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Organization of immune responses requires exchange of information between cells. This is achieved through either direct cell–cell contacts and establishment of temporary synapses or the release of soluble factors, such as cytokines and chemokines. Here we show a novel form of cell‐to‐cell communication based on adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP released by stimulated T cells induces P2X4/P2X7‐mediated calcium waves in the neighboring lymphocytes. Our data obtained in lymph node slices suggest that, during T‐cell priming, ATP acts as a paracrine messenger to reduce the motility of lymphocytes and that this may be relevant to allow optimal tissue scanning by T cells.  相似文献   
Nephropathy caused by poliomavirus (BKVAN) in transplant recipients is responsible for the loss of the transplanted organ. In this study we suggest a non-invasive diagnostic protocol for the early identification of BKVAN during follow-up treatments. In 117 kidney transplant recipients follow-up was performed every three months during a two year period after transplantation and a positive screening result was confirmed and assessed by quantitative assays (BKV DNA load in plasma and urine). The definitive diagnosis of BKV requires allograft biopsy. Of the 117 patients 4 had BKVAN (3.4%), and the consequential reduction of immunosuppression improved kidney function and plasma clearance of the virus was achieved.  相似文献   
Membrane-bound nitrate reductase from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus 617 can be solubilized in either of two ways that will ultimately determine the presence or absence of the small (Ι) subunit. The enzyme complex (NarGHI) is composed of three subunits with molecular masses of 130, 65, and 20 kDa. This enzyme contains approximately 14 Fe, 0.8 Mo, and 1.3 molybdopterin guanine dinucleotides per enzyme molecule. Curiously, one heme b and 0.4 heme c per enzyme molecule have been detected. These hemes were potentiometrically characterized by optical spectroscopy at pH 7.6 and two noninteracting species were identified with respective midpoint potentials at E m = +197 mV (heme c) and −4.5 mV (heme b). Variable-temperature (4–120 K) X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies performed on both as-isolated and dithionite-reduced nitrate reductase showed, respectively, an EPR signal characteristic of a [3Fe–4S]+ cluster and overlapping signals associated with at least three types of [4Fe–4S]+ centers. EPR of the as-isolated enzyme shows two distinct pH-dependent Mo(V) signals with hyperfine coupling to a solvent-exchangeable proton. These signals, called “low-pH” and “high-pH,” changed to a pH-independent Mo(V) signal upon nitrate or nitrite addition. Nitrate addition to dithionite-reduced samples at pH 6 and 7.6 yields some of the EPR signals described above and a new rhombic signal that has no hyperfine structure. The relationship between the distinct EPR-active Mo(V) species and their plausible structures is discussed on the basis of the structural information available to date for closely related membrane-bound nitrate reductases. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Stoichiometry of soil enzyme activity at global scale   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Extracellular enzymes are the proximate agents of organic matter decomposition and measures of these activities can be used as indicators of microbial nutrient demand. We conducted a global-scale meta-analysis of the seven-most widely measured soil enzyme activities, using data from 40 ecosystems. The activities of beta-1,4-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase and phosphatase g(-1) soil increased with organic matter concentration; leucine aminopeptidase, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities showed no relationship. All activities were significantly related to soil pH. Specific activities, i.e. activity g(-1) soil organic matter, also varied in relation to soil pH for all enzymes. Relationships with mean annual temperature (MAT) and precipitation (MAP) were generally weak. For hydrolases, ratios of specific C, N and P acquisition activities converged on 1 : 1 : 1 but across ecosystems, the ratio of C : P acquisition was inversely related to MAP and MAT while the ratio of C : N acquisition increased with MAP. Oxidative activities were more variable than hydrolytic activities and increased with soil pH. Our analyses indicate that the enzymatic potential for hydrolyzing the labile components of soil organic matter is tied to substrate availability, soil pH and the stoichiometry of microbial nutrient demand. The enzymatic potential for oxidizing the recalcitrant fractions of soil organic material, which is a proximate control on soil organic matter accumulation, is most strongly related to soil pH. These trends provide insight into the biogeochemical processes that create global patterns in ecological stoichiometry and organic matter storage.