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Yochelson, Ellis L. & Stanley, George D., Jr. 1981 12 15: An early Ordovician patelliform gastropod, Palaelophacmaea , reinterpreted as a coelenterate. Lethaia , Vol. 15, pp. 323–330. Oslo. ISSN W24–1164.
The fossil Palaelophacmaea criola Donaldson, from the early Ordovician Stonehenge Formation of central Pennsylvania, was described as a patelliform gastropod. A reinterpretation of the type lot and study of a few additional specimens provide the basis for an alternative placement. Palaelophacmaea is here assigned to the Hydrozoa, as a possible chondrophore. It has an exceptionally thin shell or test and concentric but irregular corrugations. Cambrian univalve genera having a more or less circular outline that are currently assigned to the Gastropoda or Monoplacophora should be reexamined to see whether they have the features of fossil chondrophore coelenterates rather than those of molluscs. The late Cambrian Palaeoacmaea Hall & Whitfield is removed from the monoplacophoran Mollusca and left unassigned as to phylum. We judge that at least some early Cambrian species of Scenella are probably coelenterate remains. * Early Ordovician , Palaelophacmaea, Gastropoda, Monoplacophora, Hydrozoa .  相似文献   
Intrachromosomal variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) genes in Trypanosoma brucei are expressed by a mechanism involving gene conversion. The 3'boundary of gene conversion is usually within the last 130 bp of the VSG gene, a region of partially conserved sequences. We report here the loss of the predominant telomeric A VSG gene in the cloned variant antigenic type (VAT) 5A3, leaving only an intrachromosomal A VSG gene (the A-B gene). The nucleotide sequence of the A-B VSG gene reveals that it lacks the normal VSG 3' sequence. Surprisingly, we find cells expressing this A-B VSG gene in relapse populations arising from VAT 5A3. Since the A VSG mRNAs from these cells have a normal 3' sequence, the incomplete A-B VSG gene must be expressed via a partial gene conversion that supplies the functional 3'end. Although the A-B VSG gene is no longer predominant like the telomeric A VSG gene, it is still expressed more frequently than other intrachromosomal VSG genes, suggesting that factors other than a telomeric location determine whether a VSG gene is expressed early in a serodeme.  相似文献   
Abstract: Difficulty in monitoring the flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma mcallii) has led to controversy over its conservation status. The difficulty in detecting this species has discouraged large-scale estimates of abundance and led to uncertainty over whether the species exists in population sizes of sufficient size for long-term persistence. We incorporated detection probability into monitoring of this species using closed mark—recapture and distance-sampling methods. Density estimation from mark—recapture abundance estimates was improved using an estimate of the proportion of time lizards were on the plot. We estimated the probability of detection on the line for distance sampling and adjusted density estimates accordingly. We estimated the populations of the Yuha Basin Management Area in 2002 and the East Mesa Management Area, Imperial County, California, USA, in 2003 to be 25,514 (95% CI 14,444-38,970) and 42,619 (95% CI 23,161-67,639), respectively. Two estimates of detection probability on the line in distance sampling by different methods were 0.45 and 0.65. Density estimates derived from distance analyses for 3 East Mesa Management Area plots and the Yuha Basin Management Area were 1.55 per ha (95% CI 0.64-3.76) and 0.41 per ha (95% CI 0.22-0.7), respectively. These are the first large-scale estimates of abundance and density for P. mcallii.  相似文献   
Abstract: For many wildlife species, agricultural landscapes undergo spatial and temporal fluctuations in the composition of food and cover annually with the planting and harvesting of crops. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) populations have flourished in agricultural landscapes, where crops increase foraging opportunities and efficiencies. However, information is lacking regarding the effects of temporal shifts in food and cover resulting from agricultural activities on raccoon home ranges. We examined home-range characteristics of 60 (33 M, 27 F) adult raccoons in northern Indiana, USA, from May 2003 through June 2005 to identify shifts in the size of home ranges and core use areas among seasons defined by crop availability and crop developmental stages. Mean fixed-kernel home-range (92 ± 6 ha; xM ± SE) and core-area sizes (20 ± 2 ha) of males were significantly larger than those of females (58 ± 7 ha and 13 ± 2 ha, respectively), and both were smaller than those reported for raccoons in other fragmented agricultural landscapes. Home-range sizes varied little among seasons for either sex. However, home ranges of males were smallest during the crop maturation stage, whereas home ranges of females were smallest during the crop growing season. The results of our study suggest that even in expansive rural landscapes, raccoons can maintain small home ranges when food, water, and denning resources are readily available. Additionally, the lack of differences among seasonal home-range sizes, despite the presence of an ephemeral superabundant food source (i.e., corn) during the maturation season, was likely due to the close proximity of foraging and denning resources across seasons.  相似文献   
Abstract: We derived a method of estimating the direction and magnitude of cover changes for potentially maximizing wildlife abundance on an area. We illustrate the method with data on cover selection by northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) collected in the Texas Panhandle from 2000 to 2003. We used radiotelemetry to determine use of cover associations, Geographic Information System analysis to determine their availability, and logic related to use-availability analysis to collapse 95% kernel home ranges to usable space. Bobwhites selected mixed-shrub cover consisting of sand plum (Prunus angustifolia) and fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica), and they avoided or neutrally used 8 other cover associations. However, grass upland and sand sagebrush (Artemisia filifolia) associations occurred in ≥86% of home ranges (n = 96 bobwhites with ≥30 radiolocations). Usable space averaged 54.2% ± 1.72 SE of kernel home ranges. The data indicated that adding about 226 ha of mixed-shrub cover or a structural homologue while simultaneously reducing the quantity of most other cover associations would maximize bobwhite abundance. An area with 30–60% mixed-shrub cover, with the balance in grass upland and sand sagebrush, and with cover dispersed such that no point was >30 m from mixed-shrub cover was hypothetically optimal for bobwhites in our region. Within certain constraints (e.g., financial, social, edaphic), managers can apply this method by manipulating cover types through relevant management practices (e.g., planting, prescribed burning, mechanical removal of vegetation). This method, with minor modification, could also be used to decrease usable space on an area, and thus decrease wildlife densities, should that be the manager's objective.  相似文献   
Stanton, Robert J., Jr., Dodd, J. Robert & Alexander, Richard R. 1979 01 15: Eccentricity in the clypeasteroid echinoid Dendraster: environmental significance and application in Pliocene paleoecology. Lethaia . Vol. 12, pp. 75–87. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
The echinoid Dendraster lives in the northwest Pacific in environments ranging from open exposed coast to protected embayment. Water energy and the abundance and quality of food along this environmental gradient are correlated with test size and eccentricity of the apical area, so that larger and more eccentric specimens occur on the open coast than in bays. Study of Dendraster in Pliocene strata of the Coalinga California region indicates that these morphologic characteristics provide valuable information for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Lateral and temporal environmental gradients within a broad Pliocene embayment and the location and size of the bay entrance can be determined on the basis of Dendraster eccentricity and size. Several species and subspecies of Dendraster in the Pliocene of the Coalinga region, described largely by differences in eccentricity, are probably not valid taxa but are merely ecophenotypic expressions of the laterally and temporally variable environment.  相似文献   
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