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The genus Dasylirion is a group of plants typically present in the Chihuahuan Desert, perennial, with a dioecious sexual behavior and commonly called sotoles. This genus has been little studied from the biological point of view, and the bases of its reproductive response remain unknown. In this work we studied the chromosome number and meiotic response of Dasylirion cedrosanum in the county of Saltillo, Coahuila, located at the North East of Mexico. For the preparation of mitotic chromosomes, we used a technique based on enzymatic treatment with pectolyase and cellulase, as well as staining with acetocarmin dye. For the study of meiosis, male flower buds were collected, fixed and stained for analysis with the same dye. As a result, the gametic (n = x = 19) and somatic chromosome (2n = 38) numbers of D. cedrosanum are reported for the first time, being consistent with previous findings in other Dasylirion species, which points to a constant ploidy level across the genus. Variation was observed in the morphology and size of the somatic chromosomes, with types ranging from submetacentric to subtelocentric, and sizes oscillating in a range of 4.43 µm, with an average total length of 112.38 µm for the diploid chromosome complement. This shows that the chromosome complement of D. cedrosanom would belong to a 3B classification of Stebins, with a medium variation between chromosome lengths and low chromosome asymmetry. This variation indicates the feasibility of constructing a chromosome ideotype for this species. The meiotic chromosome pairing showed a chromosome behavior consistent with a disomic inheritance characteristic of a diploid species, with prevalence of ring and chain bivalents, typically without pairing abnormalities. Bivalent configurations in all cases were symmetrical.The normal and symmetrical meiotic pairing indicates a balanced production of gametes, and suggests the absence of heteromorphic sex determination.  相似文献   
We have identified a novel carboxyl-terminal splice-variant of the glutamate transporter GLT1, which we denote as GLT1c. Within the rat brain only low levels of protein and message were detected, protein expression being restricted to end feet of astrocytes apposed to blood vessels or some astrocytes adjacent to the ventricles. Conversely, within the retina, this variant was selectively and heavily expressed in the synaptic terminals of both rod- and cone-photoreceptors in both humans and rats. Double-immunolabelling with antibodies to the carboxyl region of GLT1b/GLT1v, which is strongly expressed in apical dendrites of bipolar cells and in cone photoreceptors revealed that in the rat GLT1c was co-localised with GLT1b/GLT1v in cone photoreceptors but not with GLT1b/GLT1v in bipolar cells. GLT1c expression was developmentally regulated, only appearing at around postnatal day 7 in the rat retina, when photoreceptors first exhibit a dark current. Since the glutamate transporter EAAT5 is also expressed in terminals of rod photoreceptor terminals these data indicate that rod photoreceptors express two glutamate transporters with distinct properties. Similarly, cone photoreceptors express two glutamate transporters. We suggest that differential usage of these transporters by rod and cone photoreceptors may influence the kinetics of glutamate transmission by these neurons.  相似文献   
Glutamate transport (GluT) in brain is mediated chiefly by two transporters GLT and GLAST, both driven by ionic gradients generated by (Na+, K+)-dependent ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase). GLAST is located in astrocytes and its function is regulated by translocations from cytoplasm to plasma membrane in the presence of GluT substrates. The phenomenon is blocked by a naturally occurring toxin rottlerin. We have recently suggested that rottlerin acts by inhibiting Na+/K+-ATPase. We now report that Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitors digoxin and ouabain also blocked the redistribution of GLAST in cultured astrocytes, however, neither of the compounds caused detectable inhibition of ATPase activity in cell-free astrocyte homogenates (rottlerin inhibited app. 80% of Pi production from ATP in the astrocyte homogenates, IC50 = 25 μM). Therefore, while we may not have established a direct link between GLAST regulation and Na+/K+-ATPase activity we have shown that both ouabain and digoxin can interfere with GluT transport and therefore should be considered potentially neurotoxic.  相似文献   
