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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most frequent cause of severe respiratory infections in infancy. No vaccine against this virus has yet been protective, and antiviral drugs have been of limited utility. Using the cotton rat model of HRSV infection, we examined bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), a cause of acute respiratory disease in young cattle, as a possible vaccine candidate to protect children against HRSV infection. Cotton rats were primed intranasally with graded doses of BRSV/375 or HRSV/Long or were left unprimed. Three weeks later, they were challenged intranasally with either BRSV/375, HRSV/Long (subgroup A), or HRSV/18537 (subgroup B). At intervals postchallenge, animals were sacrificed for virus titration and histologic evaluation. Serum neutralizing antibody titers were determined at the time of viral challenge. BRSV/375 replicated to low titers in nasal tissues and lungs. Priming with 10(5) PFU of BRSV/375 effected a 500- to 1,000-fold reduction in peak nasal HRSV titer and a greater than 1,000-fold reduction in peak pulmonary HRSV titer upon challenge with HRSV/Long or HRSV/18537. In contrast to priming with HRSV, priming with BRSV did not induce substantial levels of neutralizing antibody against HRSV and was associated with a delayed onset of clearance of HRSV upon challenge. Priming with BRSV/375 caused mild nasal and pulmonary pathology and did not cause exacerbation of disease upon challenge with HRSV/Long. Our findings suggest that BRSV may be a potential vaccine against HRSV and a useful tool for studying the mechanisms of immunity to HRSV.  相似文献   
Five new high-toxicity mosquitocidal strains of Bacillus sphaericus were isolated in Singapore. They all belong to phage group 8 and have binary toxin (51.4- plus 41.9-kDa) genes located on the chromosome but lack a 100-kDa-toxin gene. These strains of B. sphaericus constitute a new subgroup, as only two weakly toxic strains in phage group 8 have previously been described and all the known high-toxicity strains have both binary toxin and 100-kDa-toxin genes.  相似文献   
Many reef-building corals and other cnidarians lost photosynthetic pigments and symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) during the coral bleaching event in the Caribbean in 1987. The Florida Reef Tract included some of the first documented cases, with widespread bleaching of the massive coral Montastrea annularis beginning in late August. Phototransects at Carysfort Reef showed discoloration of >90% of colonies of this species in March 1988 compared to 0% in July 1986; however no mortality was observed between 1986 and 1988. Samples of corals collected in February and June 1988 had zooxanthellae densities ranging from 0.1 in the most lightly colored corals, to 1.6x106 cells/cm2 in the darker corals. Minimum densities increased to 0.5x106 cells/cm2 by August 1989. Chlorophyll-a content of zooxanthellae and zooxanthellar mitotic indices were significantly higher in corals with lower densities of zooxanthellae, suggesting that zooxanthellar at low densities may be more nutrientsufficient than those in unbleached corals. Ash-free dry weight of coral tissue was positively correlated with zooxanthellae density at all sample times and was significantly lower in June 1988 compared to August 1989. Proteins and lipids per cm2 were significantly higher in August 1989 than in February or June, 1988. Although recovery of zooxanthellae density and coral pigmentation to normal levels may occur in less than one year, regrowth of tissue biomass and energy stores lost during the period of low symbiont densities may take significantly longer.  相似文献   
The U1 snRNP is known to play a critical role in spliceosome assembly, at least in part through base pairing of its RNA moiety to the substrate, but many details remain to be elucidated. To further dissect U1 snRNA function, we have analyzed 14 single point mutations in the six nucleotides complementary to the 5' splice site for their effects on growth and splicing in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Three of the four alleles previously found to support growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are lethal in S. pombe, implying a more critical role for the 5' end of U1 in fission yeast. Furthermore, a comparison of phenotypes for individual nucleotide substitutions suggests that the two yeasts use different strategies to modulate the extent of pairing between U1 and the 5' splice site. The importance of U1 function in S. pombe is further underscored by the lethality of several single point mutants not examined previously in S. cerevisiae. In total, only three alleles complement the U1 gene disruption, and these strains are temperature-sensitive for growth. Each viable mutant was tested for impaired splicing of three different S. pombe introns. Among these, only the second intron of the cdc2 gene (cdc2-I2) showed dramatic accumulation of linear precursor. Notably, cdc2-I2 is spliced inefficiently even in cells containing wild-type U1, at least in part due to the presence of a stable hairpin encompassing its 5' splice site. Although point mutations at the 5' end of U1 have no discernible effect on splicing of pre-U6, significant accumulation of unspliced RNA is observed in a metabolic depletion experiment. Taken together, these observations indicate that the repertoire of U1 activities is used to varying extents for splicing of different pre-mRNAs in fission yeast.  相似文献   
