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目前,蛋白质可溶性和热稳定性已成为重组蛋白高效生产、功能应用和长久保存不可回避的问题,而使用酸性蛋白融合标签可能是其有效解决策略。酰基载体蛋白(ACP)是脂肪酸生物合成途径的必要组分,在大肠杆菌中为一个高度酸性的小分子多肽。将大肠杆菌ACP与几个热不稳定的靶蛋白[如小桐子抗坏血酸过氧化物酶1(Jc APX1)、大豆核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化/加氧酶的活化酶2(GmRCA2)、大肠杆菌高丝氨酸O-转琥珀酰酶(EcMetA)]进行基因融合并使其在大肠杆菌中诱导表达,发现ACP融合能显著增强这些重组靶蛋白的可溶性。另外,对重组蛋白的热处理和酶活性分析发现,融合ACP还能极大提高这三个靶蛋白的热稳定性,并有效保护JcAPX1酶活免遭热失活,使其耐热性提高了至少2℃。ACP的这种效果推测可能与其高酸度特性有关,可以作为一个新的功能酸性融合标签。  相似文献   
Species' ranges are shifting globally in response to climate warming, with substantial variability among taxa, even within regions. Relationships between range dynamics and intrinsic species traits may be particularly apparent in the ocean, where temperature more directly shapes species' distributions. Here, we test for a role of species traits and climate velocity in driving range extensions in the ocean‐warming hotspot of southeast Australia. Climate velocity explained some variation in range shifts, however, including species traits more than doubled the variation explained. Swimming ability, omnivory and latitudinal range size all had positive relationships with range extension rate, supporting hypotheses that increased dispersal capacity and ecological generalism promote extensions. We find independent support for the hypothesis that species with narrow latitudinal ranges are limited by factors other than climate. Our findings suggest that small‐ranging species are in double jeopardy, with limited ability to escape warming and greater intrinsic vulnerability to stochastic disturbances.  相似文献   
已有研究表明在脑缺血期间及再灌流后早期,海马CA1锥体神经元细胞内钙浓度明显升高,这一钙超载被认为是缺血性脑损伤的重要机制之一.电压依赖性钙通道是介导正常CA1神经元钙内流的主要途径.实验观察了脑缺血再灌流后早期海马CA1锥体神经元电压依赖性L型钙通道的变化.以改良的四血管闭塞法制作大鼠 15min前脑缺血模型,在急性分离的海马CA1神经元上,采用膜片钳细胞贴附式记录L型电压依赖性钙通道电流.脑缺血后CA1神经元L型钙通道的总体平均电流明显增大,这是由于通道的开放概率增加所致.进一步分析单通道动力学显示,脑缺血后通道的开放时间变长,通道的开放频率增大.研究结果提示L型钙通道功能活动增强可能参与了缺血后海马CA1锥体神经元的细胞内钙浓度升高  相似文献   
微卫星(TATG)n基序在香菇菌种中的验证   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以(TATG)4重复序列为引物对香菇属的3个种13个菌株的微卫星区DNA进行PCR扩增,15%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳,获得了25个条带,并且在供试菌株上表现出多态性,可以实现遗传分类研究。为了验证微卫星分子标记实验准确性,又用RAPD技术对13个供试菌株进行了实验。7个引物在13个菌株上共获得了102条多态性条带。通过聚类分析,RAPD获得的分类结果与微卫星分子标记获得的结果一致。此外,为了证明微卫星分子标记获得的条带不是假阳性,在实验中回收了No.10菌株的PCR扩增产物,进行克隆测序。测序结果显示有(TATG)n基序存在,并且达到了微卫星基序重复数量的最低限度。通过本实验可知,香菇中是存在微卫星(TATG)n基序的, 且基序的多态性可以用于香菇的遗传分类研究。  相似文献   
土壤因子对府谷清水川流域砒砂岩区刺槐和沙棘AMF的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用相关性分析和通径分析研究了府谷清水川流域砒砂岩区土壤因子对刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)和沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)根际丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的影响.结果表明:AMF可以与刺槐和沙棘形成良好的共生关系;从两种植物根际土中共分离鉴定出AMF 13种,其中摩西囊霉(Glomus mosseae)、地球囊霉(Glomus geospo-rum)和缩球囊霉(Glomus constrictum)为优势种;AMF平均侵染率为90.6%,平均孢子密度为559.1个?100 g-1干土;AMF的孢子密度、侵染率和种类之间没有显著的相关性;刺槐和沙棘根际AMF侵染率均与pH呈显著正相关,在刺槐根际,pH和有效氮通过直接作用影响侵染率,有机质和有效磷通过间接作用影响侵染率;在沙棘根际,pH和有效磷通过直接作用影响侵染率,有机质和有效氮通过间接作用影响侵染率;在沙棘根际,有机质和pH主要是通过直接作用影响AMF种类,有效氮主要通过有效磷的间接作用影响AMF种类.  相似文献   
魏明  余茂元  柴瑞娟 《西北植物学报》2018,38(12):2276-2283
为了阐明兰科菌根真菌对铁皮石斛光合作用的影响及机制,采用盆栽方式研究了兰科菌根真菌对铁皮石斛幼苗生长的影响,并分析了叶片中叶绿素含量、光合参数、叶绿素荧光参数以及pepc基因表达的变化。结果表明:(1)兰科菌根真菌促进了铁皮石斛幼苗生长,接种兰科菌根真菌的铁皮石斛的株高、根重、茎叶重和总生物量分别是未接种对照组的1.21、1.54、1.71和1.68倍;而且可显著提高叶片中叶绿素含量、叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Gs)和气孔导度(Tr)。(2)接种兰科菌根真菌的铁皮石斛叶片潜在光化学效率(Fv/F0)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、非光化学猝灭系数(qN)、实际光化学反应量子效率(Yield)和表观光合电子传递速率(ETR)均高于未接种对照组。(3)菌根真菌能促进pepc基因的表达,增强PEPC活性,提高铁皮石斛叶片的光合碳同化能力。研究表明,菌根的形成可以提高铁皮石斛叶片光合性能和pepc基因的表达水平,促进铁皮石斛幼苗的生长。  相似文献   