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma is a highly heterogeneous aggressive primary brain tumor, with the glioma stem‐like cells (GSC) being more sensitive to cytotoxic lymphocyte‐mediated killing than glioma differentiated cells (GDC). However, the mechanism behind this higher sensitivity is unclear. Here, we found that the mitochondrial morphology of GSCs modulates the ER–mitochondria contacts that regulate the surface expression of sialylated glycans and their recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. GSCs displayed diminished ER–mitochondria contacts compared to GDCs. Forced ER–mitochondria contacts in GSCs increased their cell surface expression of sialylated glycans and reduced their susceptibility to cytotoxic lymphocytes. Therefore, mitochondrial morphology and dynamism dictate the ER–mitochondria contacts in order to regulate the surface expression of certain glycans and thus play a role in GSC recognition and elimination by immune effector cells. Targeting the mitochondrial morphology, dynamism, and contacts with the ER could be an innovative strategy to deplete the cancer stem cell compartment to successfully treat glioblastoma.  相似文献   
The present study explores the role of the meteorological variability in the pollen production and the timing of the airborne pollen season by analysis of the correlation between precipitation, insolation and temperature and the main standardised airborne pollen parameters of 22 taxa collected at 6 localities in Catalonia (NE Spain). The pollen parameters included in the study were: Annual Pollen Integral and the Start, End and Length of the Main Pollen Season. Considering that the Main Pollen Season of most of the taxa in Catalonia lasts from spring to summer or autumn, correlations between the pollen parameters and winter (from December to March) values of meteorological variables were calculated. Correlations between Monthly Pollen Integral and monthly values of the meteorological variables were also calculated. The results obtained report the synchronism registered in the variations of pollen concentration with precipitation (negative), insolation (positive) and temperature (positive). Temperature was the meteorological variable that showed a greater influence in the pollen production and the timing of the pollen season, being insolation the least one. The Start of the Main Pollen Season was the pollen parameter more correlated with the meteorological variables, especially with winter temperatures.  相似文献   
A novel 44-kDa gene product (D123) has been proposed as necessary for S-phase entry of the cell cycle: a point mutation resulted in a temperature-sensitive arrest in G1-phase. From human fibrosarcoma cDNA library, we have isolated an identical gene and studied its sequence and mRNA and protein expression. Compared withD123,three nucleotide differences within the human coding sequence, plus others, result in a change of two amino acids. A partial sequence similarity has been found with a yeast gene of unknown function. The protein has several potential phosphorylation sites, is highly hydrophilic, and may be highly structured in α-helix. The mRNA is abundantly expressed by a variety of normal and transformed cells and by all tissues examined, being most highly expressed in testis. Specific antibodies, raised against a rhD123 polypeptide, recognize a major 42- to 44-kDa molecule in crude extract of various human cell lines. Immunohistochemistry reveals that D123 protein is not homogeneously expressed: it is detected, often in granular vescicles, in the cytoplasm of some epithelial, stromal, and sperm cells and in varicosities lining nervous fibers, while it appears to be absent in nuclei, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. The precise link between cytoplasmic occurrence of D123 and cell cycle progression still remains to be clarified.  相似文献   
