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Double nuclear transfer begins with the transfer of nuclear DNA from a donor cell into an enucleated recipient oocyte. This reconstructed oocyte is allowed to develop to the pronuclear stage, where the pronuclei are transferred into an enucleated zygote. This reconstructed zygote is then transferred to a surrogate sow. The genetic integrity of cloned offspring can be compromised by the transmission of mitochondrial DNA from the donor cell, the recipient oocyte and the recipient zygote. We have verified through the use of sequence analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, allele specific PCR and primer extension polymorphism analysis that following double nuclear transfer the donor cell mtDNA is eliminated. However, it is likely that the recipient oocyte and zygote mitochondrial DNA are transmitted to the offspring, indicating bimaternal mitochondrial DNA transmission. This pattern of mtDNA inheritance is similar to that observed following cytoplasmic transfer and violates the strict unimaternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA to offspring. This form of transmission raises concerns regarding the genetic integrity of cloned offspring and their uses in studies that require metabolic analysis or a stable genetic environment where only one variable is under analysis, such as in knockout technology.  相似文献   
Defining the specificities of the anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope antibodies able to mediate broad heterologous neutralization will assist in identifying targets for an HIV-1 vaccine. We screened 70 plasmas from chronically HIV-1-infected individuals for neutralization breadth. Of these, 16 (23%) were found to neutralize 80% or more of the viruses tested. Anti-CD4 binding site (CD4bs) antibodies were found in almost all plasmas independent of their neutralization breadth, but they mainly mediated neutralization of the laboratory strain HxB2 with little effect on the primary virus, Du151. Adsorption with Du151 monomeric gp120 reduced neutralizing activity to some extent in most plasma samples when tested against the matched virus, although these antibodies did not always confer cross-neutralization. For one plasma, this activity was mapped to a site overlapping the CD4-induced (CD4i) epitope and CD4bs. Anti-membrane-proximal external region (MPER) (r = 0.69; P < 0.001) and anti-CD4i (r = 0.49; P < 0.001) antibody titers were found to be correlated with the neutralization breadth. These anti-MPER antibodies were not 4E10- or 2F5-like but spanned the 4E10 epitope. Furthermore, we found that anti-cardiolipin antibodies were correlated with the neutralization breadth (r = 0.67; P < 0.001) and anti-MPER antibodies (r = 0.6; P < 0.001). Our study suggests that more than one epitope on the envelope glycoprotein is involved in the cross-reactive neutralization elicited during natural HIV-1 infection, many of which are yet to be determined, and that polyreactive antibodies are possibly involved in this phenomenon.The generation of an antibody response capable of neutralizing a broad range of viruses remains an important goal of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine development. Despite multiple efforts in the design of immunogens capable of inducing such humoral responses, little progress has been made (18, 20, 39). The sequence variability of the virus, as well as masking mechanisms exhibited by the envelope glycoprotein, has further hindered this pursuit (6, 22). It is known that while the majority of HIV-infected individuals mount a strong neutralization response against their own virus within the first 6 to 12 months of infection, breadth is observed in only a few individuals years later (5, 10, 15, 26, 33, 40, 41). However, very little is known about the specificities of the antibodies that confer this broad cross-neutralization. It is plausible that broadly cross-neutralizing (BCN) plasmas contain antibodies that target conserved regions of the envelope glycoprotein, as exemplified by a number of well-characterized broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The b12 MAb recognizes the CD4 binding site (CD4bs), and 2G12 binds to surface glycans (7, 42, 44, 56). The 447-52D MAb recognizes the V3 loop, and 17b, E51, and 412d bind to CD4-induced (CD4i) epitopes that form part of the coreceptor binding site (13, 21, 51, 54). Finally, the MAbs 2F5, 4E10, and Z13e1 recognize distinct linear sequences in the gp41 membrane-proximal external region (MPER) (36, 57). The targets of these neutralizing MAbs provide a rational starting point for examining the complex nature of polyclonal plasma samples.Several groups have addressed the need to develop methodologies to elucidate the presence of certain neutralizing-antibody specificities (1, 8, 9, 29, 30, 43, 55). A