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We describe a method based on fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) that allows the identification of individual cells by electron microscopy. We hybridised universal and specific fluorescein-labelled oligonucleotide probes to the ribosomal RNA of prokaryotic microorganisms in heterogeneous cell mixtures. We then used antibodies against fluorescein coupled to sub-nanometer gold particles to label the hybridised probes in the ribosome. After increasing the diameter of the metal particles by silver enhancement, the specific gold-silver signal was visualised by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is the first time that SEM is applied to the detection of gold nanoparticles hybridised to an intracellular target, such as the ribosome. The possibility to couple phylogenetic identification by FISH to cell surface and ultrastructure observation at electron microscopy resolution has promising potential applications in microbial ecology.  相似文献   
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Cyanide is one of the most toxic chemicals for living organisms described so far. Its toxicity is mainly based on the high affinity that cyanide presents...  相似文献   
The cyst wall of Opisthonecta henneguyi has been studied ultrastructurally and cytochemically by light and electron microscopy, as well as by chemical and electrophoretic analyses, to examine the structure of the cyst wall and its composition. The cyst wall consists of four morphologically distinct layers. The ectocyst is a thin dense layer. The mesocyst is the thickest layer and is composed of a compact material. The endocyst is a thin layer like the ectocyst, but less dense. The granular layer varies in thickness and is composed of a granular material. In the resting cyst, kinetosomes of both oral apparatus and trochal band as well as the myoneme system are maintained, and only cilia are resorbed. The sugars present in the cyst wall are predominantly N-acetylglucosamine (90%) and glucose (10%). The mesocyst is composed of chitin, and the endocyst includes glycoproteins and acid mucopolysaccharides. During secretion of the cyst wall, the endocyst and granular layer are secreted from precursors synthesized "de novo". No cytoplasmic precursors of ectocyst and mesocyst have been detected.  相似文献   
The Ellobiopsidae are enigmatic parasites of crustaceans that have been grouped together exclusively on the basis of morphological similarities. Ultrastructural studies have revealed their affiliation within the alveolates, which was confirmed by the phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) sequences of two species of Thalassomyces Niezabitowski, 1913. However, their precise systematic position within this group remains unresolved, since they could not be definitively allied with any particular alveolate group. To better determine the systematic position of ellobiopsids by molecular phylogeny, we sequenced the SSU rDNA from the type-species of the Ellobiopsidae, Ellobiopsis chattoni Caullery, 1910. We found E. chattoni infecting various copepod hosts, Acartia clausi Giesbrecht, Centropages typicus Kröyer and Clausocalanus sp., in the Bay of Marseille, NW Mediterranean Sea, which allowed us to study several stages of the parasite development. A single unicellular multinucleate specimen provided two different sequences of the SSU rDNA gene, indicating the existence of polymorphism at this locus within single individuals. Ellobiopsis Caullery, 1910 and Thalassomyces formed a very divergent and well-supported clade in phylogenetic analyses. This clade appears to be more closely related to the dinoflagellates (including the Syndiniales/Marine Alveolate Group II and the Dinokaryota) and Marine Alveolate Group I than to the other alveolates (Ciliophora, Perkinsozoa and Apicomplexa).  相似文献   
Global dispersal and ancient cryptic species in the smallest marine eukaryotes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Small eukaryotic species (<1 mm) are thought to behave as prokaryotes in that, lacking geographical barriers to their dispersal due to their tiny size, they are ubiquitous. Accordingly, the absence of geographical insulation would imply the existence of a relatively small number of microeukaryotic species. To test these ideas, we sequenced and compared several nuclear, mitochondrial, and chloroplast genes from the isolates of a marine picoeukaryotic alga (approximately 2 microm), Micromonas pusilla, collected worldwide. Independent and combined phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that this traditional single morphospecies actually comprises several independent lineages, some of which are shown to be ubiquitous in oceans. However, while some lineages group closely related strains, others form distant clusters, revealing the existence of cryptic species. Moreover, molecular dating using a relaxed clock suggests that their first diversification may have started as early as during the Late Cretaceous (approximately 65 MYA), implying that "M. pusilla" is the oldest group of cryptic species known to date. Our results illustrate that global dispersal of a picoeukaryote is possible in oceans, but this does not imply a reduced species number. On the contrary, we show that the morphospecies concept is untenable because it overlooks a large genetic and species diversity and may lead to incorrect biological assumptions.  相似文献   
