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Adsorption onto solid supports has proven to be an easy and effective way to improve the mechanical and catalytic properties of lipases. Covalent binding of lipases onto the support surface enhances the active lifetime of the immobilized biocatalysts. Our study indicates that mesoporous silica gels grafted with various functions are ideal supports for both adsorptive and covalent binding for lipase B from Candida antarctica (CaLB). Adsorption of CaLB on phenyl-functionalized silica gels improved in particular its specific activity, whereas adsorption on aminoalkyl-modified silica gels enabling covalent binding with the proper reagents resulted in only moderate specific activity. In addition, adsorption on silica gels modified by mixtures of phenyl- and aminoalkyl silanes significantly increased the productivity of CaLB. Furthermore, CaLB adsorbed onto a phenyl/aminoalkyl-modified surface and then treated with glutardialdehyde (GDA) as cross-linking agent provided a biocatalyst of enhanced durability. Adsorbed and cross-linked CaLB was resistant to detergent washing that would otherwise physically deactivate adsorbed CaLB preparations. The catalytic properties of our best immobilized CaLB variants, including temperature-dependent behavior were compared between 0 and 70 °C with those of two commercial CaLB biocatalysts in the continuous-flow kinetic resolutions of racemic 1-phenylethanol rac-1a and 1-phenylethanamine rac-1b.  相似文献   
Extensive mortality in Atlantic salmon fry was reported in the River Aelva from 2002 to 2004. Dead fish were collected in late summer 2006, and live fish were sampled by electrofishing in September the same year. At autopsy and in histological sections, the fish kidneys were found to be pale and considerably enlarged. Proliferative lesions with characteristic PKX cells were seen in a majority of the fish. DNA from kidney samples of diseased fish was subjected to PCR and sequencing, and the amplified sequences matched those of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. We concluded that this myxozoan transmitted from bryozoans was the main cause of the observed mortality in salmon fry in 2006. Results from quantitative electrofishing in 2005 and 2006, combined with the observed fry mortality from 2002 to 2004, show that the smolt production in the river is severely reduced and that T. bryosalmonae is the most likely explanation for this decline. The present study is the first to report a considerable negative population effect in wild Atlantic salmon due to proliferative kidney disease (PKD). It also represents the northernmost PKD outbreak in wild fish. The river is regulated for hydroelectric power purposes, causing reduced water flow and elevated summer temperatures, and the present PKD outbreak may serve as an example of increased disease vulnerability of northern fish populations in a warmer climate.  相似文献   
Hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings of Ara bidosis thaliana exhibit a strong negative gravitropism, which is reduced by red and also by long-wavelength, far-red light treatments. Light treatments using phytochrome A (phyA)- and phytochrome B (phyB)-deficient mutants showed that this response is controlled by phyB in a red/far-red reversible way, and by phyA in a non-reversible, very-low-fluence response. Crosses of the previously analyzed phyB-1 allele (in the ecotype Landsberg erecta background) to the ecotype Nossen wild-type (WT) background resulted in a WT-like negative gravitropism in darkness, indicating that the previously described gravitropic randomization observed with phyB-1 in the dark is likely due to a second mutation independent of that in the PHYB gene.Abbreviations FR long-wavelength far-red light - phyA phytochrome A (holoprotein) - phyB phytochrome B (holoprotein) - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - WT wild type We thank Dr. A. Nagatani (RIKEN Institute, Wako-City, Japan) and Dr. M. Furuya (Hitachi, Hatoyama, Japan) for the phyA-201/phyB-5 double mutant. The work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Human Frontier Science Program grants to E.S.  相似文献   
