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The purpose of this study was to determine whether the inhibitory action of peptide YY (PYY) on gastric acid secretion is attributable to the release of gastric somatostatin in rats. Two groups of rats (six rats/group) were anesthetized with urethane and prepared with gastric fistulas and jugular catheters. Pentagastrin (18 micrograms/kg-h) was given intravenously for 150 min to stimulate gastric acid secretion. Intravenous PYY (130 micrograms/kg-h) inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion significantly (P less than 0.05). Administration of iv PYY resulted in a 41% reduction (P less than 0.05) in pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion. In another group of anesthetized rats, administration of PYY (10(-7), 10(-8) M) failed to stimulate a release of somatostatin from the isolated-perfused rat stomach. Our findings indicate that PYY can inhibit gastric acid secretion independently of release of gastric somatostatin in the rat.  相似文献   
头端延髓腹外侧区注射5—羟色胺对应激性高血粘度...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翁可  郭学勤 《生理学报》1992,44(3):244-253
Experiments were carried out on 62 wistar rats. The hyperviscosity and elevation of blood pressure were induced by hanging and restraining the rats with their four limbs tied on a frame. It was found that microinjection of 5-HT (25 micrograms/10 microliters) into the 4th ventricle of the brain or bilateral microinjection of 5-HT (4 micrograms/0.5 microliters/site) into rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM) reduced stress-induced hyperviscosity (p < 0.01) and elevation of blood pressure (p < 0.01). The effect of 5-HT injected into the 4th ventricle or rVLM was blocked by bilateral microinjection of cinanserine (4 micrograms/0.5 microliter/site) into rVLM. These results suggest that microinjection of 5-HT into 4th ventricle and rVLM could reduce stress-induced hyperviscosity and elevation of blood pressure and these effects were probably mediated via 5-HT receptors in the rVLM.  相似文献   
In humans, a deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase α- -iduronidase (IDUA; EC results in the lysosomal storage of the glycosaminoglycans heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, thereby causing the lysosomal storage disorder mucopolysaccharidosis type I. The gene for IDUA is split into 14 exons spanning approximately 19 kb. We report the sequence of two noncontiguous segments of the IDUA gene, one 1.8-kb segment containing exons 1 and 2 and surrounding sequences and a second segment of 4.5 kb containing the last 12 exons. The potential promoter for IDUA has only GC box type consensus sequences consistent with a housekeeping promoter and is bounded by an Alu repeat sequence. The first two exons of IDUA are separated by an intron of 566 bp, then there is a large intron of approximately 13 kb, and the last 12 exons are clustered within 4.5 kb. No consensus polyadenylation signal was found in the 3′ untranslated region, although two variant polyadenylation signals are proposed.  相似文献   
The nucleus of a blastula cell from Tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica, family Cichlidae, order Perciformes) was transplanted into an enucleated egg of Loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus, family Cobitidae, order Cypriniformes). From among 3747 nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrid (NCH) eggs two NCH larval fish (0.05%) were obtained; one died on the 6th day and the other died on the 12th day after the operation. Morphological examinations showed that both NCH larval fish had developed normally with an opened mouth except they could not take food after complete utilization of their egg yolk on the 5th day of development. The possible mechanisms for obtaining such inter-order NCH larval fish are discussed. This is the first report indicating that inter-order NCH larval fish can be obtained in spite of their evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了流行性感冒病毒重组株京生75-29R2 T1(H3N2)及冷适应株31-广(H3N2)的RNA及多肽。重组株京生75-29R2 T1的HA及M基因系来自流行病毒亲本株/甲/北京/29/75(H3N2),而P_2、NA、NP及NS基因则来自温度敏感母株福R3(H2N2)。流行病毒株甲/穗/03/68(H3N2)在低温条件下经鸡胚尿囊腔传递24代而获得的冷适应疫苗毒株31-广(H3N2)其基因型与野毒株一致。  相似文献   
外源蜕皮激素对蓖麻蚕蛹发育的效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏定义  郭郛 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):357-361
本文报道蓖麻蚕蛹在室温28℃下的卵巢发育过程,以及外源20-羟基蜕皮酮对蚕蛹发育的影响。正常蛹在任何发育期内注射20-羟基蜕皮酮后,全部仍羽化成蛾,但蛹期延长约1至4天。无脑蛹经注射后出现蛹——蛾的变态,发育情况因剂量而不同:注射0.1微克后约有半数蛹发育成蛾;注射2微克羽化率较高,卵巢管的发育也最好;4微克或更高的注射量能使全部蛹发育成蛾,但卵巢管多少有些不正常。注射量超过5微克时,蛾体较小,颜色浅黄,没有或只有很少的鳞片。蛹的发育天数随剂量的增大而减少。经外源20-羟基蜕皮酮处理后,无论是有脑蛾或是无脑蛾的卵粒都明显地比正常蛾的卵粒大。当超过一定的注射量时,注射量越大,蚕蛾的自动蜕壳能力越差。  相似文献   
生长在不同季节的菠萝叶膜脂脂肪酸的配比存在着明显差异;随着大气温度的下降,18:1含量显著减少,18:2和18:3含量增加。不同品种均表现出一致的变化趋势。致害低温破坏了膜脂,使较不抗寒品种的16:0含量增加,18:2和18:3含量减少;较抗寒品种这种变化则较不显著。适当低温锻炼能改变膜脂脂肪酸的代谢过程,16:0和18:1含量减少,18:3含量增加。当处于更低温度时,除了16:0和18:1继续减少外,有一部分18:2也脱饱和而转变为18:3。因之明显地增加了膜脂中18:3的含量和脂肪酸的不饱和度,从而有利于抗寒性的提高。而品种间的抗寒性差异亦是在此低温期间表现出来。  相似文献   
泥河湾层中新发现一处旧石器地点   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
半个多世纪以来,在泥河湾层中寻找早更新世时期的人类遗迹,已成为中、外许多科学家非常关心的一个问题。近几年来,在泥河湾村附近,大量古文化遗物从属于下更新统的泥河湾层中发现了。新的发现为旧石器时代考古学和第四纪地质学又增添了新的内容。  相似文献   
Summary Production of antibodies against peptides or poorly antigenic proteins by conventional methods often requires either large quantities of the native immunogen or some chemical modification to increase their antigenicity. In this study an in vivo and in vitro immunization protocol has been used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the decapeptide luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). Two injections of 100 μg of avian LHRH-I into BALB/c mice were given 7 d apart. Dissociated splenocytes were collected under sterile conditions. They were incubated with 100 μg of the immunogen in 75-cm2 tissue culture flasks in thymocyte-conditioned media. After 5 to 8 d exposure to the antigen, splenocytes were fused with SP2/O myeloma cells by polyethylene glycol. The cells were plated into 24 wells and then incubated in hypoxanthine aminopterin and thymidine selective media. After 14 d an initial screening was done by enzyme immunoassay. The positive wells (6/24) were expanded into 96-well plates and rescreened. Selected lines were cloned out 3 times by limiting dilution and the most positive expanded for ascites production. The antibody was affinity purified in a protein A column. The antibody cross-reacted with LHRH-I and II but preferentially to LHRH-I, as shown by competitive assay. A hypothalamic extract from a mature chick showed a higher response than preparations from whole brain explants of 1- to 3-d posthatched chicks, mature quail, and mature mouse. This work was funded by the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station artical no. A4975, contribution no. 8019.  相似文献   
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