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The temperature‐dependent aggregation behavior of PffBT4T polymers used in organic solar cells plays a critical role in the formation of a favorable morphology in fullerene‐based devices. However, there is little investigation into the impact of donor/acceptor ratio on morphology tuning, especially for nonfullerene acceptors (NFAs). Herein, the influence of composition on morphology is reported for blends of PffBT4T‐2DT with two NFAs, O‐IDTBR and O‐IDFBR. The monotectic phase behavior inferred from differential scanning calorimetry provides qualitative insight into the interplay between solid–liquid and liquid–liquid demixing. Transient absorption spectroscopy suggests that geminate recombination dominates charge decay and that the decay rate is insensitive to composition, corroborated by negligible changes in open‐circuit voltage. Exciton lifetimes are also insensitive to composition, which is attributed to the signal being dominated by acceptor excitons which are formed and decay in domains of similar size and purity irrespective of composition. A hierarchical morphology is observed, where the composition dependence of size scales and scattering intensity from resonant soft X‐ray scattering (R‐SoXS) is dominated by variations in volume fractions of polymer/polymer‐rich domains. Results suggest an optimal morphology where polymer crystallite size and connectivity are balanced, ensuring a high probability of hole extraction via such domains.  相似文献   
Surveillance for maintaining genomic pristineness, a protective safeguard of great onco‐preventive significance, has been dedicated in eukaryotic cells to a highly conserved and synchronised signalling cascade called DNA damage response (DDR). Not surprisingly, foreign genetic elements like those of viruses are often potential targets of DDR. Viruses have evolved novel ways to subvert this genome vigilance by twisting canonical DDR to a skewed, noncanonical response through selective hijacking of some DDR components while antagonising the others. Though reported for many DNA and a few RNA viruses, potential implications of DDR have not been addressed yet in case of infection with rotavirus (RV), a double‐stranded RNA virus. In the present study, we aimed at the modulation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)‐checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) branch of DDR in response to RV infection in vitro. We found activation of the transducer kinase ATM and its downstream effector Chk2 in RV‐SA11‐infected cells, the activation response being maximal at 6‐hr post infection. Moreover, ATM activation was found to be dependent on induction of the upstream sensor Mre11‐Rad50‐Nbs1 (MRN) complex. Interestingly, RV‐SA11‐mediated maximal induction of ATM‐Chk2 pathway was revealed to be neither preceded by occurrence of nuclear DNA damage nor transduced to formation of damage‐induced canonical nuclear foci. Subsequent investigations affirmed sequestration of MRN components as well as ATM‐Chk2 proteins away from nucleus into cytosolic RV replication factories (viroplasms). Chemical intervention targeting ATM and Chk2 significantly inhibited fusion and maturation of viroplasms leading to attenuated viral propagation. Cumulatively, the current study describes RV‐mediated activation of a noncanonical ATM‐Chk2 branch of DDR skewed in favour of facilitated viroplasm fusion and productive viral perpetuation.  相似文献   
We have optimized a procedure for genetic transformation of a major leafy vegetable crop, Amaranthus tricolor L., using epicotyl explant co-cultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Two disarmed A. tumefaciens strains EHA 105 and LBA 4404, both carrying the binary plasmid p35SGUSINT harboring the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptII) and the β-glucuronidase gene (gus), were evaluated as vector systems. The former displayed a higher transforming efficiency. Several key factors influencing the transformation events were optimized. The highest percentage of transformed shoots (24.24%) was achieved using hand-pricked epicotyl explants, a 10-min infection period, with 100 μM acetosyringone-pretreated Agrobacterium culture corresponding to OD600???0.6 and diluted to 109 cells ml?1, followed by 4 d co-cultivation in the regeneration medium. Putative transformed explants capable of forming shoots were selected on medium supplemented with 75 μg?ml?1 kanamycin, and transient as well as stable glucuronidase expression was determined by histochemical analysis. From a total of 48 selected shoot lines derived from independent transformation events with epicotyl explants co-cultivated with EHA 105, 32 showed positive PCR amplification for both the nptII and gus genes. Germ line transformation and transgene stability were evident in progeny of primary transformed plants (T0). Among T1 seedlings of 12 selected transgenic plant lines, kanamycin-resistant and kanamycin-sensitive seedlings segregated in a ratio typical of the Mendelian monohybrid pattern (3:1) as verified by the chi-square (χ 2) test. Southern hybridization of genomic DNA from kanamycin-resistant T1 transgenic segregants to an nptII probe substantiated stable integration of the transgene. Neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) activity was detected in leaf protein extracts of selected T1 transgenic plants, thereby confirming stable expression of the nptII gene.  相似文献   
Mutations in REarranged during Transfection (RET) receptor tyrosine, followed by the oncogenic activation of RET kinase is responsible for the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) that responds poorly to conventional chemotherapy. Targeting RET, therefore, might be useful in tailoring surveillance of MTC patients. Here we showed that theaflavins, the bioactive components of black tea, successfully induced apoptosis in human MTC cell line, TT, by inversely modulating two molecular pathways: (i) stalling PI3K/Akt/Bad pathway that resulted in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) loss, cytochrome-c release and activation of the executioner caspases-9 and -3, and (ii) upholding p38MAPK/caspase-8/caspase-3 pathway via inhibition of Ras/Raf/ERK. Over-expression of either constitutively active myristoylated-Akt-cDNA (Myr-Akt-cDNA) or dominant-negative-caspase-8-cDNA (Dn-caspase-8-cDNA) partially blocked theaflavin-induced apoptosis, while co-transfection of Myr-Akt-cDNA and Dn-caspase-8-cDNA completely eradicated the effect of theaflavins thereby negating the possibility of existence of other pathways. A search for the upstream signaling revealed that theaflavin-induced disruption of lipid raft caused interference in anchorage of RET in lipid raft that in turn stalled phosphorylation of Ras and PI3Kinase. In such anti-survival cellular micro-environment, pro-apoptotic signals were triggered to culminate into programmed death of MTC cell. These findings not only unveil a hitherto unexplained mechanism underlying theaflavin-induced MTC death, but also validate RET as a promising and potential target for MTC therapy.  相似文献   
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