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Changes in oxidative metabolism of hepatopancreas and muscle tissues of penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros was studied, following its exposure to selected organophosphorous insecticides phosphamidon, dichlorovos and methylparathion. The OPI are found to inhibit the activity levels of acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome-c-oxidase and cause accumulation of acetylcholine in the hepatopancreas and muscle tissues. These changes in the activity levels of selected oxidative enzymes during insecticide exposure in these tissues of prawn indicates the shift in the metabolic emphasis from aerobic to anaerobic conditions and is interpreted as a functional adaptation to insecticide induced metabolic stress. These observed changes at cellular level pave way for successful survival of prawns in insecticide polluted environ.  相似文献   
The growth of mustard was increased significantly when treated with up to 80 kg N ha–1 (N80). Spraying with (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammoniumchloride (chlormequat chloride) increased seed yield and seed protein content. Spraying nitrogen fertilized plots with chlormequat chloride, increased leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf area duration, number of siliquae plant–1, number of seeds siliqua–1 and length of siliqua. Reducing, non-reducing and total sugars in the leaves at 80 days after sowing were also affected significantly. Chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were little affected. The number of siliquae plant–1 was highly correlated with seed yield in both the seasons of experimentation. The correlation coefficient value () was 0.586 in 1982/83 and 0.912 in 1983/84.The total accumulation of nutrients, i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in seed and straw was significantly affected by N80 × chlormequat chloride interaction.  相似文献   
Summary Single and multisensor field effect transistors (FET) with a pH-sensitive Si/SiO2/Si3N4/Ta2O5-gate and reference electrode (for single sensor) were developed and used for manufacturing the following biological (Bio)-FETs: for glucose analysis, glucose oxidase-FET (GOD-FET); for urea analysis, urease-FET; and for cephalosporin C analysis, cephalosporinase-FET. The GOD-FETs were integrated into flow injection analysis (FIA) of the Eppendorf variables analyser (EVA) system and used for monitoring the glucose concentration in microbial cultivation and production processes with recombinant Escherichia coli K12 MF, recombinant E. coli JM103, Saccharomyces cerevisiae H620, and Candida boidinii. Urease-FET-FIA was used to monitor the urea concentration in a simulated cultivation of Cephalosporium acremonium and urease-FET-FIA and GOD-FET-FIA for the monitoring of urea and glucose concentrations in simulated S. cerevisiae cultivations.  相似文献   
The relative roles of the two structural aspects of nonenzymic glycation sites of hemoglobin A, namely the ease with which the amino groups could form the aldimine adducts and the propensity of the microenvironments of the respective aldimines to facilitate the Amadori rearrangement, in dictating the site selectivity of nonenzymic glycation with aldotriose has been investigated. The chemical reactivity of the amino groups of hemoglobin A forin vitro reductive glycation with aldotriose is distinct from that in the nonreductive mode. The reactivity of amino groups of hemoglobin A toward reductive glycation (i.e., propensity for aldimine formation) decreases in the order Val-1(), Val-1(), Lys-66(), Lys-61(), and Lys-16(). The overall reactivity of hemoglobin A toward nonreductive glycation decreased in the order Lys-16(), Val-1(), Lys-66(), Lys-82(), Lys-61(), and Val-1(). Since the aldimine is the common intermediate for both the reductive and nonreductive modification, the differential selectivity of protein for the two modes of glycation is clearly a reflection of the propensity of the microenvironments of nonenzymic glycation sites to facilitate the isomerization reaction (i.e., Amadori rearrangement). A semiquantitative estimate of this propensity of the microenvironment of the nonenzymic glycation sites has been obtained by comparing the nonreductive (nonenzymic) and reductive modification at individual glycation sites. The microenvironment of Lys-16() is very efficient in facilitating the rearrangement and the relative efficiency decreases in the order Lys-16(), Lys-82(), Lys-66(), Lys-61(), Val-1(), and Val-1(). The propensity of the microenvironment of Lys-16() to facilitate the Amadori rearrangement of the aldimine is about three orders of magnitude higher than that of Val-1() and is about 50 times higher than that of Val-1(). The extent of nonenzymic glycation at the individual sites is modulated by various factors, such as thepH, concentration of aldotriose, and the concentration of the protein. The nucleophiles—such as tris, glycine ethyl ester, and amino guanidine—inhibit the glycation by trapping the aldotriose. The nonenzymic glycation inhibitory power of nucleophile is directly related to its propensity to form aldimine. Thus, the extent of inhibition of nonenzymic glycation at a given site by a nucleophile directly reflects the relative role ofpK a of the site in dictating the glycation at that site. The nonenzymic glycation of an amino group of a protein is an additive/synergestic consequence of the propensity of the site to form aldimine adducts on one hand, and the propensity of its microenvironment to facilitate the isomerization of the aldimines to ketoamines on the other. The isomerization potential of microenvironment plays the dominant role in dictating the site specificity of the nonenzymic glycation of proteins.  相似文献   

1. 1.|Changes in tissue metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in the pedipalpal (PM) and heart (HM) muscles of the tropical scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes show that the metabolism in PM and HM is fundamentally reorganized following low (18°C) and high (38°C) temperature acclimation.

