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Olivibacter sitiensis Ntougias et al. 2007 is a member of the family Sphingobacteriaceae, phylum Bacteroidetes. Members of the genus Olivibacter are phylogenetically diverse and of significant interest. They occur in diverse habitats, such as rhizosphere and contaminated soils, viscous wastes, composts, biofilter clean-up facilities on contaminated sites and cave environments, and they are involved in the degradation of complex and toxic compounds. Here we describe the features of O. sitiensis AW-6T, together with the permanent-draft genome sequence and annotation. The organism was sequenced under the Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA) project at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and is the first genome sequence of a species within the genus Olivibacter. The genome is 5,053,571 bp long and is comprised of 110 scaffolds with an average GC content of 44.61%. Of the 4,565 genes predicted, 4,501 were protein-coding genes and 64 were RNA genes. Most protein-coding genes (68.52%) were assigned to a putative function. The identification of 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase/2-oxohepta-3-ene-1,7-dioic acid hydratase-coding genes indicates involvement of this organism in the catechol catabolic pathway. In addition, genes encoding for β-1,4-xylanases and β-1,4-xylosidases reveal the xylanolytic action of O. sitiensis.  相似文献   
Entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into cells is mediated by the virion surface envelope (Env) glycoproteins, making it a desirable target for antiretroviral entry inhibitors. We previously isolated a family of gp120 binding RNA aptamers and showed that they neutralized the infectivity of HIV-1. In this study, we assessed the activity of a shortened synthetic derivative of the B40 aptamer, called UCLA1, against a large panel of HIV-1 subtype C viruses. UCLA1 tightly bound to a consensus HIV-1 subtype C gp120 and neutralized isolates of the same subtype with 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)s) in the nanomolar range. The aptamer had little toxicity in tests with cell lines and primary cells. Furthermore, it exhibited high therapeutic indices, suggesting that it may be effective at very low doses. Mapping of UCLA1 binding sites on gp120 revealed eight amino acid residues that modulated neutralization resistance. This included residues within the coreceptor binding site, at the base of the V3 loop, and in the bridging sheet within the conserved V1/V2 stem-loop of gp120. The aptamer was also shown to have synergistic effects with T20, a gp41 fusion inhibitor, and IgG1b12 (b12), an anti-CD4 binding site monoclonal antibody. These results suggest that UCLA1 may be suitable for development as a potent HIV-1 entry inhibitor.  相似文献   
We sought to develop a rat model of cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) that created cotinine serum levels comparable to those of smokers and induced conditioned place preference (CPP) suggestive of cigarette smoke abuse liability. Rats were exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke delivered semicontinuously for 2 periods of 20 (group S20), 40 (group S40), or 60 (group S60) min daily for 12 wk. Serum cotinine concentration in blood samples was determined at 1 and 20 h after CSE. A biased (black versus white chamber) CPP paradigm was used. In the high CSE group (group S60), serum cotinine at 1 h (250 to 300 ng/mL) was comparable to average cotinine levels reported for addicted smokers (around 300 ng/mL). Cotinine levels at 20 h after CSE were higher than the smoker–nonsmoker cut-off value (greater than 14 ng/mL) in all smoking groups, with the S60 group having the highest levels. All rats preferred the black chamber to the white chamber during the preexposure CPP test. The time spent in the white chamber was increased compared with 0-wk values in group S40 at 8 wk, group S60 at 4 and 8 wk, and the control group at 4 and 8 wk but not at 12 wk; however, the shift in CPP was significantly higher at 8 wk in group S60 compared with other groups. In conclusion, interrupted 2-h daily CSE for 8 wk induced serum cotinine levels in rats comparable to those of smokers and induced CPP suggestive of cigarette smoke abuse liability.Abbreviations: CPP, conditioned place preference; CSE, cigarette smoke exposureThe devastating consequences of smoking on health have been studied extensively in numerous clinical and animal studies over time. This chronic habit leads to dependence on tobacco smoke, with nicotine, a main active ingredient of tobacco products, being recognized as the basic addictive substance.32The known health benefits of smoking cessation motivate smokers to quit tobacco use. However, unaided efforts usually are unsuccessful, resulting in smoking relapse. The fight against nicotine addiction may be undermined by potential weight gain after smoking cessation, potentially discouraging those attempting to quit smoking and contributing to relapse. During the past few years, research has been focused on 2 main areas of interest toward this direction: understanding the underlying biologic mechanisms related to nicotine addiction to effectively design therapeutic strategies to support those who wish to quit smoking and investigating the hormonal and molecular mechanisms responsible for weight gain after smoking cessation.So far, animal models used to study the consequences of smoking cessation involved the administration of nicotine as a sole agent until addiction was achieved.23 However, nicotine-administration models do not completely represent the toxic and addictive effects of cigarette smoke, given that smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals whose actions or coactions have not been thoroughly evaluated yet.1 Cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) animal models have been used in studies investigating the metabolic changes conferred by smoking10-12 but not in those after its cessation. In toxicity studies, animals are exposed to tobacco smoke for various periods, which depend on the side effect under investigation.18,25,27 Smoke exposure timetables usually do not involve weekends for practical reasons, and addiction of animals to tobacco smoke is not assessed in current models.In our opinion, an ideal animal model of cigarette smoke abuse liability suitable for the study of smoking cessation resembles the clinical situation in terms of chronic daily inhalation of cigarette smoke sufficient to attain blood nicotine levels comparable to those of smokers and in cessation of the CSE period after achieving tobacco smoke abuse liability. In the present project, we sought to establish such a model in rats by defining the daily timetable of CSE to induce serum levels of cotinine, nicotine''s major proximate metabolite, comparable to those of smokers and by determining the minimum total CSE period required to induce abuse liability to cigarette smoke. We assessed the CSE period by using a biased conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm.8  相似文献   
