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Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is characterised by limitations in physical function. The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) is considered to be the gold-standard to assess physical function in AS patients. However, the BASFI questionnaire is a self-reported outcome measure and susceptible to subjective interpretation (under- or over-estimation). More objective outcome measures, like performance-based tests, could provide an objective outcome measurement for the evaluation of limitations in physical function. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to determine the association between performance-based measures and the BASFI questionnaire.


In this cross-sectional study 126 AS patients completed the BASFI questionnaire and eight performance-based tests based on BASFI-items. Each test received three scores: one for performance (time or points) and a score for exertion and pain experienced during performance (using modified Borg-scale and VAS 0-100 mm, respectively). Linear regression analyses were used to assess the associations between the BASFI questionnaire and performance-based tests.


The univariable association between performance and BASFI-score was moderate with a R-square of 0.31 and Beta of 0.56 (p's < 0.05). In a multivariable analysis, the association between performance, exertion and pain on the one hand and BASFI-score on the other was assessed; R-square increased to 0.54: the Beta's for exertion and pain during performance were 0.38 and 0.26, respectively; the Beta for performance decreased to 0.19 (p's < 0.05).


This study demonstrates that alongside actual performance, patients seem to incorporate exertion and pain in their assessment of perceived physical function on the BASFI questionnaire. Performance-based tests could provide an objective outcome measurement for the evaluation of physical function and give relevant new information in addition to the BASFI questionnaire.  相似文献   


The rapid and accurate identification of species is a critical component of large-scale biodiversity monitoring programs. DNA arrays (micro and macro) and DNA barcodes are two molecular approaches that have recently garnered much attention. Here, we compare these two platforms for identification of an important group, the mammals.  相似文献   
Chemotherapy aims to limit proliferation and induce apoptotic cell death in tumor cells. Owing to blockade of signaling pathways involved in cell survival and proliferation, nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) inhibitors can induce apoptosis in a number of hematological malignancies. The efficacy of conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, such as vincristine (VCR) and doxorubicine (DOX), may be enhanced with combined therapy based on NF-κB modulation. In this study, we evaluated the effect of caffeic acid phenylethyl ester (CAPE) and MG-132, two nonspecific NF-κB inhibitors, and conventional chemotherapeutics drugs DOX and VCR on cell proliferation and apoptosis induction on a lymphoblastoid B-cell line, PL104, established and characterized in our laboratory. CAPE and MG-132 treatment showed a strong antiproliferative effect accompanied by clear cell cycle deregulation and apoptosis induction. Doxorubicine and VCR showed antiproliferative effects similar to those of CAPE and MG-132, although the latter drugs showed an apoptotic rate two-fold higher than DOX and VCR. None of the four compounds showed cytotoxic effect on peripheral mononuclear cells from healthy volunteers. CAPE- and MG-132-treated bone marrow cells from patients with myeloid and lymphoid leukemias showed 69% (P < .001) and 25% decrease (P < .01) in cell proliferation and 42% and 34% (P < .01) apoptosis induction, respectively. Overall, our results indicate that CAPE and MG-132 had a strong and selective apoptotic effect on tumor cells that may be useful in future treatment of hematological neoplasias.  相似文献   
Patterns of ribosomal RNA evolution in salamanders   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sequence comparisons are presented for four segments of the large subunit of ribosomal RNA, including divergent domains D7a and D7b, portions of the large divergent domains D2, D3, and D8, and evolutionarily conservative sequences flanking divergent domains. These results resolve phylogenetic relationships among exemplars of seven families of salamanders and the three amphibian orders. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the prediction that divergent domains feature the highest relative rates of base substitution and length variation within the ribosome, but the divergent domains evolve more slowly than nuclear noncoding DNA and the silent sites of structural genes. Base substitutions demonstrate approximately twice as many transitions as transversions and an uneven distribution among sites within the divergent domains but no apparent bias in base composition. Length mutations are primarily small insertions and deletions, with deletions predominating. The divergent domains appear to be a good source of phylogenetic information for evolutionary events occurring approximately 100-200 million years ago.   相似文献   
泰国玉米生产和遗传改良研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
玉米是泰国一种重要的谷类作物。2000年种植面积估计为1.30百万公顷,籽粒产量约4.48百万吨。杂交种种植面积占到玉米总面积的85?08%,以单交种类型为主,占到杂交种各种类型的74%,其次为三交种。玉米生产主要限制因素为病害(高粱霜霉、南方锈、茎腐、大斑、小斑病)、虫害(亚洲玉米螟)和干旱胁迫。玉米种质发展和品种遗传改良开始于1950年,主要从事单位为农业部农业厅和大学部肯色萨大学。先后育成Suwan 1、Suwan 2、Suwan 3,Nakhon Sawan 1,Suwan 5等改良群体和Suwan Complex、KS 23 broadbase syn.。并从中提取出Ki21、45、Ni1等几十个优良系,组配出Suwan 2301、3851、Nakhon Sawan 72等十多个优良杂交种。分别应用10个群体双列杂交法、顶交法和优良适应品种与外引种质杂交法等,确定了如下几个杂种优势模式:(Suwan 1,Suwan 3)×(Caripeno DMR,KS6);(Suwan 1,Suwan 3,KS6选育系)×(Ki21,Mo17衍生系);[KS 23(S)C2,Suwan 5(S)C3]×[Suwan 1(S)C11]。 Abstract:Maize is one of major cereal crops in Thailand.In the year 2000,it was estimated that the planted area is of 1.30 million hectares and produces about 4.48 million tons.The amount of hybrid seed was 17.76 thousand tons with acquiring 85.08% of total planted area.Production constraints main were biotic and abiotic factors,involving diseases of sorghum Downy Mildew,Southern rust,Southern corn leaf blight,Northern corn leaf blight and Charcoal stalk rot and inset of the Asian corn borer,and drought stress.The maize research for germplasm development and varietal genetic improvement in Thailand was initiated by the Department of Agriculture in 1950 and Kasetsart University in 1958.Several elite populations of Suwan 1,Suwan 2,Suwan 3, Suwan 5,KS6,KS23,and Suwan-Complex were developed.The superior lines of Ki21,Ki 45,Ni1 etc and elite hybrids of Suwan 2301,Suwan 3851,Nakhon Sawan72# etc. were bred.In order to search for heterotic partners,diallel crosses of elite populations with differing in genetic background were performed by the breeding program.The several heterotic partners were determined.i.e.(Suwan 1,Suwan3)×(Caripeno DMR,KS6);(Inbred lines from Suwan 1,Suwan 3,KS6)×(Ki21,a Mol7 derivative line) and [KS 23(S)C2,Suwan 5(S)C3]×[Suwan 1(S)C11].  相似文献   


