需进一步完善分离培养的方法,深入挖掘和研究其物种多样性和遗传多样性.  相似文献   
Plant communities around natural CO2 springs have been exposed to elevated CO2 levels over many generations and give us a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of long-term elevated CO2 levels on wild plants. We searched for natural CO2 springs in cool temperate climate regions in Japan and found three springs that were suitable for studying long-term responses of plants to elevated levels of CO2: Ryuzin-numa, Yuno-kawa and Nyuu. At these CO2 springs, the surrounding air was at high CO2 concentration with no toxic gas emissions throughout the growth season, and there was natural vegetation around the springs. At each site, high-CO2 (HC) and low-CO2 (LC) plots were established, and three dominant species at the shrub layers were used for physiological analyses. Although the microenvironments were different among the springs, dicotyledonous species growing at the HC plots tended to have more starch and less nitrogen per unit dry mass in the leaves than those growing at the LC plots. In contrast, monocotyledonous species growing in the HC and LC plots had similar starch and nitrogen concentrations. Photosynthetic rates at the mean growth CO2 concentration were higher in HC plants than LC plants, but photosynthetic rates at a common CO2 concentration were lower in HC plants. Efficiency of water and nitrogen use of leaves at growth CO2 concentration was greatly increased in HC plants. These results suggest that natural plants growing in elevated CO2 levels under cool temperate climate conditions have down-regulated their photosynthetic capacity but that they increased photosynthetic rates and resource use efficiencies due to the direct effect of elevated CO2 concentration.  相似文献   


Three types of cell lines have been established from mouse blastocysts: embryonic stem (ES) cells, trophoblast stem (TS) cells, and extra-embryonic endoderm (XEN) cells, which have the potential to differentiate into their respective cognate lineages. ES cells can differentiate in vitro not only into somatic cell lineages but into extra-embryonic lineages, including trophectoderm and extra-embryonic endoderm (ExEn) as well. TS cells can be established from ES cells by the artificial repression of Oct3/4 or the upregulation of Cdx2 in the presence of FGF4 on feeder cells. The relationship between these embryo-derived XEN cells and ES cell-derived ExEn cell lines remains unclear, although we have previously reported that overexpression of Gata4 or Gata6 induces differentiation of mouse ES cells into extra-embryonic endoderm in vitro.  相似文献   
The barn owl (Tyto alba) is a non-migratory species widely distributed across much of North America in areas with extensive old-field and grassland habitat and without extensive winter snow cover. We investigated the genetic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of barn owl populations in western North America, ranging from British Columbia (BC) to southern California, and one eastern population from Pennsylvania. We also determined the genetic distinctiveness of a population off the coast of southern California, Santa Barbara Island, as management plans to control the local owl population are being considered to decrease predation rate on the now threatened Scripps’s Murrelet (Synthliboramphus scrippsi). Using 8 polymorphic microsatellite markers (N = 126) and ND2 mitochondrial sequences (N = 37), we found little to no genetic structure among all sampled regions, with the exception of Santa Barbara Island. The BC mainland population, despite its northwestern geographically peripheral location and ongoing habitat degradation, is not genetically depauperate. However, individuals from Vancouver Island, likewise a peripheral population in BC, exhibited the lowest genetic diversity of all sampled locations. The low global FST value (0.028) estimated from our study suggests that old-field agricultural habitats are well connected in North America. Since the BC population has declined by about 50 % within the last three decades, it is vital to focus on preserving the remaining barn owl habitats in BC to allow successful establishment from neighbouring populations. Additionally, our microsatellite data revealed that the population on Santa Barbara Island showed genetic divergence from its continental counterpart. Mitochondrial data, however, demonstrated that this island population is not a monophyletic lineage containing unique haplotypes, and hence cannot be designated as an Evolutionarily Significant Unit.  相似文献   
西南喀斯特地区两种草本对干湿交替和N添加的生长响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李周  高凯敏  刘锦春  梁千慧  陶建平 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3372-3380
喀斯特地区的"岩溶干旱"和频繁的变水环境成为喀斯特地区植被生长和分布的重要选择压力,是该地区植被恢复重建的主要障碍因子。N沉降也会对喀斯特地区的生态系统造成难以预测的影响。为了探究喀斯特地区草本植物对干湿交替和N添加的生长响应,以苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)和三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)为研究对象,通过盆栽水分受控实验,研究了5种不同水分处理[对照组(CK)、干旱组(D)、1周干湿交替处理组(DW-1)、2周干湿交替处理组(DW-2)和3周干湿交替处理组(DW-3)]与N添加(N+、N-)对两种草本植物生长和生物量的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫抑制了植物生长和生物量的积累,株高、叶面积、总根长和根体积等生长指标和地上生物量均显著降低,根冠比增大。不同程度的干湿交替对植物的生长和生物量的积累均表现出一定程度的补偿效应,但这种补偿效应的大小随着干旱持续时间的延长而减弱。N添加对植物的生长和生物量积累有显著地促进作用,株高、根表面积、根体积和根生物量较对照组显著增加,但这种促进作用随着干旱历时的增加而减弱,可能与土壤水分状况有关。同时,N添加还影响着植物生物量的分配,在促进两种植物地上和地下生长的同时,还促进了植物根冠比的增加。  相似文献   


Autoimmune inflammation is a characteristic feature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other autoimmune diseases. In the natural course of human autoimmune diseases, it is rather difficult to pinpoint the precise timing of the initial event that triggers the cascade of pathogenic events that later culminate into clinically overt disease. Therefore, it is a challenge to examine the early preclinical events in these disorders. Animal models are an invaluable resource in this regard. Furthermore, considering the complex nature of the pathogenic immune events in arthritis, microarray analysis offers a versatile tool to define the dynamic patterns of gene expression during the disease course.  相似文献   
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