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Alpha-L-fucosidase was purified from the bull seminal plasma by chromatography on DEAE-disk, octyl sepharose hydrophobic column and HPLC. The enzyme appeared to be pure as judged by the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis both under the nondenaturing and denaturing conditions. The pure enzyme promoted the acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro. This is the first report showing that an acrosomal enzyme induces acrosome reaction which is an essential pre-requisite for the gamete interaction and fertilization.  相似文献   
The technique of placing the breast prosthesis beneath the pectoralis major and the serratus anterior muscles appears to minimize the incidence of the firm breast following breast reconstruction commonly seen with other techniques. However, in 8 of 146 individuals I have noted a problem with pain in the lateral aspect of the breast mound and the subscapular area, along with a depressed deformity superomedially and an unsightly bulge inferolaterally and/or laterally. Surgical exploration of the breast mound showed no abnormalities within the submuscular compartment. However, in all instances, the serratus anterior muscles were found to be detached from the ribcage all the way to the point beyond the posterior axillary line. While continuous pressure exerted on the serratus muscles by the implant appears to play an important role in the pathogenesis of this clinical entity, the onset of problems was usually delayed. Removal of the implants or repair of the cavity defects is necessary for patients who have developed this problem.  相似文献   
实验中观察到,用MUG培养基对植物药中的大肠杆菌定量时多发生荧光猝灭现象,影响检测结果。本文对此现象产生的原因与克服方法进行了系统的考察,发现以一种简便的转接方法可排除植物药介质对菌检的干扰。该方法由两组检验系列构成,当怀疑正常稀释系列(第一系列)40h培养液的荧光结果可能因猝灭现象呈假阴性时,立即分别将该系列的1—3号管培养液以0.5ml的接种量转接入新鲜的MUG培养基(第二系列),重新培养24h,荧光猝灭现象即可克服。综合两系列的荧光、产气和吲哚三项生化特征得出检品中大肠杆菌含量。实际应用表明,此法能显著提高使用该培养基时菌检结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
 Bi(Ⅲ)与金属硫蛋白作用性质研究张保林,黄辉,朱凌燕,岳晟,唐雯霞(南京大学配位化学研究所,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京210093)如何降低顺铂或其它抗癌铂的毒性,一直是癌症化疗中的重要课题之一,最近研究发现预先给大鼠或肺癌病人服用铋盐,可以极大...  相似文献   
采用大鼠海马脑片体外缺血模型观察钙离子和蛋白激酶C(PKC)对神经元胞外谷氨酸(GLU)堆积的影响,结果显示:海马脑片在体外“缺血”10min,GLU在胞外的浓度增加4倍(从32±4升高到113±10pmol/(min.mgPr).n=6).N型钙通道拮抗剂蝙蝠葛苏林碱(DSL)或无钙培养液均能有效抑制这种浓度的升高(P<0.01).提示缺血10min引发的GLU浓度升高是受Ca2+内流调控的.当脑片在缺血状况下孵育30min,DSL只部分抑制这种GLU堆积,而无钙培养液则无影响,但这额外的GLU堆积可被PKC抑制剂H-7完全阻断,而被PKC激动剂PDB所加强;且不受钙调蛋白抑制剂Calmdazolium和8-溴-cAMP影响.提示缺血30min,胞外GLU的堆积受钙内流和PKC双重调控。  相似文献   
The effects of salicylic acid (SA) on ethylene biosynthesis in detached rice leaves were investigated. SA at pH 3.5 effectively inhibited ethylene production within 2 h of its application. It inhibited the conversion of ACC to ethylene, but did not affect the levels of ACC and conjugated ACC. Thus, the inhibitory effect of SA resulted from the inhibition of both synthesis of ACC and the conversion of ACC to ethylene.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - EFE ethylene-forming enzyme - SA salicylic acid  相似文献   
Blackfoot disease is a peripheral vascular disease resulting in gangrene of the lower extremities. Though extensive epidemiological study has implicated that high arsenic content in artesian well water of the endemic area, bears some important connection with the disease, the etiology of the disease is still unknown. In this study, attention is paid to multielement determination in order to find out whether the trace elements in hair of Blackfoot disease patients are different from those of the controls. Experimental results indicate that the concentrations of As and Se in hair of patients are significantly higher than those of the controls, but Ca and Zn are significantly lower than those of the controls. The possible connection of these elements with the etiology of the disease is discussed.  相似文献   
莱氏衣原体膜上Mg~(2+)-ATPase用DOC溶解后,经Sepharose-6B和DEAE-CelluloseDE-52离子交换柱,得到了部分纯化的Mg~(2+)ATPase,并将此ATPase与不同极性头部的磷脂和膜糖脂重组,研究了不同的极性头部的磷脂和膜糖脂对ATPase活性的影响。此酶的活性不依赖酸性磷脂,PG、DPG、大豆磷脂等明显抑制酶活性,中性磷脂DMPC、PE、PC则能增加酶活性,其中尤以非双层脂PE的作用最为明显。从莱氏衣原体膜上提取的糖脂(MGDG,DGDG)单独和ATPase重组时,酶活性增加并不明显,当MGDG和DGDG以等比例混合时,能大大地增加酶活性。这表明Mg~(2+)-ATPase的活性很大程度上与磷脂的表面电荷及磷脂的组成相关。  相似文献   
本文报道在我国广西隆林壮族中发现一个罕見的HbQ复合α,β地中海贫血家系。先证者女,18岁,贫血面容,肝脾肿大。化学结构分析确证本Hb变异体为HbQ Thailand[α74(EF3)Asp→His]。血红蛋白组成以及α和β珠蛋白基因分析结果表明,先证者的珠蛋白基因型为-α~Q/-α~T复合β°/β°(IVSI-1G→T/Codon17A→T);先证者父的基因型为-‘α~Q/-复合β~O/β~A(IVSI-1G→T/β~A);先证母的基因型为-α~T/αα复合β~O/β~A(Codon17A→T/β~A)。  相似文献   
Using cytochemical method,microspectrophotometry and image analysis,effects of va-soactive intestinal peptide(VIP)on activities of succinic dehydrogenase(SDH)and alkalinephosphatase(ALP)in rat hepatoma cells were studied in vitro.The results showed that thehepatoma cell expressed potent positive reactions of SDH and ALP,the positive positionswere located at the cell membranes and/or cytoplasm.Having been treated with VIP,ALPdecreased obviously in activity(P<0. 01,compared with hepatoma cells untreated by VIP).The sites of ALP activty were chiefly located at the cell membranes,particularly at the cell-cell contacts.Cultured rat hepatoma cells had intensive SDH activity in their cytoplasm.Compared with untreated eclls,there was no marked difference in the intensity of SDH activ-ity in VIP-treated hepatoma cells(P>0.05).  相似文献   
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