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Development of larvae of the cestode parasite Taenia taeniaeformis in the liver of rats induces gross hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa and excessive mucus production in the stomach without any direct contact with the stomach. Because the taeniid larvae are known to elaborate excretory-secretory (E-S) product in vivo and in vitro, the product was analyzed further, and its effects on cultured rat and dog stomach cells were investigated. In vitro E-S product contained less negatively charged glycosaminoglycan than either heparin or chondroitin sulfate, and proteins of various molecular weights. It stimulated the growth of both rat and dog stomach cells at concentrations of 3-9 micrograms protein/ml culture medium. At a concentration of 30 micrograms protein/ml culture medium, it stimulated hexosamine production in the cells up to 20 times, and multiple intracytoplasmic granules were found in both rat and dog cultured cells by light and electron microscopy. These results suggest that larval E-S product may be involved in the induction of gastric hyperplasia and hypermucus secretion.  相似文献   
Reduction of the bis-pilocarpate-haemin complex at pH greater than or equal to 10 involves the simultaneous uptake of an electron by the Fe(III) ion and a proton by the pendant alkoxide group of an axial ligand. This provides a protein-free model for reactions such as the proton-coupled reduction of cytochromes which involve cooperative Coulombic interaction between two non-bonded sites.  相似文献   
Populations of Periplaneta americana (L.) were exposed for 8–20 week periods in specially designed rooms to 254 nm UV at low intensity (50–115 ergs sec–1cm–2), high intensity (160–220 ergs sec–1cm–2), or to white light. The rooms contained tables and chairs to simulate occupied space, with food and water placed in positions exposed to UV radiation. General irradiation (where the whole room was exposed to UV) at 115 ergs sec–1cm–2 and above was effective in producing high mortality in all stages except 8–10th instar nymphs and adults. Hot-spots irradiation (where UV lamps were placed behind table and chair harborages) produced high mortality only in 1 st-3rd instar nymphs which would result in slower elimination of a population. Crude aggregation pheromone was not successful in holding cockroaches close to radiation sources or substantially increasing mortality under the conditions of the experiments.
Zusammenfassung Populationen von Periplaneta americana (L.), die hinsichtlich ihrer Alterszusammensetzung (2.–3.; 5–6.; 8.–10. und adultes Stadium) und der Anzahlen in jedem Stadium festgelegt waren, wurden für 8–20 Wochenperioden in speziell dafür entworfenen Räumen einer 254 nm UV-Bestrahlung mit geringer (50–115 erg sec–1cm–2) oder hoher (160–220 erg sec–1cm–2) Intensität oder weißem Licht (als Kontrolle) ausgesetzt. Die Räume enthielten Tische und Stühle, um bewohnten Raum mit natürlichen Zufluchtsstätten mit Nahrung und Wasser an Stellen, die der UV-Bestrahlung unterlagen, zu simulieren. Ganzraumbestrahlung mit 115 erg sec–1cm–2 und darüber erzeugte hohe Mortalität bei 1.–3. und 5.–6.-Larvenstadien, örtliche Bestrahlung (UV-Lampen hinter Tisch- und Stuhl-Zufluchtsstätten) dagegen nur beim 1.–3.-Stadium, was zu einer langsameren Ausrottung einer Population führen würde. Ungereinigtes Aggregationspheromon als Zusatz, um Schaben dicht an die UV-Quellen zu locken und sie hier zu halten, war offenbar unwirksam, da eben die Mortalität nicht signifikant zunahm. Dieses Versagen war in erster Linie auf die Konkurrenz mit der Fülle von natürlichem Pheromon, das von den gewohnten Zufluchtsstätten ausging, zurückzuführen, verbunden mit der dem UV-Licht innewohnenden Abschreckung. Dennoch darf man annehmen, daß UV-Bestrahlung einen bedeutsamen Wert für die Verhinderung eines Populationswachstums (durch Ausschalten junger Larvenstadien) besitzt, besonders dort, wo chemische Bekämpfung aus Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsgründen oder wegen gesetzlichen Einschränkungen nur begrenzt möglich ist.
