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Stabilized F-actin structures have been shown to be detrimental to both mammalian and yeast cells. In yeast, stabilization of actin caused by addition of jasplakinolide, by point mutations in the act1 gene, or by deletion of certain genes that regulate F-actin leads to cell death with hallmarks of apoptosis. In particular, there is an elevation in the levels of reactive oxygen species, and we have shown the importance of the Ras/cAMP pathway for this effect. Here we show that in yeast cells deleted for end3, which functions to regulate actin organization during endocytosis, treatment of cells with methyl β-cyclodextrin reduces levels of reactive oxygen species and inhibits cell death progression. Methyl β-cyclodextrin is widely used to disrupt lipid rafts that contain cholesterol. The mechanism through which the rescue is achieved was investigated and we demonstrate that methyl β-cyclodextrin reduces accumulation of Ras2 at the plasma membrane in Δend3 cells. We use FRAP and live cell imaging to determine the possible mechanism through which methyl β-cyclodextrin functions to elicit this effect on Ras2 localization. Finally, we demonstrate that addition of methyl β-cyclodextrin to wild-type cells can act to protect cells from acute oxidative stress caused by addition of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
半干旱黄土高原地区春小麦地膜覆盖研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在黄土高原半干旱地区春小麦上进行的地膜覆盖试验表明,地膜覆盖通过改善耕层土壤生态环境条件,即通过改善水,热状况,活化土壤养分,对提高水分和养分利用效率,实现粮食增产具有重要作用,但近年来在生产实践和科学实验中发现,不合理的长期全生育期地膜覆盖,因在作物生长前期和中期覆膜作物较不覆膜作物生长好,覆膜作物在生长期水分蒸腾损失严重,土壤水分的蒸散(蒸发+蒸腾)损失远比不覆膜土壤严重,在作物生长后期降水少或没有补充灌溉时,会产生严重的水分肋迫现象,显著抑制小穗分化和灌浆,最终导致收获得指数和产量下降,同时,地膜覆盖的增产作用在一定程度上是以耗竭土壤肥力,特别是在有机物质为代 的,因此,不正确的地膜覆盖(如全生育期的地膜覆盖),不仅有时起不到显著的增产作用,而且易造成土壤养分,特别是土壤中硝态氮的累积和损失,肥料利用效率降低,土壤生态条件恶化,下降,难以持续高产,因此在确定地膜覆盖范式时,必须要考虑底墒,作物生育期降水,地膜覆盖的阶段性和氮肥的施用等。  相似文献   
The spontaneous excitation‐emission (ExEm) spectrum is introduced to the quantitative mExEm‐spFRET methodology we recently developed as a spectral unmixing component for quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurement, named as SPEES‐FRET method. The spectral fingerprints of both donor and acceptor were measured in HepG2 cells with low autofluorescence separately expressing donor and acceptor, and the spontaneous spectral fingerprint of HEK293 cells with strong autofluoresence was measured from blank cells. SPEES‐FRET was performed on improved spectrometer‐microscope system to measure the FRET efficiency (E) and concentration ratio (R C) of acceptor to donor vales of FRET tandem plasmids in HEK293 cells, and obtained stable and consistent results with the expected values. Moreover, SPEES‐FRET always obtained stable results for the bright and dim cells coexpressing Cerulean and Venus or Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP)‐Bax and Yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)‐Bax, and the E values between CFP‐Bax and YFP‐Bax were 0.02 for healthy cells and 0.14 for the staurosporine (STS)‐treated apoptotic cells. Collectively, SPEES‐FRET has very strong robustness against cellular autofluorescence, and thus is applicable to quantitative evaluation on the protein‐protein interaction in living cells with strong autofluoresence.   相似文献   
构建了8个PLZF-RARα融合基因突变体.用“滞后”胶实验证实PLZF-RARα与PML-RARα一样,亦能以同二聚体的形式结合到维甲酸反应元件(RARE)上,且PLZF的POZ结构域介导PLZF-RARα同二聚体的形成和稳定.但两者与RARE的结合类型存在差异,在DR5G,PML-RARα的结合强度大于PLZF-RARα;而在DR5T,则是PLZF-RARα强于PML-RARα.进一步工作证实PLZF-RARα能与RXR形成异二聚体,并产生4种复合物.用免疫沉淀法发现PLZF-RARα亦能与PLZF形成异二聚体,而且也是通过POZ结构域介导PLZF-RARα和PLZF异二聚体的形成.同PML-RARα一样,PLZF-RARα对RARE的结合反应亦受维甲酸调控.  相似文献   
