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Glass-beads (diam. = 250 μm) were buried 10 cm deep in the sediment of a stream. After an exposure of eight weeks, bacterial densities on the beads varied between 2.7 × 105 and 2.4 × 107/cm2, and the length of the fungal mycelium between 0.2 and 5.3 mm/cm2. Bacterial densities did not show any correlation with the DOC content of the water, but were positively correlated with respiration on the beads. Fungal mycelium was negatively correlated with water temperature. Acid hydrolysis of stream-exposed beads released sugars and amino acids, whose combined carbon content exceeded that of the microbial cells by a factor of at least 4. Gut extracts of Gammarus tigrinus and Tipula caloptera released amino acids and sugars from stream-exposed beads.  相似文献   
The epsilon-subunit of ATP synthase from bovine heart mitochondria is assembled into the extrinsic membrane sector, F1-ATPase. The mature protein is 50 amino acid residues in length and its function is unknown. It is a nuclear gene product that is imported into the organelle. A mixture of 64 oligonucleotides 17 bases long, designed on the basis of the known protein sequence, was synthesized and used as a hybridization probe to isolate a cognate cDNA clone from a bovine library. The DNA sequence of this clone was determined, and the protein sequence of the epsilon-subunit deduced from it agrees exactly with that determined by direct sequence analysis of the protein isolated from bovine hearts. The bovine cDNA was used as a hybridization probe to examine the expression of the epsilon-subunit in various bovine tissues. mRNAs related to the cDNA are found in all of these tissues, and no evidence was obtained of the presence of mRNAs for the epsilon-subunit with similar coding sequences and dissimilar 3' non-coding regions. By hybridization experiments with digests of DNA from cow, man and rat it has been shown that sequences related to the bovine cDNA are present in the genomes of all three species. More than one related sequence was detected in all cases, indicating the presence in all three genomes of more than one gene and/or pseudogenes.  相似文献   
The recent development of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors has provided a system for cloning fragments that are over ten times larger than those that can be cloned in more established systems. We have developed a method for the rapid isolation of terminal sequences from YAC clones. The YAC clone is digested with a range of restriction enzymes, a common linker is ligated to the DNA fragments and terminal sequences are amplified using a vector specific primer and a linker specific primer. Sequence data derived from these terminal specific products can be used to design primers for a further round of screening to isolate overlapping clones. The method also provides a convenient method of generating Sequence Tagged Sites for the mapping of complex genomes.  相似文献   
Summary The efficacy of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) as an anticancer agent is limited. This limitation might be related to the expression of a protein-synthesis-dependent resistance mechanism that prevents the lysis of tumor cells by TNF. To test this possibility eight randomly selected human cell lines, three derived from ovarian carcinomas and five derived from cervical carcinomas, were tested for their in vitro sensitivity to TNF-mediated lysis. The results of this analysis showed that all eight cell lines are normally resistant to lysis by TNF. However, in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis, seven of them showed a significant increase in TNF-mediated lysis. Measurement of protein synthesis showed that there is a linear correlation between the level of inhibition of protein synthesis and the level of TNF-mediated lysis. The fact that seven of eight randomly selected cell lines are resistant to TNF because they express a protein-synthesis-dependent resistance mechanism suggests that this mechanism of resistance may be common among gynecological cancers. The results also suggest that a therapy involving TNF and inhibitors of protein synthesis might be useful for the treatment of gynecological malignancies.  相似文献   
Salicylic acid was used as a probe for .OH formed during reperfusion of the ischemic myocardium. .OH adds to the phenolic ring of salicylate to yield dihydroxybenzoic acid species. The two principal dihydroxybenzoic acids formed are the 2,3- and 2,5-derivatives and can be isolated and quantitated using HPLC combined with electrochemical detection. In these experiments, dihydroxybenzoic acids were detectable in the f molar range. Rat hearts were perfused in the Langendorff mode with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 100 microM salicylate. Following 20 min of global ischemia a 173% increase in tissue content of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was detected after 2.5 min of reperfusion. The duration of ischemia did not significantly affect tissue content of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid peaked at 250 to 300% of control within 2.5 min of reperfusion. The inclusion of 100 microM salicylate in the perfusion buffer had no effect on myocardial function during the duration of the experiments. The results indicate that salicylate can be used as a very sensitive probe for .OH in the isolated ischemic heart.  相似文献   
