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L-Lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH, E.C. is encoded by two or three loci in all vertebrates examined, with the exception of lampreys, which have a single LDH locus. Biochemical characterizations of LDH proteins have suggested that a gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution gave rise to Ldh-A and Ldh-B and that an additional locus, Ldh-C arose in a number of lineages more recently. Although some phylogenetic studies of LDH protein sequences have supported this pattern of gene duplication, others have contradicted it. In particular, a number of studies have suggested that Ldh-C represents the earliest divergence among vertebrate LDHs and that it may have diverged from the other loci well before the origin of vertebrates. Such hypotheses make explicit statements about the relationship of vertebrate and invertebrate LDHs, but to date, no closely related invertebrate LDH sequences have been available for comparison. We have attempted to provide further data on the timing of gene duplications leading to multiple vertebrate LDHs by determining the cDNA sequence of the LDH of the tunicate Styela plicata. Phylogenetic analyses of this and other LDH sequences provide strong support for the duplications giving rise to multiple vertebrate LDHs having occurred after vertebrates diverged from tunicates. The timing of these LDH duplications is consistent with data from a number of other gene families suggesting widespread gene duplication near the origin of vertebrates. With respect to the relationships among vertebrate LDHs, our data are not consistent with previous claims that Ldh-C represented the earliest divergence. However, the precise relationships among some of the main lineages of vertebrate LDHs were not resolved in our analyses.   相似文献   


The combinatorial library strategy of using multiple candidate ligands in mixtures as library members is ideal in terms of cost and efficiency, but needs special screening methods to estimate the affinities of candidate ligands in such mixtures. Herein, a new method to screen candidate ligands present in unknown molar quantities in mixtures was investigated.


The proposed method involves preparing a processed-mixture-for-screening (PMFS) with each mixture sample and an exogenous reference ligand, initiating competitive binding among ligands from the PMFS to a target immobilized on magnetic particles, recovering target-ligand complexes in equilibrium by magnetic force, extracting and concentrating bound ligands, and analyzing ligands in the PMFS and the concentrated extract by chromatography. The relative affinity of each candidate ligand to its reference ligand is estimated via an approximation equation assuming (a) the candidate ligand and its reference ligand bind to the same site(s) on the target, (b) their chromatographic peak areas are over five times their intercepts of linear response but within their linear ranges, (c) their binding ratios are below 10%. These prerequisites are met by optimizing primarily the quantity of the target used and the PMFS composition ratio. The new method was tested using the competitive binding of biotin derivatives from mixtures to streptavidin immobilized on magnetic particles as a model. Each mixture sample containing a limited number of candidate biotin derivatives with moderate differences in their molar quantities were prepared via parallel-combinatorial-synthesis (PCS) without purification, or via the pooling of individual compounds. Some purified biotin derivatives were used as reference ligands. This method showed resistance to variations in chromatographic quantification sensitivity and concentration ratios; optimized conditions to validate the approximation equation could be applied to different mixture samples. Relative affinities of candidate biotin derivatives with unknown molar quantities in each mixture sample were consistent with those estimated by a homogenous method using their purified counterparts as samples.


This new method is robust and effective for each mixture possessing a limited number of candidate ligands whose molar quantities have moderate differences, and its integration with PCS has promise to routinely practice the mixture-based library strategy.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of human disease, responsible for half a million infections and approximately 20,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. This pathogen secretes α-hemolysin, a pore-forming cytotoxin that contributes to the pathogenesis of pneumonia. α-hemolysin injures epithelial cells in vitro by interacting with its receptor, the zinc-dependent metalloprotease ADAM10 (ref. 6). We show here that mice harboring a conditional disruption of the Adam10 gene in lung epithelium are resistant to lethal pneumonia. Investigation of the molecular mechanism of toxin-receptor function revealed that α-hemolysin upregulates ADAM10 metalloprotease activity in alveolar epithelial cells, resulting in cleavage of the adherens junction protein E-cadherin. Cleavage is associated with disruption of epithelial barrier function, contributing to the pathogenesis of lethal acute lung injury. A metalloprotease inhibitor of ADAM10 prevents E-cadherin cleavage in response to Hla; similarly, toxin-dependent E-cadherin proteolysis and barrier disruption is attenuated in ADAM10-knockout mice. Together, these data attest to the function of ADAM10 as the cellular receptor for α-hemolysin. The observation that α-hemolysin can usurp the metalloprotease activity of its receptor reveals a previously unknown mechanism of pore-forming cytotoxin action in which pathologic insults are not solely the result of irreversible membrane injury and defines ADAM10 inhibition as a strategy to attenuate α-hemolysin-induced disease.  相似文献   