中国白菜RAPD分子遗传图谱的构建   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A molecular genetic map of Brassica campestris L. (syn. B. rapa) was constructed based on the segregation of 99 RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNAs) markers from eighty-four 10-base random primers using DNA samples extracted from F2 population of turnip (B. campestris L. ssp. rapifera Metzg) × Chinese cabbage (B. campestris L. ssp. pekinensis Lour. Olsson). This genetic map covered 1 632.4 cM (centiMorgan) genome (Kosambi Function) with 16.5 cM mean intervals between flanking markers and defined thirteen linkage groups, in which the longest linkage group is 267.5 cM with 20.6 cM mean interval and the shortest linkage group is 62.2 cM with 15.6 cM mean interval. The size and distribution of linkage groups in this map is similar to other RFLP maps and karyotype data in B. campestris.  相似文献   
本研究选用7种细胞质源不同的滇型不育系为母本,10个常用品种或品系为父本,得到70个杂交组合.通过分析70个杂交后代的花粉可育度和自然结实率可知,这7个细胞质源不同的滇型不育系之间的保持关系基本一致;5个滇一型恢复系对这7个不育系的恢复能力差异较大.鉴于7种不同细胞质源不育系的保持关系相同,使转育同核异质不育系成为可能,从而为实现滇型杂交水稻细胞质多样化提供了实验依据.  相似文献   
青冈常绿阔叶林钾的生物循环研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于明坚 《植物研究》1999,19(4):461-468
本文对分布于浙江建德的青冈常绿阔叶林K的生物循环进行了研究。群落各代表种类的K浓度大都在0.2~0.4%之间,其令藤本、草本>下木层>乔木层、亚乔木层植物,各器官中K浓度叶>枝、根>干。青冈中K浓度为下木层>乔木层>亚乔木层;幼嫩、同化和生殖器官中积累了较多的K。凋落物凋落之前,K有被回输的现象。K在群落中现存量为431.64kg/hm2,死地被层中积累量为25.88ky/hm2,土壤(A0-B层)中储存量为64298kg/hm2。群落K的存留量为53.83ky/hm2.a;归还量为51.89ky/hm2.a,其中大部分通过穿透水归还(占70%);吸收量为105.72kg/hm2.a。降水输入了7.10kg/hm2.a的K。与世界上其它森林类型相比,青冈林K的循环速申和利用效申是对一定水热条件的正常反映。  相似文献   
Glucose oxidation modulates anoikis and tumor metastasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cancer cells exhibit altered glucose metabolism characterized by a preference for aerobic glycolysis or the Warburg effect, and the cells resist matrix detachment-induced apoptosis, which is called anoikis, a barrier to metastasis. It remains largely unclear whether tumor metabolism influences anoikis and metastasis. Here we show that when detached from the matrix, untransformed mammary epithelial cells undergo metabolic reprogramming by markedly upregulating pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) kinase 4 (PDK4) through estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRγ), thereby inhibiting PDH and attenuating the flux of glycolytic carbon into mitochondrial oxidation. To decipher the significance of this metabolic response, we found that depletion of PDK4 or activation of PDH increased mitochondrial respiration and oxidative stress in suspended cells, resulting in heightened anoikis. Conversely, overexpression of PDKs prolonged survival of cells in suspension. Therefore, decreased glucose oxidation following cell detachment confers anoikis resistance. Unlike untransformed cells, most cancer cells demonstrate reduced glucose oxidation even under attached conditions, and thus they inherently possess a survival advantage when suspended. Normalization of glucose metabolism by stimulating PDH in cancer cells restores their susceptibility to anoikis and impairs their metastatic potential. These results suggest that the Warburg effect, more specifically, diminished glucose oxidation, promotes anoikis resistance and metastasis and that PDKs are potential targets for antimetastasis therapy.  相似文献   
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