number of these studies reported that the BCN antibodies in plasma can in some cases be adsorbed using gp120 immobilized on beads (1, 9, 29, 30, 43). Furthermore, the activities of some of these anti-gp120 neutralizing antibodies could be mapped to the CD4bs, as the D368R mutant gp120 failed to adsorb them (1, 29, 30, 43).Antibodies to CD4i epitopes are frequently found in HIV-1-infected individuals and are thought to primarily target the coreceptor binding site, which includes the bridging sheet and possibly parts of the V3 region. Decker and colleagues (8) showed that MAbs to HIV-1 CD4i epitopes can neutralize HIV-2 when pretreated with soluble CD4 (sCD4), indicating that the CD4i epitope is highly conserved among different HIV lineages. The poor accessibility of CD4i epitopes, however, has precluded this site from being a major neutralizing-antibody target (24), although a recent study suggested that some of the cross-neutralizing activity in polyclonal sera mapped to a CD4i epitope (30).Another site that has attracted considerable attention as a target for cross-neutralizing antibodies is the MPER, a linear stretch of 34 amino acids in gp41. Anti-MPER antibodies have been detected in the plasma of HIV-infected individuals by using chimeric viruses with HIV-1 MPER grafted into a simian immunodeficiency virus or an HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein (15, 55). These studies concluded that 2F5- and 4E10-like antibodies were rarely found in HIV-1-infected plasmas; however, other specificities within the MPER were recognized by around one-third of HIV-1-infected individuals (15). More recently, 4E10-like and 2F5-like antibodies (30, 43), as well as antibodies to novel epitopes within the MPER (1), have been shown to be responsible for neutralization breadth in a small number of plasma samples. The anti-MPER MAb 4E10 has been shown to react to autoantigens, leading to the suggestion that their rarity in human infection is due to the selective deletion of B cells with these specificities (17, 35). Furthermore, a recent study found an association between anti-MPER and anti-cardiolipin (CL) antibodies, although an association with neutralization was not examined (31).A recent study by Binley and coworkers used an array of methodologies to determine the antibody specificities present in subtype B and subtype C plasma samples with neutralization breadth (1). While antibodies to gp120, some of which mapped to the CD4bs, and to MPER were identified, most of the neutralizing activity in the BCN plasma could not be attributed to any of the known conserved envelope epitopes. Furthermore, it is not clear how common these specificities are among HIV-1-positive plasmas and whether they are only associated with BCN activity.In this study, we investigated a large collection of HIV-1-infected plasmas obtained from the South African National Blood Services. We aimed to determine if there is a relationship between the presence of certain antibody specificities, such as those against CD4i epitopes, MPER, or the CD4bs, and the neutralizing activities present in these plasmas. Furthermore, we evaluated the presence of various autoreactive antibodies and analyzed whether they might be associated with neutralization breadth.  相似文献   
Vertebrate Hedgehog signals are transduced through the primary cilium, a specialized lipid microdomain that is required for Smoothened activation. Cilia-associated sterol and oxysterol lipids bind to Smoothened to activate the Hedgehog pathway, but how ciliary lipids are regulated is incompletely understood. Here we identified DHCR7, an enzyme that produces cholesterol, activates the Hedgehog pathway, and localizes near the ciliary base. We found that Hedgehog stimulation negatively regulates DHCR7 activity and removes DHCR7 from the ciliary microenvironment, suggesting that DHCR7 primes cilia for Hedgehog pathway activation. In contrast, we found that Hedgehog stimulation positively regulates the oxysterol synthase CYP7A1, which accumulates near the ciliary base and produces oxysterols that promote Hedgehog signaling in response to pathway activation. Our results reveal that enzymes involved in lipid biosynthesis in the ciliary microenvironment promote Hedgehog signaling, shedding light on how ciliary lipids are established and regulated to transduce Hedgehog signals.  相似文献   
