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Therapeutic vaccinations used to induce CTLs and treat firmly established tumors are generally ineffective. To understand the mechanisms underlying the failure of therapeutic vaccinations, we investigated the fate of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells in tumor-bearing mice with or without vaccinations. Our data demonstrate that tumor-specific CD8+ T cells are activated at the early stage of tumor growth, tumor-specific CTL response reaches a maximal level during progressive tumor growth, and tumor-specific CD8+ T cells lose cytolytic function at the late stage of tumor growth. The early stage therapeutic vaccination induces efficient antitumor activity by amplifying the CTL response, whereas the late-stage therapeutic vaccination is invalid due to tumor-induced dysfunction of CD8+ T cells. However, at the late stage, tumor-specific CD8+ T cells are still present in the periphery. These tumor-specific CD8+ T cells lose cytolytic activity, but retain IFN-gamma secretion function. In contrast to in vitro cultured tumor cells, in vivo growing tumor cells are more resistant to tumor-specific CTL killing, despite an increase of tumor Ag gene expression. Both tumor-induced CD8+ T cell dysfunction at the late stage and immune evasion developed by in vivo growing tumor cells contribute to an eventual inefficacy of therapeutic vaccinations. Our study suggests that it is important to design a vaccination regimen according to the stages of tumor growth and the functional states of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
Signal regulatory proteins (SIRPs) comprise a family of cell surface signaling receptors differentially expressed in leukocytes and the central nervous system. Although the extracellular domains of SIRPs are highly similar, classical motifs in the cytoplasmic or transmembrane domains distinguish them as either activating (beta) or inhibitory (alpha) isoforms. We reported previously that human neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN)) express multiple SIRP isoforms and that SIRPalpha binding to its ligand CD47 regulates PMN transmigration. Here we further characterized the expression of PMN SIRPs, and we reported that the major SIRPalpha and SIRPbeta isoforms expressed in PMN include Bit/PTPNS-1 and SIRPbeta1, respectively. Furthermore, although SIRPalpha (Bit/PTPNS-1) is expressed as a monomer, we showed that SIRPbeta1 is expressed on the cell surface as a disulfide-linked homodimer with bond formation mediated by Cys-320 in the membrane-proximal Ig loop. Subcellular fractionation studies revealed a major pool of SIRPbeta1 within the plasma membrane fractions of PMN. In contrast, the majority of SIRPalpha (Bit/PTPNS-1) is present in fractions enriched in secondary granules and is translocated to the cell surface after chemoattractant (formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine) stimulation. Functional studies revealed that antibody-mediated ligation of SIRPbeta1 enhanced formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine-driven PMN transepithelial migration. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments to identify associated adaptor proteins revealed a 10-12-kDa protein associated with SIRPbeta1 that was tyrosine-phosphorylated after PMN stimulation and is not DAP10/12 or Fc receptor gamma chain. These results provide new insights into the structure and function of SIRPs in leukocytes and their potential role(s) in fine-tuning responses to inflammatory stimuli.  相似文献   
In our recent studies, we found that LMP1 encoded by Epstein-Barr virus could accelerate the formation of active c-Jun/Jun B heterodimer. We studied the regulation of cyclinD1 by c-Jun/Jun B heterodimers by laser scanning confocal influorescence microscopy, Western blot, luciferase activity assay, super-EMSA and flow cytometry in the Tet-on-LMP1 HNE2 cell line, in which LMP1 expression was regulated by Tet-on system. c-Jun/Jun B heterodimers induced by LMP1 could up regulate cyclin D1 promoter activity and expression. Overexpression of cyclinD1 accelerated the progression of cell cycle.  相似文献   
