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The effect of a number of compounds structurally related to glutamic acid and other nitrogenous compounds on the composition of three forms of glutamine synthetase (GS) inRhizobium phaseoli has been examined in detail. Amino acids like glutamic acid, glutamine, and a fixed source of nitrogen like ammonium chloride did not alter the relative glutamine synthetase composition.l-Methioninedl-sulfoximine (MSX), a glutamate analogue, significantly repressed the synthesis of GSIII to a greater extent.,N-oxalyl,-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), another glutamate analogue, selectively stimulated the synthesis of GSII, and the effect of ODAP on GSII synthesis was greatly enhanced in the presence of ethylenediamine or ammonium chloride. Ethylenediamine itself caused a predominant synthesis of GSIII.-Cyanoalanine-grownR. phaseoli did not synthesize GSI. The synthesis of the three different glutamine synthetases can thus be differentially modulated.  相似文献   
DNA fragments complementing theenvC mutation could be isolated by cloning chromosomal DNA in the vector pUH84. When the frequencies of transformation and the frequencies of restoring theenvC + phenotype were compared, the high copy number hybrid plasmids complemented with a frequency of 10–5. After subcloning theenvC-complementing DNA fragment into the low copy number plasmid pLG339, efficient complementation was achieved by spontaneous integration of the IS2 element ofEscherichia coli. By nucleotide sequence analysis, a potential promoter, a ribosome-binding site, and an unidentified reading frame were detected in the respective DNA fragment.  相似文献   
Recombinant plasmid pCED3 was structurally unstable inBacillus subtilis cultures grown in the presence of kanamycin to eliminate the effects of segregational instability. Analysis of 96 modified plasmids indicated that deletions in the plasmid occur at many different sites. The presence of plasmid pCED3 slowed the growth rate of theB. subtilis host. Cells that contained modified plasmids grew faster than the parental cells and took over the population. Two different methodologies were developed to reduce the cultural instability of the plasmid-directed LacZ+ phenotype. By growing the cells in a medium that supports a low growth rate, the growth rate ratio between modified and parental cells was reduced, resulting in a partial stabilization (40 generations) of the LacZ+ phenotype in the population [35]. Removal of a 4.77 kbEcoRI fragment (which consists primarily of the pBR322 replicon) from plasmid pCED3 produced a more stable plasmid derivative, designated pYS1. Cells harboring plasmid pYS1 grew faster than pCED3-bearing cells, although the level of activity of -galactosidase was similar in both strains. By combining the two approaches (i.e., growth of pYS1-bearing cells in a medium that supports low growth rate), the LacZ+ phenotype was stably maintained in the cell population for over 170 generations. Under these conditions, there was no detectable difference between the growth rates of cells bearing the pYS1 plasmid and further modified plasmids.  相似文献   
An immunoaffinity chromatographic procedure with monoclonal antibodies (MA) has been developed for purification of the uncultivable, bacterium-like organism associated with greening disease of citrus. The greening organism (GO) was partially purified from leaf midribs of infected periwinkle plants by differential centrifugation. The GO present in such preparations was retained on an affinity matrix consisting of CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B on which GO-specific MA had been covalently linked. The unbound plant material was washed from the matrix, and the GOs were eluted with 0.1M glycine (pH 11.5). Purified GOs were compared with organisms observed in the initial plant preparation by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopic techniques. The morphology and serological characteristics of the GO were retained following purification procedures.  相似文献   