A model system is presented using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to investigate the role of homocysteine (Hcy) in atherosclerosis. HUVECs are shown to export Hcy at a rate determined by the flux through the methionine/Hcy pathway. Additional methionine increases intracellular methionine, decreases intracellular folate, and increases Hcy export, whereas additional folate inhibits export. An inverse relationship exists between intracellular folate and Hcy export. Hcy export may be regulated by intracellular S-adenosyl methionine rather than by Hcy. Human LDLs exposed to HUVECs exporting Hcy undergo time-related lipid oxidation, a process inhibited by the thiol trap dithionitrobenzoate. This is likely to be related to the generation of hydroxyl radicals, which we show are associated with Hcy export. Although Hcy is the major oxidant, cysteine also contributes, as shown by the effect of glutamate. Finally, the LDL oxidized in this system showed a time-dependent increase in uptake by human macrophages, implying an upregulation of the scavenger receptor. These results suggest that continuous export of Hcy from endothelial cells contributes to the generation of extracellular hydroxyl radicals, with associated oxidative modification of LDL and incorporation into macrophages, a key step in atherosclerosis. Factors that regulate intracellular Hcy metabolism modulate these effects.  相似文献   
The effects of a host plant on reproduction/abundance of fungal populations in relation to soil nutrients released by plants in the rhizosphere were studied. Abundance in the soil and potato rhizosphere of the fungi Paecilomyces lilacinus, Monographella cucumerina (CABI 380408) and Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia (Pc280, potato cyst nematode biotype) and P. chlamydosporia var. catenulata (Pc392, root‐knot nematode biotype) were assessed. The different ability of break crops (oilseed rape, sugarbeet and wheat) in the potato rotation to support Pa. lilacinus, Pochonia isolates Pc280 and Pc392 and abundance of the latter two isolates in soil and rhizosphere of potato plants infected with Meloidogyne incognita were also studied. Potato chits and crop seedlings were planted into boiling tubes containing 5000 chlamydospores or conidia g?1 in acid washed sand (pH 6) and kept in a growth chamber at 20°C, and 16 h of light for up to 9 weeks. The abundance of the fungi in sand (fallow) differed significantly between fungal species, being in general less abundant in the absence than in the presence of the plant, although there was no interaction between plant species and fungal isolate. There was evidence of a different response to Me. incognita for Pc392 than for Pc280 but there was no significant effect of the presence of the nematode on the rate of increase of the fungus.  相似文献   
Pine wilt disease (PWD) is native to North America and has spread to Asia and Europe. Lately, mutualistic relationship has been suggested between the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus the causal nematode agent of PWD, and bacteria. In countries where PWN occurs, nematodes from diseased trees were reported to carry bacteria from several genera. However no data exists for the United States. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of the bacterial community carried by B. xylophilus, isolated from different Pinus spp. with PWD in Nebraska, United States. The bacteria carried by PWN belonged to Gammaproteobacteria (79.9%), Betaproteobacteria (11.7%), Bacilli (5.0%), Alphaproteobacteria (1.7%) and Flavobacteriia (1.7%). Strains from the genera Chryseobacterium and Pigmentiphaga were found associated with the nematode for the first time. These results were compared to results from similar studies conducted from other countries of three continents in order to assess the diversity of bacteria with associated with PWN. The isolates from the United States, Portugal and China belonged to 25 different genera and only strains from the genus Pseudomonas were found in nematodes from all countries. The strains from China were closely related to P. fluorescens and the strains isolated from Portugal and USA were phylogenetically related to P. mohnii and P. lutea. Nematodes from the different countries are associated with bacteria of different species, not supporting a relationship between PWN with a particular bacterial species. Moreover, the diversity of the bacteria carried by the pinewood nematode seems to be related to the geographic area and the Pinus species. The roles these bacteria play within the pine trees or when associated with the nematodes, might be independent of the presence of the nematode in the tree and only related on the bacteria''s relationship with the tree.  相似文献   