Intestinal mucosa is constantly exposed to environmental AGS: Activation of lamina propria (LP) T cells by luminal Ags may lead to the production of inflammatory cytokines and subsequent mucosal inflammation and tissue damage. However, in normal circumstances, LP T cells do not respond to antigenic stimulation. The mechanisms of this unresponsiveness in healthy subjects are not fully understood. In this study, we found by in vivo analysis that, except for T cells in lymph nodules of the mucosa, 15% of LP T cells underwent apoptosis in normal individuals. In contrast, there was a marked reduction in apoptosis of LP T cells in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) and those with specific colitis. Our findings suggest that apoptosis might be a mechanism that turns off mucosal T cell responses to environmental Ags in healthy subjects, and resistance to apoptosis could be an important cause of mucosal immune dysregulation and tissue inflammation in colitis.  相似文献   
6-Aminobutylphthalide (ABP) is a new drug candidate which is currently being developed for the treatment of cerebral ischemia. The pharmacokinetics and metabolism of ABP were studied using in situ microdialysis sampling in the brains of awake freely-moving rats. Two LC-MS/MS methods were used for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of microdialysate. For comparison and confirmation, brain tissue samples were also analyzed by LC-MS/MS and GC/MS. The results described provide more authentic information in pharmacokinetics and metabolism at the site of action by using the coupling of microdialysis to LC-MS/MS technique than the traditional sampling methods.  相似文献   
Lung cancer is currently the most frequent cause of cancer death in North America. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor Met are frequently over-expressed in non-small-cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC), but their potential role in tumor progression is not clearly known. To assess the role of HGF/Met signaling in lung carcinomas, we have examined the expression, activation status, and function of Met in NSCLC cell lines (n = 7), established from primary tumors or pleural fluids of cancer patients. We observed Met expression in three NSCLC cell lines, two of which exhibited constitutive tyrosine-phosphorylation of Met, and Met kinase activity. In addition, the observed constitutive activation of Met was sustained under anchorage-independent conditions, and correlated with phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase-dependent cell survival. Immunoreactive HGF-like protein was secreted by two Met-positive and two Met-negative NSCLC cell lines. However HGF activity, as determined by the ability to induce cell scattering and tyrosine-phosphorylation of Met in reporter cell lines, was detected in conditioned medium from only one Met-negative NSCLC cell line: none of the conditioned media from Met-expressing NSCLC cell lines showed detectable HGF activity. Thus, constitutive activation of Met in NSCLC cell lines may occur at least in part through intracrine, or HGF-independent mechanisms. Interestingly, additional paracrine stimulation with exogenous recombinant HGF was required for DNA synthesis and correlated with increased activation of ERK1/2 in all Met-positive NSCLC cell lines, regardless of the basal activation status of Met. These findings indicate that a medium level of constitutive activation of Met occurs in some NSCLC cell lines, and correlates with survival of detached carcinoma cells; whereas additional paracrine stimulation by recombinant HGF is required for DNA synthesis. Thus constitutive and paracrine activation of Met may provide complementary signals that promote survival and proliferation, respectively, during tumor progression of NSCLC.  相似文献   
JDV Tat反式激活LTR与HIV-1 Tat采用类似的细胞因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析JDV Tat在反式激活JDV及HIV-1 LTR过程中是否采用与HIV-1 Tat类似的细胞因子,本文构建了包含完整激活域的jTat70和hTat47,同时构建了cyclin T1和CDK9真核表达及反义转译质粒.过量表达hTat47和jTat70对hTat反式激活HIV-1 LTR,jTat反式激活JDV和HIV-1 LTR均有明显的抑制作用推测jTat和hTat的反式激活作用可能涉及类似的细胞因子.通过cyclin T1和CDK9的反义转译质粒对jTat反式激活的抑制作用证实这两种细胞因子参与了jTat对JDV和HIV-1LTR的反式激活.  相似文献   
本研究从我国夏季高温、强辐射的新疆塔里木地区采集样品,进行了细菌的分离、纯化及分类鉴定.用丙酮萃取法抽提39个分离菌株的培养产物,通过高效液相色谱和紫外-可见吸收光谱分析其主要组分;利用λ噬菌体紫外诱导系统研究抽提物清除自由基的能力.高效液相色谱和紫外-可见吸收光谱分析的结果表明多数分离菌株丙酮提取物的主要组分为类胡萝卜素物质.λ噬菌体紫外诱导系统抑制实验结果表明29个菌株的丙酮提取物对λ噬菌体的紫外诱导具有不同程度的抑制作用,抑制率最高达81%.不同菌株之间的比较试验显示不同属细菌的丙酮提取物对λ噬菌体紫外诱导系统的抑制效果存在很大差异,其中以Methylobacterium的抑制作用最强;不同颜色菌株提取物的抑制效果也出现较大差异;Koanria中不同颜色菌株的抑制效果也有类似结果.本文为类胡萝卜素可能是该类细菌具有抗辐射能力的内因之一提供了直接证据.同时,也证实了λ噬菌体紫外诱导系统是一种很好的探讨细菌抗辐射机理的研究模型.  相似文献   
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