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芦芽山自然保护区种子植物区系地理成分分析   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
芦芽山位于吕梁山脉北端,有种子植物914种,隶属于403属、84科。种子植物属、种区系成分复杂多样;比较分析属、种的区系成分,得出芦芽以温带成分点优势。在诸多温带成分中北温带分布型、旧世界分布型的属数和温带亚洲分布型、东亚分布型的种数占较高百分比。中国特有种的分布亚型以华北分布亚型种数最多,其次是西北-华北-东北分布亚型和西南-西北-华北分布亚型。经过芦芽山及部分山地植物属区系地理成分的PCA排序  相似文献   
成体多能干细胞,如来自骨髓和脂肪组织的间充质干细胞等具有多向分化的潜能。虽然自体干细胞移植已经发展成为器官移植的有效代替疗法之一,但是由于移植位点细胞的流失和分化条件的限制等问题使得这种疗法的效率大大降低。本研究目的是将由脂肪干细胞分化而来的类肝细胞制备成具有稳定细胞性状的可移植的肝细胞片。首先在体外分离扩增脂肪干细胞,并通过控制严格地分化条件获得类肝细胞。然后将此细胞接种到聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPAAm)结合的细胞培养皿表面,通过调节培养温度到20oC,使细胞成片脱离培养皿形成细胞片。对细胞片进行了常规HE染色和免疫组化观察,结果显示:这类细胞片中平均含有2~3层细胞,并且保持了细胞外基质的完整。同传统的胰酶消化收集移植用细胞相比,细胞片方法极大地减少了对移植用细胞的细胞膜和细胞外基质的损伤,这将大大促进细胞片和原位组织的相互作用,增加细胞利用效率,从而有望提高治疗效果。  相似文献   
α淀粉酶广泛应用于粮食加工、食品、酿造、发酵、纺织品和医药工业[1].由于固定化酶的优点,国内外研究人员对固定化糖化酶[2,3]和固定化α淀粉酶[4]的制备及在淀粉酶法生产葡萄糖方面的应用作了大量的研究,显示了工业应用前景.然而,迄今为止,用磁性载体固定化α淀粉酶尚未见报道.我们用磁性聚乙二醇胶体粒子作载体,制备出具有磁响应性强、稳定性强、活力高的固定化α淀粉酶.由于具有磁响应性,可借助外部磁场方便简单地回收酶,为该酶工业化生产葡萄糖提供了一种新的途径.而且,由于磁性的优点,也为该酶在食品、医药、纺织…  相似文献   
中国人类遗传资源平台是国家自然资源科技共享平台的一部分。为规范我国人类遗传资源的收集、整理、整合、保存及共享利用, 在我国相关法律法规的支持下, 作者参照国内外资源整合成功的经验, 对我国人类遗传资源的整理整合及共享利用的标准化进行了研究, 文中简要报道人类遗传资源整理整合、数据库建设及共享利用的标准化研究结果。  相似文献   
杜氏盐藻是一种抗渗透能力强的单细胞绿藻,甘油在其渗透调节过程中具有重要作用。葡萄糖对杜氏盐藻细胞数量的增加效果不明显,但对盐藻细胞内甘油积累有显著促进作用,在0~15g/L范围内葡萄糖的浓度与胞内甘油积累显著相关(R2=0.9604,P=0.01);葡萄糖浓度达到15g/L时,胞内甘油积累量达到最高值7.80pg/cell,是对照的1.88倍,胞内甘油积累量与葡萄糖的消耗量极显著相关(R2=0.9982,P=0.01)。葡萄糖对盐藻细胞内总蛋白、3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GPDH)酶活和比活都有显著影响,在15g/L葡萄糖时这3个值达到最大值,分别是对照的1.354、4.384、3.229倍。数据显示葡萄糖浓度在15g/L时细胞内蛋白质含量增加不多,但GPDH酶活和比活却大幅度增加;葡萄糖导致的渗透压的变化可能诱导新的同功酶的合成。  相似文献   
Abstract Effects of sublethal piperonyl butoxide (PB) on parasitization of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius ) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) by Encarsia bimaculata Heraty et Polaszek (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were evaluated both in cage and greenhouse experiments. When first, second and third instar B. tabaci nymphs were treated with PB, all but the first instar were significantly prolonged. Data indicated that sublethal PB could improve E. bimaculata parasitism rates without influencing parasitoid eclosion rates. Prolonged development increased rates of parasitism by E. bimaculata, from 17.6% to 24.7% in cages, presumably by increasing the duration of host exposure. Sublethal PB combined with E. bimaculata as an integrated approach to control B. tabaci was evaluated using life table parameters under greenhouse conditions. Indices of population trend (I) calculated from life tables were estimated at 4.6 for B. tabaci exposed to PB and parasitoids compared to 14.1 with parasitoids alone and 23.5 in untreated controls. The results showed that after PB was sprayed and parasitoids introduced, development of B. tabaci was delayed and the peak of each stage was postponed. The older nymphal stage had highest mortality, primarily due to mortality caused by parasitism by E. bimaculata.  相似文献   
