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Trisomy 8     
Summary Trisomy 8, in mosaic or non-mosaic form is an extremely rare chromosomal condition in man. Liveborn subjects usually present with mental retardation, bone and joint anomalies and a variety of other physical anomalies. The mental retardation associated with the condition is, however, usually moderate compared to that found in other viable human autosomal trisomic conditions. The present report describes a trisomy 8 mosaic male subject with normal IQ and near-normal phenotype, ascertained through infertility. Chromosome studies on peripheral blood lymphocytes reveal a pure trisomy 8 constitution; cultured skin fibroblasts show 46,XY/47,XY+8 mosaicism. At meiosis, the extra No. 8 chromosome is missing from the germ line. The testicular histology indicates a germ cell maturation arrest in many spermatocytes and the patient is severely oligospermic. Biochemical studies to assay levels of glutathione reductase, a red cell enzyme, the gene for which resides in chromosome 8, show increased levels in the trisomy 8 patient compared with controls.  相似文献   
Two residues have been shown to be critical for the kinase activity of the receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF): lysine-721, which functions in the binding of ATP by correctly positioning the γ-phosphate for phosphoryl transfer, and aspartate-813, which functions as the catalytic base of the kinase. Mutation of either of these two residues has been shown to disrupt kinase activity of the receptor. However, studies performed in different laboratories had suggested that while EGF receptors mutated at lysine-721 are unable to stimulate significant increases of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in response to EGF treatment, cells expressing EGF receptors mutated at aspartate-813 do stimulate significant incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA in response to EGF. In the present study, EGF receptors mutated at lysine-721 or aspartate-813 (K721R and D813A, respectively), as well as wild-type EGF receptors, were expressed in the same cellular background, Chinese hamster ovary cells, and side-by-side experiments were performed to investigate possible signaling-related differences. Our results indicate that while there are measurable differences in the abilities of the two mutant receptors to stimulate [3H]thymidine incorporation between 20 and 24 h after addition of EGF, these differences cannot be correlated with significant differences in EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of mutant EGF receptor and endogenous ErbB2, the extent of receptor internalization, EGF-stimulated ion uptake, stimulation of SHC activity, or receptor association with Grb2. Flow cytometric data suggest that populations of cells expressing either kinase-impaired mutant EGF receptor progress similarly into S phase in response to addition of EGF. These observations suggest that D813A and K721R retain similar ability to stimulate mitogenic signaling events through transactivation of ErbB2 with only subtle temporal differences, and they emphasize the importance of expressing mutant receptors in an identical cellular context to make valid comparisons of functions.  相似文献   


Plasmodium malariae is a slow-growing parasite with a wide geographic distribution. Although generally regarded as a benign cause of malaria, it has been associated with nephrotic syndrome, particularly in young children, and can persist in the host for years. Morbidity associated with P. malariae infection has received relatively little attention, and the risk of P. malariae-associated nephrotic syndrome is unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used data from a very large hospital-based surveillance system incorporating information on clinical diagnoses, blood cell parameters and treatment to describe the demographic distribution, morbidity and mortality associated with P. malariae infection in southern Papua, Indonesia. Between April 2004 and December 2013 there were 1,054,674 patient presentations to Mitra Masyarakat Hospital of which 196,380 (18.6%) were associated with malaria and 5,097 were with P. malariae infection (constituting 2.6% of all malaria cases). The proportion of malaria cases attributable to P. malariae increased with age from 0.9% for patients under one year old to 3.1% for patients older than 15 years. Overall, 8.5% of patients with P. malariae infection required admission to hospital and the median length of stay for these patients was 2.5 days (Interquartile Range: 2.0–4.0 days). Patients with P. malariae infection had a lower mean hemoglobin concentration (9.0g/dL) than patients with P. falciparum (9.5g/dL), P. vivax (9.6g/dL) and mixed species infections (9.3g/dL). There were four cases of nephrotic syndrome recorded in patients with P. malariae infection, three of which were in children younger than 5 years old, giving a risk in this age group of 0.47% (95% Confidence Interval; 0.10% to 1.4%). Overall, 2.4% (n = 16) of patients hospitalized with P. malariae infection subsequently died in hospital, similar to the proportions for the other endemic Plasmodium species (range: 0% for P. ovale to 1.6% for P. falciparum).