Huntington's disease is a progressive autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder that is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the HD or Huntington's disease gene. Although micro array studies on patient and animal tissue provide valuable information, the primary effect of mutant huntingtin will inevitably be masked by secondary processes in advanced stages of the disease. Thus, cell models are instrumental to study early, direct effects of mutant huntingtin. mRNA changes were studied in an inducible PC12 model of Huntington's disease, before and after aggregates became visible, to identify groups of genes that could play a role in the early pathology of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   
MR60 is an intracellular membrane protein which has been shown to act as a mannoside specific lectin and to be identical to ERGIC-53, a protein characteristic of the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi apparatus- intermediate compartment, acting as a shuttle. According to its primary sequence, this MR60/ERGIC-53 protein contains a luminal domain including the carbohydrate recognition domain, a stem, a transmembrane segment and a cytosolic domain. The endogenous MR60/ERGIC-53 protein is spontaneously oligomeric, (dimers and hexamers). In this paper, we study the relationship between the oligomerization state and the sugar binding capacity by using recombinant proteins. The expression of the recombinant proteins was evidenced by immunocytochemistry and by immunoprecipitation followed by SDS-PAGE analysis. The full size recombinant protein binds mannosides and is oligomeric, up to the hexameric form. Two truncated proteins lacking the transmembrane and the cytosolic domains were prepared and characterized. A long one, containing the cysteine 466 close to the C-terminal end of the recombinant protein but lacking the cysteine 475, close to the C- terminal end of the native protein, does bind mannosides and forms dimers but no higher oligomeric forms. A shorter one, lacking both the cysteines 466 and 475, does not bind mannosides and does not form dimers or higher polymers. The two cysteines in the carbohydrate recognition domain (C190 and C230) are not involved in the stabilization of oligomers. In conclusion, this study shows that the luminal moiety of MR60/ERGIC-53 contains a device allowing both its oligomeric pattern and its sugar binding capability.   相似文献   
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