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Wound healing capability is inextricably linked with diverse aspects of physical fitness ranging from recovery after minor injuries and surgery to diabetes and some types of cancer. Impact of the microbiome upon the mammalian wound healing process is poorly understood. We discover that supplementing the gut microbiome with lactic acid microbes in drinking water accelerates the wound-healing process to occur in half the time required for matched control animals. Further, we find that Lactobacillus reuteri enhances wound-healing properties through up-regulation of the neuropeptide hormone oxytocin, a factor integral in social bonding and reproduction, by a vagus nerve-mediated pathway. Bacteria-triggered oxytocin serves to activate host CD4+Foxp3+CD25+ immune T regulatory cells conveying transplantable wound healing capacity to naive Rag2-deficient animals. This study determined oxytocin to be a novel component of a multi-directional gut microbe-brain-immune axis, with wound-healing capability as a previously unrecognized output of this axis. We also provide experimental evidence to support long-standing medical traditions associating diet, social practices, and the immune system with efficient recovery after injury, sustained good health, and longevity.  相似文献   
Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are cells that can differentiate into any type of cells in the body, therefore have valuable promise in regenerative medicine of cell replacement therapies and tissue/organ engineering. PSCs can be derived either from early embryos or directly from somatic cells by epigenetic reprogramming that result in customized cells from patients. Here we summarize the methods of deriving PSCs, the various types of PSCs generated with different status, and their versatile applications in both clinical and embryonic development studies. We also discuss an intriguing potential application of PSCs in constructing tissues/organs in large animals by interspecies chimerism. All these emerging findings are likely to contribute to the breakthroughs in biological research and the prosperous prospects of regenerative medicine.  相似文献   
In v-mos transformed cells, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) proteins that bind hormone agonist are not efficiently retained within nuclei and redistribute to the cytoplasmic compartment. These cytoplasmic desensitized receptors cannot be reutilized and may represent trapped intermediates derived from GR recycling. We have used the glucocorticoid antagonist RU486 to examine whether v-mos effects can be exerted on any ligand-bound GR. In the rat 6m2 cell line that expresses a temperature-sensitive p85gag-mos oncoprotein, RU486 is a complete antagonist and suppresses dexamethasone induction of metallothionein-1 mRNA at equimolar concentrations. Using indirect immunofluorescence, we observe efficient nuclear translocation of GR in response to RU486 treatment in either the presence or absence of v-mos oncoproteins. However, in contrast to the redistribution of agonist-bound nuclear receptors to the cytoplasm of v-mos-transformed cells, RU486-bound GRs are efficiently retained within nuclei. Interestingly, withdrawal of RU486 does not lead to efficient depletion of nuclear GR in either nontransformed or v-mos transformed cells. It is only after the addition of hormone agonist to RU486 withdrawn v-mos-transformed cells that GRs are depleted from nuclei and subsequently redistributed to the cytoplasm. Thus, only nuclear GRs that are agonist-bound and capable of modulating gene activity can be subsequently processed and recycled into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了流行性感冒病毒重组株京生75-29R2 T1(H3N2)及冷适应株31-广(H3N2)的RNA及多肽。重组株京生75-29R2 T1的HA及M基因系来自流行病毒亲本株/甲/北京/29/75(H3N2),而P_2、NA、NP及NS基因则来自温度敏感母株福R3(H2N2)。流行病毒株甲/穗/03/68(H3N2)在低温条件下经鸡胚尿囊腔传递24代而获得的冷适应疫苗毒株31-广(H3N2)其基因型与野毒株一致。  相似文献   
苜蓿二磷酸核酮糖(RuBP)羧化酶体内活化作用的调节   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苜蓿RuBP羧化酶的初活性和活化作用在不饱和光强下与光合速率一样随光强增加而增加。缺硫培养苜蓿叶片的光合速率和RuBP羧化酶的含量、初活性及总活性均比对照有不同程度的降低,其中酶的初活性与光合速率两者减少的趋势比较接近,说明RuBP羧化酶的初活性可能在光合CO_2固定作用中具有决定作用。然而,缺硫植株中酶的活化作用比对照明显增高。酶的活化作用与叶片中的叶绿素,6-PG,NADPH及ATP相对酶含量的比值成正比,与体内的酶量成反比。  相似文献   
泥河湾层中新发现一处旧石器地点   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
半个多世纪以来,在泥河湾层中寻找早更新世时期的人类遗迹,已成为中、外许多科学家非常关心的一个问题。近几年来,在泥河湾村附近,大量古文化遗物从属于下更新统的泥河湾层中发现了。新的发现为旧石器时代考古学和第四纪地质学又增添了新的内容。  相似文献   
本文报道了一种快速、灵敏的血小板释放功能检测方法:利用荧光素-荧光素酶在有ATP、Mg~(2+)、O_2存在时产生的生物发光素测定血小板ATP的释放量,以反映血小板的释放功能;研究了ADP、AA、胶原、凝血酶等四种诱导剂对血小板释放功能的作用,发现ADP的诱导释放能力较其他三者为弱;观察在不同剂量ADP和AA的诱导下,血小板聚集强度和释放能力之间的关系,研究了血小板数等因素对ATP释放功能测定的影响。应用该方法研究了Aspirin及活血化淤药物川芎嗪,毛冬青甲素对血小板释放功能的影响,发现Aspirin对AA诱导的释放反应有强烈的抑制作用。在以ADP诱导的释放反应中,川芎嗪的抑制作用较毛冬青甲素更为强烈。  相似文献   
Summary Production of antibodies against peptides or poorly antigenic proteins by conventional methods often requires either large quantities of the native immunogen or some chemical modification to increase their antigenicity. In this study an in vivo and in vitro immunization protocol has been used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the decapeptide luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). Two injections of 100 μg of avian LHRH-I into BALB/c mice were given 7 d apart. Dissociated splenocytes were collected under sterile conditions. They were incubated with 100 μg of the immunogen in 75-cm2 tissue culture flasks in thymocyte-conditioned media. After 5 to 8 d exposure to the antigen, splenocytes were fused with SP2/O myeloma cells by polyethylene glycol. The cells were plated into 24 wells and then incubated in hypoxanthine aminopterin and thymidine selective media. After 14 d an initial screening was done by enzyme immunoassay. The positive wells (6/24) were expanded into 96-well plates and rescreened. Selected lines were cloned out 3 times by limiting dilution and the most positive expanded for ascites production. The antibody was affinity purified in a protein A column. The antibody cross-reacted with LHRH-I and II but preferentially to LHRH-I, as shown by competitive assay. A hypothalamic extract from a mature chick showed a higher response than preparations from whole brain explants of 1- to 3-d posthatched chicks, mature quail, and mature mouse. This work was funded by the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station artical no. A4975, contribution no. 8019.  相似文献   
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