The aim of the work was to determine the effect of exposing ovine bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM)in vivotoPasteurella haemolyticaand/orBordetella parapertussison the subsequent uptake and killing ofP. haemolyticaby these cellsin vitro. Exposurein vivotoP. haemolyticadid not affect the uptake ofP. haemolyticaby BAMin vitrobut reduced (P< 0·05) the intracellular killing of bacteria. Exposurein vivotoB. parapertussishad no significant effect on either the uptake of killing ofP. haemolytica in vitro. However, sequential exposurein vivotoB. parapertussisandP. haemolyticareduced both the ingestion (P< 0·05) and killing (P< 0·001) ofP. haemolytica in vitro. These results indicate that exposure toP. haemolyticacompromised the bacterial killing mechanisms of BAM and that synergy betweenB. parapertussisandP. haemolyticareduced the ability of BAM to ingest bacteria.  相似文献   
Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lillo, R. S., E. C. Parker, and W. R. Porter.Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3): 892-901, 1997.The hypothesis that there are differences in decompression riskbetween He and H2 wasexamined in 1,607 unanesthetized male albino rats subjected to dives on2% O2-balance He or 2%O2-balanceH2 (depths  50 ATA, bottom times  60 min). The animals were decompressed to 10.8 ATA with profilesvarying from rapid to slow, with up to four decompression stops of up to 60 min each. Maximum likelihood analysis was used to estimate therelative decompression risk on a per unit pressure basis (termed "potency") and the rate of gas uptake and elimination, bothfactors affecting the decompression sickness risk, from a specific dive profile. H2 potency for causingdecompression sickness was found to be up to 35% greater than that forHe. Uptake rates were unresolvable between the two gases with the timeconstant (TC) estimated at ~2-3 min, leading to saturation inboth cases in <15 min. Washout of both gases was significantly slowerthan uptake, with He washout (TC ~1.5-3 h) substantially slowerthan H2 washout (TC ~0.5 h). Itis unknown whether the decompression advantage of the faster washout ofH2 or the disadvantage of itsincreased potency, observed in the rat, would be important for humandiving.

We previously showed that encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3Dpol) binds specifically to 3'-terminal segments of EMC virus RNA. This binding, which depends on both the 3'-noncoding region (3'-NCR) and 3'-poly (A) tail [together denoted 3'-NCR(A)], may be an important step in the initiation of virus replication. In this paper, the 3'-NCR and 3'-poly(A) were separately transcribed then mixed, but no complex with 3Dpol was obtained, showing that covalent attachment of the 3'-poly(A) to the 3'-NCR is essential for complex formation. Mutational and deletion analyses localized a critical determinant of 3Dpol binding to a U-rich sequence located 38-49 nucleotides upstream of the 3'-poly(A). Similar analyses led to the identification of a sequence of A residues between positions +10 and +15 of the 3'-poly(A) which are also critical for 3Dpol binding. As U-rich and A-rich regions are important for 3Dpol binding, a speculative model is proposed in which 3Dpol induces and stabilizes the base-pairing of the 3'-poly(A) with the adjacent U-rich sequence to form an unusual pseudoknot structure to which 3Dpol binds with high affinity.  相似文献   
cDNA clones of human complement components C4A and C4B alleles were prepared from mRNA obtained from the liver of a donor heterozygous at both loci. cDNA from one C4A allele was sequenced to give the derived complete amino acid sequence of 1722 amino acid residues of the C4 single chain precursor molecule and the estimated sequences of the three peptide chains of secreted C4. Comparison with partial sequences of a second C4A allele and a C4B allele has led to the tentative identification of some class differences in nucleotide sequences between C4A and C4B and of allelic differences between C4A alleles in this highly polymorphic system.  相似文献   
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