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The energy produced from the investment in biofuel crops needs to account for the environmental impacts on soil, water, climate change and ecosystem services. A regionalized approach is needed to evaluate the environmental costs of large-scale biofuel production. We present a regional pan-European simulation of rapeseed ( Brassica napus ) cultivation. Rapeseed is the European Union's dominant biofuel crop with a share of about 80% of the feedstock. To improve the assessment of the environmental impact of this biodiesel production, we performed a pan-European simulation of rapeseed cultivation at a 10 × 10 km scale with Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC). The model runs with a daily time step and model input consists of spatialized meteorological measurements, and topographic, soil, land use, and farm management practices data and information. Default EPIC model parameters were calibrated based on literature. Modelled rapeseed yields were satisfactory compared with yields at regional level reported for 151 regions obtained for the period from 1995 to 2003 for 27 European Union member countries, along with consistent modelled and reported yield responses to precipitation, radiation and vapour pressure deficit at regional level. The model is currently set up so that plant nutrient stress is not occurring. Total fertilizer consumption at country level was compared with IFA/FAO data. This approach allows us to evaluate environmental pressures and efficiencies arising from and associated with rapeseed cultivation to further complete the environmental balance of biofuel production and consumption. 相似文献
X Xiao G Hintermann AL Demanin J Piret 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》1996,16(4):261-262
Streptomyces glaucescens is shown to possess -lactamase activity which is inhibitable by clavulanate. This is important in regard to its use as a cloning host for enzymes of -lactam biosynthesis. 相似文献
Carlos García-Estrada Inmaculada Vaca Ricardo V Ullán Marco A van den Berg Roel AL Bovenberg Juan Francisco Martín 《BMC microbiology》2009,9(1):104-15
Penicillium chrysogenum converts isopenicillin N (IPN) into hydrophobic penicillins by means of the peroxisomal IPN acyltransferase (IAT), which is encoded by the penDE gene. In silico analysis of the P. chrysogenum genome revealed the presence of a gene, Pc13g09140, initially described as paralogue of the IAT-encoding penDE gene. We have termed this gene ial because it encodes a protein with high similarity to IAT (IAL for IAT-Like). We have conducted an investigation to characterize the ial gene and to determine the role of the IAL protein in the penicillin biosynthetic pathway. 相似文献35.
The determination of structural haplotypes at copy number variable regions can indicate the mechanisms responsible for changes in copy number, as well as explain the relationship between gene copy number and expression. However, obtaining spatial information at regions displaying extensive copy number variation, such as the DEFA1A3 locus, is complex, because of the difficulty in the phasing and assembly of these regions. The DEFA1A3 locus is intriguing in that it falls within a region of high linkage disequilibrium, despite its high variability in copy number (n = 3–16); hence, the mechanisms responsible for changes in copy number at this locus are unclear.Results
In this study, a region flanking the DEFA1A3 locus was sequenced across 120 independent haplotypes with European ancestry, identifying five common classes of DEFA1A3 haplotype. Assigning DEFA1A3 class to haplotypes within the 1000 Genomes project highlights a significant difference in DEFA1A3 class frequencies between populations with different ancestry. The features of each DEFA1A3 class, for example, the associated DEFA1A3 copy numbers, were initially assessed in a European cohort (n = 599) and replicated in the 1000 Genomes samples, showing within-class similarity, but between-class and between-population differences in the features of the DEFA1A3 locus. Emulsion haplotype fusion-PCR was used to generate 61 structural haplotypes at the DEFA1A3 locus, showing a high within-class similarity in structure.Conclusions
Structural haplotypes across the DEFA1A3 locus indicate that intra-allelic rearrangement is the predominant mechanism responsible for changes in DEFA1A3 copy number, explaining the conservation of linkage disequilibrium across the locus. The identification of common structural haplotypes at the DEFA1A3 locus could aid studies into how DEFA1A3 copy number influences expression, which is currently unclear.Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-614) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献37.
