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Chic chicks: the evolution of chick ornamentation in rails   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Competition over access to food has led to the evolution ofa variety of exaggerated visual and vocal displays in altricialnestling birds. Precocial chicks that are fed by their parentsalso vary widely in appearance ranging from those with inconspicuouscoloration to those with brightly colored bills, fleshy parts,and plumes. These ornaments are lost by the end of the periodof parental dependence, suggesting they function in competitionover parental care. We use a comparative approach to evaluatewhich ecological or life-history variables may have favoredthe evolution of conspicuous ornamentation in precocial chicks.We compiled data on chick morphology, ecology, and social organizationof species in the Family Rallidae, a group with highly variabledowny chicks. Chick ornamentation in the form of brightly coloredbills, fleshy patches, or plumes is observed in 36 of 97 speciesfor which downy chicks are described. Phylogenetic reconstructionssuggest that nonornamentation is the ancestral state. Chickornamentation has evolved multiple times within the Rallidaeand is significantly associated with large clutch sizes andpolygamous mating systems. Chick ornamentation was also weaklyassociated with adult ornamentation and adult dimorphism. Weargue that these results support the hypothesis that lineageswith higher levels of sibling competition are more likely toevolve ornamented chicks.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In this study we have examined the distribution of epitopes defined by monoclonal antibodies raised against Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes during the intraceullar life cycle of the parasite. We have raised monoclonal antibodies towards amastigote forms and performed preliminary immunochemical characterization of their reactivities. MAB 1D9, 3G8, 2B7, 3B9, and 4B9, and 4B9 react with carbohydrate epitopes of the parasite major surface glycoprotein—Ssp-4 defined by MAB 2C2 [5]: MAB 4B5 reacts with a noncarbohydrate epitope in all developmental stages of the parasite, and MAB 3B2 also detects a noncarbohydrate epitope preferentially in T. cruzi flagellared forms. Vero cells infected with tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes of clone D11 (G strain) were fixed at different times during the intraceullular proliferation of parasites, and processed for immjno-electron microscopy and confocal immunoflurescence with the different monoclonal antibodies. We observed that while the surface distribution of MAB 2C2 and 4B9 epitopes was uniform throughout the cycle, MAB 1D9, 3G8, and 2B7 reacted with cytoplasmic membrance-bound compartments of the amastigotes. MAB 3B9 displayed a unique surface dentate pattern in some amastigotes. MAB 4B5 recognized a curved-shaped structure at the flagellar pocket region in some intracellular amastigotes and localized to the membrane in dividing forms. In intracellular trypomastigotes, MAB 4B5 also displayed a punctate pattern near the flagellar pocket.  相似文献   
水生植物作为水生生态系统的主体, 对发挥水生生态系统的自维持、自循环功能有重要作用。研究通过相关资料的查阅, 建立上海地区乡土水生植物名录, 并对其科属组成、区系特征、生活型、生长型等进行统计分析。结果表明上海地区乡土水生植物共计35 科83 属160 种(含变种), 单属科、单种属的比例较高, 均达65%以上; 植物区系组成丰富、成分复杂, 以热带成分占优势, 达64.6%; 生活型以挺水植物为主, 沉水植物次之, 浮水植物最少; 生长型类型丰富, 以草本型、禾草型居多, 20 种生长型可进一步归为表征相似生态学特征和功能地位的6 个生长型组。在水生态恢复与水景观建设中, 仅有68.8%的景观水体有水生植物应用,且应用种类在2 种以下的占79.2%。乡土水生植物应用不足, 一半以上为观赏性强的外来物种, 应用频率较高的为挺水植物, 对具有良好净化效果的沉水植物重视不够。因此, 在水生态恢复与水景观建设中, 建议加强乡土水生植物资源的繁育栽培, 在充分利用乡土水生植物资源配置群落的基础上, 根据水质的富营养及基底状况, 通过不同生长型组水生植物的应用, 构建沉水-浮水-挺水植物群落复合体, 并通过近自然型护岸的营造, 形成水生-湿生复合生态系统。运用植被工程学的原理和方法, 采用生态浮岛、生态沉岛等技术营造水生植被, 将强人工化的水景观建成具生命的水生生态系统。    相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIONThe hairy root disease is a patholOgical syndromeof dicotyledonous plants fOllowing wounding and in-fection with Agrobacterum rhjZOgenesI1]. The rhi-zogenicity is conferred to p1ant cel1s by a fragmentof DNA (Ri T-DNA), which is transferred from thelarge root--inducting (Ri) plasmid, haJrboured by thebacterium, to the genome, where it is stably inte-grated and expressed. Illtegration of a DNA segment(T-DNA) of pRi into the host genome 1eads to ac-tive proliferation of…  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that the patterns of resource allocation in animals are associated with different strategies, selected in the course of evolution. In the present study, the life history of Leptinaria unilamellata was characterized under laboratory conditions. We determined the growth, reproduction, and longevity patterns of this species and elucidated the strategy related to the development of embryos, through direct observations and examination of the morphology of the gravid uterus. Furthermore, we attempted to analyze the glycogen and galactogen contents of the albumen gland, digestive gland and cephalopedal mass in order to understand energy allocation to life history traits, for three life stages. Leptinaria unilamellata's life history is characterized by great longevity, a short juvenile phase, early sexual maturity, and repeated reproductive events, with little reproductive effort at each event and some mortality shortly after the first reproduction. In the terraria, we found juveniles but no eggs. However, the results of the anatomical study showed no morphological connection between the embryos and the parental organism. Thus, this species should be described as ovoviviparous rather than viviparous. Egg retention in the parent organism is the primary cause of the release of juveniles, instead of eggs, enabling the offspring to withstand environmental stress. The higher quantity of galactogen found in the adults' albumen gland, as compared to juveniles and senescent individuals, as well as the ratio of glycogen to galactogen, reveal the allocation of energy to reproduction rather than to growth. The remaining energy is directed to the maintenance of omeostasis. Such pattern was confirmed by the low levels of glycogen and galactogen observed in the senescent stage, compared to the juvenile and adult stages. In the life strategy of L. unilamellata, the distribution of the reproductive effort among many events associated with ovoviviparity indicates a long-term investment in reproductive success.  相似文献   
