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The antimalarial drug amodiaquine is extensively metabolized to N-desethylamodiaquine (DEAQ) by cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8). DEAQ formation is an enzyme specific reaction that is used to quantify in vitro CYP2C8 activity. A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of DEAQ in human liver microsomes was developed using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS). Microsomal incubation samples were processed by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. The analytes were separated on a BETASIL Silica-100 (50mmx2.1mm, 5microm) column by isocratic elution at a flow rate of 220microl/min with a mobile phase consisting of 85% acetonitrile containing 5mM ammonium acetate and 0.1% formic acid. Detection was by positive electrospray ionization on a TSQ Quantum Discovery triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the selective reaction monitoring mode. The precursor-product ion pair was m/z 328-->283 for DEAQ and m/z 331-->283 for DEAQ-d(3). The lower limit of quantification was 10nM for DEAQ and linearity was observed over the concentration range of 10-1500nM. Intra- and inter-day accuracy and precision were within 3.4 and 7.0%, respectively. The method was successfully applied to CYP2C8 drug metabolism studies in pooled human liver microsomes.  相似文献   
The Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) is part of a complex feedback system designed to ensure that cells do not proceed through mitosis unless all chromosomal kinetochores have attached to spindle microtubules. The formation of the kinetochore complex and the implementation of the SAC are regulated by multiple kinases and phosphatases. BubR1 is a phosphoprotein that is part of the Cdc20 containing mitotic checkpoint complex that inhibits the APC/C so that Cyclin B1 and Securin are not degraded, thus preventing cells going into anaphase. In this study, we found that PP2A in association with its B56γ regulatory subunit, are needed for the stability of BubR1 during nocodazole induced cell cycle arrest. In primary cells that lack B56γ, BubR1 is prematurely degraded and the cells proceed through mitosis. The reduced SAC efficiency results in cells with abnormal chromosomal segregation, a hallmark of transformed cells. Previous studies on PP2A's role in the SAC and kinetochore formation were done using siRNAs to all 5 of the B56 family members. In our study we show that inactivation of only the PP2A-B56γ subunit can affect the efficiency of the SAC. We also provide data that show the intracellular locations of the B56 subunits varies between family members, which is consistent with the hypothesis that they are not completely functionally redundant.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC, now known as Prkc) plays an important role in the response of cells to radiation, but little is known about the specific response of each isozyme in the radiation-induced response of cells in whole animals. However, most studies are based on single cells. There is a paucity of data on signaling after whole-body irradiation. In this study, a comparison has been made between the expression of Prkc isozymes after in vivo and ex vivo irradiation. There was a significant difference in the dose response of the isozymes. In animals in which lymphocytes were irradiated ex vivo, the expression of the Prkca isozyme was found to be maximum at 3 Gy, while in vivo irradiation did not increase the expression beyond that of 1 Gy. Prkcd was marginally activated after 0.1 Gy ex vivo irradiation, whereas there was significant activation of expression after in vivo irradiation with 3 Gy. The response of Prkcz was found to be similar to that of Prkcd. Prkc is a crucial enzyme that is being used to manipulate the response of tumors to radiotherapy. Conventional radiotherapy is delivered at low doses, and hence only those isozymes that are activated at these doses should be taken into consideration. Moreover, the differences between the response of a single cell and that of the whole animal must be considered.  相似文献   
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are biologics produced using mammalian cells and represent an important class of biotherapeutics. Aggregation in mAbs is a major challenge that can be mitigated by rigorous and reproducible upstream and downstream approaches. The impact of frequently used surfactants, like polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, poloxamer 188, and 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, on aggregation of mAbs during cell culture was investigated in this study. Their impact on cell proliferation, viability, and mAb titer was also investigated. Polysorbate 20 and polysorbate 80 at the concentration of 0.01 g/L and poloxamer 188 at the concentration of 5 g/L were found to be effective in reducing aggregate formation in cell culture medium, without affecting the cell growth or viability. Furthermore, their presence in culture media resulted in increased cell proliferation as compared to the control group. Addition of these surfactants at the specified concentrations increased monomer production while decreasing high molecular weight species in the medium. After mAbs were separated, using protein “A” chromatography, flasks with surfactant exhibited improved antibody stability, when analyzed by DLS. Thus, while producing aggregation-prone mAbs via mammalian cell culture, these excipients may be employed as cell culture medium supplements to enhance the quality and yield of functional mAbs.  相似文献   
In most insect-pollinated flowers, pollinators cannot detect the presence of nectar without entering the flower. Therefore, flowers may cheat by not producing nectar and may still get pollinated. Earlier studies supported this ‘cheater flower’ hypothesis and suggested that the cost saving by cheater flowers could be the most predominant selective force in the evolution of nectarless flowers. Previous models as well as empirical studies have addressed the problem of optimizing the proportion of nectarless and nectarful flowers. However, there has been no attempt to optimize the investment in nectar production along with that in floral display. One of the key questions that arises is whether the floral display will evolve to be an honest indicator of nectar reward. We use a mathematical model to cooptimize the investments in nectar and floral display in order to achieve maximum reproductive success. The model assumes that pollinators rely on a relative rather than an absolute judgement of reward. A conspicuous floral display attracts naïve pollinators on the one hand and enhances pollinator learning on the other. We show that under these assumptions, plant-pollinator co-evolution leads to honest signalling, i.e. a positive correlation between display and reward.  相似文献   
Acquiring therapy resistance is one of the major obstacles in the treatment of patients with cancer. The discovery of the cancer stem cell (CSC)–specific drug salinomycin raised hope for improved treatment options by targeting therapy-refractory CSCs and mesenchymal cancer cells. However, the occurrence of an acquired salinomycin resistance in tumor cells remains elusive. To study the formation of salinomycin resistance, mesenchymal breast cancer cells were sequentially treated with salinomycin in an in vitro cell culture assay, and the resulting differences in gene expression and salinomycin susceptibility were analyzed. We demonstrated that long-term salinomycin treatment of mesenchymal cancer cells resulted in salinomycin-resistant cells with elevated levels of epithelial markers, such as E-cadherin and miR-200c, a decreased migratory capability, and a higher susceptibility to the classic chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. The formation of salinomycin resistance through the acquisition of epithelial traits was further validated by inducing mesenchymal-epithelial transition through an overexpression of miR-200c. The transition from a mesenchymal to a more epithelial-like phenotype of salinomycin-treated tumor cells was moreover confirmed in vivo, using syngeneic and, for the first time, transgenic mouse tumor models. These results suggest that the acquisition of salinomycin resistance through the clonal selection of epithelial-like cancer cells could become exploited for improved cancer therapies by antagonizing the tumor-progressive effects of epithelial-mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   
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