The effect ofl-ascorbic acid on the biosynthesis of aflatoxin inAspergillus parasiticus was studied. Ascorbic acid at lower concentrations did not inhibit the growth of fungus but markedly induced aflatoxin biosynthesis. At a concentration of 1000 ppm of ascorbic acid, 4.8-fold higher levels of aflatoxin were detected. Copper did not enhance the induction of toxin synthesis by ascorbic acid when added to the growth medium. Ascorbic acid at 1000 ppm was also found to induce aflatoxin synthesis in resting mycelia. Chloroform (1% vol/vol) was found to induce aflatoxin synthesis under similar conditions. Ascorbic acid in the presence of ferrous ion can cause lipid peroxidation, which in turn is responsible for the induction of aflatoxin synthesis. During the induction of aflatoxin synthesis by ascorbic acid, the uptake of carbon source (acetate) was not affected. This observation suggests that on ascorbic acid treatment a precursor or an intermediate of aflatoxin biosynthesis is synthesized in vivo and is responsible for the higher levels of toxin without increasing the uptake of acetate.  相似文献   
Results from our cloning studies on toxin A indicated that the gene for toxin B resided approximately 1 kb upstream of the toxin A gene. Clone pCD19, which contains the 5-end of the toxin A gene and a small open reading frame, was found to contain 1.2 kb of DNA which, when subcloned, expressed a nontoxic peptide that reacted with toxin B antibodies. The rest of the toxin B gene was located on the 6.8 kb cloned fragment of plasmid pCD19L. The two fragments overlapped 0.8 kb. Lysates containing protein expressed by the 6.8 fragment were cytotoxic and lethal, and were neutralized by toxin B antibody. The two fragments were ligated to give the complete toxin B gene. The protein expressed by the complete gene was cytotoxic and lethal, and showed complete immunological identity with toxin B. Further analysis of the expressed protein and the toxin B gene confirmed our earlier findings showing that toxin B has a molecular weight of 240,000 or greater.  相似文献   
Extracellular cellulase induction in the ruminal fungusNeocallimastix frontalis isolate EB188 was followed. Glucose media-established cultures produced cellulase when switched to a variety of cellulose-containing media. High levels of cellulase and xylanase activities were present in cultures switched to sigma cell 100, solka floc, avicel, sisal fiber, and wheat straw, but not those switched to glucose, carboxymethylcellulose, or wood chips. Several assay substrates were used to show differential cellulase induction as well as-glucosidase activity. Cellulases hydrolyzed short oligosaccharides and released glucose from insoluble cellulose. Cellobiase activity was also indicated. Cellulase activity tolerated brief exposure to high temperature, was insensitive to certain metal ions, and possessed pH optima between 5.0 and 6.5.  相似文献   
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthetase of yeast and hyphal-phase cells of the dimorphic fungusCandida albicans was characterized by kinetic analysis and response to inhibitors. The enzyme from yeast-phase cells has a Km of 0.17 mM for methionine, 0.14 mM for ATP, and is inhibited (in vitro) by dimethyl-sulfoxide, methionine sulfone, and methionine sulfoxide. The hyphal-phase SAM synthetase has a Km of 0.06 mM for methionine, 0.02 mM for ATP, and its activity (in vitro) is enhanced by the substances that inhibit the yeast-phase enzyme. These data strongly suggest that isozymes of SAM synthetase are present inC. albicans and that they are possibly morphology specific. In vivo studies revealed that synthesis of the enzyme is repressed by the addition of methionine to the growth medium and that specific activity of the enzyme increases when intracellular SAM levels are lowered. In addition, it was shown that the increase in specific activity seen during yeast hypha morphogenesis and in yeast cells grown in a methionine-free medium involves de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   
We have isolated RNA from sheep brain synaptosomes and mitochondria separated by an aqueous two-phase system composed of dextran and poly(ethylene glycol). RNA was fractionated through oligo(dT)-cellulose columns and analyzed by electrophoresis through agarose slab gels containing methylmercuric hydroxide and stained with ethidium bromide. The electrophoretic patterns of the poly(A)-containing RNA fraction from synaptosomes and mitochondria are very similar although some high molecular weight RNA species, clearly visible in the synaptosomal fraction, are scarcely detected in the mitochondrial preparations. The electrophoretic analysis of a cleaner RNA preparation from digitonin-treated free mitochondria (mitoplasts) showed that all the poly (A)-RNA species of the synaptosomal preparation are also present in mitoplast. These results strongly suggest that all the discrete poly(A)-RNA species identified in brain synaptosomes are of mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   
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