2. 2.|Changes in metabolite concentrations show that metabolite biosynthesis showed increases after cold acclimation but decreases after warm acclimation.

3. 3.|Similarly, changes in enzyme activities show a preponderance of glycolysis and HMP shunt activity after cold acclimation, while after warm acclimation glycogenolysis, oxidative metabolism and gluconeogenesis predominated.

4. 4.|Higher metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities both before and after thermal acclimation in HM reflect its greater compensatory abilities.

Author Keywords: Scorpion; Heterometrus fulvipes; compensation; metabolic rate; thermal acclimation  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported a high incidence of hemoglobin E (HbE) in Northeast Indian populations. In the present study 10 endogamous populations of Assam belonging to two racial groups, Caucasoid and Mongoloid, were examined. The frequency of HbE gene (Hb beta E) in the Caucasoid caste populations is around 0.1, whereas the gene is highly prevalent in the Mongoloid populations, frequencies ranging between 0.2 and 0.6. Predominance of Hb beta E in the Tibeto-Burman speakers is contrary to observations made in Southeast Asia, where an association between Austro-Asiatic speakers and high prevalence of HbE exist. The highest occurrence of the gene in this area, which is on the far end of the proposed centre of distribution in Northern Kampuchea and Northeast Thailand, is also a deviation from the expected pattern of gene distribution. It is speculated that Hb beta E in the Tibeto-Burman populations of Assam arose by an independent mutation which contributed to the high frequencies of Hb beta E in the Northeast Indian populations.  相似文献   
The GTP-dependence for stimulatory and inhibitory regulation of plasma membrane adenylate cyclase activity was measured in plasma membrane fractions isolated from a variety of cell types (platelets, lymphocytes, PC12 cells, GH3 cells, NBP2 cells, and hepatocytes). This report shows that the isolation of plasma membranes for the study of GTP-dependent adenylate cyclase activity was, for some cells, enhanced by the exposure of the cells to glycerol prior to cell lysis. The isolation of plasma membranes from other cells, which did not appear to be sensitive to glycerol pretreatment, was enhanced by the removal of heavy particulate matter prior to fractionation of the cell lysate. The regulation of enzyme activity by various agents was found to be dependent upon the presence of (exogenous) GTP to varying degrees, indicating variable contamination of membrane preparations with GTP. It is concluded that (i) exposure of platelets and lymphocytes to glycerol prior to cell lysis decreases subsequent contamination of the plasma membrane preparation with GTP, and (ii) although glycerol pretreatment of other cells does not ensure the subsequent isolation of plasma membrane adenylate cyclase activity displaying high requirements for (exogenous) GTP, it is a reasonable first approach to be used during the development of procedures for the isolation of plasma membranes.  相似文献   
When yeast FLP recombinase is expressed from the phage lambda PR promoter in a Salmonella host, it cannot efficiently repress an operon controlled by an operator/promoter region that includes a synthetic, target FLP site. On the basis of this phenotype, we have identified four mutant FLP proteins that function as more efficient repressors of such an operon. At least two of these mutant FLP proteins bind better to the FLP site in vivo and in vitro. One mutant changes the presumed active site tyrosine residue of FLP protein to phenylalanine, is blocked in recombination, and binds the FLP site about five-fold better than the wild-type protein. A second mutant protein that functions as a more efficient repressor retains catalytic activity. We conclude that the eukaryotic yeast FLP recombinase, when expressed in a heterologous prokaryotic host, can function as a repressor, and that mutant FLP proteins that bind DNA more tightly may be selected as more efficient repressors.  相似文献   
Water hyacinth productivity and detritus accumulation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms] productivity and detritus accumulation were evaluated in eutrophic lake water with and without added nutrients (fertilized and control reservoirs, respectively). Seasonal changes in plant productivity and detritus accumulation were determined at monthly intervals for one year. Significant differences were observed in plant productivity between seasons and nutrient additions. Seasonal plant productivity ranged from 1.9 to 23.1 mg (dry wt) ha−1 for the fertilized reservoir and −0.2 to 10.2 mg ha−1 for the control reservoir. Detritus accumulation was not significantly different between seasons or nutrient additions. Seasonal N assimilation by plants ranged from 34 to 242 kg N ha−1 for plants in the fertilized reservoir and < 0 to 104 kg N ha−1 for plants in the control reservoir. Annual net N recovered in detritus represented 21 and 28% of the total N removed by plants in the fertilized and control reservoirs, respectively. Net N loading to the reservoirs from detritus was 92 to 148 kg N ha−1 yr−1.  相似文献   
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