Within the vascular system, the mucin-type transmembrane glycoprotein T1alpha/podoplanin is predominantly expressed by lymphatic endothelium, and recent studies have shown that it is regulated by the lymphatic-specific homeobox gene Prox1. In this study, we examined the role of T1alpha/podoplanin in vascular development and the effects of gene disruption in mice. T1alpha/podoplanin is first expressed at around E11.0 in Prox1-positive lymphatic progenitor cells, with predominant localization in the luminal plasma membrane of lymphatic endothelial cells during later development. T1alpha/podoplanin(-/-) mice die at birth due to respiratory failure and have defects in lymphatic, but not blood vessel pattern formation. These defects are associated with diminished lymphatic transport, congenital lymphedema and dilation of lymphatic vessels. T1alpha/podoplanin is also expressed in the basal epidermis of newborn wild-type mice, but gene disruption did not alter epidermal differentiation. Studies in cultured endothelial cells indicate that T1alpha/podoplanin promotes cell adhesion, migration and tube formation, whereas small interfering RNA-mediated inhibition of T1alpha/podoplanin expression decreased lymphatic endothelial cell adhesion. These data identify T1alpha/podoplanin as a novel critical player that regulates different key aspects of lymphatic vasculature formation.  相似文献   
Zhang P  Haryadi R  Chan KF  Teo G  Goh J  Pereira NA  Feng H  Song Z 《Glycobiology》2012,22(7):897-911
The GDP-fucose transporter SLC35C1 critically regulates the fucosylation of glycans. Elucidation of its structure-function relationships remains a challenge due to the lack of an appropriate mutant cell line. Here we report a novel Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutant, CHO-gmt5, generated by the zinc-finger nuclease technology, in which the Slc35c1 gene was knocked out from a previously reported CHO mutant that has a dysfunctional CMP-sialic acid transporter (CST) gene (Slc35a1). Consequently, CHO-gmt5 harbors double genetic defects in Slc35a1 and Slc35c1 and produces N-glycans deficient in both sialic acid and fucose. The structure-function relationships of SLC35C1 were studied using CHO-gmt5 cells. In contrast to the CST and UDP-galactose transporter, the C-terminal tail of SLC35C1 is not required for its Golgi localization but is essential for generating glycans that are recognized by a fucose-binding lectin, Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL), suggesting an important role in the transport activity of SLC35C1. Furthermore, we found that this impact can be independently contributed by a cluster of three lysine residues and a Glu-Met (EM) sequence within the C terminus. We also showed that the conserved glycine residues at positions 180 and 277 of SLC35C1 have significant impacts on AAL binding to CHO-gmt5 cells, suggesting that these conserved glycine residues are required for the transport activity of Slc35 proteins. The absence of sialic acid and fucose on Fc N-glycan has been independently shown to enhance the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) effect. By combining these features into one cell line, we postulate that CHO-gmt5 may represent a more advantageous cell line for the production of recombinant antibodies with enhanced ADCC effect.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoid (GC)‐induced osteoporosis is a widespread health problem that is accompanied with increased fracture risk. Detrimental effects of anti‐inflammatory GC therapy on bone have been ascribed to the excess in GC exposure, but it is unknown whether there is also a role for disruption of the endogenous GC rhythm that is inherent to GC therapy. To investigate this, we implanted female C57Bl/6J mice with slow‐release corticosterone (CORT) pellets to blunt the rhythm in CORT levels without inducing hypercortisolism. Flattening of CORT rhythm reduced cortical and trabecular bone volume and thickness, whilst bone structure was maintained in mice injected with supraphysiologic CORT at the time of their endogenous GC peak. Mechanistically, mice with a flattened CORT rhythm showed disrupted circadian gene expression patterns in bone, along with changes in circulating bone turnover markers indicative of a negative balance in bone remodelling. Indeed, double calcein labelling of bone in vivo revealed a reduced bone formation in mice with a flattened CORT rhythm. Collectively, these perturbations in bone turnover and structure decreased bone strength and stiffness, as determined by mechanical testing. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that flattening of the GC rhythm disrupts the circadian clock in bone and results in an osteoporotic phenotype in mice. Our findings indicate that at least part of the fracture risk associated with GC therapy may be the consequence of a disturbed GC rhythm, rather than excess GC exposure alone, and that a dampened GC rhythm may contribute to the age‐related risk of osteoporosis.  相似文献   
We previously reported that a 3-pyridinecarbonitrile analog with a furan substituent at C-5 and a 4-methylindol-5-ylamino substituent at C-4, 1, was a potent inhibitor of PKCθ (IC50 = 4.5 nM). Replacement of the C-5 furan ring of 1 with bicyclic heteroaryl rings, led to compounds with significantly improved potency against PKCθ. Analog 6b with a 4-methylindol-5-ylamino group at C-4 and a 5-[(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl]-1-benzofuran-2-yl group at C-5 had an IC50 value of 0.28 nM for the inhibition of PKCθ.  相似文献   