高产水稻秧苗生长特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年早季在广州研究了不同类型高产水稻秧苗生长特性,调查了株高、叶片数、叶片长宽度、叶绿素含量和干物重等项指标,以及地下部分的发根力和根系活力情况。结果显示:在华南地区冷害发生较轻、秧苗生长基本正常的生态条件下,两系法杂交水稻新组合中粤杂122和培矮64s/E32、常规水稻品种特三矮2号表现出强和较强的生长发育优势。此外,两系法杂交水稻的发根数量和最长根长度比常规稻品种要多要长,但根系活力则较低。  相似文献   
动物疫病流行广泛、传播迅速,严重危害养殖业的发展。疫苗接种是预防和控制动物传染病最有效的策略之一。目前,随着生物技术的发展和疫病防控的需要,安全、高效、广谱、用量少、具有标记特征的新型疫苗成为研发重点。文中就近年来出现的黏膜疫苗、长效与速效疫苗、嵌合疫苗、纳米颗粒疫苗等新概念动物疫苗的发展、应用及优缺点进行了评述,并提出了其发展方向,以期为动物疫苗的研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme Berk. et M. A. Curtis has been a popular food and herbal ingredient for hundreds of years. To meet great market demand and protect the local ecosystem, for decades researchers have tried to cultivate N. flagelliforme but have failed to get macroscopic filamentous thalli. In this study, single trichomes with 50 to 200 vegetative cells were induced from free-living cells by low light and used to investigate the morphogenesis of N. flagelliforme under low UV-B radiation and periodic desiccation. Low-fluence-rate UV-B (0.1 W m(-2)) did not inhibit trichome growth; however, it significantly increased the synthesis of extracellular polysaccharides and mycosporine-like amino acids and promoted sheath formation outside the trichomes. Under low UV-B radiation, single trichomes developed into filamentous thalli more than 1 cm long after 28 days of cultivation, most of which grew separately in liquid BG11 medium. With periodic desiccation treatment, the single trichomes formed flat or banded thalli that grew up to 2 cm long after 3 months on solid BG11 medium. When trichomes were cultivated on solid BG11 medium with alternate treatments of low UV-B and periodic desiccation, dark and scraggly filamentous thalli that grew up to about 3 cm in length after 40 days were obtained. In addition, the cultivation of trichomes on nitrogen-deficient solid BG11 medium (BG11(0)) suggested that nitrogen availability could affect the color and lubricity of newly developed thalli. This study provides promising techniques for artificial cultivation of N. flagelliforme in the future.  相似文献   
以肌苷产生菌枯草杆菌GMI-741(Ade~(--))为出发菌株,通过多因子诱变选育出具有黄嘌呤、鸟嘌呤双重营养缺陷型、丧失腺嘌呤脱氨酶的腺苷产生菌Xn151。以Xn151为发酵菌株,采用正交实验设计法对其发酵基础培养基进行优化,确定最佳发酵配方。利用此培养及配方摇瓶发酵72h,腺苷产量可达12.3g/L。  相似文献   
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