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Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) is required for diverse cellular functions. Mammalian CaMKK activates CaMKs and also the evolutionarily-conserved AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe CaMKK, Ssp1, is required for tolerance to limited glucose through the AMPK, Ssp2, and for the integration of cell growth and division through the SAD kinase Cdr2.


Here we report that Ssp1 controls the G2/M transition by regulating the activity of the CaMK Srk1. We show that inhibition of Cdc25 by Srk1 is regulated by Ssp1; and also that restoring growth polarity and actin localization of ssp1-deleted cells by removing the actin-monomer-binding protein, twinfilin, is sufficient to suppress the ssp1 phenotype.


These findings demonstrate that entry into mitosis is mediated by a network of proteins, including the Ssp1 and Srk1 kinases. Ssp1 connects the network of components that ensures proper polarity and cell size with the network of proteins that regulates Cdk1-cyclin B activity, in which Srk1 plays an inhibitory role.  相似文献   
Ornithine decarboxylase activity was increased about tenfold in adrenal glands and in brain regions preponderantly containing aminergic neurons, by a single dose of 16 mol/kg of reserpine. Maximal enzyme activity in the adrenal glands was observed at about 8 hr after reserpine administration. The ornithine decarboxylase activity-time curves in the brain regions showed a concomitant polyphasic course, with the highest maximum at 12 hr postinjection. Ornithine decarboxylase induction is discussed as an early event in the cascade of molecular events preceding the induction of cell typic enzymes.  相似文献   
Further studies in quest of 5-HT6 serotonin receptor ligands led to the design and synthesis of a few selected examples of N-(inden-5-yl)sulfonamides with a ring-constrained aminoethyl side chain at the indene 3-position, some of which exhibited a high binding affinity, such as the pyrrolidine analogue 28 (Ki = 3 nM). Moreover, the structurally abbreviated N-(inden-5-yl)sulfonamides showed Ki values ?43 nM, which indicates that neither the N,N-aminoethyl nor the conformationally restricted aminoethyl side arm at the indene 3-position are required for binding. Selected compounds were then tested in a functional cAMP stimulation assay and found to act as 5-HT6 antagonists, although with moderate potency at the micromolar level.  相似文献   
In the mouse model for systemic infection, natural a/alpha strains of C. albicans are more virulent and more competitive than their spontaneous MTL-homozygous offspring, which arise primarily by loss of one chromosome 5 homologue followed by duplication of the retained homologue (uniparental disomy). Deletion of either the a or alpha copy of the MTL locus of natural a/alpha strains results in a small decrease in virulence, and a small decrease in competitiveness. Loss of the heterozygosity of non-MTL genes along chromosome 5, however, results in larger decreases in virulence and competitiveness. Natural MTL-homozygous strains are on average less virulent than natural MTL-heterozygous strains and arise by multiple mitotic cross-overs along chromosome 5 outside of the MTL region. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that a competitive advantage of natural a/alpha strains over MTL-homozygous offspring maintains the mating system of C. albicans.  相似文献   
AIM: To analyze the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) serum levels in nonagenarian patients and to investigate the predictive capacity of this measure to assess the functional recovery of this population following hospitalization. METHODS: We performed a prospective study in 60 consecutive nonagenarian patients admitted for medical or surgical diseases. We assessed IGF-1 serum levels and nutritional status. The functional status was assessed using the Barthel index. Thirty-four patients were reinvestigated 3 months after discharge from hospital. RESULTS: The mean levels of IGF-1 were lower in nonagenarians than in younger patients. No relationship was found between IGF-1 levels and nutritional status. The decline in Barthel index values 3 months after discharge from hospital did not correlate with serum levels of IGF-1 on admission. CONCLUSION: IGF-1 serum levels in nonagenarian patients do not predict functional recovery after hospitalization.  相似文献   
The Réunion grey white-eye, Zosterops borbonicus, a passerine bird endemic to Réunion Island in the Mascarene archipelago, represents an extreme case of microgeographical plumage colour variation in birds, with four distinct colour forms occupying different parts of this small island (2512 km2). To understand whether such population differentiation may reflect low levels of dispersal and gene flow at a very small spatial scale, we examined population structure and gene flow by analysing variation at 11 microsatellite loci among four geographically close localities (<26 km apart) sampled within the distribution range of one of the colour forms, the brown-headed brown form. Our results revealed levels of genetic differentiation that are exceptionally high for birds at such a small spatial scale. This strong population structure appears to reflect low levels of historical and contemporary gene flow among populations, unless very close geographically (<10 km). Thus, we suggest that the Réunion grey white-eye shows an extremely reduced propensity to disperse, which is likely to be related to behavioural processes.  相似文献   
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