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张博鑫  李崇林  左小康  那晓东 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5194-5205
目前全球变暖趋势的加剧对丹顶鹤等大型濒危水禽的栖息地造成了严重的威胁。由于监测方法和技术手段的限制,丹顶鹤在迁徙路线上潜在生境的分布范围尚不清楚,气候变化对丹顶鹤迁徙路线生境适宜性的影响机理有待进一步研究。基于138个丹顶鹤样本分布信息和19种环境变量数据,利用 BIOMOD2 软件包构建了丹顶鹤潜在生境评价的组合模型,对丹顶鹤在亚洲东部秋季迁徙路线上的生境适宜性进行数值模拟,并预测SSP1.2-6气候背景下2021-2040年、2041-2060年、2061-2080年、2081-2100年四个不同阶段的丹顶鹤潜在生境范围的变化趋势。研究结果表明:与单模型的模拟结果相比,集成9种单模型的BIOMOD2组合模型预测精度更高。集成模型的重要性分析表明,气温日较差是丹顶鹤生境适宜性变化的最重要的影响因子。受气候变化的影响2021-2040年、2041-2060年、2061-2080年、2081-2100年丹顶鹤潜在生境的面积将分别减少到2.60×105km2、2.58×105km2、2.75×105km2、2.56×105km2,迁徙路线上胶东半岛和环渤海地区适栖生境面积减少的最为显著。本研究对于迁徙路线上珍稀水禽潜在适宜生境的模拟及全球变化背景下珍稀水禽栖息地的保育和修复具有重要意义。  相似文献   
坝上地区农田及两种恢复生境中蜘蛛多样性与群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜘蛛是农田生态系统中重要的自然天敌,其生物多样性及群落特征直接决定了农田的害虫控制等生态系统服务功能质量。农田及其周边的恢复生境是蜘蛛重要的栖息地。本研究采用陷阱法,对河北省张家口市崇礼区871、1360、1635 m 3个海拔农田、自然恢复草地及人工修复林地的蜘蛛群落的物种组成、物种多样性和功能特征进行研究,分析不同恢复生境中蜘蛛群落特征。结果表明: 不同生境蜘蛛的物种多样性指数差异明显,人工修复林地蜘蛛的多度为124.3只,显著高于自然恢复草地(70.1)及农田(38.6)的蜘蛛多度;人工修复林地(16.3)与自然恢复草地(21.4)的物种丰富度没有显著差别,但均显著高于农田(8.9);人工修复林地(2.04)及自然恢复草地(2.05)的Shannon多样性指数差异不显著,且均显著高于农田(1.55)。3种生境的蜘蛛群落组成均具有显著差异;蜘蛛体长与蜘蛛捕猎类型呈正相关,大型蜘蛛倾向于通过捕猎获取食物;自然恢复草地与农田蜘蛛以游猎型为主,而人工修复林地倾向于拥有更多的结网型蜘蛛,高海拔地区的蜘蛛体积通常较小。自然恢复草地与人工修复林地均可以提升蜘蛛群落多样性,在区域生物多样性保护中起重要作用;不同生境蜘蛛群落组成出现了显著分化,即蜘蛛群落总体的功能特征发生改变和保留了部分生境特有种。2种恢复生境蜘蛛多样性指标优于农田生境,且2种恢复生境物种组成存在差异,均具有保护特有种的功能,研究结果对农田及区域尺度蜘蛛生物多样性保护与恢复具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Polymorphism analysis was performed in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae populations isolated from geographically distant regions of Ukraine and Middle Asia. Examination of cultural, biochemical, and symbiotic traits revealed interpopulation differences, which were attributed to the difference in conditions between natural ecosystems and agrocenoses. Vetch has high species diversity and is not cultivated in Middle Asia, and the corresponding rhizobial population displayed higher genetic diversity and higher polymorphism of adaptive traits ensuring saprophytic development in soil and the rhizosphere, including melanin synthesis (35%) and active exopolysaccharide production (90%). Strains of the Ukrainian population had a lower exopolysaccharide production (10%), did not produce melanin, had higher herbicide resistance, and utilized glucose and succinate (main components of plant root exudation) as carbon sources. Strains capable of efficient symbiosis with Vicia villosa Roth. had a higher frequency in the Middle Asian than in the Ukrainian population, especially among strains isolated from soil (80 and 35%, respectively). In addition, strains of the Middle Asian population better competed for nodulation. It was assumed that the formation of rhizobial populations in vetch cultivation regions (Ukraine) is aimed at adaptation to ectosymbiotic (rhizospheric) interactions with plants and anthropogenic stress factors, while strains of the vetch original center (Middle Asia) are mostly adapted to the endosymbiotic interaction and to natural edaphic stress factors.  相似文献   