Gray KK Worthy MN Juelich TL Agar SL Poussard A Ragland D Freiberg AN Holbrook MR 《PLoS neglected tropical diseases》2012,6(2):e1529
Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a major human and animal pathogen associated with severe disease including hemorrhagic fever or encephalitis. RVFV is endemic to parts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, but there is significant concern regarding its introduction into non-endemic regions and the potentially devastating effect to livestock populations with concurrent infections of humans. To date, there is little detailed data directly comparing the host response to infection with wild-type or vaccine strains of RVFV and correlation with viral pathogenesis. Here we characterized clinical and systemic immune responses to infection with wild-type strain ZH501 or IND vaccine strain MP-12 in the C57BL/6 mouse. Animals infected with live-attenuated MP-12 survived productive viral infection with little evidence of clinical disease and minimal cytokine response in evaluated tissues. In contrast, ZH501 infection was lethal, caused depletion of lymphocytes and platelets and elicited a strong, systemic cytokine response which correlated with high virus titers and significant tissue pathology. Lymphopenia and platelet depletion were indicators of disease onset with indications of lymphocyte recovery correlating with increases in G-CSF production. RVFV is hepatotropic and in these studies significant clinical and histological data supported these findings; however, significant evidence of a pro-inflammatory response in the liver was not apparent. Rather, viral infection resulted in a chemokine response indicating infiltration of immunoreactive cells, such as neutrophils, which was supported by histological data. In brains of ZH501 infected mice, a significant chemokine and pro-inflammatory cytokine response was evident, but with little pathology indicating meningoencephalitis. These data suggest that RVFV pathogenesis in mice is associated with a loss of liver function due to liver necrosis and hepatitis yet the long-term course of disease for those that might survive the initial hepatitis is neurologic in nature which is supported by observations of human disease and the BALB/c mouse model. 相似文献
Jason AL Jeffery Peter A Ryan Scott A Lyons Brian H Kay 《Australian Journal of Entomology》2002,41(4):339-344
Abstract Coquillettidia linealis is a severe pest on some of the Moreton Bay islands in Queensland, Australia, but little is known of its breeding habitats and biology. Because of its high abundance and its association with Ross River (RR) and Barmah Forest (BF) viruses by field isolation, its vector competence was evaluated in the laboratory by feeding dilutions of both viruses in blood. For RR, Cq. linealis was of comparable efficiency to Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), recognised as being a major vector. Results were as follows for Cq. linealis and Oc. vigilax , respectively: dose to infect 50%, 102.2 and <101.7 CCID50 /mosquito; 88% and 90% disseminated infection at 4 days postinfection; transmission at 4 days with rates of 68−92% and 25−60%. For BF dose to infect 50%, 102.7 and 102.0 ; disseminated infection rates on first transmission day (day 6), 40% and 70%; transmission rates of 8−16% and 0−10%. As a capillary-tube method was used rather than suckling mice to demonstrate transmission, transmission rates may be underestimates. This, the first study of the vector competence of Cq. linealis in Australia, demonstrates that this species deserves control on the southern Moreton Bay islands. 相似文献
This study aimed to provide recent data on the occurrence of non-strongyle intestinal parasite infestation in horses in the Riyadh region of Saudi Arabia as a basis for developing parasite control strategies. We conducted necropsy for 45 horses from September 2006 to November 2007 in the Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia. 39 out of 45 horses were infected with intestinal parasites with an infestation rate of 86.6%. Infestations with seven nematode species and two species of Gasterophilus larva were found. The most prevalent parasites were Strongyloides westeri (64.4%) and Parascaris equorum (28.8%) followed by Habronema muscae (22.2%). Trichostrongylus axei and Oxyuris equi were less common at (11.1%) and (8.8%), respectively. Habronema megastoma and Setaria equine were found in two horses only (4.4%). Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae were recovered from 39 horses (86.6%) and Gasterophilus nasalis larvae were found in 17 horses (37.7%). Season had a significant effect on the prevalence of P. equorum and G. nasalis, while age of horses had a significant effect only on the prevalence of P. equorum. The husbandry in Saudi Arabia appears to be conductive to parasites transmitted in stables or by insects rather than in pasture. 相似文献
A mathematical model has been developed for predicting the performance and simulation of a packed bed immobilized enzyme reactor performing lactose hydrolysis, which follows Michaelis‐Menten kinetics with competitive product (galactose) inhibition. The performance characteristics of a packed bed immobilized enzyme reactor have been analyzed taking into account the effects of various diffusional phenomena like axial dispersion and external mass transfer limitations. The model design equations are then solved by Galerkin's method and orthogonal collocation on finite elements. The effects of external mass transfer and axial dispersion have been studied and their effects were shown to reduce the external effectiveness factor. The effects of product inhibition have been investigated at different operating conditions correlated at different regimes using dimensionless moduli (St, γ, θ, Da)1). The product inhibition was shown to reduce the substrate conversion, and, additionally, to decrease the effectiveness factor when Da > Daxo, however, it increases the effectiveness factor when Da < Daxo. The effectiveness factor is found to be independent of the product inhibition at a crossover point at which Daxo is defined. Effects of St and Pe have been investigated at different kinetic regimes and the results show that their effects have a strong dependency on the kinetic parameters θ, γ (i.e., Km/Kp), and Daxo. 相似文献