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Summary Angiotensin II-induced the hypertrophy of the cytoplasmic compartment and significantly increased (5-3H)uridine incorporation into RNA species by Conn's human adult adenomatous cells in primary tissue culture. On its own, bromocriptine, while enlarging only the nucleolar compartment, also intensely stimulated the incorporation of (5-3H)uridine into RNA species by the cultured adrenocortical adenomatous cells. However, an equimolar mixture of angiotensin II and bromocriptine was totally ineffective, eliciting no change in cellular morphometry or isotope incorporation with respect to the control specimens run in parallel.The present findings support the view that bromocriptine can influence the metabolism of Conn's cells directly at the cellular level by acting as an agonist-antagonist of angiotensin.  相似文献   
Summary In the noctuid moth Spodoptera exempta, the distribution of visual pigments within the fused rhabdoms of the compound eyes was investigated by electron microscopy. Each ommatidium regularly contains eight receptor cells belonging to three morphological types: one distal, six medial, and one basal cell (Meinecke 1981); four different visual pigments — absorption maxima at approximately 355, 465, 515, and 560 nm — are known to occur within the eye (Langer et al. 1979). The compound eyes were illuminated in situ by use of monochromatic light of different wavelengths. This illumination produced a wide scale of structural changes in the microvilli of the rhabdomeres of individual cells. Preparation of eyes by freeze-substitution revealed the structural changes in the rhabdomeres to be effects of light occurring in vivo.The degree of structural changes may be considerably different in rhabdomeres within the same ommatidium; it was found to depend on the wavelength and the duration of illumination, the intensity received by the ommatidia as well as the spectral sensitivity of the receptor cells. Therefore, it was possible to estimate the spectral sensitivities of the morphological types of receptor cells. Generally, all medial cells are green receptors and all basal cells red receptors; distal cells are blue receptors in about two-thirds of the ommatidia, while in the remaining third of them distal cells are sensitive to ultraviolet light.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 114 (Bionach)  相似文献   
Summary The secretion of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the rat was studied by means of immunocytochemistry at the electron-microscopic level with the use of (1) the polar embedding medium Lowicryl K4M at -30° C, (2) the protein A-gold technique, and (3) a rabbit antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber (see Sterba et al. 1981).Two different substructures of the ependymal and the hypendymal SCO-cells display a positive immunocytochemical reaction: (1) sacs containing flocculent secretion, which originate from the granular endoplasmic reticulum, and (2) vacuoles filled with fine granular secretion, which are pinched off from the Golgi apparatus. The secretory material of the sacs and the vacuoles is discharged both (i) apically into the cerebrospinal fluid and (ii) basally into intercellular spaces of the SCO-hypendyma. The apically released secretion is condensed to a lamina-like formation, which more caudally assumes the form of Reissner's fiber. The route of the basally released secretion remains, however, vague. The periodically striated bodies, which were thought to be morphological mediators of the discharge of the secretion into the capillaries, are never labeled by gold particles.Supported by grants from the Ministry for Science and Technology of the German Democratic RepublicThe expert technical assistance of Mrs. B. Wolff, Mrs. S. Mehnert, Mrs. E. Siebert, Mrs. Ch. Schneider, and Mrs. I. Seifert is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   
Summary Type-A spermatogonia can be found in different locations throughout the germinal epithelium of human seminiferous tubules. Generally they represent the population of germ cells adjacent to the basal lamina, but under special conditions they may be located in the adluminal compartment. This aberrant location is found not only in the terminal segments but also in the seminiferous tubules of men older than 65 years of age, and in cases of intratubular seminoma. Furthermore, in both cases, type-A spermatogonia may occupy an intermediate position between basal and intraluminal locations, without showing any signs of cytological damage.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ho 388/5-3) and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung  相似文献   
Summary Male Wistar rats were injected intravenously with 5-(3H)uridine-labeled lymphocytes isolated from lymph nodes of syngeneic donors and enriched in T cells. After short periods of time (3 to 120 min after injection), labeled lymphocytes were localized in spleen compartments using autoradiography to identify routes of lymphocyte movement from blood into splenic parenchyma and to follow migration pathways of recirculating lymphocytes within the periarterial lymphoid sheath (PALS). Topographical analysis of labeled lymphocytes was performed in specific planes of PALS characterized by the diameter of the arterial vessel and termed PALS large, PALS medium, and PALS small (PALS L, PALS M, PALS S, respectively). Attention was also paid to accumulations of labeled lymphocytes close to the arterial vessel wall. Initially, labeled lymphocytes were localized in PALS S and PALS M near the terminal branching of arterial vessels and in the marginal zone (MZ). We conclude that lymphocytes emigrate from blood into splenic parenchyma within two white pulp compartments: in MZ, and directly within PALS through the wall of capillary vessels. The sequential accumulation of labeled cells near arterial vessels of increasing diameter suggests that the recirculating pool of lymphocytes migrates into the central part of PALS L by two routes: from MZ, and along arterial vessels from PALS S and PALS M.R.B. was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, on leave from the Department of Histology and Embryology, Institut of Biostructure, Academy of Medicine, ul. Swiecickiego 6, PL-60-781 Pozna, Poland.  相似文献   