Pinakoulaki E  Varotsis C 《Biochemistry》2003,42(50):14856-14861
Time-resolved resonance Raman (TR(3)) and time-resolved step-scan (TRS(2)) FTIR spectroscopies have been used to probe the structural dynamics at the heme b(3) proximal and distal sites after carbon monoxide photolysis from fully reduced CO-bound nitric oxide reductase. The Raman spectra of the transient species exhibit structural differences relative to the equilibrium geometry of heme b(3). The most significant of these is a shift of 8 cm(-1) to higher frequency of the 207 cm(-1) mode, and a shift of 7 cm(-1) to lower frequency of the nu(4) mode. Our results indicate that the 207 cm(-1) mode observed in the equilibrium-reduced heme b(3) originates from nu(Fe-His). Its behavior in the photolytic transients indicates that the relaxed Fe-His state is not significantly populated. We suggest that relaxation along the tilt angle (theta) of the proximal histidine with respect to the heme plane and the out-of-plane displacement of the Fe (q) are coupled, and ligand binding and dissociation are accompanied by significant changes in the angular orientation of the His ligand. The results are compared to those obtained for the aa(3)-cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans. The results are compared to those obtained for the aa(3)-cytochrome c oxidase from P. denitrificans. The TR(3) and TRS(2) FTIR data demonstrate significant alterations in the nature of the heme-protein dynamics between nitric oxide reductase and heme-copper oxidases resulting from specific structural differences in their respective hemepockets.  相似文献   
Periodontal diseases are localized chronic inflammatory conditions of the gingival and underlying bone and connective tissue. Platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent inflammatory phospholipid mediator that has been previously detected in elevated levels in inflamed gingival tissues, in gingival crevicular fluid and in saliva, is implicated in periodontal disease. Our results from previous studies showed that the biologically active phospholipid detected in gingival crevicular fluid is a hydroxyl-PAF analogue. In this study, hydroxyl-PAF analogue was detected for the first time in human blood derived from patients with chronic periodontitis as well as from periodontally healthy volunteers. The hydroxyl-PAF analogue was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography, detected by biological assays and identified by electrospray analysis. In addition, the quantitative determination of PAF and hydroxyl-PAF analogue (expressed as PAF-like activity) showed a statistically significant increase in the ratio of hydroxyl-PAF analogue levels to PAF levels in periodontal patients, suggesting that this bioactive lipid may play a role in oral inflammation.  相似文献   
The I250ASRYDQL257 synthetic octapeptideof the Leishmania major surface glycoproteingp63, which efficiently inhibits parasite attachmentto the macrophage receptors and mimics antigenicallyand functionally the RGDS sequence of fibronectin, wasstudied by 2D TR-NOESY in the presence of an anti-SRYDmonoclonal antibody (mAbSRYD) that recognizes bothSRYD-containing peptides and the cognate protein onintact parasites. Molecular modeling was performedusing distance constraints obtained from TR-NOEs. Thebound structure was compared with that of the freepeptide in DMSO solution and with the crystalstructure of the RYD fragment of the OPG2 Fab, anantireceptor antibody that mimics an RGD cell adhesion site.  相似文献   
The PPGMRPP sequence, found in several copies in the Sm and U1RNPautoantigens, is the main target of anti-Sm and anti-U1RNP antibodies insystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and mixed connective tissue disease(MCTD) patient's sera. It is also recognized, to a lower extent, byanti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB specificities. The PPGMRPP-NH2peptide amide and the PPGMRPP peptide, which is bound to a pentamericsequential oligopeptide carrier (SOC5), were examined by1H-NMR spectroscopy and ELISA assays, using sera from patientswith autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Among the three main conformers foundfor the free PPGMRPP, the extended one was also identified for PPGMRPP-NH2 and (PPGMRPP)5-SOC5.This can be attributed to the absence of ionic interactions between theArg-guanidinium and the carboxylate group in the amide andSOC5-bound forms of the peptide. Immunoassays using sera fromvarious specificities showed an enhanced anti-Sm and anti-U1RNP recognitionof PPGMRPP-NH2 and(PPGMRPP)5-SOC5, and lowering of the anti-Ro/SSAand anti-La/SSB reactivity. The presence of multiple conformers of freePPGMRPP may explain the unexpected cross-reactivity to the anti-Ro/Lapositive sera, while the prevalence of the extended conformation inPPGMRPP-NH2 and (PPGMRPP)5-SOC5is mainly responsible for the enhanced recognition from the anti-Sm andanti-U1RNP autoantibodies. It is concluded that the antigenic specificity ofPPGMRPP-NH2 and (PPGMRPP)5-SOC5 ismainly induced by conformational changes resulting from the conversion ofthe C-terminal carboxylate group to the amide form.  相似文献   
We present PhyloMeasures, a new software package including both a C++ and R version, that provides very fast computation of popular phylogenetic diversity measures. PhyloMeasures introduces two major advances over existing methods. First, it uses efficient algorithms for calculating basic phylogenetic metrics (such as Faith's PD and the mean pairwise distance, MPD) and two‐sample measures (such as common branch length, CBL, and the unique fraction) that are designed to perform well even on very large trees. Second, it computes exact richness‐standardised versions of these measures (such as the widely used net relatedness index, NRI) by efficiently evaluating analytical expressions for the mean and variance of the basic measures, rather than by the slow and inexact randomization techniques that are the current standard. Together, these lead to massive improvements in performance compared to the current state of the art. For example, running on a standard laptop, PhyloMeasures functions can provide the NRI for 20 samples from a tree of 100 000 tips in about 1.5 s, compared to an estimated 37 d using standard resampling approaches. This will allow analyses on larger data sets than were previously possible.  相似文献   
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