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A general mammalian expression vector designated pSV2-EP was reconstructed by inserting an oligonucleotide fragment into pSV2-dhfr. This vector allowed insertion of cDNAs with EcoRI cohesive ends. The pSV2-EP contains a simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter, origin for DNA replication, SV40 poly-A site, splicing site, an initiator ATG downstream from the promoter and an EcoRI site for the insertion of cDNA fragment screened from lambda gt11 expression libraries. A recombinant plasmid (pS-VRS-1) was constructed by inserting RSD-1, a cDNA encoding a rabbit sperm tail protein, into the EcoRI site of the pSV2-EP vector. Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) dhfr-negative cells were cotransformed with pSV2-dhfr and pSVRS-1 by the calcium phosphate method. In selective culture medium without thymidine and hypoxanthine, several cell lines were obtained containing mRNA and DNA that hybridized with RSD-1. One of these transformed cell lines stained intensely with anti-rSMP-B antibodies, demonstrating that the RSD-1 was expressed in the transformed CHO cells.  相似文献   
The high affinity binding site for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope glycoprotein gp120 resides within the amino-terminal domain (D1) of CD4. Mutational and antibody epitope analyses have implicated the region encompassing residues 40-60 in D1 as the primary binding site for gp120. Outside of this region, a single residue substitution at position 87 abrogates syncytium formation without affecting gp120 binding. We describe two groups of CD4 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which recognize distinct epitopes associated with these regions in D1. These mAbs distinguish between the gp120 binding event and virus infection and virus-induced cell fusion. One cluster of mAbs, which bind at or near the high affinity gp120 binding site, blocked gp120 binding to CD4 and, as expected, also blocked HIV infection of CD4+ cells and virus-induced syncytium formation. A second cluster of mAbs, which recognize the CDR-3 like loop, did not block gp120 binding as demonstrated by their ability to form ternary complexes with CD4 and gp120. Yet, these mAbs strongly inhibited HIV infection of CD4+ cells and HIV-envelope/CD4-mediated syncytium formation. The structure of D1 has recently been solved at atomic resolution and in its general features resembles IgVk regions as predicted from sequence homology and mAb epitopes. In the D1 structure, the regions recognized by these two groups of antibodies correspond to the C'C" (Ig CDR2) and FG (Ig CDR3) hairpin loops, respectively, which are solvent-exposed beta turns protruding in two different directions on a face of D1 distal to the D2 domain. This face is straddled by the longer BC (Ig CDR1) loop which bisects the plain formed by C'C' and FG. This structure is consistent with C'C' and FG forming two distinct epitope clusters within D1. We conclude that the initial interaction between gp120 and CD4 is not sufficient for HIV infection and syncytium formation and that CD4 plays a critical role in the subsequent virus-cell and cell-cell membrane fusion events. We propose that the initial binding of CD4 to gp120 induces conformational changes in gp120 leading to subsequent interactions of the FG loop with other regions in gp120 or with the fusogenic gp41 potion of the envelope gp160 glycoprotein.  相似文献   
The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump ATPase from porcine aorta was isolated by the calmodulin affinity chromatographic method of Kosk-Kosicka et al. (Kosk-Kosicka, D., Scaillet, S., and Inesi, G. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3333-3338). Its activity was restored by adding either phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylserine. Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase) stimulated the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. However, phosphatidylinositol kinase (PI-kinase) activity was not detected in the enzyme preparation, and the presence of phosphatidylinositol was not necessary for stimulation by G-kinase. Furthermore, adenosine, a potent PI-kinase inhibitor, did not affect the stimulation. The enzyme preparation contained three major proteins, with molecular masses of 240, 145, and 135 kDa, as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 240- and 135-kDa proteins were phosphorylated in association with the stimulation by G-kinase, but only the phosphorylation of the 240-kDa protein was dependent on the G-kinase concentration. A purified enzyme without the 240-kDa protein, prepared by our previous method (Imai, S., Yoshida, Y., and Sun, H.-T. (1990) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 107, 755-761), was not activated by G-kinase. Immunoblotting with an antibody against the human erythrocyte Ca2+ pump revealed that the 135-kDa protein corresponded to one of the isoforms of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of the 240-kDa protein is responsible for stimulation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump ATPase by G-kinase.  相似文献   
