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Abstract. Savanna trees have a multitude of positive and negative effects on understorey grass production, but little is known about how these effects interact. We report on a fertilization and shading experiment carried out in a Tanzanian tropical dry savanna around Acacia tortilis trees. In two years of study there was no difference in grass production under tree canopies or in open grassland. Fertilization, however, indicate that trees do affect the nutrient limitation of the grass layer with an N‐limited system in open grassland to a P‐limited system under the trees. The N:P ratios of grass gave a reliable indication of the nature of nutrient limitation, but only when assessed at the end of the wet season. Mid‐wet season nutrient concentrations of grasses were higher under than outside the tree canopy, suggesting that factors other than nutrients limit grass production. A shading experiment indicated that light may be such a limiting factor during the wet season when water and nutrients are sufficiently available. However, in the dry season when water is scarce, the effect of shade on plant production became positive. We conclude that whether trees increase or decrease production of the herbaceous layer depends on how positive effects (increased soil fertility) and negative effects (shade and soil water availability) interact and that these interactions may significantly change between wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the effect of human activities on the density of large mammals in the Dzanga‐Ndoki National Park and the adjacent Dzanga‐Sangha Reserve in the Central African Republic. Between six and eight 20 km long permanent transects were walked on a monthly basis from January 1997 to August 1999 to assess large mammal populations as well as human intrusion. There were no obvious seasonal or monthly trends in elephant, gorilla or non‐human primate densities. Overall, it appears that human activities negatively influence the distribution of most of the large forest animals in Dzanga‐Sangha. Elephants in particular were significantly less common in areas used by humans, but also other species such as non‐human primates showed lower densities closer to the main road and the town of Bayanga. This study confirms the findings of previous studies that roads have a negative impact on wildlife populations. Results of this study stress the need for conservation of large uninterrupted forest blocks to maintain wildlife populations at normal levels. Simply creating roads, even within a protected Central African forest, is likely to have negative impacts on wildlife populations.  相似文献   
Aim The search for possible factors influencing the spatial variation of grass quality is an important step towards understanding the distribution of herbivores, as well as a step towards identifying crucial areas for conservation and restoration. A number of studies have shown that grass quality at a regional scale is influenced by climatic variables. At a local scale, site factors and their interaction are considered important. In this study, we aimed at examining environmental correlates of grass quality at a local scale. The study also sought to establish if biotic factors interact significantly with abiotic factors in influencing a variation in grass quality. Location The study area is located in the Kruger National Park of South Africa. The study area stretches from west (22°49′ S and 31°01′ E) to east, (22°44′ S and 31°22′ E) covering an area of about 25 × 6 km in the far northern region of the Kruger National Park. Methods We collected environmental data such as soil texture, percentage grass cover and biomass as well as grass samples for chemical analysis from specific locations in the study area. In addition, a digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 5 m was used to derive elevation, slope and aspect using a geographic information system (GIS), which were related to grass quality. We used correlation analysis and anova to relate environmental variables to grass quality. Multivariate analysis techniques were used to simultaneously analyse and explore the complex interactions between variables. Results and conclusions Our results indicate that there is a significant relationship between grass quality parameters and site‐specific factors such as slope, altitude, percentage grass cover, aspect and soil texture. Relatively, percentage grass cover and soil texture were more critical in explaining a variation in grass quality. Plant characteristics such as species type interact significantly with slope, altitude and geology in influencing nutrient distribution. The results of this study may give a better insight on foliar nutrient distribution patterns at a landscape scale in savanna rangelands. Furthermore, the results of this study may help in the selection of ancillary information, which could be used in conjunction with other data such as remotely sensed data to map grass quality – an important step towards understanding the distribution and feeding patterns of wildlife. However, we acknowledge that this study is based on one seasonal snapshot, therefore some slightly different findings may be obtained during other times of the year. Nevertheless, the study has revealed that under the conditions experienced during the study period, nutrient distribution varies with varying biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), an abundant environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compound, on the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Earlier studies have shown that BaP promotes vasculopathy, including atherosclerosis, a predisposing factor for AAA development. In two experimental arms, 203 apolipoprotein E knockout (ApoE-/-) mice were evaluated in 4 groups: BaP, angiotensin II (AngII), BaP+AngII and control. Mice in the first arm were exposed to 5mg/kg/week of BaP for 42 days, and in the second arm to 0.71mg/kg daily for 60 days. In arm one, AAA incidence was higher in the BaP+AngII (14/28) versus AngII (8/27) group (p < 0.05), rupture (n=3) was observed only in BaP+AngII treated mice (p < 0.05). In the second arm, AAA incidence did not differ between AngII (17/30) and BaP+AngII (16/29) groups. However, intact AAA diameter was larger in the BaP+AngII (2.3 ± 0.1mm) versus AngII (1.9 ± 0.1mm) group (p < 0.05), but AAA rupture did not differ (p=NS). In both experimental arms, BaP+AngII mice showed increased expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), cyclophilin A (Cyp A), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) (p < 0.05). No AAA occurred in control or BaP groups. These findings suggest the role of BaP exposure in potentiating AAA pathogenesis, which may have potential public health significance.  相似文献   
