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Trout gill cells in primary culture on solid and permeable supports were compared. Cultures were carried out by directly seeding cells on each support after gill dissociation. Most of the cell types present in culture were similar, regardless of culture support (pavement cells, mucous cells (3–4%), but no mitochondria-rich cells). However, insertion of mucous cells in cultured epithelium on permeable support presented a morphology more similar to gills in situ. Gene expression of ion transporters and hormonal receptors indicated similar mRNA levels in both systems. Cortisol inhibited cell proliferation on both supports and maintained or increased the total cell number on solid and permeable membranes, respectively. This inhibition of mitosis associated with an increase or maintenance of total gill cells suggests that cortisol reduced cell degeneration. In the presence of cortisol, transepithelial resistance of cultured gill cells on permeable membranes was increased and maintained for a longer time in culture. In conclusion, gill cells in primary culture on permeable support present: (i) a morphology more similar to epithelium in situ; and (ii) specific responses to cortisol treatment. New findings and differences with previous studies on primary cultures of trout gill cells on permeable membrane are discussed.  相似文献   
To elucidate the ultrastructural modifications of the gill epithelium during smoltification, gills of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were examined by electron microscopy at three stages of this process, which were defined as follows: "parrs" were freshwater fish that had not yet started their transformation; "freshwater smolts" were freshwater fish that were ready to enter seawater; and "seawater smolts" were smolts that had been transferred from fresh water and maintained for 4 days in seawater (35%). In the gill epithelium of parrs, there were two types of chloride cells. The large chloride cells contained deeply stained mitochondria and numerous apical, irregular, dense, membrane-bound bodies that formed 77% of the chloride cell population and were distinguished easily from small chloride cells that have distinctly paler mitochondria and no dense bodies in their apical cytoplasm. In freshwater smolts, the large chloride cells formed 95% of the chloride-cell population. In contrast to the small chloride cells that were not modified, they almost doubled in size. Their tubular system developed extensively to form a tight network with regular meshes significantly smaller than those observed in parr chloride cells. Forty percent of the large chloride cells were associated with a new type of cell, the accessory cell, to which they were bound by shallow apical junctions. Half of these accessory cells were not seen to be in contact with the external medium. In seawater smolts, 80% of the large chloride cells were associated with accessory cells. Most accessory cells reached the external medium and sent numerous cytoplasmic interdigitations within the apical portion of the adjacent chloride cells. As a result, a section through the apical portion of the chloride cells and their associated accessory cells revealed a mosaic of interlocked cell processes bound together by an extended, shallow apical junction. It was concluded that the Atlantic salmon develops in fresh water most of the ultrastructural modifications of the gill epithelium which in most euryhaline fish are triggered by exposure to seawater. The effective transfer into seawater would act only as a final stimulus to achieve some adequacy between the freshwater smolt and its new environment.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of iron in the form of iron sulphate (FeSO4·7H2O), over the range 0.01–1 mM on rainbow trout primary gill cells cultured on semi-permeable membranes. The endpoints measured were cell proliferation, mucous cell numbers, area of mucus in mucous cells, ultrastructural analysis and transepithelial resistance. Regardless of the concentration, FeSO4 did not modify the apical surface of pavement cells (microridge) and mucous cells. However, at 1 mM, this metal reduced cell numbers, by inhibiting cell proliferation and causing cell death, and induced a decrease in transepithelial resistance. It is interesting to note that cell numbers were also reduced in the presence of 0.5 mM iron salt, although this reduction did not modify transepithelial resistance. FeSO4 reduced mucous cell number but did not change mucus area in mucous cells suggesting that this metal could induce a discharge of mucous cells, but mucus secretion would be total and not partial. In conclusion, our in vitro model has allowed to study some toxic effect but also resistance of gill epithelium in presence of iron.  相似文献   
On treatment with 7-ketocholesterol (7-keto) or 7beta-hydroxycholesterol (7beta-OH), which are major oxysterols in atherosclerotic plaques, the simultaneous identification of oncotic and apoptotic cells suggests that these compounds activate different metabolic pathways leading to various modes of cell death. With U937, MCF-7 (caspase-3 deficient), MCF-7/c3 cells (stably transfected with caspase-3), we demonstrate that caspase-3 is essential for caspase-9, -7, -8 activation, for Bid degradation mediating mitochondrial cytochrome c release, for cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and inhibitor of the caspase-activated deoxyribonuclease, and, at least in part, for internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The crucial role of caspase-3 was supported by the use of z-VAD-fmk and z-DEVD-fmk, which abolished apoptosis and the associated events. However, inactivation or lack of caspase-3 did not inhibit 7-keto- and 7beta-OH-induced cell death characterized by staining with propidium iodide, loss of mitochondrial potential. The mitochondrial release of apoptosis-inducing factor and endonuclease G was independent of the caspase-3 status, which conversely played major roles in the morphological aspects of dead cells. We conclude that caspase-3 is essential to trigger 7-keto- and 7beta-OH-induced apoptosis, that these oxysterols simultaneously activate caspase-3-dependent and/or -independent modes of cell death.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To analyze multilamellar cytoplasmic structures by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) combined with factor analysis of biomedical image sequences (FAMIS). STUDY DESIGN: After treatment of U937 cells with 7-ketocholesterol (7-keto), cytoplasmic alterations were assessed with monodansylcadaverine (MDC). By ultraviolet excitation of a confocal laser scanning microscope (UV-CLSM), spectral sequences were performed to characterize 7-keto and MDC distribution inside cells. FAMIS was used to transform the image sequences in factor curves and images. RESULTS: By UV-CLSM, 7-keto fluorescence was detected together with MDC, which revealed morphologic cytoplasmic changes in cells. The factor images obtained from confocal image sequences emphasized the view of these results. These data are in agreement with biochemical characterizations of MDC-positive structures. CONCLUSION: The combined use of confocal microscopy and FAMIS allowed us to detect MDC-positive cytoplasmic structures in 7-keto-treated cells and to colocalize MDC and 7-keto distribution. This new method confirms the usefulness of MDC as a marker of oxysterol-induced cell death.  相似文献   
Development of hypoosmoregulatory ability in allis shad Alosa alosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When different ages of juvenile allis shad Alosa alosa (18–74 days post-fertilization) were exposed for 48 h to elevated salinity (25 or 30), all ages could tolerate moderates salinity (25) whereas only the older stages could tolerate the higher salinity. In 88 days post-fertilization allis shad, acclimatation to full-strength sea water for 2 weeks did not lead to significant changes in total water content and gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity whereas total Na+ content increased within 5 days to values which remained stable thereafter. Together, these data suggest that juvenile allis shad develop a limited euryhalinity, which allows them to fully adapt to hyperosmotic environment immediately after transfer.  相似文献   
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