Chemical modification of adenylosuccinate synthetase from Escherichia coli with phenylglyoxal resulted in an inhibition of enzyme activity with a second-order rate constant of 13.6 M-1 min-1. The substrates, GTP or IMP, partially protected the enzyme against inactivation by the chemical modification. The other substrate, aspartate, had no such effect even at a high concentration. In the presence of both IMP and GTP during the modification, nearly complete protection of the enzyme against inactivation was observed. Stoichiometry studies with [7-14C]phenylglyoxal showed that only 1 reactive arginine residue was modified by the chemical reagent and that this arginine residue could be shielded by GTP and IMP. Sequence analysis of tryptic peptides indicated that Arg147 is the site of phenylglyoxal chemical modification. This arginine has been changed to leucine by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme (R147L) showed increased Michaelis constants for IMP and GTP relative to the wild-type system, whereas the Km for aspartate exhibited a modest decrease as compared with the native enzyme. In addition, kcat of the R147L mutant decreased by a factor of 1.3 x 10(4). On the bases of these observations, it is suggested that Arg147 is critical for enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   
Mutations have been made in the exposed region of the avian troponin C central helix, the D/E linker, which change its length and the orientation of the Ca2(+)-binding domains relative to each other. The region 87Glu-Asp-Ala-Lys-Gly-Lys-Ser-Glu-Glu-Glu97 has been altered in five deletion (d) mutants: dEDA, dKG, dKGK, dSEEE, and dKEDAKGK. The recombinant troponin Cs were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and assayed for function. All mutants retained basic troponin C function. They all bound Ca2+ to the low and high affinity sites, and they all were able to confer Ca2+ sensitivity on the regulated actomyosin ATPase. However, the regulatory function of all mutants except dSEEE was defective in one part of the Ca2+ switch or the other. In certain conditions dKGK and dKEDAKGK failed to inhibit fully whereas dEDA and dKG failed to activate the regulated actomyosin ATPase fully. The following general conclusions have been made. (a) The length of the D/E linker per se (assuming the linker is helical) and the orientation of the two Ca2(+)-binding domains relative to each other are not crucial for regulation. (b) The conserved charge cluster 95Glu-Glu-Glu97, in a region of troponin C known to bind to troponin I and postulated to be required for regulation, appears to be unimportant for function. (c) Deletion of 88Glu-Asp-Ala90 resulted in a troponin C that could not activate the actomyosin (or S1) ATPase over the level of actomyosin alone, thus defining a role for troponin C in this aspect of thin filament regulation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the crystallographic structure of troponin C and related to results with analogous calmodulin mutants.  相似文献   
Two different approaches were used to map the type-specific regions on human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV) envelope glycoproteins. 1) Antibody reactivities of polymerase chain reaction-confirmed HTLV-I or HTLV-II carriers' sera were analyzed by Western blot assay with seven recombinant proteins containing different regions of HTLV-I or HTLV-II envelope proteins. 2) Rabbit antibodies elicited by nine HTLV-I Env synthetic peptides were used to react with the native HTLV envelope glycoproteins in an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) assay. The results of the Western blot analysis showed that RP-B2, which contains amino acid residues 166 to 213 from HTLV-II exterior glycoprotein, was specifically reactive with 90.6% (48 of 53) of the HTLV-II carriers' sera but not with any of the HTLV-I carriers' serum (0 of 71). In contrast, RP-B, which contains amino acid residues 166 to 229 from HTLV-I exterior glycoprotein, was reactive with 85.1% (114 of 134) of the HTLV-I carriers' sera but not with any HTLV-II carrier serum (0 of 62). Furthermore, anti-HTLV-I Env synthetic peptide antibody-mediated ADCC identified several distinguishing HTLV-I ADCC epitopes in the middle region (amino acid residues 177 to 257) of the HTLV-I exterior glycoprotein. Therefore, HTLV type-specific epitopes reside mainly in a 69-amino acid sequence bounded by two cysteine residues (amino acids 157 and 225 for HTLV-I and 153 and 221 for HTLV-II), in the middle region of the exterior envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   
Studies originally designed to assess the putative role of endogenous C5 in macrophage activation for antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) yielded unanticipated results. Resident and inflammatory peritoneal macrophages from C5-deficient AKR mice were found to have significantly lower capacity for FcR-dependent ADCC activation and phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized SRBC targets than did C5-competent C3HeB/FeJ (C3H) mice. Reconstitution of the ADCC response of AKR macrophages was accomplished initially with C5-sufficient C3H mouse serum, which suggested that endogenous C5 may be required for ADCC activation. However, further investigation largely eliminated C5 involvement in that a heat-labile component of C5-deficient AKR serum was shown to be active in the reconstitution of ADCC activation of AKR macrophages. Macrophages from AKR mice were found to have significantly lower levels of C1q mRNA synthesis, endogenous C1q levels, and C1q secretion than did C3H mouse macrophages as determined by Northern blot, Western blot, and presynthetic radiolabeling analysis, respectively. The addition of purified exogenous C1q to IgG-opsonized SRBC targets fully reconstituted ADCC activation for AKR inflammatory peritoneal macrophages to levels of normally FcR-responsive C3H macrophages. Similarly, exogenous C1q augmented FcR-dependent phagocytosis of AKR macrophages but had no effect on macrophages from responsive C3H mice. Our results indicate that AKR mice have a deficiency for FcR-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis that is related to their low potential for C1q synthesis and secretion rather than to their established genetic deficiency for C5 synthesis. We tentatively conclude that endogenous C1q is required as an accessory molecule for macrophage FcR-dependent effector functions and that C5 is not a prerequisite for ADCC activation.  相似文献   