The roles of cysteine proteinases (CP) in leaf protein accumulation and composition were investigated in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants expressing the rice cystatin, OC-1. The OC-1 protein was present in the cytosol, chloroplasts, and vacuole of the leaves of OC-1 expressing (OCE) plants. Changes in leaf protein composition and turnover caused by OC-1-dependent inhibition of CP activity were assessed in 8-week-old plants using proteomic analysis. Seven hundred and sixty-five soluble proteins were detected in the controls compared to 860 proteins in the OCE leaves. A cyclophilin, a histone, a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, and two ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase isoforms were markedly altered in abundance in the OCE leaves. The senescence-related decline in photosynthesis and Rubisco activity was delayed in the OCE leaves. Similarly, OCE leaves maintained higher leaf Rubisco activities and protein than controls following dark chilling. Immunogold labelling studies with specific antibodies showed that Rubisco was present in Rubisco vesicular bodies (RVB) as well as in the chloroplasts of leaves from 8-week-old control and OCE plants. Western blot analysis of plants at 14 weeks after both genotypes had flowered revealed large increases in the amount of Rubisco protein in the OCE leaves compared to controls. These results demonstrate that CPs are involved in Rubisco turnover in leaves under optimal and stress conditions and that extra-plastidic RVB bodies are present even in young source leaves. Furthermore, these data form the basis for a new model of Rubisco protein turnover involving CPs and RVBs.  相似文献   
A non-linear relationship between phytodiversity and altitude has widely been reported, but the relationship between phytomass and altitude remains little understood. We examined the phytomass and diversity of vascular plants along altitudinal gradients on the dry alpine rangelands of Ladakh, western Himalaya. We used generalized linear and generalized additive models to assess the relationship between these vegetation parameters and altitude. We found a hump-shaped relationship between aboveground phytomass and altitude. We suspect that this is engendered by low rainfall and trampling/excessive grazing at lower slopes by domestic livestock, and low temperature and low nutrient levels at higher slopes. We also found a unimodal relationship between plant species-richness and altitude at a single mountain as well as at the scale of entire Ladakh. The species-richness at the single mountain peaked between 5,000 and 5,200 m, while it peaked between 3,500 and 4,000 m at entire Ladakh level. Perhaps biotic factors such as grazing and precipitation are, respectively, important in generating this pattern at the single mountain and entire Ladakh.  相似文献   
The utilization of HCO3 as carbon source for photosynthesis by aquatic angiosperms results in the production of 1 mole OH for each mole CO2 assimilated. The OH ions are subsequently released to the medium. In several Potamogeton and Elodea species, the site of the HCO3 influx and OH efflux are spatially separated. Described here are light- and dark-induced pH changes at the lower and upper epidermis of the leaves of Potamogeton lucens, Elodea densa, and Elodea canadensis.  相似文献   
Light transiently depolarizes the membrane of growing leaf cells. The ionic basis for changes in cell membrane electrical potentials in response to light has been determined separately for growing epidermal and mesophyll cells of the argenteum mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.). In mesophyll cells light induces a large, transient depolarization that depends on the external Cl concentration, is unaffected by changes in the external Ca2+ or K+ concentration, is stimulated by K+-channel blockers tetraethylammonium (TEA+) and Ba2+, and is inhibited by 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). In isolated epidermal tissue, light induces a small, transient depolarization followed by a hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. The depolarization is enhanced by increasing the external Ca2+ concentration and by addition of Ba2+, and is not sensitive to DCMU. Epidermal cells in contact with mesophyll display a depolarization resembling the response of the underlying mesophyll cells. The light-induced depolarization in mesophyll cells seems to be mediated by an increased efflux of Cl while the membrane-potential changes in epidermal strips reflect changes in the fluxes of Ca2+ and in the activity of the proton-pumping ATPase.Abbreviations BAPTA 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCMU 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - LID e light-induced depolarization in epidermal cells - LID m light-induced depolarization in mesophyll cells - LIH light-induced hyperpolarization - TEA+ tetraethylammonium Ecotrans paper #43. This research was supported by National Science Foundation grants DCB-8903744 and MCB-9220110 to E.V.  相似文献   
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