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Water relations and gas exchange were studied in the crowns of small European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) trees with respect to branch position. The upper-crown branches showed significantly higher branch sap flux rate (F la) and branch conductance (g b) compared to the lower crown (P<0.001). Values of leaf conductance (g l), transpiration rate (E) and net photosynthesis (A), averaged for different ranges of atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD), were also higher in the upper crown position. We suppose that the up to 2.6-fold smaller soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance observed in the lower branches (P<0.001, compared to upper branches) could contribute to the decreased values of F la, g b, g l, and E in the lower crown position. Variation in tracheid lumen diameter with respect to crown position (P<0.001) supported the hypothesis that branches growing at the crown base are hydraulically more constrained than branches located at the top of the tree. Leaf area to sapwood area ratio (A la/A sa) exhibited 1.4 times smaller values in lower crown (P<0.01), however, this could not compensate the effect of decreased hydraulic conductivity of the lower-crown branches.  相似文献   
Sellin A  Kupper P 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):388-397
Responses of leaf conductance (gL) to variation in photosynthetic photon flux density (QP), leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (VPD), bulk leaf water potential (x), and total hydraulic conductance (GT) were examined in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) with respect to leaf position in the crown. To reduce limitations caused by insufficient water supply or low light availability, experiments were also performed with branchlets cut from two different canopy layers. The intact upper-canopy leaves demonstrated 1.8–2.0 times higher (P<0.001) daily maxima of gL compared with the lower-canopy leaves growing in the shadow of upper branches. In the morning, gL in the shade foliage was primarily constrained by low light availability, in the afternoon, by limited water supply. Leaf conductance decreased when x fell below certain values around midday, while the sun foliage experienced greater negative water potentials than the shade foliage. Midday stomatal openness was controlled by leaf water status and temperature, rather than by transpiration rate (E) via the feedforward mechanism. Mean GT was 1.7 times higher (P<0.001) for the upper-canopy foliage compared to that of the lower canopy. At least 34–39% of the total resistance to the water flow from soil up to the shade foliage, and 54% up to the sun foliage, resided in 30-cm distal parts of the branches. Artificial reduction of hydraulic constraints raised x and made gL less sensitive to changes in both atmospheric and plant factors. Improved water supply increased gL and E in the lower-canopy foliage, but not in the upper-canopy foliage. The results support the idea that leaves in the lower canopy are hydraulically more constrained than in the upper canopy.  相似文献   
Carotenoids are biologically active pigments, which are important for animals due to their dual role in health maintenance and ornamental signalling. In adult birds, immunostimulatory properties of carotenoids have been repeatedly demonstrated while much less is known about the importance of carotenoids as antioxidants. We studied the relationships between plasma carotenoid levels, as well as total antioxidant protection, and various hemato-serological health state indices in female great tits (Parus major L.), incubating their second clutches in two contrasting (coniferous and deciduous) habitats in southwest Estonia. To manipulate reproductive effort, four eggs were removed from half of the clutches during laying to stimulate females to lay additional eggs. However, egg removal had no effect on the final number of eggs laid. Plasma carotenoid levels increased seasonally in parallel with caterpillar food availability. However, no between-habitat differences in carotenoid levels, total antioxidant capacity, or indices of health state could be found despite the apparently better feeding conditions in the coniferous habitat. No correlation was detected between plasma carotenoid levels and measures of total antioxidant capacity, which suggests that at least for the adult birds feeding on naturally carotenoid-rich diet, antioxidant function of carotenoids is not of primary importance. A strong non-linear association between the measures of antioxidant protection and leukocytic markers of inflammation was found, which suggests that measures of total antioxidant capacity deserve further attention in ecophysiological studies as potential indicators of immunopathology.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the concepts of electromyographic (EMG) threshold (EMGT) by integrated EMG (iEMG) signals and neuromuscular fatigue threshold (NMFT) concepts in trained male athletes. Nine competitive national-level male rowers (21.8 +/- 4.4 years; 186.2 +/- 4.6 cm; 79.6 +/- 8.4 kg) took part in this investigation. Subjects were asked to participate in the graded exercise test to volitional exhaustion and 500-, 1,000-, and 2,000-m all-out rowing ergometer tests on a rowing ergometer. During all tests, oxygen consumption parameters, average power, and iEMG of the musculus vastus lateralis were recorded. The second ventilatory threshold (248.9 +/- 26.67 W) and EMGT (258.89 +/- 27.13 W) were not significantly different but were significantly lower than the NMFT (302.25 +/- 45.10 W). During 1,000- and 2,000-m all-out distances, VO(2) increased during the first minute and then leveled on a plateau with a slight decrease at the end of the exercise. Vastus lateralis activity showed a slight increase during all distances that was accompanied by a remarkable increase towards the end of the distance. All measured threshold values were significantly correlated (r > 0.70; p < 0.05) to the rowing ergometer performance characteristics. It was concluded that EMGT is closely related to the aerobic-anaerobic transition phase, because NMFT represents the local fatigue accumulation in the muscle. NMFT indicates the performance capacity of the muscles; therefore, it helps coaches to better predict top athletes' performance.  相似文献   