Ubiquitinated proteins are degraded by a 26 S ATP-dependent protease. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the purified 26 S enzyme reveals more than 20 polypeptides ranging in apparent molecular masses from 20 to 110 kDa. Although many of the subunits smaller than 30 kDa are members of the multicatalytic protease family, the identity and function of the larger polypeptides have remained unknown. We report here the cDNA sequence for subunit 4, a 51-kDa chain of the 26 S protease. Subunit 4 belongs to a recently identified eukaryotic ATPase family, which includes proteins involved in peroxisome formation, secretion, and human immunodeficiency virus gene expression. Subunit 4 also shows weak similarity to ClpA, the ATP-binding subunit of the Escherichia coli protease, Clp.  相似文献   
After dissociation of cytosolic heteromeric glucocorticoid receptor complexes by steroid, salt, and other methods, only 35-60% of the dissociated receptors can bind to DNA-cellulose. The DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding forms of the dissociated receptors have the same Mr and are phosphorylated to the same extent (Tienrungroj, W., Sanchez, E. R., Housley, P. R., Harrison, R. W., and Pratt, W. B. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 17347-17349). The basis for the different DNA-binding activities is unknown, but the DNA-binding fraction of the receptor has a more basic pI than the non-DNA-binding fraction (Smith, A. C., Elsasser, M. S., and Harmon, J. M. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 13285-13292). We have separated the non-DNA-binding state of the receptor from the DNA-binding state and then cleaved it with trypsin and chymotrypsin. We find that the 15-kDa tryptic fragment derived from the non-DNA-binding state of the dissociated receptor is fully competent in binding DNA, whereas the 42-kDa chymotryptic fragment containing both the hormone-binding and DNA-binding domains does not bind DNA. Trypsin cleavage of the molybdate-stabilized untransformed receptor also yields a 15-kDa fragment that is fully competent in binding DNA. Reducing agents do not restore DNA-binding to the non-DNA-binding fraction of the receptor and the hormone-binding domain can be separated from the DNA-binding domain on nonreducing gel electrophoresis. These results argue that the two domains are not linked by disulfide bridges, and they are consistent with the proposal that there are two least energy states of folding after dissociation of hsp90. A significant portion of the receptors is "misfolded" in such a manner that the steroid binding domain is directly preventing DNA-binding activity.  相似文献   
We determined the role of specific thrombin "exosites" in the mechanism of inhibition by the plasma serine proteinase inhibitors heparin cofactor II (HC) and antithrombin (AT) in the absence and presence of a glycosaminoglycan by comparing the inhibition of alpha-thrombin to epsilon- and gamma T-thrombin (produced by partial proteolysis of alpha-thrombin by elastase and trypsin, respectively). All of the thrombin derivatives were inhibited in a similar manner by AT, either in the absence or presence of heparin, which confirmed the integrity of both heparin binding abilities and serpin reactivities of epsilon- and gamma T-thrombin compared to alpha-thrombin. Antithrombin activities of HC in the absence of a glycosaminoglycan with alpha-, epsilon, and gamma T-thrombin were similar with rate constants of 3.5, 2.4, and 1.2 x 10(4) M-1 min-1, respectively. Interestingly, in the presence of glycosaminoglycans the maximal inhibition rate constants by HC with heparin and dermatan sulfate, respectively, were as follows: 30.0 x 10(7) and 60.5 x 10(7) for alpha-thrombin, 14.6 x 10(7) and 24.3 x 10(7) for epsilon-thrombin, and 0.017 x 10(7) and 0.034 x 10(7) M-1 min-1 for gamma T-thrombin. A hirudin carboxyl-terminal peptide, which binds to anion-binding exosite-I of alpha-thrombin, dramatically reduced alpha-thrombin inhibition by HC in the presence of heparin but not in its absence. We analyzed our results in relation to the recently determined x-ray structure of D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethyl ketone-alpha-thrombin (Bode, W., Mayr, I., Baumann, U., Huber, R., Stone, S. R., and Hofsteenge, J. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 3467-3475). Our results suggest that the beta-loop region of anion-binding exosite-I in alpha-thrombin, which is not present in gamma T-thrombin, is essential for the rapid inhibition reaction by HC in the presence of a glycosaminoglycan. Therefore, alpha-thrombin and its derivatives would be recognized and inhibited differently by HC and AT in the presence of a glycosaminoglycan.  相似文献   
The subcellular location of taurine, and its precursor, hypotaurine, within human neutrophils has been examined by nitrogen cavitation, Percoll-gradient centrifugation and HPLC analysis. Hypotaurine and taurine were found to reside within the cytosolic compartment of the cell. The ratio of taurine to hypotaurine is approx 50:1. The cytosolic concentration of taurine is approx. 50 mM. The concentration of hypotaurine decreased by 80% when resting neutrophils were converted into actively respiring cells by exposure to opsonized zymosan. These results prompted in vitro studies on the antioxidant properties of hypotaurine. We demonstrate by EPR spectroscopy that hypotaurine competes with 5,5'-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide) (DMPO) for hydroxyl radicals, and that it is the sulfinyl group which confers hydroxyl radical scavenging activity to it. Following its exposure to hydroxyl radicals, two oxidation products were isolated by HPLC, one of which has been identified as taurine. The biological roles of hypotaurine and taurine in the neutrophil are discussed with respect to their antioxidant properties and subcellular location within the cell.  相似文献   
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