L6 skeletal muscle myoblasts stably overexpressing glucose transporter GLUT1 or GLUT4 with exofa- cial myc-epitope tags were characterized for their response to insulin. In clonally selected cultures, 2-deoxyglucose uptake into L6-GLUT1myc myoblasts and myotubes was linear within the time of study. In L6-GLUT1myc and L6-GLUT4myc myoblasts, 100 nmol/L insulin treatment increased the GLUT1 content of the plasma membrane by 1.58±0.01 fold and the GLUT4 content 1.96±0.11 fold, as well as the 2-deoxyglucose uptake 1.53±0.09 and 1.86±0.17 fold respectively, all by a wortmannin-inhibitable manner. The phosphorylation of Akt in these two cell lines was increased by insulin. L6-GLUT1myc myoblasts showed a dose-dependent stimulation of glucose uptake by insulin, with unaltered sensitiv- ity and maximal responsiveness compared with wild type cells. By contrast, the improved insulin re- sponsiveness and sensitivity of glucose uptake were observed in L6-GLUT4myc myoblasts. Earlier studies indicated that forskolin might affect insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. A 65% decrease of insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake in GLUT4myc cells was not due to an effect on GLUT4 mobi- lization to the plasma membrane, but instead on direct inhibition of GLUT4. Forskolin and dipyridamole are more potent inhibitors of GLUT4 than GLUT1. Alternatively, pentobarbital inhibits GLUT1 more than GLUT4. The use of these inhibitors confirmed that the overexpressed GLUT1 or GLUT4 are the major functional glucose transporters in unstimulated and insulin-stimulated L6 myoblasts. Therefore, L6-GLUT1myc and L6-GLUT4myc cells provide a platform to screen compounds that may have differ- ential effects on GLUT isoform activity or may influence GLUT isoform mobilization to the cell surface of muscle cells.  相似文献   
Eight microsatellite primers were developed from ISSR (intersimple sequence repeats) markers for the stingless bee Melipona rufiventris. These primers were tested in 20 M. rufiventris workers, representing a single population from Minas Gerais state. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5 (mean = 2.63) and the observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.00 to 0.44 (mean = 0.20) and from 0.05 to 0.68 (mean = 0.31), respectively. Several loci were also polymorphic in M. quadrifasciata, M. bicolor, M. mandacaia and Partamona helleri and should prove useful in population studies of other stingless bees.  相似文献   
Estimation of heterozygosity for single-probe multilocus DNA fingerprints   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In spite of the increasing application of DNA fingerprinting to natural populations and to the genetic identification of humans, explicit methods for estimation of basic population genetic parameters from DNA fingerprinting data have not been developed. Contributing to this omission is the inability to determine, for multilocus fingerprinting probes, relatively important genetic information, such as the number of loci, the number of alleles, and the distribution of these alleles into specific loci. One of the most useful genetic parameters that could be derived from such data would be the average heterozygosity, which has traditionally been employed to measure the level of genetic variation within populations and to compare genetic variation among different loci. We derive here explicit formulas for both the estimation of average heterozygosity at multiple hypervariable loci and a maximum value for this estimate. These estimates are based upon the DNA restriction-pattern matrices that are typical for fingerprinting studies of humans and natural populations. For several empirical data sets from our laboratory, estimates of average and maximal heterozygosity are shown to be relatively close to each other. Furthermore, variances of these statistics based on simulation studies are relatively small. These observations, as well as consideration of the effect of missing alleles and alternate numbers of loci, suggest that the average heterozygosity can be accurately estimated using phenotypic DNA fingerprint patterns, because this parameter is relatively insensitive to the lack of certain genetic information.   相似文献   
入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花与乡土植物芦苇的相互化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇的共优群落和各自单优群落的种子为化感受体,分析其分别在加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇5个浓度梯度(12.5、25、50、100和200mg·mL-1)浸提液处理下的发芽率和芽长差异,研究2种植物的相互化感作用规律.结果表明:2种植物在共优群落中的千粒重和蒸馏水培养下的发芽率均比单优群落大.加拿大一枝黄花的浸提液对自身种子发芽率在单优和共优群落中均具有在低浓度下(12.5、25 mg·mL-1)轻微促进、中高浓度下(50、100和200mg·mL-1)强烈抑制的作用,其中对共优群落种子的抑制作用尤为显著;而芦苇浸提液对加拿大一枝黄花种子的影响无明显规律.加拿大一枝黄花的种子芽长在单优和共优群落中均随自身浸提液浓度的升高趋于减小,随芦苇浸提液浓度的升高呈波动减小趋势.在芦苇和加拿大一枝黄花浸提液处理下,芦苇种子发芽率在单优群落中均显著大于共优群落(P<0.05),但2种浸提液处理间无显著差异.  相似文献   
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