Summary The neuropil located ventral to the SON was investigated by the use of immunoperoxidase staining for neurophysins, oxytocin and vasopressin, and electron miroscopy. The study was performed in six groups of rats: 1) control; 2) infusion of isotonic saline into the CSF; 3) infusion of hypertonic saline into the CSF; 4) drinking hypertonic saline for 4 days; 5) same as group 4 but injection of colchicine into the CSF on second day of dehydration; 6) salt loading for 3 months. In the control rats the ventral neuropil contained a few immunoreactive processes, the general morphology of which was completely different from that of the neurosecretory axons emerging from the SON at its dorsal aspect. In rats of groups 3 to 6 the ventral processes (VP) became loaded with neurosecretory granules, whereas the perikarya and axons were depleted. Based on their general morphology and reactivity pattern it is suggested that the VP are dendrites. Most of these dendrites were embedded in a glial cushion formed by the processes of a particular type of marginal glia. Some of these dendrites enveloped an arteriole penetrating the optic tract. All VP were rich in synaptic contacts. The possibility that the VP of neurosecretory cells may be functionally related to the subarachnoid CSF and the arteriolar blood flow is discussed.Supported by Grant RS-82-18 from Direccíon de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile  相似文献   
Interaction of metabolic inhibitors with actin fibrils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The dependence of the arrangement of fibrillar actin in cultured endothelial cells on metabolic conditions was investigated with cellular elements derived from the heart of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Either primary culture or an established cell line (XTH-2) were used in these studies The metabolic stage of the cells was influenced by inhibiting respiration and lactate production. The actin pattern was revealed either by indirect immunofluorescence or by tetramethylrhodaminyl (TRITC)-phalloidin fluorescence. Total block of energy supply causes in all cases a distinct loss of actin fibrils, while inhibition of respiration alone increases the variability of actin organization. In primary XTH cells but not in XTH-2 cells cyanide disintegrates most of the actin fibres during 3 h of treatment. This effect is independent of the inhibition of respiration, since actin gels prepared from skeletal muscle also undergo destruction in the presence of cyanide. It is concluded that the actin fibrils of the primary cells and the established line behave differently to changing metabolic conditions and to application of KCN.  相似文献   
Summary Three neuronal systems of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis were immunocytochemically investigated at the ultrastructural level with the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. Preliminary electrophysiological and cell-filling investigations have shown that a cluster of neurons which reacts positively with an antiserum against the molluscan cardio-active peptide FMRFamide, sends axons to the penis retractor muscle. In this muscle anti-FMRF-amide (aFM) positive axons form neuro-muscular synapses with (smooth) muscle fibers. The morphological observations suggest the aFM immunoreactive system to be involved in peptidergic neurotransmission. In the right parietal ganglion a large neuron (LYAC) is penetrated by aFM positive axons which form synapse-like structures (SLS) with the LYAC. The assumption that the SLS represent the morphological basis for peptidergic transmission is sustained by the observation that iontophoretical application of synthetic FMRFamide depolarizes the LYAC. The axons of a group of pedal anti-vasopressin (aVP) positive cells run in close vicinity to the cerebral ovulation (neuro-)-hormone producing cell system (CDC system) Synapses or SLS between the two systems were not observed. The fact that (bath) application of arg-vasopressin induces bursting in the CDC, may indicate that the vasopressin-like substance of the aVP cells is released non-synaptically.  相似文献   
Summary The ducts of the rat ventral prostate have been studied by light and electron microscopy for elucidation of their role in prostatic function. The epithelium of the main duct consists of simple columnar cells and polymorphic basal cells. The columnar cells show no indication of secretory activity. The basal cells contain bundles of filaments of 5–6 nm thickness and numerous pinocytotic vesicles. The ducts are surrounded by layers of circular smooth muscle cells interspersed with nerve axons. On ultrastructural grounds the ducts do not appear to secrete material into the seminal fluid, but apparently the muscular coat actively helps drain the gland during ejaculation.  相似文献   
The effects of single and repeated LH-RH injections at 120 min intervals on female rat LH gonadotrophs and on pituitary and serum LH levels were investigated using electronmicroscopy and radioimmunoassay. A temporary stimulation of granule release, of protein and new granule synthesis and of the accumulation of lysosomal structures was found in LH cells after the first LH-RH injection. The temporary stimulations were massively enhanced after the second injection. These consecutive yet in their time-sequence overlapping processes account for the initial depletion of secretory granule content (3--15 min after LH-RH injection), for the subsequent regranulation and accumulation of granules above control levels (60--120 min after injection) and also for the reduction in the number of granules to control levels (150 min after LH-RH injection and thereafter). Increased polymorphic lysosomal structures are believed to be responsible for this reduction of excess granules. The amount of assayable pituitary and serum LH generally corresponds with the morphological changes observed in LH-gonadotrophs, thus further substantiating the above observations. A schema which summarizes the observed morphological and hormonal changes in their time-sequence in response to LH-RH stimulation depicts the short-term regulation of secretory processes in female gonadotrophs.  相似文献   
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