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An algae-based vaccine model against atherosclerosis was developed with positive findings in terms of antigen yield and immunogenicity in mouse.


Several immunotherapies against atherosclerosis have been evaluated at the preclinical level thus far, with some of them currently under evaluation in clinical trials. In particular, the p210 epitope from ApoB100 is known to elicit atheroprotective responses. Considering that Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is an attractive host for the production and delivery of subunit vaccines, in this study a chimeric protein consisting of the B subunit of the cholera toxin and the p210 epitope from ApoB100 (CTB:p210) has been expressed in C. reinhardtii chloroplast as an attempt to establish an oral vaccine candidate against atherosclerosis. The Chlamydomonas-made CTB:p210 protein was successfully expressed at levels of up to 60 µg per g of fresh weight biomass. The antigenic activity of the CTB and the p210 moiety was preserved in the CTB:p210 chimera. Moreover the algae-made CTB:p210 showed an immunogenic activity, when orally administered to BALB/c mice, as evidenced the presence of anti-p210 serum antibodies in mice treated with the algae-derived CTB:p210. The antibody response lasts for at least 80 days after the last boost. This experimental model is proposed as a convenient tool in the development of low cost atherosclerosis vaccines of easy compliance and friendly delivery. Further studies will determine the therapeutic potential of this algae-made vaccine in atherosclerosis animal models.
Myosin light-chain expression during avian muscle development   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Monoclonal antibodies to adult chicken myosin light chains were generated and used to quantitate the types of myosin light-chain (MLC) isoforms expressed during development of the pectoralis major (PM), anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), and medial adductor (MA) muscles of the chicken. These are muscles which, in the adult, are composed predominantly of fast, slow, and a mixture of fiber types, respectively. Three distinct phases of MLC expression characterized the development of the PM and MA muscles. The first identifiable pase occurred during the period of 5-7 d of incubation in ovo. Extracts of muscles from the pectoral region (which included the presumptive PM muscle) contained only fast MLC isoforms. This period of exclusive fast light-chain synthesis was followed by a phase (8- 12 d of incubation in ovo) in which coexpression of both fast and slow MLC isoforms was apparent in both PM and MA muscles. During the period, the composition of both fast and slow MLC isoforms in the PM and MA muscles was identical. Beginning at day 12 in ovo, the ALD was also subjected to immunochemical analyses. The proportion of fast and slow MLCs in this muscle at day 12 was similar to that present in the other muscles studied. The third development phase of MLC expression began at approximately 12 d of incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns typical of adult muscle. During this period, the relative proportion of slow MLC rose in both the MA and ALD and fell in the PM. By day 16, the third fast light chain, LC(3f), was apparent in extracts of both the PM and MA. These results show that there is a developmental progression in the expression of MLC in the two avian muscles studied from day 5 in ovo; first, only fast MLCs are accumulated, then both fast and slow MLC isoforms are expressed. Only during the latter third of development in ovo is the final MLC isoform pattern characteristic of a particular muscle type expressed.  相似文献   
The localisation of the vacuolar proton pump (V-H+ -ATPase) and the enzyme carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) was investigated in the human eccrine sweat gland employing standard immunohistochemical techniques after antigen retrieval using microwave heat treatment and high pressure. The high-pressure antigen retrieval unmasked the presence of V-H+ -ATPase in the clear cells of the secretory coil, with a distribution similar to that previously observed for CAII. However, the dark cells were unreactive to both antibodies. In addition, heat and high-pressure antigen retrieval demonstrated the presence of CAII in the apical zone of luminal cells of the reabsorptive duct, a location not previously reported. The localisation of V-H+ -ATPase and CAII in the secretory coil clear cells suggests that the formation of HCO3- and H+ by carbonic anhydrase II and the transport of H+ by V-H+ -ATPase may play an role in sweat fluid secretion. Their presence at the apex of the duct cells indicates involvement in ductal ion reabsorption.  相似文献   
Mastitis is an infectious disease mainly caused by bacteria invading the mammary gland. Genetic control of susceptibility to mastitis has been widely evidenced in dairy ruminants, but the genetic basis and underlying mechanisms are still largely unknown. We describe the discovery, fine mapping and functional characterization of a genetic variant associated with elevated milk leukocytes count, or SCC, as a proxy for mastitis. After implementing genome-wide association studies, we identified a major QTL associated with SCC on ovine chromosome 3. Fine mapping of the region, using full sequencing with 12X coverage in three animals, provided one strong candidate SNP that mapped to the coding sequence of a highly conserved gene, suppressor of cytokine signalling 2 (Socs2). The frequency of the SNP associated with increased SCC was 21.7% and the Socs2 genotype explained 12% of the variance of the trait. The point mutation induces the p.R96C substitution in the SH2 functional domain of SOCS2 i.e. the binding site of the protein to various ligands, as well-established for the growth hormone receptor GHR. Using surface plasmon resonance we showed that the p.R96C point mutation completely abrogates SOCS2 binding affinity for the phosphopeptide of GHR. Additionally, the size, weight and milk production in p.R96C homozygote sheep, were