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Residuals for multinomial models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seber  GAF; Nyangoma  SO 《Biometrika》2000,87(1):183-191
用细胞外记录技术研究了金黄地鼠一侧视皮层神经元对电刺激另一侧相应部位的反应及其对视觉刺激反应的特点。(1)在17—18a 交界区大多数(78%)细胞能被电刺激对侧相应点所驱动。在17区内部,被驱动细胞数随离开17—18a 交界距离增加而减少。(2)按对电刺激的反应形式,记录的细胞可分为四类:a.逆行驱动细胞,占17—18a 交界区记录细胞数的20%;b.顺行驱动细胞,占52%中;c.自发发放因电刺激而减少或完全停止的细胞,占6%,d.其余细胞(22%)对电刺激没有可察觉的反应。(3)在17—18a 交界,除了Ⅰ层以外的各层都可记录到顺行驱动细胞,而逆行驱动细胞则主要集中在Ⅲ及Ⅴ层。(4)17—18a 交界细胞感受野(RF)多位于垂直中线附近的对侧视野内,有些 RF 跨越中线,其边界延伸到同侧约10°处。(5)逆行驱动细胞包括刁和 Blakemore 以前在视皮层中记录到的所有细胞类型和各种程度的眼优势,但单眼细胞的比例增加,非对称式 RF 和中心对称式的给-撤型 RF 的比例有所减少。  相似文献   
Abstract. 1 The effect of larval rearing density on life-history parameters of Boettcherisca formosensis Kirner & Lopes (Sarcophagidae) was investigated. Increases in rearing density resulted in lowered larval survivorship, shortened larval development time and production of smaller, shorter-lived adults with reduced fecundity.
2. B. formosensis is larviparous. Average brood size was 17.5±1.0 (mean±M) larvae, which was much less than the average number of mature larvae inside gravid females. Females apparently produced a series of small broods, distributing their offspring over a number of carcasses.
3. Compared with the oviparous species Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae), B. formosensis adults were larger and longer-lived, with a longer larval development time but shorter larval feeding period. However, females had a shorter pre-reproductive period, were less fecund, and had a lower life time reproductive investment.
4. B. formosensis had lower relative performance (measured by the composite index of performance, r') than H. ligurriens over the larval rearing density range, and was more sensitive to increases in density. Although the r' values suggest that the sarcophagid may be a competitively inferior species, other features which are not included in the index (such as larvipary, short larval feeding period and spreading of offspring from a single brood among carcasses) may be of significant adaptive value to B. formosensis.  相似文献   
We developed 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers from Arctoscopus japonicus by screening an enriched genomic library using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. The average of alleles size was 16.2, and the average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.59 and 0.78, respectively. The observed genotypic frequencies in five loci were significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg expectations. The high variability revealed in this study suggested that these microsatellite loci should provide useful markers for population genetics of A. japonicus.  相似文献   
Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The consumption of figs (the fruit of Ficus spp.: Moraceae) by vertebrates is reviewed using data from the literature, unpublished accounts and new field data from Borneo and Hong Kong. Records of frugivory from over 75 countries are presented for 260 Ficus species (approximately 30% of described species). Explanations are presented for geographical and taxonomic gaps in the otherwise extensive literature. In addition to a small number of reptiles and fishes, 1274 bird and mammal species in 523 genera and 92 families are known to eat figs. In terms of the number of species and genera of fig-eaters and the number of fig species eaten we identify the avian families interacting most with Ficus to be Columbidae, Psittacidae, Pycnonotidae, Bucerotidae, Sturnidae and Lybiidae. Among mammals, the major fig-eating families are Pteropodidae, Cercopithecidae, Sciuridae, Phyllostomidae and Cebidae. We assess the role these and other frugivores play in Ficus seed dispersal and identify fig-specialists. In most, but not all, cases fig specialists provide effective seed dispersal services to the Ficus species on which they feed. The diversity of fig-eaters is explained with respect to fig design and nutrient content, phenology of fig ripening and the diversity of fig presentation. Whilst at a gross level there exists considerable overlap between birds, arboreal mammals and fruit bats with regard to the fig species they consume, closer analysis, based on evidence from across the tropics, suggests that discrete guilds of Ficus species differentially attract subsets of sympatric frugivore communities. This dispersal guild structure is determined by interspecific differences in fig design and presentation. Throughout our examination of the fig-frugivore