In the bovine adrenal glomerulosa cell, calcium influx through voltage-dependent calcium channels is critical to maintaining an aldosterone secretory response. In patch clamp, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) inhibits T-type calcium channel current yet stimulates L-type calcium channel current. In the present study the channel effects of ANP observed in the patch-clamp configuration were extended and related to populations of cells. We observed the following. (i) The effect of ANP on T-channel current resulted in the reduction in the open state probability. ANP decreased the mean open state duration from 14.2 to 1.8 ms/sweep. (ii) In the weakly depolarized cell stimulated by 8 mM K+, ANP reduced the level of aequorin luminescence (a measure of cytosolic calcium) and completely inhibited the stimulated rate of aldosterone secretion, returning it to prestimulation values. These effects are consistent with a decrease in net calcium channel influx and the reported inhibition of T-channel current. In contrast, the calcium channel blocker, nitrendipine, which at low dose selectively blocks L-type calcium channel flux, only slightly reduced luminescence, and partially inhibited the sustained secretory response. (iii) In the strongly depolarized cell, stimulated by 60 mM K+, ANP increased the level of aequorin luminescence consistent with an increase in net calcium channel influx and the reported stimulation of L-channel current. These results indicate that under physiological conditions the inhibition of T-type calcium channels may be involved in the inhibition of the aldosterone secretion induced by ANP.  相似文献   
To test further the competence of the cirrhotic liver to metabolize xenobiotics, hepatocytes were isolated from control and CCl4-induced cirrhotic male or female rats. Histologically micronodular cirrhosis was present in all CCl4-treated rats, while control rats had normal livers. Portal perfusion pressure and intrahepatic collagen content were also significantly increased by CCl4 administration. In male rats, no significant differences in levels of circulating transaminases nor in alkaline phosphatase was observed between cirrhotic and control rats, while CCl4-treated females had slightly higher than normal serum transaminase levels at the time of the studies. Hepatocytic cytochrome P-450 and basal xenobiotic biotransformation were unaffected by micronodular cirrhosis in both genders; calculation of the aminopyrine and 7-ethoxycoumarin intrinsic clearances (Cli) revealed, however, a slightly decreased transformation potential in hepatocytes obtained from cirrhotic females, a phenomenon not observed in cirrhotic male rats. It is speculated that the observed reduction in Cli may have been independent of cirrhosis per se, owing to the perduring cytotoxic effect of CCl4 as evidenced by the higher than normal level of transaminases in female rats. Finally, male rats were subjected to in vivo administration of phenobarbital or 3-methylcholanthrene; both compounds led to significant induction of the mixed-function oxidase system, which was similar in magnitude and in selectivity in control and cirrhotic rats as illustrated by calculation of the Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters for aniline p-hydroxylation, aminopyrine-N-demethylation, 7-ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylation, and p-nitrophenol UDP-glucuronyl transferase. We conclude that in well-established but compensated and hepatolysis-free micronodular cirrhosis, hepatocytes are fully able to transform xenobiotics and to respond normally and selectively to inducers of drug metabolism.  相似文献   
The first successful dye-fills of Schwann cells around the split giant axon of Loligo show them to be spindle-shaped cells ca. 600 microns long and 20 microns wide lying parallel to the axonal axis. There are some 50,000 Schwann cells per cm2 of axonal membrane. Only a small part (ca. 6% of each Schwann cell membrane) is in contact with the periaxonal space, the remainder is overlain by adjacent Schwann cells, or applied to the basal lamina. The mean membrane potential of the Schwann cells in artificial seawater (ASW) varies from around -40 mV in fresh split-axon preparations to around -60 to -70 mV after 1-2 h; this hyperpolarization is not seen in preparations dissected and maintained in Ca2(+)-free ASW. Electrical- and dye-coupling (abolished by prior octanol treatment) is present between Schwann cells, but is weaker in cells with lower (less negative) membrane potentials. The implications for potassium homeostasis around the axon are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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