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The effects of the trichothecene mycotoxins (acetyl T-2 toxin, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, palmityl T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), deoxynivalenol (DON), and T-2 tetraol) on bovine platelet function were examined in homologous plasma stimulated with platelet activating factor (PAF). The mycotoxins inhibited platelet function with the following order of potency: acetyl T-2 toxin > palmityl T-2 toxin = DAS > HT-2 toxin = T-2 toxin. While T-2 tetraol was completely ineffective as an inhibitor, DON exhibited minimal inhibitory activity at concentrations above 10×10?4M. The stability of the platelet aggregates formed was significantly reduced in all mycotoxin treated platelets compared to that of the untreated PAF controls. It is suggested that the increased sensitivity of PAF stimulated bovine platelets to the more lipophilic mycotoxins may be related to their more efficient partitioning into the platelet membrane compared to the more hydrophilic compounds.  相似文献   
Abstract: The two odontocete taxa Squalodon grateloupii and Patriocetus ehrlichii, both the type species of their respective genera, have been at the centre of a great deal of taxonomic confusion. Originally regarded to be conspecific, these two taxa have been the subject of a bewildering taxonomic debate lasting for more than a century, which recently led to the suggestion to abandon these widely used names and replace S. grateloupii with the similar, yet independently and later proposed name S. gratelupi as the type species of Squalodon. Here, we attempt to summarise the events leading to the current confused situation in the hope of resolving this issue once and for all and argue that the name Squalodon grateloupii, as originally proposed, should be reinstated.  相似文献   
Dialysis kinetics measurements have been made to study the effect of ionic strength on the dimerization of lysozyme in acidic solutions that lead to the growth of tetragonal lysozyme crystals. Using glutaraldehyde cross-linked dimers of lysozyme, we have determined that both monomers and dimers can escape from 25,000 molecular weight cutoff dialysis membranes with velocity constants of 5.1 x 10(-7) and 1.0 x 10(-7) s(-1) for the monomer and dimer species, respectively. The flux from 25K MWCO membranes has been measured for lysozyme in pH 4.0 buffered solutions of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7% NaCl over a wide range of protein concentrations. Assuming that dimerization is the first step in crystallization, a simple monomer to dimer equilibrium was used to model the flux rates. Dimerization constants calculated at low protein concentrations were 265, 750, 1212, and 7879 M(-1) for 3, 4, 5, and 7% NaCl, respectively. These values indicate that dimerization increases with the ionic strength of the solution suggesting that aggregation is moderated by electrostatic interactions. At high protein concentrations and high supersaturation, the dimerization model does not describe the data well. However, the Li model that uses a pathway of monomer <-> dimer <-> tetramer <-> octamer <-> 16-mer fits the measured flux data remarkably well suggesting the presence of higher order aggregates in crystallizing solutions.  相似文献   
Synopsis The fish fauna of the Mulgrave and South Johnstone rivers is diverse relative to other Australian rivers and this study examines the diets of many of the resident fish species. Most species were small (< 200 g), and although considerable overlap in the size of the mouth was observed, closely related species tended to have non-overlapping ranges in mouth size. Five trophic guilds were recognised and substantial discrimination between guilds on the basis of body size was noted. Small fishes (< 5 gm body weight) consumed a variety of insect larvae and small terrestrial insects. The diet of large fish was characterised by the presence of large aquatic invertebrates and fish. A third group of intermediate sized fishes (10–20 gm), which included the 0+ age class of three species of large fish, also consumed aquatic invertebrates but only a small proportion of terrestrial invertebrates. Vegetable material was present in the diet of all three guilds but the source of that material varied. In groups 1 to 3 above, the source of that material was desmids and diatoms, aquatic macrophytes or filamentous alga respectively. A fourth guild fed predominately on detritus and some bivalve molluscs, and a fifth group, containing only two species, fed feavily on gastropod molluscs. The extent of dietary overlap varied both within- and between-rivers. In habitats dominated by low water velocities and sandy substrates, resource partitioning was pronounced and the number of fishes with empty or near empty guts was high, suggesting that food was more limited in this type of habitats. Little resource partitioning was observed in habitats characterised by a coarse substrate, high water velocity and dense riparian canopy.  相似文献   
Aquatic ecosystems are critical to the long-term viability and vibrancy of communities and economies across northern Australia. In a region that supports significant cultural and ecological water values, partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders can benefit aquatic ecosystem management. We present, as a case study from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, a collaborative research program that successfully documented Indigenous and Western Scientific knowledge of remote wetlands, using a variety of field-based activities, questionnaires, interviews and workshops. The sharing of knowledge between Indigenous and non-Indigenous research partners facilitated a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem values, threats, processes, management priorities and aspirations. These formed the basis of a management plan and monitoring tools, designed to build the capacity of an Indigenous ranger group to engage in research, monitoring and management of wetlands. The project provides a useful example of the benefits of collaborations in the context of remote-area management where local communities are responsible for environmental management and monitoring, such as is the case in northern Australia and presumably other areas of the world.  相似文献   
The application of hypervariable minisatellite genomic families to the reconstruction of population genetic structure holds great promise in describing the demographic history and future prospects of free-ranging populations. This potential has not yet been realized due to unforeseen empirical constraints associated with the use of heterologous species probes, to theoretical limitations on the power of the procedure to track genic heterozygosity and kinship, and to the absence of extensive field studies to test genetic predictions. We combine here the technical development of feline-specific VNTR (variable number tandem repeat) families of genetic loci with the long-term demographic and behavioral observations of lion populations of the Serengeti ecosystem in East Africa. Minisatellite variation was used to quantify the extent of genetic variation in several populations that differed in their natural history and levels of inbreeding. Definitive parentage, both maternal and paternal, was assessed for 78 cubs born in 11 lion prides, permitting the assessment of precise genealogical relationships among some 200 lions. The extent of DNA restriction fragment sharing between lions was empirically calibrated with the coefficient of relatedness, r, in two different populations that had distinct demographic histories. The results suggest that reliable estimates of relative genetic diversity, of parentage, and of individual relatedness can be achieved in free-ranging populations, provided the minisatellite family is calibrated in established pedigrees for the species.  相似文献   
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