摘要: 文中建立了一种新型的寡核苷酸芯片, 用于线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作(Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes, MELAS)和肌阵挛性癫痫伴发不规整红纤维(Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers, MERRF)线粒体DNA所有已知突变位点的集成检测。将31对allele位点特异性的寡核苷酸探针包被在醛基修饰的载玻片表面, 以多重不对称PCR方法制备Cy5荧光标记靶基因。利用此芯片对5例MELAS患者、5例MERRF患者及20例健康对照进行筛查, 结果发现, MELAS患者均为MT-T1基因A3243G突变; 在MERRF患者组, MT-TK基因A8344G突变4例, T8356C突变1例; 健康对照组均未发现31种相关mtDNA突变。芯片检测与DNA测序结果完全一致。结果表明, 这种寡核苷酸芯片可以对MELAS和MERRF综合征已知突变位点进行同步快速检测, 具有较高的灵敏度和特异性。这一模式的基因芯片经过适当改装后也可用于其他人类线粒体疾病的基因诊断。  相似文献   
启动子是决定基因表达水平的重要因素之一。组成型表达启动子被认为是工业上表达重要蛋白质的理想启动子。本研究利用蔗糖为唯一碳源的基本培养基对榨糖废水浸润的土壤微生物宏基因组文库进行筛选,获得两个阳性克隆。对其中一个克隆的柯斯质粒进行亚克隆,利用在线启动子预测和序列比对工具对其中一个亚克隆子进行分析,获得一个启动子序列。然后,利用PCR方法将该启动子和地衣芽孢杆菌的α-淀粉酶基因一起克隆到T载体上。结果表明该启动子在不加诱导剂的条件下能够在大肠杆菌中启动外源基因的高效表达。本研究结果为在生物领域中组成型启动子的应用研究提供了基础。  相似文献   
Soluble microbial products (SMPs) are considered as the main organic components in wastewater treatment plant effluent from biological wastewater treatment systems. To investigate and explore SMP metabolism pathway for further treatment and control, two innovative mechanistically based activated sludge models were developed by extension of activated sludge model no.3 (ASM3). One was the model by combining SMP formation and degradation (ASM3-SMP model) processes with ASM3, and the other by combining both SMP and simultaneous substrate storage and growth (SSSG) mechanisms with ASM3 (SSSG-ASM3-SMP model). The detailed schematic modification and process supplements were introduced for comprehensively understanding all the mechanisms involved in the activated sludge process. The evaluations of these two models were demonstrated by a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated under aerated/non-aerated conditions. The simulated and measured results indicated that SMP comprised about 83% of total soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in which biomass-associated products (BAPs) were predominant compared with utilization-associated products (UAPs). It also elucidated that there should be a minimum SMP value as the reactive time increases continuously and this conclusion could be used to optimize effluent SCOD in activated sludge processes. The comparative results among ASM3, ASM3-SMP and SSSG-ASM3-SMP models and the experimental measurements (SCOD, ammonia and nitrate nitrogen) showed clearly the best agreement with SSSG-ASM3-SMP simulation values (R = 0.993), strongly suggesting that both SMP formation and degradation and SSSG mechanisms are necessary in biologically activated sludge modeling for municipal wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
The driving forces for the regulation of cell morphology are the Rho family GTPases that coordinate the assembly of the actin cytoskeleton. This dynamic feature is a result of tight coupling between the cytoskeleton and signal transduction and is facilitated by actin-binding proteins (ABPs). Mutations in the actin bundling and PDZ domain-containing protein harmonin are the causes of Usher syndrome type 1C (USH1C), a syndrome of congenital deafness and progressive blindness, as well as certain forms of non-syndromic deafness. Here, we have used the yeast two-hybrid assay to isolate molecular partners of harmonin and identified DOCK4, an unconventional guanine exchange factor for the Rho family of guanosine triphosphatases (Rho GEF GTPases), as a protein interacting with harmonin. Detailed molecular analysis revealed that a novel DOCK4 isoform (DOCK4-Ex49) is expressed in the brain, eye and inner ear tissues. We have further provided evidence that the DOCK4-Ex49 binds to nucleotide free Rac as effectively as DOCK2 and DOCK4 and it is a potent Rac activator. By immunostaining using a peptide antibody specific to DOCK4-Ex49, we showed its localization in the inner ear within the hair bundles along the stereocilia (SC). Together, our data indicate a possible Rac-DOCK4-ABP harmonin-activated signaling pathway in regulating actin cytoskeleton organization in stereocilia.  相似文献   
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