Ariid monophyly and intrafamilial relationships are investigated based on cladistic analysis of 230 morphological characters. Terminal taxa examined include whenever possible type‐species, or the most morphologically similar species to the type‐species of the nominal genera, and the largest possible number of species, including cleared and stained specimens, available in zoological collections. Previous hypotheses about monophyly of the Ariidae are strongly corroborated by new synapomorphies discovered in the present study. The subfamily Galeichthyinae and the remaining ariids are strongly supported by new morphological characters. The monotypic subfamily Bagreinae is recognized as the sister group to all nongaleichthyin ariids, supported by a large series of exclusive synapomorphies. A new concept of Ariinae is presented: the subfamily is found to be unequivocally monophyletic and includes all ariid genera, except Galeichthys and Bagre. New data supporting the monophyly of the genera included in the Ariinae are introduced and previous hypotheses of monophyly, species composition, morphological definition, and relationships are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   
目的:建立Tau/APP/PS1三转基因小鼠模型,从分子生物学、行为学及病理学角度研究其生物学特征。方法:将自行建立的Tau转基因小鼠与Jackson实验室引种的APP/PS1双转基因小鼠杂交、传代;PCR鉴定小鼠基因型;RT-PCR检测外源基因的转录;Western blot测定外源基因的蛋白表达;Bielschowsky氏染色法和ABC免疫组化法观察大脑神经纤维缠结和老年斑等病理改变;Morris水迷宫观测学习记忆的改变。结果:Tau/APP/PS1三转基因小鼠的大脑可转录和表达Tau、APP和PS1三种外源基因,6~8月龄时大脑皮层和海马可见神经元纤维缠结和老年斑,其学习记忆获得能力在6月龄开始受损。结论:建立的Tau/APP/PS1三转基因小鼠具有Tau和Aβ两种病理改变和学习记忆障碍,为深入探究Tau与Aβ的关系、阐明AD的发病机制以及研发靶点治疗药物提供实验工具。  相似文献   
Based on the knowledge on the structural and functional organization, ecological potential, and evolution of symbiotic complexes, we suggest to formulate the subject, aims, and methodology of symbiogenetics as a science studying the genetic control of interspecies interactions. It is based on the view on the superspecies system of variation and heredity (symbiogenome) controlling the development of novel properties lacking in the unitary organisms and radically extending their adaptive potentials. Investigation of symbiogenomes represents the first step toward genetic analysis of microbiomes and metagenomes, which are superspecies hereditary systems responsible for developing the multicomponent complexes of biocenotic type, such as rumen microflora, endophytic and rhizospheric communities, soil microbial consortia. The approaches of symbiogenetics can be used for developing biotechnologies of integration of plants or animals with beneficial microbes ensuring host nutrition and development as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: PPARdelta (NR1C2) promotes lipid accumulation in human macrophages in vitro and has been implicated in the response of macrophages to vLDL. We have investigated the role of PPARdelta in PMA-stimulated macrophage differentiation.The THP-1 monocytic cell line which displays macrophage like differentiation in response to phorbol esters was used as a model system. We manipulated the response to PMA using a potent synthetic agonist of PPARdelta, compound F. THP-1 sub-lines that either over-expressed PPARdelta protein, or expressed PPARdelta anti-sense RNA were generated. We then explored the effects of these genetic modulations on the differentiation process. RESULTS: The PPARdelta agonist, compound F, stimulated differentiation in the presence of sub-nanomolar concentrations of phorbol ester. Several markers of differentiation were induced by compound F in a synergistic fashion with phorbol ester, including CD68 and IL8. Over-expression of PPARdelta also sensitised THP-1 cells to phorbol ester and correspondingly, inhibition of PPARdelta by anti-sense RNA completely abolished this response. CONCLUSIONS: These data collectively demonstrate that PPARdelta plays a fundamental role in mediating a subset of cellular effects of phorbol ester and supports observations from mouse knockout models that PPARdelta is involved in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses.  相似文献   
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