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that people who eat more fruits and vegetables (rich in carotenoids) and people who have higher serum beta-carotene (BC) levels have a lower risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer. However, the two main human intervention studies of BC supplementation (the ATBC and the CARET trials) revealed an increased risk of lung cancer among smokers and asbestos workers. Previous studies carried out in the ferret have reported that BC effects are related to dose. Here, we treated ferrets with two concentrations of oral BC (0.8 and 3.2 mg/kg body weight per day) for 6 months, using BC in a formulation also containing dl-alpha-tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate. The effect of the smoke-derived carcinogenic agent benzo[a]pyrene (BP), with or without low-dose BC, was also analysed. We determined the protein levels and mRNA expression levels of activator protein 1 (c-Jun and c-Fos), c-Myc, cyclin D1, proliferating cellular nuclear antigen and retinoic acid receptor beta. We did not find higher levels of cell proliferation markers in the lung of ferrets treated with BC or signals of squamous metaplasia lesions either. On the other hand, although no evident signals of pulmonary carcinogenesis were observed in animals exposed to BP, BC supplementation in these animals may prevent against excess cell proliferation, since this reestablishes Jun protein and cyclin D1 mRNA levels in the lung of BP-exposed animals. In summary, these results show that the combination of BC with alpha-tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate does not induce pro-oxidant effects in the lung of ferrets.  相似文献   
Current knowledge about the effects of vanadium compounds on erythropoiesis is still reduced and even contradictory. The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vivo effects of a single dose of sodium orthovanadate (OV, 33 mg/kg i.p.) on CF-1 mice in a time course study (0-8 days). Murine erythropoiesis was assessed through a combinatory of experimental approaches. Classical peripheral and bone marrow (BM) hematological parameters were determined. Erythroid maturation in blood stream and hemopoietic tissues (59Fe uptake assays), BM erythroid progenitor frequency (clonogenic assays) and erythroid crucial protein expressions for commitment and survival: GATA-1, erythropoietin receptor (Epo-R) and Bcl-xL (immunoblottings) were evaluated. Neither BM cellularities nor BM viabilities changed noticeably during the study. Peripheral reticulocytes showed a biphasic increment on days 2 and 8 post-OV. hematocrits enhanced transiently between days 2 and 4. 59Fe uptake percentages enhanced in peripheral blood nearly two-fold over control values between 4 and 8 days (p<0.01) without changes in BM and spleen. Additionally, mature erythroid BM compartments: polychromatophilic erythroblasts and orthochromatic normoblasts increased by the eighth day. BFU-E colonies remained near basal values during the whole experience, whilst CFU-E colonies raised 60% over control at 8 days post-OV (p<0.05). GATA-1 and Epo-R were significantly over-expressed from the third until the end of the experimental protocol (p<0.01). Surprisingly, Bcl-xL showed a constitutive expression pattern without changes during the experience. Experimental data let us suggest that OV does not to cause bone marrow cytotoxicity and that it accelerates maturation of BM committed erythroid precursors. Moreover, there are significant correlations among erythroid-related protein expressions: GATA-1 and Epo-R and the frequency of CFU-E. In addition, Bcl-xL expression invariance during the time course study would indicate that the stimulatory effect of OV treatment on erythropoiesis was mainly exerted on the maturation of red cell precursors rather than on the antiapoptosis of erythroid terminal progenitors.  相似文献   
The involvement of clathrin and associated adaptor proteins in receptor recycling from endosomes back to the plasma membrane is controversial. We have used an in vitro assay to identify the molecular requirements for the formation of recycling vesicles. Cells expressing the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1, a typical recycling receptor, were surface biotinylated and then allowed to endocytose for 10 min. After stripping away surface-biotin, the cells were permeabilized and the cytosol washed away. In a temperature-, cytosol-, and nucleotide-dependent manner, the formation of sealed vesicles containing biotinylated H1 could be reconstituted. Vesicle formation was strongly inhibited upon immunodepletion of adaptor protein (AP)-1, but not of AP-2 or AP-3, from the cytosol, and was restored by readdition of purified AP-1. Vesicle formation was stimulated by supplemented clathrin, but inhibited by brefeldin A, consistent with the involvement of ARF1 and a brefeldin-sensitive guanine nucleotide exchange factor. The GTPase rab4, but not rab5, was required to generate endosome-derived vesicles. Depletion of rabaptin-5/rabex-5, a known interactor of both rab4 and gamma-adaptin, stimulated and addition of the purified protein strongly inhibited vesicle production. The results indicate that recycling is mediated by AP-1/clathrin-coated vesicles and regulated by rab4 and rabaptin-5/rabex-5.  相似文献   
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