Plasmodium malariae infection is relatively uncommon in Papua, Indonesia but is associated with significant morbidity from anemia and a similar risk of mortality to patients hospitalized with P. falciparum and P. vivax infection. In our large hospital database, one in 200 children under the age of 5 years with P. malariae infection were recorded as having nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) has a small genome (2C = 1.90 pg of DNA) packaged in 2n = 2x = 24 small acrocentric to metacentric chromosomes. Like the chromosomes of other members of the family Solanaceae, tomato chromosomes have pericentromeric heterochromatin. To determine the fraction of the tomato genome found in euchromatin versus heterochromatin, we stained pachytene chromosomes from primary microsporocytes with Feulgen and analyzed them by densitometry and image analysis. In association with previously published synaptonemal complex karyotype data for tomato, our results indicate that 77% of the tomato microsporocyte genome is located in heterochromatin and 23% is found in euchromatin. If heterochromatin is assumed to contain few active genes, then the functional genes of the tomato must be concentrated in an effective genome of only 0.22 pg of DNA (1C = 0.95 pg x 0.23 = 0.22 pg). The physical segregation of euchromatin and heterochromatin in tomato chromosomes coupled with the small effective genome size suggests that tomato may be a more useful subject for chromosome walking and gene mapping studies than would be predicted based on its genome size alone. Key words : tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, genome size, heterochromatin, euchromatin, pachytene chromosomes, synaptonemal complex.  相似文献   
In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, millions of new telomeres are synthesized by telomerase and polymerase alpha-primase during macronuclear development in mated cells. Concomitant with de novo telomere formation, telomerase assembles into higher-order complexes of 550 kDa, 1,600 kDa, and 5 MDa. We show here that telomerase is physically associated with the lagging-strand replication machinery in these complexes. Antibodies against DNA primase precipitated telomerase activity from all three complexes from mated cells but not the 280-kDa telomerase complex from vegetatively growing cells. Moreover, when telomerase was affinity purified, primase copurified with enzyme from mated cells but not with the 280-kDa vegetative complex. Thus, the association of telomerase and primase is developmentally regulated. Intriguingly, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) was also found in the 5-MDa complex from mated cells. We therefore speculate that this complex is a complete telomere synthesis machine, while the smaller complexes are assembly intermediates. The physical association of telomerase and primase explains the coordinate regulation of telomeric G- and C-strand synthesis and the efficiency of telomere addition in E. crassus.  相似文献   
The aim of this investigation was to exploit the vast comparative data generated by comparative genome hybridization (CGH) studies of Campylobacter jejuni in developing a genotyping method. We examined genes in C. jejuni that exhibit binary status (present or absent between strains) within known plasticity regions, in order to identify a minimal subset of gene targets that provide high-resolution genetic fingerprints. Using CGH data from three studies as input, binary gene sets were identified with “Minimum SNPs” software. “Minimum SNPs” selects for the minimum number of targets required to obtain a predefined resolution, based on Simpson's index of diversity (D). After implementation of stringent criteria for gene presence/absence, eight binary genes were found that provided 100% resolution (D = 1) of 20 C. jejuni strains. A real-time PCR assay was developed and tested on 181 C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolates, a subset of which have previously been characterized by multilocus sequence typing, flaA short variable region sequencing, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In addition to the binary gene real-time PCR assay, we refined the seven-member single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) real-time PCR assay previously described for C. jejuni and C. coli. By normalizing the SNP assay with the respective C. jejuni and C. coli ubiquitous genes, mapA and ceuE, the polymorphisms at each SNP could be determined without separate reactions for every polymorphism. We have developed and refined a rapid, highly discriminatory genotyping method for C. jejuni and C. coli that uses generic technology and is amenable to high-throughput analyses.  相似文献   
Price MN  Dehal PS  Arkin AP 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3589


All-versus-all BLAST, which searches for homologous pairs of sequences in a database of proteins, is used to identify potential orthologs, to find new protein families, and to provide rapid access to these homology relationships. As DNA sequencing accelerates and data sets grow, all-versus-all BLAST has become computationally demanding.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We present FastBLAST, a heuristic replacement for all-versus-all BLAST that relies on alignments of proteins to known families, obtained from tools such as PSI-BLAST and HMMer. FastBLAST avoids most of the work of all-versus-all BLAST by taking advantage of these alignments and by clustering similar sequences. FastBLAST runs in two stages: the first stage identifies additional families and aligns them, and the second stage quickly identifies the homologs of a query sequence, based on the alignments of the families, before generating pairwise alignments. On 6.53 million proteins from the non-redundant Genbank database (“NR”), FastBLAST identifies new families 25 times faster than all-versus-all BLAST. Once the first stage is completed, FastBLAST identifies homologs for the average query in less than 5 seconds (8.6 times faster than BLAST) and gives nearly identical results. For hits above 70 bits, FastBLAST identifies 98% of the top 3,250 hits per query.


FastBLAST enables research groups that do not have supercomputers to analyze large protein sequence data sets. FastBLAST is open source software and is available at http://microbesonline.org/fastblast.  相似文献   
Infection of Bacillus subtilis by PBS2 phage, whose DNA contains uracil instead of thymine, is relatively unaffected by low concentrations of nalidixic acid which severely inhibit B. subtilis DNA synthesis. High concentrations of nalidixic acid do inhibit PBS2 DNA synthesis, but more severely reduce the burst size of PBS2 infections. Hydroxyurea blocks PBS2 DNA synthesis, preventing progeny phage production.  相似文献   
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