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Sequence similarity has given rise to the proposal that IF-2, EF-G, and EF-Tu are related through a common ancestor. We evaluate this proposition and whether the relationship can be extended to other factors of protein synthesis. Analysis of amino acid sequence similarity gives statistical support for an evolutionary affiliation among IF-1, IF-2, IF-3, EF-Tu, EF-Ts, and EF-G and suggests further that this association is a result of gene duplication/fusion events. In support of this mechanism, the three-dimensional structures of IF-3, EF-Tu, and EF-G display a predictable domain structure and overall conformational similarity. The model that we propose consists of three consecutives duplication/fusion events which would have taken place before the divergence of the three superkingdoms: eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The root of this protein superfamily tree would be an ancestor of the modern IF-1 gene sequence. The repeated fundamental motif of this protein superfamily is a small RNA binding domain composed of two α-helices packed along side of an antiparallel β-sheet. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   
The extracellular cellulase enzyme system of Clostridium A11 was fractionated by affinity chromatography on Avicel: 80% of the initial carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) activity was adhered. This cellulase system was a multicomponent aggregate. Several CMCase activities were detected, but the major protein P1 had no detectable activity. Adhered and unadhered cellulases showed CMCase activity with the highest specific activity in Avicel-adhered fraction. However, only afhered fractions could degrade Avicel. Thus, efficiency of the enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel was related to the cellulase-adhesion capacity. Carboxymethylcellulase and Avicelase activities were studied with the extracellular enzyme system and cloned cellulases. Genomic libraries from Clostridium A11 were constructed with DNA from this Clostridium, and a new gene cel1 was isolated. The gene(s) product(s) from cel1 exhibited CMCase and p-nitrophenylcellobiosidase (pNPCbase) activities. This cloned cellulase adhered to cellulose. Synergism between adhered enzyme system and cloned endoglucanases was observed on Avicel degradation. Conversely, no synergism was observed on CMC hydrolysis. Addition of cloned endoglucanase to cellulase complex led to increase of the Vmax without significant K m variation. Cloned endoglucanases can be added to cellulase complexes to efficiently hydrolyze cellulose.  相似文献   
The concentrations of cytoplasmic receptor sites for androgens in the caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis, and the effect of ligation of the efferent ducts and testosterone treatment after bilateral castration on the concentration of receptors in the caput have been measured. Androgen receptors in the ventral prostate have been measured in the same animals for comparison. The caput has the highest concentration of receptor sites, the corpus the lowest. The ligation of the efferent ducts has no effect on this concentration which is dependent on testicular androgens. The present data do not yet allow explanation of the differential response of the different regions of the epididymis and of the other accessory glands to the administration of androgens.  相似文献   
Variations in aspartasic activity in various media are due to aspartate-ammonium lyase induction and to regulation of the biosynthesis of this enzyme. Evidence for neosynthesis of the enzyme is provided by labelling and separation of the protein. The inducer appears to be aspartic acid. The biosynthesis is subject to pronounced catabolic repression. The physiological function of aspartate-ammonium lyase is discussed.  相似文献   
CNTF (ciliary neurotrophic factor), purified from rabbit sciatic nerves by a relatively simple procedure, is bioactive in tissue culture at low picomolar concentration and appears as a doublet on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In these nerves, CNTF accounts for more than one-half of the survival-promoting activity on ciliary neurons. The concentration of CNTF in rabbit sciatic nerves is estimated to be 5 nmol/kg, more than 1000 times higher than would seem to be required to support neurons if the neurotrophic factor were homogeneously distributed. With recombinant DNA technology, rat CNTF has been synthesized in Escherichia coli, purified without denaturating agents, and found to be bioactive at a slightly lower concentration than CNTF extracted from rabbit sciatic nerves. After radioiodination, CNTF retains biological activity but is not specifically internalized and retrogradely transported in motor and sensory axons. In peripheral nerves, ciliary neurotrophic factor differs biologically from nerve growth factor (NGF) by its much higher tissue concentration and apparent lack of internalization by peripheral nerve axons.  相似文献   