Entry of the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes into host epithelial cells is critical for infection and virulence. One major pathway for Listeria entry involves binding of the bacterial protein Internalin B to the host receptor tyrosine kinase Met (hepatocyte growth factor receptor). Activation of Met and downstream signaling cascades is critical for Listeria entry. Internalin B is composed of several structural domains including an N-terminal leucine-rich repeat that is sufficient for binding Met and stimulating downstream signal transduction. Internalin B is monomeric, whereas the leucine-rich repeat is dimeric when expressed as an isolated fragment. The different quaternary states of Internalin B and the leucine-rich repeat suggest that these two Met ligands might cause distinct biological effects. Here we demonstrate that Internalin B and the leucine-rich repeat fragment exhibit agonist properties that differentially influence Met down-regulation in lysosomes. Specifically, Met stability is increased in response to the leucine-rich repeat fragment compared with Internalin B. Interestingly, Internalin B and the leucine-rich repeat stimulate equivalent rates of clathrin-mediated Met internalization. However, the leucine-rich repeat is defective in promoting lysosomal down-regulation of Met and instead enhances receptor recycling to the cell surface. In addition, the leucine-rich repeat causes prolonged Met activation (phosphorylation) and increased cell motility compared with Internalin B. Taken together, our findings indicate that individual domains of Internalin B differentially regulate Met trafficking. The ability of the leucine-rich repeat fragment to promote Met recycling could account for the increased cell motility induced by this ligand.  相似文献   
Low rates of sequence evolution associated with purifying selection can be interrupted by episodic changes in selective regimes. Visual pigments are a unique system in which we can investigate the functional consequences of genetic changes, therefore connecting genotype to phenotype in the context of natural and sexual selection pressures. We study the RH2 and RH1 visual pigments (opsins) across 22 bird species belonging to two ecologically convergent clades, the New World warblers (Parulidae) and Old World warblers (Phylloscopidae) and evaluate rates of evolution in these clades along with data from 21 additional species. We demonstrate generally slow evolution of these opsins: both Rh1 and Rh2 are highly conserved across Old World and New World warblers. However, Rh2 underwent a burst of evolution within the New World genus Setophaga, where it accumulated substitutions at 6 amino acid sites across the species we studied. Evolutionary analyses revealed a significant increase in dN/dS in Setophaga, implying relatively strong selective pressures to overcome long‐standing purifying selection. We studied the effects of each substitution on spectral tuning and found they do not cause large spectral shifts. Thus, substitutions may reflect other aspects of opsin function, such as those affecting photosensitivity and/or dark–light adaptation. Although it is unclear what these alterations mean for colour perception, we suggest that rapid evolution is linked to sexual selection, given the exceptional plumage colour diversification in Setophaga.  相似文献   
Here we describe a novel strategy using multiplexes of synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) corresponding to multiple gene targets in order to compress RNA interference (RNAi) screen size. Before investigating the practical use of this strategy, we first characterized the gene-specific RNAi induced by a large subset (258 siRNAs, 129 genes) of the entire siRNA library used in this study (~800 siRNAs, ~400 genes). We next demonstrated that multiplexed siRNAs could silence at least six genes to the same degree as when the genes were targeted individually. The entire library was then used in a screen in which randomly multiplexed siRNAs were assayed for their affect on cell viability. Using this strategy, several gene targets that influenced the viability of a breast cancer cell line were identified. This study suggests that the screening of randomly multiplexed siRNAs may provide an important avenue towards the identification of candidate gene targets for downstream functional analyses and may also be useful for the rapid identification of positive controls for use in novel assay systems. This approach is likely to be especially applicable where assay costs or platform limitations are prohibitive.  相似文献   
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