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The developmental expression of adrenocortical steroid hydroxylases was studied in bovine fetuses from 40 to 280 days gestational age. The expression of P-450(17 alpha) is first detected at a gestational age of 50 days and reaches a maximum at 60-70 days. The expression of P-450(17 alpha) then declines and is nondetectable at a gestational age of 100 days. P-450(17 alpha) is not expressed again until about 240 days, i.e. shortly before birth (approximately 280 days). P-450scc, P-450c21, P-450(11 beta) and adrenodoxin were present in fetal adrenals throughout gestation. This "on-off-on" pattern of P-450(17 alpha) expression during fetal development was associated with a corresponding episodic production of cortisol. Immunoreactive corticotropin (ACTH) levels in fetal plasma were elevated in small fetuses (corresponding to less than or equal to 100 days) and in near-term fetuses (corresponding to greater than 250 days) compared with those in mid-gestation fetuses. In primary culture, adrenal cells from mid-gestation fetuses contained no detectable P-450(17 alpha) but rapidly responded to ACTH with an increase in P-450(17 alpha) protein and mRNA. The tissue specificity of the developmental patterns is emphasized by the fact that both P-450(17 alpha) and P-450scc were detectable throughout the development of the fetal testes, whereas only P-450scc was detectable in fetal bovine ovary prior to 200 days. Thus, in fetal bovine adrenal it appears that ACTH is the major regulatory factor effecting the intermittent presence of P-450(17 alpha), whereas the presence of the other steroid hydroxylases is either regulated by additional factors or shows a much different sensitivity to ACTH.  相似文献   
5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase (3-phospho-shikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase; EC was purified 1300-fold from etiolated shoots of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed three barely separated protein bands staining positive for EPSP synthase activity. The native molecular weight was determined to be 51,000. Enzyme activity was found to be sensitive to metal ions and salts. Apparent Km values of 7 and 8 micromolar were determined for the substrates shikimate-3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), respectively. The herbicide glyphosate was found to inhibit the enzyme competitively with respect to PEP (Ki = 0.16 micromolar). Characterization studies support the conclusion of a high degree of similarity between EPSP synthase from S. bicolor, a monocot, and the enzyme from dicots. A similarity to bacterial EPSP synthase is also discussed. Three EPSP synthase isozymes (I, II, III) were elucidated in crude homogenates of S. bicolor shoots by high performance liquid chromatography. The major isozymes, II and III, were separated and partially characterized. No significant differences in pH activity profiles and glyphosate sensitivity were found. This report of isozymes of EPSP synthase from S. bicolor is consistent with other reports for shikimate pathway enzymes, including EPSP synthase.  相似文献   
BBC microcomputer controlled field inversion gel electrophoresis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agarose gel electrophoresis to separate DNA molecules is a widelyused technique in molecular biology but there is an upper limitto the sizes that can be resolved. Pulsed field techniques haveextended this limit but require expensive equipment. Here wedescribe a home-made control unit to interface conventionalelectrophoresis equipment to a BBC microcomputer for the purposesof field inversion gel electrophoresis. Received on October 6, 1987; accepted on November 10, 1987  相似文献   
Bordetella bronchiseptica showed increases in viable count when incubated in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), in reagent-grade water, and in local lake and pond waters, all without added nutrients. Within 48 to 72 h at 37 degrees C in PBS and in lake and pond waters, stationary-phase populations of around 2.7 x 10(6) CFU/ml developed from washed B. bronchiseptica inocula of around 2 x 10(3) CFU/ml. Increases in CFU on the order of five- and eightfold, respectively, were observed in reagent-grade water and in seawater from the same sizes of inocula. The organisms remained viable for at least 3 weeks in PBS and in lake waters at 37 degrees C. The possibility that carry-over of nutrients was responsible for growth was discounted by showing serial transfer of B. bronchiseptica in PBS under conditions in which Escherichia coli tested in parallel rapidly died out.  相似文献   
Human neonates were exposed to an artificial odorant for 22h within the first two days after birth. When tested on days16–18 postpartum, these infants displayed preferentialorientation to the exposure odor when paired with a novel odorant.The effects of early mere exposure on the stimulus propertiesof odors can therefore endure over a two-week interval, indicatingthat infants retain a memory trace of the exposure odor throughoutthat time period.  相似文献   
T D Porter  C B Kasper 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1682-1687
The FMN-binding domain of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase, residues 77-228, is homologous with bacterial flavodoxins, while the FAD-binding domain, residues 267-678, shows a high degree of similarity to two FAD-containing proteins, ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase. Comparison of these proteins to glutathione reductase, a flavoprotein whose three-dimensional structure is known, has permitted tentative identification of FAD- and cofactor-binding residues in these proteins. The remarkable conservation of sequence between NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase and ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase, coupled with the homology of the FMN-binding domain of the oxidoreductase with the bacterial flavodoxins, implies that NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase arose as a result of fusion of the ancestral genes for these two functionally linked flavoproteins.  相似文献   