Two key features of RNA viruses are their compacted genomes and their high mutation rate. Accordingly, deleterious mutations are common and have an enormous impact on viral fitness. In their multicellular hosts, robustness can be achieved by genomic redundancy, including gene duplication, diploidy, alternative metabolic pathways and biochemical buffering mechanisms. However, here we review evidence suggesting that during RNA virus evolution, alternative robustness mechanisms may have been selected. After briefly describing how genetic robustness can be quantified, we discuss mechanisms of intrinsic robustness arising as consequences of RNA-genome architecture, replication peculiarities and quasi-species population dynamics. These intrinsic robustness mechanisms operate efficiently at the population level, despite the mutational sensitivity shown by individual genomes. Finally, we discuss the possibility that viruses might exploit cellular buffering mechanisms for their own benefit, producing a sort of extrinsic robustness.  相似文献   
Proteinaceous aspartic proteinase inhibitors are rare in nature and are described in only a few plant species. One of them corresponds to a family of cathepsin D inhibitors (CDIs) described in potato (Solanum tuberosum), involving up to 15 isoforms with a high sequence similarity. In this work, we describe a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) wound-inducible protein called jasmonic-induced protein 21 (JIP21). Sequence analysis of its cDNA predicted a putative function as a CDI. The JIP21 gene, whose protein has been demonstrated to be glycosylated, is constitutively expressed in flowers, stem, and fruit, and is inducible to high levels by wounding and methyl jasmonate in leaves of tomato plants. The genomic sequence of JIP21 shows that the gene is intronless and reveals the presence of both a methyl jasmonate box (TGACT) and a G-box (CACGT) in the promoter. In contrast to the presumed role of JIP21 based on sequence analysis, a detailed biochemical characterization of the purified protein uncovers a different function as a strong chymotrypsin inhibitor, which questions the previously predicted inhibitory activity against aspartic proteinases. Moreover, Egyptian cotton worm (Spodoptera littoralis) larvae fed on transgenic tomato plants overexpressing JIP21 present an increase in mortality and a delay in growth when compared with larvae fed on wild-type plants. These larvae belong to the Lepidoptera family whose main digestive enzymes have been described as being Ser proteases. All these results support the notion that tomato JIP21 should be considered as a chymotrypsin inhibitor belonging to the Ser proteinase inhibitors rather than a CDI. Therefore, we propose to name this protein tomato chymotrypsin inhibitor 21 (TCI21).  相似文献   
Apusomonads are cosmopolitan bacterivorous biflagellate protists usually gliding on freshwater and marine sediment or wet soils. These nanoflagellates form a sister lineage to opisthokonts and may have retained ancestral features helpful to understanding the early evolution of this large supergroup. Although molecular environmental analyses indicate that apusomonads are genetically diverse, few species have been described. Here, we morphologically characterize 11 new apusomonad strains. Based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of the rRNA gene operon, we describe four new strains of the known species Multimonas media, Podomonas capensis, Apusomonas proboscidea, and Apusomonas australiensis, and rename Thecamonas oxoniensis as Mylnikovia oxoniensis n. gen., n. comb. Additionally, we describe four new genera and six new species: Catacumbia lutetiensis n. gen. n. sp., Cavaliersmithia chaoae n. gen. n. sp., Singekia montserratensis n. gen. n. sp., Singekia franciliensis n. gen. n. sp., Karpovia croatica n. gen. n. sp., and Chelonemonas dolani n. sp. Our comparative analysis suggests that apusomonad ancestor was a fusiform biflagellate with a dorsal pellicle, a plastic ventral surface, and a sleeve covering the anterior flagellum, that thrived in marine, possibly oxygen-poor, environments. It likely had a complex cell cycle with dormant and multiple fission stages, and sex. Our results extend known apusomonad diversity, allow updating their taxonomy, and provide elements to understand early eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   
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