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骨是一种动态更新的组织,它不断进行骨吸收(bone resorption)与骨形成(bone formation)的平衡,这个过程称之为骨重建(bone remodeling).核因子κB受体活化因子配体(receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand,RANKL)是骨吸收和骨形成耦联的关键,具有诱导破骨细胞(osteoclast, OC)生成、活化,抑制破骨细胞凋亡的作用.RANKL最初发现于活化的T细胞,但骨重建过程中RANKL主要来源于骨细胞、成骨细胞和骨髓基质细胞.RANKL/核因子κB受体活化因子(receptor activator of nuclear factor κB,RANK)/骨保护素(osteoprotegerin, OPG)信号通路在成骨细胞调控破骨细胞生成的过程中起着重要的调节作用,是维持骨重建平衡的关键.本文就RANKL及其在骨中的分子作用机制作一综述.  相似文献   
鸡球虫病给禽类养殖业带来重大经济影响。本实验利用DNA重组技术将柔嫩艾美尔球虫保护性抗原基因rhomboid和增强型绿色荧光蛋白EGFP基因串连,将其克隆到BCG中,构建EGFP标记柔嫩艾美耳球虫重组卡介苗pMV361-Rho/EGFP。将rBCG口服免疫6日龄雏鸡,一周后剖杀,取肝、脾、肺、肾、盲肠各组织器官制作冰冻切片,激光共聚焦显微镜观察各组织器官rhomboid表达情况。另分别于免疫后7,14,21,28天提取肝、脾、肺、肾、盲肠各组织器官总RNA,实时定量RT-PCR方法检测rhomboid目的基因转录情况,比较各时期组织器官rhomboid基因表达量。结果显示,免疫一周后,用激光共聚焦显微镜观察到在肝、脾、肺、肾、盲肠各组织器官中均有EGFP表达。实时定量RT-PCR结果显示,免疫14天后rhomboid基因表达量达到高峰,随后开始下降,至28天后消失。本研究为重组卡介苗疫苗作为抗球虫疫苗的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   


To examine the associations of Intimate partner violence (IPV) with stress-related sleep disturbance (measured using the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test [FIRST]) and poor sleep quality (measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI]) during early pregnancy.


This cross-sectional study included 634 pregnant Peruvian women. In-person interviews were conducted in early pregnancy to collect information regarding IPV history, and sleep traits. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) were calculated using logistic regression procedures.


Lifetime IPV was associated with a 1.54-fold increased odds of stress-related sleep disturbance (95% CI: 1.08–2.17) and a 1.93-fold increased odds of poor sleep quality (95% CI: 1.33–2.81). Compared with women experiencing no IPV during lifetime, the aOR (95% CI) for stress-related sleep disturbance associated with each type of IPV were: physical abuse only 1.24 (95% CI: 0.84–1.83), sexual abuse only 3.44 (95%CI: 1.07–11.05), and physical and sexual abuse 2.51 (95% CI: 1.27–4.96). The corresponding aORs (95% CI) for poor sleep quality were: 1.72 (95% CI: 1.13–2.61), 2.82 (95% CI: 0.99–8.03), and 2.50 (95% CI: 1.30–4.81), respectively. Women reporting any IPV in the year prior to pregnancy had increased odds of stress-related sleep disturbance (aOR = 2.07; 95% CI: 1.17–3.67) and poor sleep quality (aOR = 2.27; 95% CI: 1.30–3.97) during pregnancy.


Lifetime and prevalent IPV exposures are associated with stress-related sleep disturbance and poor sleep quality during pregnancy. Our findings suggest that sleep disturbances may be important mechanisms that underlie the lasting adverse effects of IPV on maternal and perinatal health.  相似文献   
No-till (NT) is a sustainable option because of its benefits in controlling erosion, saving labor, and mitigating climate change. However, a comprehensive assessment of soil pH response to NT is still lacking. Thus, a global meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effects of NT on soil pH and to identify the influential factors and possible consequences based on the analysis of 114 publications. When comparing tillage practices, the results indicated an overall significant decrease by 1.33 ± 0.28% in soil pH under NT than that under conventional tillage (p < .05). Soil texture, NT duration, mean annual temperature (MAT), and initial soil pH are the critical factors affecting soil pH under NT. Specifically, with significant variations among subgroups, when compared to conventional tillage, the soil under NT had lower relative changes in soil pH observed on clay loam soil (?2.44%), long-term implementation (?2.11% for more than 15 years), medium MAT (?1.87% in the range of 8–16℃), neutral soil pH (?2.28% for 6.5 < initial soil pH < 7.5), mean annual precipitation (?1.95% in the range of 600–1200 mm), in topsoil layers (?2.03% for 0–20 cm), with crop rotation (?1.98%), N fertilizer input (the same for NT and conventional tillage) of 100–200 kg N ha?1 (?1.83%), or crop residue retention (?1.52%). Changes in organic matter decomposition under undisturbed soil and with crop residue retention might lead to a higher concentration of H+ and lower of basic cations (i.e., calcium, magnesium, and potassium), which decrease the soil pH, and consequently, impact nutrient dynamics (i.e., soil phosphorus) in the surface layer under NT. Furthermore, soil acidification may be aggravated by NT within site-specific conditions and improper fertilizer and crop residue management and consequently leading to adverse effects on soil nutrient availability. Thus, there is a need to identify strategies to ameliorate soil acidification under NT to minimize the adverse consequences.  相似文献   
Oncomine 是目前世界上最大的癌基因芯片数据库和综合数据挖掘平台之一,该数据库整合了GEO、TCGA和已发表文献来源的RNA和DNA-seq数据。数据库目前含有715个基因表达数据集(datasheet)、86 733个人体肿瘤组织和正常组织样本的信息,且有新的数据不断更新。Oncomine 数据库囊括的肿瘤类型有19种,包括:膀胱癌、脑/中枢神经系统肿瘤、乳腺癌、宫颈癌、结直肠癌、食管癌、胃癌、头/颈肿瘤、肾癌、白血病、肝癌、肺癌、淋巴瘤、黑色素瘤、骨髓瘤、卵巢癌、胰腺癌、前列腺癌、肉瘤。本文就如何利用Oncomine数据库,进行肿瘤组织中癌基因表达差异性分析以及基因共表达分析、癌基因在肿瘤组织中的表达及拷贝数分析、多组研究数据集的荟萃分析(meta analysis)、以及癌基因表达与患者生存率关系等进行分析。通过该数据库可以对肿瘤癌基因进行研究前的筛查,有利于发现新的肿瘤生物标记物或治疗靶点,为临床科学研究奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
基于环介导等温扩增(LAMP)技术建立水产品和养殖水域中灿烂弧菌现场可视化的快速、简便检测方法.以灿烂弧菌等作为研究对象,以灿烂弧菌的toxR基因作为靶基因,确定煮沸法为适合于弧菌基因组DNA提取的快捷方法,优化筛选的引物可以特异地检测灿烂弧菌,检测核酸浓度的灵敏度可以达到10-9g/L,并且结果稳定、可靠.采用该方法...  相似文献   
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