Purification and characterization of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase from spinach   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
An efficient purification procedure utilizing affinity chromatography is described for spinach ribulose-5-phosphate kinase, a light-regulated chloroplastic enzyme. Gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme reveal a dimeric structure of 44,000 Mr subunits. Chemical crosslinking with dimethyl suberimidate confirms the presence of two subunits per molecule of native kinase, which are shown to be identical by partial NH2-terminal sequencing. Based on sulfhydryl titrations and on amino acid analyses, each subunit contains four to five cysteinyl residues. The observed slow loss of activity during spontaneous oxidation in air-saturated buffer correlates with the intramolecular oxidation of two sulfhydryl groups, presumably those involved in thioredoxin-mediated regulation.  相似文献   
Aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450AROM) was partially purified from human placental microsomes by hydrophobic affinity chromatography using Phenyl-Sepharose and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The resulting preparation had a specific activity of 2 nmol/mg protein with respect to cytochrome P-450 content and displayed a type I difference spectrum upon addition of the substrate androstenedione. When the cytochrome P-450-enriched fractions were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained with Coomassie blue, there was an enrichment of two proteins having apparent molecular weights of 50,000 and 55,000. The bands containing these proteins were removed from unstained polyacrylamide gels and injected separately or together into three rabbits. An aliquot of the serum or an immunoglobulin (IgG) fraction prepared from the serum of the rabbit injected with the 55-kDa band or with both the 50- and 55-kDa bands inhibited aromatase activity of human placental microsomes by 80%; this IgG had no effect on 17 alpha-hydroxylase or 21-hydroxylase activities of human fetal adrenal microsomes. In contrast, the serum of the rabbit injected with the 50-kDa band had little capacity to inhibit placental aromatase activity. By immunoblot analysis, it was found that the IgG from the serum of the rabbit immunized with the 55-kDa protein bound specifically to a protein of 55 kDa in human placental microsomes. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared from a hybridoma cell line derived from the spleen cells of mice immunized against the 55-kDa protein. The monoclonal IgG was covalently linked to a Sepharose 4B column and was used for immunoaffinity chromatography of cytochrome P-450AROM. The finding that cytochrome P-450 and the 55-kDa protein were selectively retained by the affinity column and eluted with NaCl (2 M) and glycine (0.2 M, pH 3.0) and that this fraction contained aromatase activity upon reconstitution with purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and phospholipid, is indicative that the 55-kDa protein is indeed cytochrome P-450AROM. These findings are also indicative that both the monoclonal and polyclonal IgGs are specific for human cytochrome P-450AROM.  相似文献   
Gene map for the Cyanophora paradoxa cyanelle genome.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The genes for the following proteins were localized by hybridization analysis on the cyanelle genome of Cyanophora paradoxa: the alpha and beta subunits of phycocyanin (cpcA and cpcB); the alpha and beta subunits of allophycocyanin (apcA and apcB); the large and small subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL and rbcS); the two putative chlorophyll alpha-binding apoproteins of the photosystem I-P700 complex (psaA and psaB); four apoproteins believed to be components of the photosystem II core complex (psbA, psbB, psbC, and psbD); the two apoprotein subunits of cytochrome b-559 which is also found in the core complex of photosystem II (psbE and psbF); three subunits of the ATP synthase complex (atpA and atpBE); and the cytochrome f apoprotein (petA). Eighty-five percent of the genome was cloned as BamHI, BglII, or PstI fragments. These cloned fragments were used to construct a physical map of the cyanelle genome and to localize more precisely some of the genes listed above. The genes for phycocyanin and allophycocyanin were not clustered and were separated by about 25 kilobases. Although the rbcL gene was adjacent to the atpBE genes and the psbC and psbD genes were adjacent, the arrangement of other genes encoding various polypeptide subunits of protein complexes involved in photosynthetic functions was dissimilar to that observed for known chloroplast genomes. These results are consistent with the independent development of this cyanelle from a cyanobacterial endosymbiont.  相似文献   
The short-term regulation of rat liver acetyl-CoA carboxylase by glucagon has been studied in hepatocytes from rats that had been fasted and refed a fat-free diet. Glucagon inhibition of the activity of this enzyme can be accounted for by a direct correlation between phosphorylation, polymer-protomer ratio, and activity. Glucagon rapidly inactivates acetyl-CoA carboxylase with an accompanying 4-fold increase in the phosphorylation of the enzyme and 3-fold increase in the protomer-polymer ratio of enzyme protein. Citrate, an allosteric activator of acetyl-CoA carboxylase required for enzyme activity, has no effect on these phenomena, indicating a mechanism that is independent of citrate concentration within the cell. The observation of these effects of glucagon on acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity is absolutely dependent upon the minimization of proteolytic degradation of the enzyme after cell lysis. Therefore, for the first time, an interrelationship has been demonstrated between phosphorylation, protomer-polymer ratio, and citrate for the inactivation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase by glucagon.  相似文献   
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