The role of compost microflora in the suppression of salmonella regrowth in composted sewage sludge was investigated. Microbial inhibition studies of salmonella growth were conducted on nutrient agar, in composts that had been subjected to different temperatures in compost piles, and in radiation sterilized composts inoculated with selected fractions of the compost microflora. Agar assays of inhibition indicated that bacteria and actinomycetes were not suppressive to salmonellae, but a few fungi were. However, compost inoculation assays showed consistently that fungi were not suppressive, but bacteria and actinomycetes were. In compost inoculation assays, microbial antagonists, when present, either killed salmonellae or reduced their growth rate. No suppression of salmonellae occurred in compost taken from 70°C compost-pile zones despite the presence and growth of many types of microbes. With greater numbers and kinds of microbes in 55°C compost, salmonella growth was suppressed 100–10,000-fold. Salmonellae died when inoculated into compost from unheated zones (25–40°C) of piles. Prior colonization of compost with only noncoliform gram-negative bacteria suppressed salmonellae growth 3,000-fold. Coliforms when inoculated prior to salmonellae accounted for 75% of salmonella die-off. Mesophilic curing to allow colonization of curing piles in their entirety by gram-negative bacteria, especially coliforms, should be an effective way to prevent repopulation by salmonellae.  相似文献   
We examined expression and inheritance of salmonid growth hormone genes RSVLTR-rtGH1 cDNA and RSVLTR-csGH cDNA, transferred to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) by microinjection. One to 9 copies of the foreign DNA were inserted in either head-to-tail tandem array at single insertion sites or single copies at multiple insertion sites. All P1 transgenic catfish evaluated produced salmonid growth hormone regardless of the construct. Five P1 x P1 matings were accomplished. The spawning rate and fertility of these P1 transgenics in artificial spawning conditions were comparable to those of normal channel catfish. In two of three years, 100% spawning and 100% hatch were obtained. Percent transgenic progeny observed in the five matings were 20, 52, 7, 47, and 0%, which was lower (P < 0.001, chi 2) than the 75% inheritance expected assuming the P1 brood stock had at least one copy of the foreign gene integrated and were not mosaics in the germ line. At least 7 of 10 P1 were mosaics, and a minimum of 2 of 10 P1 did not possess the salmonid growth hormone genes in their germ line. P1 transgenics grew at the same rate as their nontransgenic full siblings, which is not surprising because the P1 were mosaics. F1 transgenic progeny in two families possessing RSVLTR-csGH cDNA grew 26% faster, to 40 to 50 gm, than their nontransgenic full siblings when evaluated communally. One F1 progeny group produced by RSVLTR-rtGH1 cDNA x RSVLTR-csGH cDNA mating and one F1 progeny group (parents either RSVLTR-rtGH1 cDNA or RSVLTR-csGH cDNA) grew at the same rate as normal full siblings when grown communally to 25 gm and 60 mg, respectively. In families where F1 progeny grew faster than controls, the range in body weight and coefficient of variation for the transgenic full siblings were less than those for controls. In families where F1 progeny grew at the same rate as controls, range in body weight and coefficient of variation were similar for transgenic and normal individuals. The percent deformities observed in P1 transgenics (13.6%) was higher (P < 0.05) than in microinjected P1 nontransgenics (5.1%). Percent deformities in transgenics and control F1 channel catfish was not different (p > 0.05; 0.5 and 2.8%, respectively).  相似文献   
We investigated age-related changes in antioxidant, glycolytic, beta-oxidation, and tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme activity in the diaphragm and plantaris muscle of female Fischer 344 rats. Tissue samples from the costal and crural diaphragm and plantaris muscle were obtained from 30 animals in the following age groups: 1) 6 mo old (n = 10), 2) 26 mo old (n = 10), and 3) 30 mo old (n = 10). Aging had no effect (P greater than 0.05) on the activities of citrate synthase (CS) and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HADH) in the costal or crural diaphragm. Similarly, no age-related differences existed (P greater than 0.05) in the crural diaphragm in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) or glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity. In contrast, the activities of LDH and GPX were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in the costal diaphragm in the 30- than in the 6-mo old animals. In addition, the ratio of LDH to CS activity increased (P less than 0.05) as a function of age in the costal diaphragm. Conversely, the ratio of CS to GPX activity in the costal diaphragm was lower (P less than 0.05) in the 30- than in the 6-mo old animals. No significant (P greater than 0.05) age-related differences existed in LDH-to-CS or CS-to-GPX activity ratios in the crural diaphragm. Finally, aging resulted in a significant decrease (P less than 0.05) in the activities of LDH, CS, and HADH in the plantaris muscle. These data demonstrate that, unlike many hindlimb locomotor muscles, the oxidative capacity of the Fischer 344 rat diaphragm does not decrease in old age.  相似文献   
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