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Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule synthesized by endothelium nitric oxide synthase encoded by the ecNOS gene that plays an important role in regulating the systemic, cardiac and pulmonary circulation. Impairment in NO synthesis has been associated to many cardiovascular disorders, including coronary artery disease and hypertension. We investigated the frequency of the intron 4 VNTR ecNOS gene polymorphism in an Ivorian and an Italian population. The frequencies of the ecNOSb/b, ecNOSa/b and ecNOSa/a genotypes were 0.422, 0.476, and 0.102, respectively, for the Ivorian sample, and 0.712, 0.269, and 0.019, respectively, for the Italian population. The frequencies of ecNOS4b and ecNOS4a alleles were 0.660 and 0.340, respectively, for the Ivorian group, and 0.847 and 0.153, respectively, for the studied Italian population. Genotype frequencies were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in both populations. The Ivorian population showed a significantly higher frequency of the ecNOS4a allele compared to other African and non-African populations, while the Italian sample confirmed the high genetic homogeneity of this polymorphism among Europeans. The maldistribution of endothelial ecNOS polymorphisms between populations could be the results of differential exposure to selection pressures in Africa and during the out-of-Africa expansion.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic bile acids impair gallbladder emptying in vivo and inhibit gallbladder muscle contraction in response to CCK-8 in vitro. This study was aimed at determining the mechanisms of muscle cell dysfunction caused by bile acids in guinea pig gallbladders. Muscle cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion. Taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDC), a hydrophobic bile acid, caused a contraction of up to 15% and blocked CCK-induced contraction. Indomethacin abolished the TCDC-induced contraction. Hydrophilic bile acid tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDC) had no effect on muscle contraction but prevented the TCDC-induced contraction and its inhibition on CCK-induced contraction. Pretreatment with NADPH oxidase inhibitor PH2I, xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol, and free-radical scavenger catalase also prevented TCDC-induced contraction and its inhibition of the CCK-induced contraction. TCDC caused H2O2 production, lipid peroxidation, and increased PGE2 synthesis and activities of catalase and SOD. These changes were significantly inhibited by pretreatment of PH2I or allopurinol. Inhibitors of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), protein kinase C (PKC), and mitogen-activating protein kinase (MAPK) also blocked the TCDC-induced contraction. It is concluded that hydrophobic bile acids cause muscle cell dysfunction by stimulating the formation of H2O2 via activation of NADPH and xanthine oxidase. H2O2 causes lipid peroxidation and activates cPLA2 to increase PGE2 production, which, in turn, stimulates the synthesis of free-radical scavengers through the PKC-MAPK pathway.  相似文献   
The reproductive cycle of female wild marble trout Salmo marmoratus was studied in a prealpine watercourse (Northeast Italy). Gonadosomatic index, oocyte growth and plasma levels of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone were bimonthly measured during one year to obtain a detailed dataset and to gain useful tools for the identification of the reproductive stage without impact for the species. Monitored features showed significant variations during the study period: gonadosomatic index and oocyte size increased slightly but significantly during the first part of the cycle (from February to June), while steroid levels remained quite constant; for all parameters, major increases were highlighted between August and the spawning season (which occurred from the middle of November to the middle of December). Ranges and trends observed for gonadosomatic index (from 0.87 ± 0.41% to 10.91 ± 3.37%) and oocyte diameter (from 0.692 ± 0.031 mm to 4.624 ± 0.208 mm) were generally in agreement with literature regarding salmonids, while plasma levels of 17β-oestradiol (from 0.214 ± 0.015 ng ml?1 to 78.090 ± 23.882 ng ml?1) and testosterone (from 0.327 ± 0.086 ng ml?1 to 71.800 ± 29.406 ng ml?1) showed wider ranges. A strong non-linear relationship was found between oocyte size and 17β-oestradiol plasma concentration (r 2 = 0.890) and especially between oocyte size and testosterone plasma concentration (r 2 = 0.947). This last relationship could likely be used to obtain information relative to the gonadal development, especially in the case of an endangered species like Salmo marmoratus, which needs non-invasive tools for management.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli single stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) is crucial for DNA replication, recombination and repair. Within each process, it has two seemingly disparate roles: it stabilizes single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates generated during DNA processing and, forms complexes with a group of proteins known as the SSB‐interactome. Key to both roles is the C‐terminal, one‐third of the protein, in particular the intrinsically disordered linker (IDL). Previously, they have shown using a series of linker deletion mutants that the IDL links both ssDNA and target protein binding by mediating interactions with the oligosaccharide/oligonucleotide binding fold in the target. In this study, they examine the role of the linker region in SSB function in a variety of DNA metabolic processes in vitro. Using the same linker mutants, the results show that in addition to association reactions (either DNA or protein), the IDL is critical for the release of SSB from DNA. This release can be under conditions of ssDNA competition or active displacement by a DNA helicase or recombinase. Consistent with their previous work these results indicate that SSB linker mutants are defective for SSB–SSB interactions, and when the IDL is removed a terminal SSB–DNA complex results. Formation of this complex inhibits downstream processing of DNA by helicases such as RecG or PriA as well as recombination, mediated by RecA. A model, based on the evidence herein, is presented to explain how the IDL acts in SSB function.  相似文献   
