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Inoculation of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) on the resistant Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di-17) results in the development of a hypersensitive response (HR) on the inoculated leaves. To assess the role of the recently cloned HRT gene in conferring resistance, we monitored both HR and resistance (lack of viral spread to systemic tissues) in the progeny of a cross between resistant Di-17 and susceptible Columbia plants. As expected, HR development segregated as a dominant trait that corresponded with the presence of HRT. However, all of the F(1) plants and three-fourths of HR(+) F(2) plants were susceptible to the virus. These results suggest the presence of a second gene, termed RRT, that regulates resistance to TCV. The allele present in Di-17 appears to be recessive to the allele or alleles present in TCV-susceptible ecotypes. We also demonstrate that HR formation and TCV resistance are dependent on salicylic acid but not on ethylene or jasmonic acid. Furthermore, these phenomena are unaffected by mutations in NPR1. Thus, TCV resistance requires a yet undefined salicylic acid-dependent, NPR1-independent signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) are the antimicrobial proteins which are commonly used as signatures of defense signaling pathways and systemic acquired resistance. However, in Brassica juncea most of the PR proteins have not been fully characterized and remains largely enigmatic. In this study, full-length cDNA sequences of SA (PR1, PR2, PR5) and JA (PR3, PR12 and PR13) marker genes were isolated from B. juncea and were named as BjPR proteins. BjPR proteins showed maximum identity with known PR proteins of Brassica species. Further, expression profiling of BjPR genes were investigated after hormonal, biotic and abiotic stresses. Pre-treatment with SA and JA stimulators downregulates each other signature genes suggesting an antagonistic relationship between SA and JA in B. juncea. After abscisic acid (ABA) treatment, SA signatures were downregulated while as JA signature genes were upregulated. During Erysiphe cruciferarum infection, SA- and JA-dependent BjPR genes showed distinct expression pattern both locally and systemically, thus suggesting the activation of SA- and JA-dependent signaling pathways. Further, expression of SA marker genes decreases while as JA-responsive genes increases during drought stress. Interestingly, both SA and JA signature genes were induced after salt stress. We also found that BjPR genes displayed ABA-independent gene expression pattern during abiotic stresses thus providing the evidence of SA/JA cross talk. Further, in silico analysis of the upstream regions (1.5 kb) of both SA and JA marker genes showed important cis-regulatory elements related to biotic, abiotic and hormonal stresses.  相似文献   
A case-control study was undertaken to investigate the status of platelet monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) activity in Indian cases of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. A significant increase in the activity of platelet MAO-B was observed in Parkinson’s cases (n = 26) as compared to controls (n = 26). No significant change in the activity of the enzyme was observed while the data was analysed with respect to age, sex and duration of disease. A trend of decrease in platelet MAO-B activity was observed in Parkinson’s cases with respect to stage although the change was not significant. No correlation in platelet MAO-B activity was observed with respect to age and sex in the control subjects. Parkinson’s cases treated with L-DOPA and MAO-B inhibitor exhibited decreased platelet MAO-B activity as compared to drug naive cases and those treated with L-DOPA alone. Interestingly, Parkinson’s cases treated with L-DOPA and amantadine also had lower platelet MAO-B activity as compared to drug naive cases and those treated with L-DOPA alone. Activity of platelet MAO-B in Parkinson’s patients was increased in naive cases and those treated with L-DOPA alone or in combination with other drugs compared to controls. The results of the present study indicate that phenotypic activity of platelet MAO-B is high in Indian Parkinson’s cases. Further, action mechanism of drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease could be understood by assay of platelet MAO-B activity. It is an interesting observation and may be looked further in large number of cases.  相似文献   
Understanding carbon dynamics of switchgrass ecosystems is crucial as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) acreage is expanding for cellulosic biofuels. We used eddy covariance system and examined seasonal changes in net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its components – gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) – in response to controlling factors during the second (2011) and third (2012) years of stand establishment in the southern Great Plains of the United States (Chickasha, OK). Larger vapor pressure deficit (VPD > 3 kPa) limited photosynthesis and caused asymmetrical diurnal NEE cycles (substantially higher NEE in the morning hours than in the afternoon at equal light levels). Consequently, rectangular hyperbolic light–response curve (NEE partitioning algorithm) consistently failed to provide good fits at high VPD. Modified rectangular hyperbolic light–VPD response model accounted for the limitation of VPD on photosynthesis and improved the model performance significantly. The maximum monthly average NEE reached up to ?33.02 ± 1.96 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 and the highest daily integrated NEE was ?35.89 g CO2 m?2 during peak growth. Although large differences in cumulative seasonal GEP and ER were observed between two seasons, total seasonal ER accounted for about 75% of GEP regardless of the growing season lengths and differences in aboveground biomass production. It suggests that net ecosystem carbon uptake increases with increasing GEP. The ecosystem was a net sink of CO2 during 5–6 months and total seasonal uptakes were ?1128 ± 130 and ?1796 ± 217 g CO2 m?2 in 2011 and 2012, respectively. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the annual carbon status of a switchgrass ecosystem can be a small sink to small source in this region if carbon loss from biomass harvesting is considered. However, year‐round measurements over several years are required to assess a long‐term source‐sink status of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
The cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (35S) promoter is used extensively for transgene expression in plants. The promoter has been delineated into different subdomains based on deletion analysis and gain-of-function studies. However, cis -elements important for promoter activity have been identified only in the domains B1 ( as-2 element), A1 ( as-1 element) and minimal promoter (TATA box). No cis -elements have been described in subdomains B2–B5, although these are reported to be important for the overall activity of the 35S promoter. We have re-evaluated the contribution of three of these subdomains, namely B5, B4 and B2, to 35S promoter activity by developing several modified promoters. The analysis of β-glucuronidase gene expression driven by the modified promoters in different tissues of primary transgenic tobacco lines, as well as in seedlings of the T1 generation, revealed new facets about the functional organization of the 35S promoter. This study suggests that: (i) the 35S promoter truncated up to –301 functions in a similar manner to the –343 (full-length) 35S promoter; (ii) the Dof core and I-box core observed in the subdomain B4 are important for 35S promoter activity; and (iii) the subdomain B2 is essential for maintaining an appropriate distance between the proximal and distal regions of the 35S promoter. These observations will aid in the development of functional synthetic 35S promoters with decreased sequence homology. Such promoters can be used to drive multiple transgenes without evoking promoter homology-based gene silencing when attempting gene stacking.  相似文献   
During the survey of two successive years 2012–2013, in nearby places of Gorakhpur districts, Uttar Pradesh, India, Arundo donax plants were found to be exhibiting witches’ broom, excessive branching accompanied with little leaf symptoms with considerable disease incidence. Nested PCR carried out with universal primers pair R16F2n/R16R2 employing the PCR (P1/P7) product as a template DNA (1:20) resulted in expected size positive amplification ~1.2 kb in all symptom-bearing plants suggested the association of phytoplasma with witches’ broom disease of Narkat plants. BLASTn analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed the highest (99%) sequence identity with Candidatus phytoplasma asteris (16SrI group). In phylogenetic analysis, the sequence data showed close relationships with the members of 16SrI phytoplasma and clustered within a single clade of 16SrI group and closed to B subgroup representatives. This is a first report of 16Sr I-B group phytoplasma associated with witches’ broom accompanied with little leaf disease of Narkat in India.  相似文献   
Picrorhiza kurroa is a medicinal perennial herb of economic importance due to its hepatoprotective properties mainly accounted by picroside I and picroside II. To fulfill the current demand of the market indiscriminate collection from its natural habitat pose a great threat to this endangered species. To strategize the conservation of natural populations, a set of 20 highly informative novel genic SSR markers were identified. The utility of these makers was successfully tested for the genetic diversity characterization of P. kurroa populations (n = 28) from three geographical locations. These markers produced 136 alleles (average of 6.8) with mean observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, Shannon’s information index, and PIC value of 0.971, 0.798, 1.681, and 0.737 respectively, revealing a higher extent of genetic diversity in P. kurroa. Further, clustering of all the individuals according to their geographical locations indicates at a spatial population structure in P. kurroa. The current study suggests that informative SSR makers identified here can be potentially used for diversity characterization targeting wider geographical locations for selection of elite/quality genotypes for commercial cultivation and genetic rescue of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Sorghum is largely grown for food, fodder and for biofuel production in semi-arid regions where the drought or high temperature or their combination co-occur. Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are integral to the gene regulatory networks that control almost all biological processes including adaptation to stress conditions. Thus far, plant miRNA profiles under separate drought or heat stresses have been reported but not under combined drought and heat. In this study, we report miRNA profiles in leaves of sorghum exposed to individual drought or heat or their combination. Approximately 29 conserved miRNA families represented by 80 individual miRNAs, 26 families represented by 47 members of less conserved or sorghum-specific miRNA families as well as 8 novel miRNA families have been identified. Of these, 25 miRNAs were found to be differentially regulated in response to stress treatments. The comparative profiling revealed that the miRNA regulation was stronger under heat or combination of heat and drought compared to the drought alone. Furthermore, using degradome sequencing, 48 genes were confirmed as targets for the miRNAs in sorghum. Overall, this study provides a framework for understanding of the miRNA-guided gene regulations under combined stresses.


In insects infections trigger hemocyte-mediated immune reactions including degranulation by exocytosis; however, involvement of mediator enzymes in degranulation process is unknown in insects. We report here that in silkworm Bombyx mori, infection by endoparasitoid Exorista bombycis and microsporidian Nosema bombycis activated granulation in granulocytes and promoted degranulation of accumulated structured granules. During degranulation the mediator lysosomal enzyme β-hexosaminidase showed increased activity and expression of β-hexosaminidase gene was enhanced. The events were confirmed in vitro after incubation of uninfected hemocytes with E. bombycis larval tissue protein. On infection, cytotoxicity marker enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was released from the hemocytes illustrating cell toxicity. Strong positive correlation (R2?=?0.71) between LDH activity and β-hexosaminidase released after the infection showed parasitic–protein-induced hemocyte damage and accompanied release of the enzymes. Expression of β-hexosaminidase gene was enhanced in early stages after infection followed by down regulation. The expression showed positive correlation (R2?=?0.705) with hexosaminidase activity pattern. B. mori hexosaminidase showed 98% amino acid similarity with that of B. mandarina showing origin from same ancestral gene; however, 45–60% varied from other lepidopterans showing diversity. The observation signifies the less known association of hexosaminidase in degranulation of hemocytes induced by parasitic infection in B. mori and its divergence in different species.

The Protein Journal - C-lobe represents the C-terminal half of lactoferrin which is a bilobal 80 kDa iron binding glycoprotein. The two lobes are designated as N-lobe (Ser1-Glu333) and...  相似文献   
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