interaction we consider phylogenetic factors and make comparisons between large-scale biogeographical regions. Our dataset supports previous claims that Ficus is the most important plant genus for tropical frugivores. We explore the concept of figs as keystone resources and suggest criteria for future investigations of their dietary importance. Finally, fully referenced lists of frugivores recorded at each Ficus species and of Ficus species in the diet of each frugivore are presented as online appendices. In situations where ecological information is incomplete or its retrieval is impractical, this valuable resource will assist conservationists in evaluating the role of figs or their frugivores in tropical forest sites.  相似文献   
Hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp tests were performed on calves before and after clenbuterol treatment. Clenbuterol was given as 2 intramuscular injections with an interval of about 12 h. The dose used was 1 μg/kg b.w. The treatment resulted in increased plasma levels of insulin and glucose. The results of the clamp tests showed that clenbuterol induced a transient decrease in insulin sensitivity. Both insulin mediated glucose disposal (M), expressed as μmol/kg live b.w./min. and the M/I-index (M divided by the average insulin concentration at steady state) were significantly reduced after treatment. The effect of clenbuterol on carbohydrate metabolism seemed to be rather short-lived, since significant changes occurred only in animals treated 5-6 h prior to the test. According to the literature, the metabolic effects of clenbuterol have been studied only after the high doses used for growth promoting purposes. The results from the present study showed that similar changes occur also after doses at the therapeutic level. The hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp test was considered to be a valuable tool for the study of insulin sensitivity in cattle.  相似文献   
长期不同施肥制度下几种土壤微生物学特征变化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
 为阐明土壤微生物对土壤健康的生物指示功能, 以国家褐潮土肥力与肥料效益监测基地的长期肥料试验为平台, 应用BIOLOG ECO微平板培养法与常规分析法研究了长期施肥15年后不同施肥制度对土壤微生物生物量、活性、群落代谢功能多样性及土壤肥力的影响。研究结果表明, 与对照(CK)相比, 长期化肥与有机肥配施土壤中土壤有机质(SOM)、全氮(STN)、全磷(STP)含量升高, 土壤C/N与pH值降低, 土壤微生物量碳(Soil microbial biomass carbon, SMBC)、生物微生物量氮(Soil microbial biomass nitrogen, SMBN)、微生物商(qMB)及脲酶(Urease)活性升高, BIOLOG ECO微平板平均颜色变化率(Average well color development, AWCD)、土壤微生物代谢功能多样性指数变化不明显。和长期单施化肥处理(NPK)相比, 长期化肥与有机肥配施处理中上述几种微生物学特征(SMBC、SMBN、qMB、Urease及AWCD、代谢功能多样性指数)均呈极显著增加。NPK处理与CK相比虽然SOM、STN、STP含量稍有升高, 土壤C/N与pH值降低, SMBC、SMBN、qMB及Urease活性增高, 但是AWCD、土壤微生物代谢功能多样性指数却显著下降。过氧化氢酶活性(Catalase)在各处理土壤中的差异不显著。土壤微生物碳源利用的主成分分析表明, 长期不同施肥各处理在土壤微生物利用碳源的种类和能力上有差异。此试验说明, 土壤微生物受农业管理措施和多种环境因素的影响, 土壤微生物学特征可作为土壤质量的敏感指标, 为提高作物产量、增强肥力提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Samples of water, sediments and aquatic weeds were collected from 26 sites in the Nyando River catchment of the Lake Victoria basin in 2005–2006. The objective was to investigate levels of organochlorine pesticides that have either been banned or are restricted for use in Kenya. The pesticides investigated were lindane, aldrin, endosulfan, endrin, dieldrin, DDT, heptachlor and methoxychlor. These pesticides had previously found wide applications in public health and agriculture in Kenya for control of disease vectors and crop pests respectively. Results showed that mean concentrations were highest for methoxychlor (8.817 ± 0.020?µg l?1) in water, sediments (92.893 ± 3.039 µg kg?1), and weeds (39.641 ± 3.045?µg kg?1), the weeds also tended to accumulate aldrin (15.519 ± 3.756?µg kg?1). The results show that the pesticides are still in use and are detected in the catchment. Stringent management and public awareness measures are required to enforce the ban on the organochlorine pesticides in order to safeguard the environment and ecosystems of Lake Victoria.  相似文献   
澳门鸟类资源调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1989~2009年在澳门山林和沿海滩涂湿地对鸟类进行了调查和记录,共记录鸟类297种,加上文献中记录的3种,整理出澳门鸟类名录共300种,隶属17目56科.其中非雀形目有30科160种,占澳门鸟类总种数的53.33%;雀形目有26科140种,占澳门鸟类种数46.67%.就数量来看,澳门鸟类中的优势种有9种,常见种44种,偶见种96种,稀有种则有151种.白腹海雕Haliaeetus leucogaster属于国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类.属于国家Ⅱ级重点保护的鸟类有33种.澳门鸟类属于<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约,2007>公约附录Ⅰ的有游隼Falco peregrinus peregrinus、小青脚鹬Tringa guttifer和小杓鹬Numenius minutus 3种,属于公约附录Ⅱ的有29种.勺嘴鹬Eurynorhynchus pygmeus被世界自然保护联盟(2009)列入极危(CR)鸟类,黑脸琵鹭Platalea minor和小青脚鹬被列入濒危(EN)鸟类.易危(VU)鸟类有4种,近危(NT)鸟类有5种.本文成果可为今后长期监测和保护澳门鸟类资源提供依据.  相似文献   
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