A cDNA for rat liver beta-glucuronidase was isolated, its sequence determined and its expression after transfection into COS cells studied. The deduced amino acid sequence of the rat liver clone showed 77% homology with that from the cDNA for human placental beta-glucuronidase and 47% homology with that deduced from the cDNA for Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase. Several differences were found between the cDNA from rat liver and that previously reported from rat preputial gland. Only one change leads to an amino acid difference in the mature enzyme. A chimeric clone was constructed by using a fragment encoding the first 18 amino acid residues of the signal sequence from the human placental cDNA clone and a fragment from the rat clone encoding four amino acid residues of the signal sequence, all 626 amino acid residues of the mature rat enzyme, and all of the 3' untranslated region. After transfection into COS cells the chimeric clone expressed beta-glucuronidase activity that was specifically immunoprecipitated by antibody to rat beta-glucuronidase. The Mr value of 76,000 of the expressed gene product was characteristic of the glycosylated rat enzyme. It was proteolytically processed in COS cells to Mr 75,000 6 h after metabolic labelling. At least 50% of the expressed enzyme was secreted at 60 h post-transfection, but the secreted enzyme did not undergo proteolytic processing. These results provide evidence that the partial cDNA isolated from a rat liver library contains the complete coding sequence for the mature rat liver enzyme and that the chimeric signal sequence allows normal biosynthesis and processing of the transfected rat liver enzyme in COS cells.  相似文献   
Summary Eels were adapted to black- or white-coloured backgrounds and the pituitary glands were prepared for light and electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical staining was used to study the distribution of the neurohypophysial melanin-concentrating hormone in the neurointermediate lobe. The hormone was located in small, elliptical, electron-opaque neurosecretory granules, measuring approximately 120×90 nm. The neurones terminated on blood vessels in the centre of the neurohypophysis and on the basement membrane separating neural and intermediate lobe tissues. The results of both light and electron immunocytochemistry and of radioimmunoassay are consistent with a higher rate of hormone release from eels adapted to white backgrounds than from those adapted to black backgrounds. In addition to this, when fish that had been adapted to white tanks were transferred to black tanks, there was an accumulation of irMCH in the gland and an increased numerical density of secretory granules at nerve terminals. These results reinforce the proposal that MCH is released during adaptation to a white background, to cause melanin concentration and to inhibit MSH release, and that its release is halted in black-adapted fish.  相似文献   
Familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia is a rare autosomal dominant disorder in which levels of apo-B-containing plasma lipoproteins are approximately half-normal in heterozygotes and virtually absent in homozygotes. Here we describe mutations of the apo-B gene that cause two different truncated variants of apo-B in unrelated individuals with hypobetalipoproteinaemia. One variant, apo-B(His1795----Met-Trp-Leu-Val-Thr-Term) is predicted to be 1799 amino acids long and arises from deletion of a single nucleotide (G) from leucine codon 1794. This protein was found at low levels in very low density and low density lipoprotein fractions in the blood. The second, shorter variant, apo-B(Arg1306----Term), is caused by mutation of a CpG dinucleotide in arginine codon 1306 converting it to a stop codon and predicting a protein of 1305 residues. The product of this allele could not be detected in the circulation. The differences in size and behaviour of these two variants compared to apo-B100 or apo-B48 point to domains that may be important for the assembly, secretion or stability of apo-B-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   
Although adolescents account for only 0.4% of reported cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the United States, they are sexually active and, therefore, at risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. To address issues of HIV control in adolescents, we developed guidelines that emphasize education and medical care and deemphasize antibody testing. For adolescents known to be infected with HIV, we recommend no restrictions on access to educational or treatment programs except when their health providers recommend such restrictions to protect them from exposure to opportunistic infections. For adolescents of unknown antibody status with a possible previous exposure to HIV, we recommend that as long as the incidence of HIV infection and clinical AIDS remains low, there should be no restrictions on residential placements and no routine antibody testing.  相似文献   
Copper absorption was measured at two levels of dietary zinc in six healthy young men who were confined to a metabolic unit for a 75 d study of zinc utilization. A diet of conventional foods was fed, providing either 16.5 or 5.5 mg zinc and 1.3 mg copper daily. Copper absorption was determined by feeding65Cu, a stable isotope of copper, once during the 16.5 mg Zn diet and near the beginning and end of the 5.5 mg Zn diet. Apparent copper absorption averaged 48.1% when the 16.5 mg Zn diet was fed. This was significantly higher than the averages of 37.2 and 38.5% when the 5.5 mg Zn diet was fed. Absorption also differed significantly among subjects. Fecal copper did not differ between diets or among subjects. All subjects were in positive copper balance at both levels of dietary zinc. These results suggest that a dietary zinc intake slightly above the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 15 mg/d does not increase fecal copper loss and does not interfere with copper absorption.  相似文献   
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