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Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection caused by members of the Cryptococcus gattii and C. neoformans species complexes. The C. gattii species complex has a strong environmental association with eucalypt hollows (particularly Eucalyptus camaldulensis), which may present a source of infection. It remains unclear whether a specific mycobiome is required to support its environmental survival and growth. Conventional detection of environmental Cryptococcus spp. involves culture on differential media, such as Guizotia abyssinica seed agar. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS)‐based culture‐independent identification aids in contextualising these species in the environmental mycobiome. Samples from 23 Australian tree hollows were subjected to both culture‐ and amplicon‐based metagenomic analysis to characterize the mycobiome and assess relationships between Cryptococcus spp. and other fungal taxa. The most abundant genera detected were Coniochaeta, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, all being commonly isolated from decaying wood. There was no correlation between the presence of Cryptococcus spp. in a tree hollow and the presence of any other fungal genus. Some differences in the abundance of numerous taxa were noted in a differential heat tree comparing samples with or without Cryptococcus‐NGS reads. The study expanded the known environmental niche of the C. gattii and C. neoformans species complexes in Australia with detections from a further five tree species. Discrepancies between the detection of Cryptococcus spp. using culture or NGS suggest that neither is superior per se and that, rather, these methodologies are complementary. The inherent biases of amplicon‐based metagenomics require cautious interpretation of data through consideration of its biological relevance.  相似文献   
Biological Invasions - Understanding the drivers of invasive species spread is key to designing optimal management programmes for controlling them. Population models, parameterized from demographic...  相似文献   
Acoustic signals are often critical elements of mating displays, and lekking male greater prairie‐chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) use their boom vocalization for this purpose. We quantified the acoustic characteristics of the boom chorus created by multiple male greater prairie‐chickens vocalizing simultaneously at leks in Brown County, NE, USA, in 2013 and 2014. We used these data to evaluate (a) the role of the boom chorus in prairie‐chicken breeding dynamics and (b) the impact of a wind energy facility on the acoustic signal of the boom chorus. We sampled the chorus using audio recorders placed in transects extending from leks; the chorus exhibited an average peak frequency of 297 ± 13 Hz. The mean chorus signal‐to‐noise ratio declined from 15.7 dB (50 m) to 2.6 dB (800 m), and wind speed and direction, topography, and relative humidity caused variation in signal‐to‐noise ratio at a given distance and location. Chorus recordings from leks within 1,000 m of a wind turbine had lower signal‐to‐noise ratio (βturbine = ?5.659, SE = 1.289) than leks farther from turbines. The chorus signal‐to‐noise ratio increased slightly with more males present on the lek (~0.1 dB for each additional male; βmales = 0.177; SE = 0.037) and considerably more as more females visited the lek (~1.4 dB for each additional female; βfemales = 2.498, SE = 0.235; βfemales2 = ?0.309, SE = 0.039). Our results provide support for the signal enhancement hypothesis that proposes the boom chorus is influenced notably by male–male competition for females on the lek, rather than functioning solely to advertise the presence of the lek to recruit females. Our results also suggest the choruses emanating from small leks have the greatest potential to be masked by anthropogenic (wind turbine) noise, which may affect the breeding success of male and female prairie‐chickens.  相似文献   
Because of a lack of information of the optimum nutritional requirements, epithelial cells derived from normal human prostate and prostate tumors have been difficult to propagate in vitro, which hinders research in prostate carcinogenesis. In an effort to establish optimum nutritional conditions and differences in growth characteristics of normal human prostate (NP), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatic carcinoma (PCA), we have compared the effects of several growth factors on cell proliferation and elucidated growth properties of low passage epithelial cells derived from NP, BPH, and PCA of an African-American patient. Primary and low passage cultures were propagated in serum-free keratinocyte basal medium (KBM) supplemented with insulin (5 μg/ml), hydrocortisone (0.5 μg/ml), epidermal growth factor (EGF, 10 ng/ml), bovine pituitary extract (BPE; 50 μg/ml), cholera toxin (10 ng/ml), and antibiotics. Almost all NP, BPH, and PCA cells were positive for cytokeratins and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The NP, BPH, and PCA cells were essentially diploid and lacked mutations in c-K-ras and c-Ha-ras oncogenes, and p53 tumor suppressor gene. However, they exhibited progressively accelerating growth parameters. The population doubling times of NP, BPH and PCA were 51 hr, 37 hr, and 29 hr, respectively; their saturation densities were 2.9 × 104/cm2, 3.3 × 104/cm2, and 7.2 × 104/cm2, respectively. The NP and BPH cells required all of the growth factors in the medium, as deletion of any one of the above factors strongly inhibited their growth. The PCA cells, however, were independent of EGF and hydrocortisone. PC-3, an established human prostate cancer cell line, was independent of the growth factors tested. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) inhibited the growth of NP, BPH and PCA cells. In contrast, FBS stimulated the growth of the PC-3 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. These results indicate that in the absence of any apparent karyotype alterations and mutations in c-K-ras, c-Ha-ras and p53 genes, epithelial cells derived from NP, BPH, and PCA exhibit significant differences in their growth properties and responses to growth factors. These variations may represent early changes involved in prostate cancer, while gene mutations and cytogenetic alterations occur in advanced and/or metastatic tumors. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Oysters from 48 Gulf of Mexico sites were examined for presence and infection intensity of the endoparasite, Perkinsus (= Dermocystidium) marinus (Mackin, Owen and Collier, 1950) as part of NOAA's Status and Trends Mussel Watch Program. Prevalence exceeded 75% at 25 sites. Infection intensity did not vary with sex or reproductive stage. Latitude, total polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content and industrial and agricultural land use significantly affected the parasite's distribution. PAH and pesticide concentrations were latitudinally dependent, suggesting an impact of spawning frequency on uptake and depuration. P. marinus analysis complements the use of pollutant body burden for determining change in environmental quality because it responds differently than pollutant body burden to the biology and ecology of the oyster.  相似文献   
A community of organisms dominated by gnathostomulids has been discovered at the East Flower Garden Brine Seep. This discovery clearly demonstrates that specialized communities of micro-metazoans exist in and below sulfide-dependent chemoclines. The term thiobios should be retained to describe these communities.  相似文献   
East Coast fever, a tick-borne cattle disease caused by the Theileria parva parasite, is among the biggest natural killers of cattle in East Africa, leading to over 1 million deaths annually. Here we report on the genetic analysis of a cohort of Bos indicus (Boran) cattle demonstrating heritable tolerance to infection with T. parva (h2 = 0.65, s.e. 0.57). Through a linkage analysis we identify a 6 Mb genomic region on bovine chromosome 15 that is significantly associated with survival outcome following T. parva exposure. Testing this locus in an independent cohort of animals replicates this association with survival following T. parva infection. A stop gained variant in a paralogue of the FAF1 gene in this region was found to be highly associated with survival across both related and unrelated animals, with only one of the 20 homozygote carriers (T/T) of this change succumbing to the disease in contrast to 44 out of 97 animals homozygote for the reference allele (C/C). Consequently, we present a genetic locus linked to tolerance of one of Africa’s most important cattle diseases, raising the promise of marker-assisted selection for cattle that are less susceptible to infection by T. parva.  相似文献   
Ferrets are the gold-standard model for influenza A virus (IAV) research due to their natural susceptibility to human and zoonotic IAV, comparable respiratory anatomy and physiology to humans, and development of clinical signs similar to those seen in infected people. Because the presence and progression of clinical signs can be useful in infectious disease research, uncertainty in how analgesics alter research outcomes or compromise characteristics of disease progression have outweighed the concern regarding animal discomfort from these symptoms. Nonetheless, the principles of animal research require consideration of refinements for this important model for IAV research. Opioids offer a possible refinement option that would not directly affect the inflammatory cascade involved in IAV infection. Mirroring pathogenicity studies that use ferrets, 12 ferrets were inoculated intranasally with the A(H3N2) IAV A/Panama/2007/1999 and divided into 3 treatment groups (n = 4 each), of which 2 groups received buprenorphine treatments on different schedules and the third received a saline control. The duration and location of viral replication, lymphohematopoietic changes, and clinical signs were comparable across all groups at all time points. High quantities of infectious virus in nasal wash specimens were detected in ferrets from all groups through day 5 after inoculation, and peak viral titers from the upper respiratory tract did not differ between ferrets receiving buprenorphine treatments on either schedule. Compared with the saline group, ferrets receiving buprenorphine exhibited transient weight loss and pyrexia, but all groups ultimately achieved similar peaks in both of these measurements. Collectively, these findings support the continued evaluation of buprenorphine as a refinement for IAV-challenged ferrets.