Synergistic cooperation of different enzymes is a prerequisite for efficient degradation of cellulose. The conventional mechanistic interpretation of the synergism between randomly acting endoglucanases (EGs) and chain end-specific processive cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) is that EG-generated new chain ends on cellulose surface serve as starting points for CBHs. Here we studied the hydrolysis of bacterial cellulose (BC) by CBH TrCel7A and EG TrCel5A from Trichoderma reesei under both single-turnover and "steady state" conditions. Unaccountable by conventional interpretation, the presence of EG increased the rate constant of TrCel7A-catalyzed hydrolysis of BC in steady state. At optimal enzyme/substrate ratios, the "steady state" rate of synergistic hydrolysis became limited by the velocity of processive movement of TrCel7A on BC. A processivity value of 66 ± 7 cellobiose units measured for TrCel7A on (14)C-labeled BC was close to the leveling off degree of polymerization of BC, suggesting that TrCel7A cannot pass through the amorphous regions on BC and stalls. We propose a mechanism of endo-exo synergism whereby the degradation of amorphous regions by EG avoids the stalling of TrCel7A and leads to its accelerated recruitment. Hydrolysis of pretreated wheat straw suggested that this mechanism of synergism is operative also in the degradation of lignocellulose. Although both mechanisms of synergism are used in parallel, the contribution of conventional mechanism is significant only at high enzyme/substrate ratios.  相似文献   
Processivity of cellobiohydrolases is limited by the substrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Processive cellobiohydrolases (CBHs) are the key components of fungal cellulase systems. Despite the wealth of structural data confirming the processive mode of action, little quantitative information on the processivity of CBHs is available. Here, we developed a method for measuring cellulase processivity. Sensitive fluorescence detection of enzyme-generated insoluble reducing groups on cellulose after labeling with diaminopyridine enabled quantification of the number of reducing-end exo-mode and endo-mode initiations. Both CBHs TrCel7A from Trichoderma reesei and PcCel7D from Phanerochaete chrysosporium employed reducing-end exo- and endo-mode initiation in parallel. Processivity values measured for TrCel7A and PcCel7D on cellulose hydrolysis were more than an order of magnitude lower than the values of intrinsic processivity that were found from the ratio of catalytic constant (k(cat)) and dissociation rate constant (k(off)). We propose that the length of the obstacle-free path available for a processive run on cellulose chain limits the processivity of CBHs on cellulose. TrCel7A and PcCel7D differed in their k(off) values, whereas the k(cat) values were similar. Furthermore, the k(off) values for endoglucanases (EGs) were much higher than the k(off) values for CBHs, whereas the k(cat) values for EGs and CBHs were within the same order of magnitude. These results suggest that the value of k(off) may be the primary target for the selection of cellulases.  相似文献   
The abundance and biomass of ciliates, rotifers, cladocerans and copepods were studied in Lake Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärv, both of which are shallow, turbid and large. Our hypothesis was that in a large shallow eutrophic lake, the ciliates could be the most important zooplankton group. The mean metazooplankton biomass was higher in Peipsi than in Võrtsjärv (mean values and SD, 1.8 ± 0.7 and 1.3 ± 0.6 mg WM l?1). In Peipsi, the metazooplankton biomass was dominated by filtrators that feed on large-sized phytoplankton and are characteristic of oligo-mesotrophic waters. In Võrtsjärv, the metazooplankton was dominated by species characteristic of eutrophic waters. The planktonic ciliates in both lakes were dominated by oligotrichs. The biomass of ciliates was much greater in Võrtsjärv (mean 2.3 ± 1.4 mg WM l?1) than in Peipsi (0.1 ± 0.08 mg WM l?1). Ciliates formed about 60% of the total zooplankton biomass in Võrtsjärv but only 6% in Peipsi. Thus, the food chains in the two lakes differ: a grazing food chain in Peipsi and a detrital food-chain in Võrtsjärv. Consequently, top-down control of phytoplankton can be assumed to be much more important in Peipsi than in Võrtsjärv. When the detrital food chain prevails, the planktonic ciliates become the most important zooplankton group in shallow, eutrophic and large lake. Neglecting protozooplankton can result in serious underestimates of total zooplankton biomass since two-thirds of the zooplankton biomass in Võrtsjärv comprises ciliates.  相似文献   
Polymerase γ is solely responsible for fast and faithful replication of the mitochondrial genome. High processivity of the polymerase γ is often achieved by association of the catalytic subunit with accessory factors that enhance its catalytic activity and/or DNA binding. Here we characterize the intrinsic catalytic activity and processivity of the recombinant catalytic subunit of yeast polymerase γ, the Mip1 protein. We demonstrate that Mip1 can efficiently synthesize DNA stretches of up to several thousand nucleotides without dissociation from the template. Furthermore, we show that Mip1 can perform DNA synthesis on double-stranded templates utilizing a strand displacement mechanism. Our observations confirm that in contrast to its homologues in other organisms, Mip1 can function as a single-subunit replicative polymerase.  相似文献   
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