Muscles exhibit highly complex, multi-scale architecture with thousands of muscle fibers, each with different properties, interacting with each other and surrounding connective structures. Consequently, the results of single-fiber experiments are scarcely linked to the macroscopic or whole muscle behavior. This is especially true for human muscles where it would be important to understand of how skeletal muscles disorders affect patients’ life. In this work, we developed a mathematical model to study how fast and slow muscle fibers, well characterized in single-fiber experiments, work and generate together force and displacement in muscle bundles. We characterized the parameters of a Hill-type model, using experimental data on fast and slow single human muscle fibers, and comparing experimental data with numerical simulations obtained from finite element (FE) models of single fibers. Then, we developed a FE model of a bundle of 19 fibers, based on an immunohistochemically stained cross section of human diaphragm and including the corresponding properties of each slow or fast fiber. Simulations of isotonic contractions of the bundle model allowed the generation of its apparent force–velocity relationship. Although close to the average of the force–velocity curves of fast and slow fibers, the bundle curve deviates substantially toward the fast fibers at low loads. We believe that the present model and the characterization of the force–velocity curve of a fiber bundle represents the starting point to link the single-fiber properties to those of whole muscle with FE application in phenomenological models of human muscles.  相似文献   
The genusRiodocea is here described from material collected in the várzea forest of the Rio Doce Valley, northern Espírito Santo.Riodocea is a monotypic genus probably related to the Amazonian endemicKutchubaea. A line drawing shows general morphology and photomicrographs show pollen morphology ofRiodocea pulcherrima. Distribution maps ofRiodocea andKutchubaea are included. The valley of the Rio Doce is here included in the Bahian Hylaea, defined as a subregion of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. The connections between the Amazonian Hylaea and the Bahian Hylaea are discussed.  相似文献   
The colonisation of ornamental marble statues in theBoboli Gardens of Florence (Italy) by photosyntheticmicro-organisms was investigated. The greenmicroalga Coccomyxa was the first colonizer ofnewly restored marble surfaces, appearing one yearafter the periodic cleaning and restoration of thestatues. Two years after restoration this alga gaverise to very thin green biofilms, with densitiesreaching about 3 × 102 cells cm-2. Later,the biofilms were enriched by cyanobacterial forms,which became dominant. In about six years, aphotosynthetic microbial community, amounting to about3 × 104 cells cm-2, and structurally similarto that occurring on the unrestored statues wasdeveloped. This epilithic community showed amarked biodiversity; the main representative formsincluded Chroococcidiopsis, Leptolyngbya,Pleurocapsa, Coccomyxa and Apatococcus.Coccomyxa initiated the colonisation of themarble surfaces, favoured in this process by itsfacultative oligotrophic capacity and high cellsurface hydrophobicity, combined with tolerance ofhigh light intensity. The other investigated isolatedstrains did not show this set of features. Thesecretion of polysaccharidic substances and cellsurface hydrophobicity enhancing the capacity toadhere, favoured permanent colonisation of thecyanobacterial population. Indeed, the majority of thecyanobacterial strains (90%), were shown to besurrounded by exopolysaccharidic envelops, whichcontributed to the formation of stable microbialbiofilms, and possessed variable cell surfacehydrophobicity.  相似文献   
The prediction of the protein tertiary structure from solely its residue sequence (the so called Protein Folding Problem) is one of the most challenging problems in Structural Bioinformatics. We focus on the protein residue contact map. When this map is assigned it is possible to reconstruct the 3D structure of the protein backbone. The general problem of recovering a set of 3D coordinates consistent with some given contact map is known as a unit-disk-graph realization problem and it has been recently proven to be NP-Hard. In this paper we describe a heuristic method (COMAR) that is able to reconstruct with an unprecedented rate (3-15 seconds) a 3D model that exactly matches the target contact map of a protein. Working with a non-redundant set of 1760 proteins, we find that the scoring efficiency of finding a 3D model very close to the protein native structure depends on the threshold value adopted to compute the protein residue contact map. Contact maps whose threshold values range from 10 to 18 Ångstroms allow reconstructing 3D models that are very similar to the proteins native structure.  相似文献   
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