The effect of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta, 1 ng/ml) on proteoglycan synthesis by rabbit articular chondrocytes in culture was studied in the presence of fetal bovine serum. Exposure of confluent cells for 24 h to the factor resulted in a marked increase of 35S-labeled sulfate incorporation in the newly synthesized proteoglycans (PG), as estimated by glycosaminoglycan (GAG) radioactivity (+58%). The onset was observed 6 h after addition of the factor but was significant after 12 h. TGF-beta also enhanced the uptake of [35S]sulfate by chondrocytes, but had no effect on the release of PG by these cells. The effect of TGF-beta on the distribution of PG between the medium and the cell layer was shown to be dependent on the serum concentration in the medium: the relative proportion of cell-layer associated GAG of TGF-beta-treated cells decreased with increasing concentration of fetal bovine serum. The proportion of aggregated PG, the hydrodynamic size of PG monomers and GAG chains were not modified by TGF-beta, but the relative distribution of disaccharides 6- and 4-sulfate in GAG chains was altered by the factor: the proportion of chondroitin 6-sulfate (C6S) was decreased while that of chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) was augmented in presence of TGF-beta, leading to a decrease of the ratio C6S/C4S (-11 to -22%, P less than 0.01). The present study indicates that TGF-beta promotes the synthesis of a modified extracellular matrix in cultured articular chondrocytes. This mechanism could be relevant to some aspects of cartilage repair in osteoarticular diseases.  相似文献   
Spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus thuringiensis were more sensitive to UV light than were spores or cells of plasmid-cured B. thuringiensis strains or of the closely related Bacillus cereus. Introduction of B. thuringiensis plasmids into B. cereus by cell mating increased the UV sensitivity of the cells and spores. Protoxins encoded by one or more B. thuringiensis plasmids were not involved in spore sensitivity, since a B. thuringiensis strain conditional for protoxin accumulation was equally sensitive at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. In addition, introduction of either a cloned protoxin gene, the cloning vector, or another plasmid not containing a protoxin gene into a plasmid-cured strain of B. thuringiensis all increased the UV sensitivity of the spores. Although the variety of small, acid-soluble proteins was the same in the spores of all strains examined, the quantity of dipicolinic acid was about twice as high in the plasmid-containing strains, and this may account for the differences in UV sensitivity of the spores. The cells of some strains harboring only B. thuringiensis plasmids were much more sensitive than cells of any of the other strains, and the differences were much greater than observed with spores.  相似文献   
Biochemical and autoradiographic methods were used to investigate the retrograde transport of labeled material after injection of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) in the olfactory bulb (OB) of rat. Mechanical obstruction of the ventricular recess prevented intraventricular diffusion. At different time intervals following bilateral [3H]NE injections, total radioactivity was measured in the OB, locus caeruleus (LC), raphe dorsalis and periaqueductal gray. Preferential accumulation occurred in the LC, and an approximate rate of retrograde transport of 1–6 mm/h could be calculated. Previous administration of 6-hydroxydopamine in the OB reduced this accumulation by 60%. Sixteen hours after [3H]NE injection, the radioactivity in LC was equally distributed between an ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fraction. A small proportion of the soluble material was recovered as [3H]NE and/or [3H]normetanephrine. Following unilateral injections of [3H]NE, light microscopic autoradiograms demonstrated nerve cell body labeling mainly in the ipsilateral LC and of greater intensity after 16 than 4 and 8 h. These data lead to the conclusion that the movement of radioactive material was indeed representative of retrograde axonal transport rather than of other mechanisms such as diffusion. The observation of a preferential labeling of noradrenergic perikarya in LC supports the hypothesis of a process mediated by specific binding and/or uptake of [3H]NE into noradrenergic axon terminals.  相似文献   
1. Limited coagulations of the locus coeruleus and subcoeruleus nuclei have been performed in rats and the sleep-waking cycle was continuously monitored during 9 days. The cortical and diencephalic noradrenaline content was mesured at the termination of the experiment, on the 10th post lesion day. 2. The bilateral destruction of the locus coeruleus is followed by the appearance of a uro-genital syndrome consisting of hema turia, bladder distension and penile erection. The states of sleep are disturbed during the first two days (increase of slow-wave sleep and decrease of paradoxical sleep times) and thereafter return to normal. Additionally, an hyperthermia appears during the third experimental day. The cortical and diencephalic noradrenaline content decrease to 70%. 3. The simultaneous lesion of both locus coeruleus and subcoeruleus nuclei is followed by the appearance of an aphagia adipsia syndrome in addition to the uro-genital syndrome. After these lesions, it is no long possible to find paradoxical sleep episodes in polygraphic recordings while the amount of slow wave sleep is normal. Cortical and diencephalic noradrenaline content decrease more than 50%. 4. In normal rats direct injection of 6 hydroxydopamine directly in both locus coeruleus and nuclei subcoeruleus had no discernable effects either on the behaviour or on the states of sleep. The cortical noradrenaline content decreased 30% below control values. 5. These results are consistent with but do not prove the hypothesis that part of the pontine tegmentum might play an important role in triggering paradoxical sleep episodes. The role of these regions in the regulation of internal temperature, food consumption and bladder motricity is also discussed.  相似文献   
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