significantly increased by 24%, 18%, and 4.4%, respectively, when compared to wild type sheep, supporting the view that the point mutation causes a loss of SOCS2 functional activity. Altogether these results provide strong evidence for a causal mutation controlling SCC in sheep and highlight the major role of SOCS2 as a tradeoff between the host’s inflammatory response to mammary infections, and body growth and milk production, which are all mediated by the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Sciadicleithrum juruparii n. sp. is described from the gills of the Neotropical cichlid fish Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel) caught in the Guamá River, in the delta of the Amazon River, at Belém, Pará State, Brazil. Diagnostic characters of the new species are a basally articulated male copulatory organ with clockwise coils and an accessory piece; a ventral bar with a median process; similar hooklets; vagina in the form of a sclerotised tube; and a sinistral vaginal aperture with a sclerotised papilla lying in a small surface depression. It is the only species of Sciadicleithrum Kritsky, Thatcher & Boeger, 1989 with a medial projection on the ventral bar.  相似文献   
Environmentally friendly films exhibiting both antibacterial and antioxidative properties were elaborated from chitosan and tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THCs). Two tetrahydrocurcuminoids, THC1 (5-hydroxy-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)hept-4-en-3-one) and THC2 (5-hydroxy-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)hept-4-en-3-one), were incorporated into a chitosan film. THC1 could be prepared from natural curcumin extracted from turmeric roots (Curcuma longa L.). The resulting tetrahydrocurcuminoid–chitosan films exhibited a high free-radical scavenging activity against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) in methanol, which was due to a progressive release of the THCs into the solvent. The release kinetics was governed both by molecular interactions between chitosan and THCs and probably by electrostatic forces between the ammonium units in chitosan and the aromatic rings in THCs. These interactions were clearly evidenced by the presence of new absorption bands in the visible regions of the electronic absorption spectra of the THCs. The molecular nature of these interactions was shown using glucosamine, the main monomer of chitosan. When associated with THCs, chitosan retained its bioactivity against Listeria innocua; THCs alone were not bioactive enough against listerial strains.  相似文献   


Development of efficient analytic methodologies for combining microarray results is a major challenge in gene expression analysis. The widely used effect size models are thought to provide an efficient modeling framework for this purpose, where the measures of association for each study and each gene are combined, weighted by the standard errors. A significant disadvantage of this strategy is that the quality of different data sets may be highly variable, but this information is usually neglected during the integration. Moreover, it is widely known that the estimated standard deviations are probably unstable in the commonly used effect size measures (such as standardized mean difference) when sample sizes in each group are small.  相似文献   
Genetic variation at 21 gene-enzyme systems was studied in a sample of an adult population of Anisakis typica (Diesing, 1860) recovered in the dolphin Sotalia fluviatilis from the Atlantic coast of Brazil. The characteristic alleles, detected in this population, made it possible to identify as A. typica, Anisakis larvae with a Type I morphology (sensu Berland, 1961) from various fishes: Thunnus thynnus and Auxis thazard from Brazil waters, Trachurus picturatus and Scomber japonicus from Madeiran waters, Scomberomorus commerson, Euthynnus affinis, Sarda orientalis and Coryphaena hippurus from the Somali coast of the Indian Ocean, and Merluccius merluccius from the Eastern Mediterranean. Characteristic allozymes are given for the identification, at any life-stage and in both sexes, of A. typica and the other Anisakis species so far studied genetically. The distribution of A. typica in warmer temperate and tropical waters is confirmed; the definitive hosts so far identified for this species belong to delphinids, phocoenids and pontoporids. The present findings represent the first established records of intermediate/paratenic hosts of A. typica and extend its range to Somali waters of the Indian Ocean and to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. A remarkable genetic homogeneity was observed in larval and adult samples of A. typica despite their different geographical origin; interpopulation genetic distances were low, ranging from D Nei=0.004 (Eastern Mediterranean versus Somali) to D Nei=0.010 (Brazilian versus Somali). Accordingly, indirect estimates of gene flow gave a rather high average value of Nm = 6.00. Genetic divergence of A. typica was, on average, D Nei=1.12 from the members of the A. simplex complex (A. simplex s.s, A. pegreffii, A. simplex C) and D Nei=1.41 from A. ziphidarum, which all share Type I larvae; higher values were found from both A. physeteris (D Nei=2.77)  相似文献   
Amapacanthus amazonicus n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Arius passany (Valenciennes) and Anableps microleps Müller. The most important diagnostic features are: a small globular proboscis armed with 6 diagonal rows of 3 stout hooks; middle hooks conspicuously stouter and larger than anterior ones; terminal hooks as long as middle hooks but straighter and more slender; a double-walled proboscis receptacle; a trunk bearing spines anteriorly; and two tubular cement glands in the males. Amapacanthus n. g. is differentiated from Allorhadinorhynchus, Golvanorhynchus and Slendrorhynchus, the other genera of the Allorhadinorhynchinae, by the presence of a globular proboscis armed with a small number (18) of hooks. A key to the species of the Allorhadinorhynchinae is presented.  相似文献   
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