Despite decades of international research and the availability of public health countermeasures, including vaccines and antivirals, influenza viruses remain a persistent threat to human and animal health.26,35 Influenza A viruses (IAV) exhibit a diverse range of virulence, exist in several host reservoirs, and can show rapid rates of antigenic change.26 As a result, IAV are associated with both seasonal epidemics and occasional pandemics in humans,35 and animal infections with IAV have become key for understanding multifactorial traits that include pathogenicity, transmissibility, and vaccine efficacy. Due to their relatively small size, adaptability to the research setting, and similarities to human lung anatomy and physiology, ferrets provide an excellent model for respiratory diseases in humans and are a valuable small-animal model for such studies.8,30 Data generated from ferrets are included in numerous risk-assessment rubrics evaluating the pandemic potential of novel and emerging influenza viruses, including those established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.14,51The study of influenza virus in ferrets dates back to the early 1930s, when this species was first found to be susceptible to influenza virus.44 Ferrets are naturally susceptible to both human and zoonotic IAV.47 After infection, ferrets present with clinical signs like those of humans; these signs are often not recapitulated in other species, such as mice and guinea pigs.28,39,46 The severity and spectrum of clinical signs associated with influenza virus–inoculated ferrets can vary, depending on the virus strain, route and dose of inoculation, and various host parameters.5 Whereas influenza viruses with low virulence in ferrets may cause only acute pyrexia and mild to moderate weight loss, isolates with high virulence can cause severe, systemic illness with gastrointestinal and neurologic symptoms.4The 3Rs, replace, reduce, refine, encourage investigation of how research involving animals can be conducted in more humane ways.2,13,37,41 Analgesia for symptoms of influenza in ferrets represents an opportunity for refinement, but this intervention could confound research assessing disease progression. NSAID and corticosteroids are often prescribed to treat the clinical signs associated with influenza in humans.43 These interventions could alter the inflammatory cascade and subsequent pathophysiology of the disease, thus reducing the validity of studies designed to characterize and compare influenza viruses.6,43 NSAID reportedly inhibit nuclear factor κB, a regulator of inflammatory processes that is involved in viral RNA synthesis.25,27 In addition, NSAID have been found to increase survival rates in influenza virus-infected mice.53 Therefore, the use of NSAID may be problematic in studies investigating the pathogenesis of influenza viruses.Buprenorphine, an opioid, is an established analgesic in ferrets that can be administered either intravascularly, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously at 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg with an analgesic duration of 6 to 12 h.11,16,24,38,52 Historically buprenorphine has been described as a partial µ receptor agonist and κ and γ receptor antagonist,22,29,40,48 but the drug recently was described to behave as a full µ agonist.36 The ceiling effect of analgesia and the immunosuppressive effects reported with other opioids have not been documented to occur with buprenorphine.15,36,42 However, the use of buprenorphine does have the possibility of adverse effects, including sedation, weight loss, constipation, and respiratory depression.10,15,16,22,23,34,42 Nonetheless, buprenorphine is a commonly prescribed analgesic for numerous small mammalian species used in research settings.20,22,40Given that influenza is an ongoing threat to human and animal health and because no replacement is available for data gained with the ferret model, pain mitigation options for research conducted in this species must be addressed. To date, concerns about altering the course of the disease have precluded the evaluation of refinements options in IAV-infected ferrets. The goal of the current study was to assess the effects of buprenorphine treatments on the pathogenesis of a seasonal IAV in ferrets; this assessment was achieved by comparing virus-inoculated ferrets that were either sham-treated or that received buprenorphine according to 2 different dosing schedules. We hypothesized that buprenorphine treatments would not affect experimental readouts, including morbidity, viral shedding, lymphopenia, and seroconversion in convalescent serum; these parameters are commonly measured during IAV research. Study results indicate that buprenorphine did not uniformly or significantly modulate disease progression, peak viral titers in the upper respiratory tract, or clinical responses used to characterize viral pathogenicity in ferrets.  相似文献   
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