Summary The intercellular junctions in the corpora cardiaca of the locusts Schistocerca gregaria and Locusta migratoria were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. In the glandular lobes, complexes consisting of scalariform junctions and associated mitochondria, comparable to those previously observed in ion transporting epithelia, are formed between gland cells, and more rarely between gland cells and the neurons innervating them. Their structure and abundance are apparently unaffected by the stage of development or by the various experimental conditions employed. In the neural lobe, scalariform junctions form between glial cells and show close association with the endoplasmic reticulum. Gap junctions are present among glandular, neural and glial elements, and are formed between cells of the same type and of different types. Contacts resembling punctate tight junctions are widely distributed in the gland, but would be unlikely to form a barrier to diffusion. Septate junctions are formed exclusively between glial cells.  相似文献   
The naturally occurring toxin rottlerin has been used by other laboratories as a specific inhibitor of protein kinase C-delta (PKC-δ) to obtain evidence that the activity-dependent distribution of glutamate transporter GLAST is regulated by PKC-δ mediated phosphorylation. Using immunofluorescence labelling for GLAST and deconvolution microscopy we have observed that d-aspartate-induced redistribution of GLAST towards the plasma membranes of cultured astrocytes was abolished by rottlerin. In brain tissue in vitro, rottlerin reduced apparent activity of (Na+, K+)-dependent ATPase (Na+, K+-ATPase) and increased oxygen consumption in accordance with its known activity as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation (“metabolic poison”). Rottlerin also inhibited Na+, K+-ATPase in cultured astrocytes. As the glutamate transport critically depends on energy metabolism and on the activity of Na+, K+-ATPase in particular, we suggest that the metabolic toxicity of rottlerin and/or the decreased activity of the Na+, K+-ATPase could explain both the glutamate transport inhibition and altered GLAST distribution caused by rottlerin even without any involvement of PKC-δ-catalysed phosphorylation in the process.  相似文献   


The reversal distance and optimal sequences of reversals to transform a genome into another are useful tools to analyse evolutionary scenarios. However, the number of sequences is huge and some additional criteria should be used to obtain a more accurate analysis. One strategy is searching for sequences that respect constraints, such as the common intervals (clusters of co-localised genes). Another approach is to explore the whole space of sorting sequences, eventually grouping them into classes of equivalence. Recently both strategies started to be put together, to restrain the space to the sequences that respect constraints. In particular an algorithm has been proposed to list classes whose sorting sequences do not break the common intervals detected between the two inital genomes A and B. This approach may reduce the space of sequences and is symmetric (the result of the analysis sorting A into B can be obtained from the analysis sorting B into A).  相似文献   
This review provides an overview of the distributions, properties and roles of amino acid transport systems in normal and pathological retinal tissues and discusses the roles of specific identified transporters in the mammalian retina. The retina is used in this context as a vehicle for describing neuronal and glial properties, which are in some, but not all cases comparable to those found elsewhere an the brain. Where significant departures are noted, these are discussed in the context of functional specialisations of the retina and its relationship to adjacent supporting tissues such as the retinal pigment epithelium. Specific examples are given where immunocytochemical labelling for amino acid transporters may yield inaccurate results, possibly because of activity-dependent conformation changes of epitopes in these proteins which render the epitopes more or less accessible to antibodies.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of taurine on cone retinomotor movements and the responses of cone-driven horizontal cells in dark-adapted teleost retina. In isolated goldfish retina preparations maintained in the dark, cones spontaneously contracted, and the responses of horizontal cells were suppressed. Addition of 5 mM taurine to the physiological solution blocked the spontaneous contraction of cones in the dark but did not block the dark-suppression of horizontal cell responses. These results indicate that the mechanism that leads to horizontal cell dark suppression is not sensitive to taurine. Although both cone retinomotor position and horizontal cell responsiveness are known to be modulated by dopamine, the present results do not support the hypothesis that taurine inhibits dopamine release in the dark because only spontaneous cone contraction was affected by taurine. These results also indicate that spontaneous cone contraction in the dark is not the cause of horizontal cell dark suppression because, in the presence of taurine, cones were elongated yet horizontal cell responses were still suppressed. Consequently, these results make it clear that horizontal cell dark suppression is not an artifact produced by incubating isolated teleost retina preparations in taurine-free physiological solution.  相似文献   
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