Elevated production of 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE) occurs in numerous neurological disorders involving oxidative damage. HNE is metabolized to the non-toxic 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenoic acid (HNEAcid) by aldehyde dehydrogenases in the rat cerebral cortex. Based upon the structural similarity of HNEAcid to ligands of the gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) receptor, we hypothesized that HNEAcid is an endogenous ligand for the GHB receptor. HNEAcid displaced the specific binding of the GHB receptor ligand (3)H-NCS382 (30 nm) in membrane preparations of human frontal cerebral cortex and whole rat cerebral cortex with IC(50s) of 3.9 +/- 1.1 and 5.6 +/- 1.2 micro m, respectively. Inhibition was attenuated when the carboxyl group of HNEAcid was replaced with an aldehyde or an alcohol. HNEAcid (300 micro m) did not displace the binding of beta-adrenergic receptor and GABA(B) receptor antagonists, demonstrating the selectivity of HNEAcid for the GHB receptor. HNEAcid is formed in homogenates of human frontal cortical gray matter in an NAD(+)-dependent (V(Max), 0.71 nmol/min/mg) and NADP(+)-dependent (V(Max), 0.12 nmol/min/mg) manner. Lastly, (3)H-NCS382 binding is elevated 2.7-fold with age in the cerebral cortex of rats. Our data demonstrate that an HNE metabolite, formed in rat and human brain, is a signaling molecule analogous to other bioactive lipid peroxidation products.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport resistant to the extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs) and other antimicrobials causes septicemic salmonellosis in humans and animals and is increasingly isolated from humans, animals, foods, and environmental sources. Mechanisms whereby serovar Newport bacteria become resistant to ESCs and other classes of antimicrobials while inhabiting the intestinal tract are not well understood. The present study shows that 25.3% of serovar Newport strains isolated from the turkey poult intestinal tract after the animals were dosed with Escherichia coli harboring a large conjugative plasmid encoding the CMY-2 beta-lactamase and other drug resistance determinants acquired the plasmid and its associated drug resistance genes. The conjugative plasmid containing the cmy-2 gene was transferred not only from the donor E. coli to Salmonella serovar Newport but also to another E. coli serotype present in the intestinal tract. Laboratory studies showed that the plasmid could be readily transferred between serovar Newport and E. coli intestinal isolates. Administration of a single dose of ceftiofur, used to prevent septicemic colibacillosis, to 1-day-old turkeys did not result in the isolation of ceftiofur-resistant E. coli or Salmonella serovar Newport. There was a remarkable association between serotype, drug resistance, and plasmid profile among the E. coli strains isolated from the poults. This study shows that Salmonella serovar Newport can become resistant to ESCs and other antibiotics by acquiring a conjugative drug resistance plasmid from E. coli in the intestines.  相似文献   
Père Lachaise     
Alexandre Poppe 《CMAJ》2011,183(6):E354
The solution conformations of GM4 ganglioside [NeuAc(alpha 2----3)Gal (beta 1----1)Cer] in (2H3C)2SO and its component disaccharide in 2H2O were investigated with the aid of 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (nuclear Overhauser effect, analysis of coupling constants) and by energy-minimum calculations. The existence of three low-energy conformers obtained by theoretical calculations was supported by experimental findings in the case of GM4, whereas the disaccharide appears to exist as a mixture of two conformers.  相似文献   
C. Meyer  C. Jung  T. Kohl  A. Poenicke  A. Poppe  K.W. Alt   《HOMO》2002,53(1):39-58
The origin and subsequent spread of the treponematoses, especially that of venereal syphilis, has been the subject of considerable scientific attention. Various theories were put forth and palaeopathological specimens were used for their validation in recent times. One influential contribution was the paper by Baker & Armelagos in 1988. Numerous new findings and results on both sides of the Atlantic call for a new evaluation of the available osseous material. A review of the recent literature leads to the suggestion of a worldwide distribution of non-venereal treponemal disease since the emergence of Homo and to a first epidemic outbreak of venereal syphilis in Europe of the late 15th and the early 16th century, which was a time of change and enormous sexual liberty. Old World specimens with pathological alterations attributed to venereal syphilis and dated to precolumbian times seem to invalidate the Columbian theory and call for a more differentiated analysis of the phenomenon of syphilis than a theory based on a single factor can provide. With the help of molecular methods which now allow a positive identification of Treponema pallidum pallidum, causative agent of venereal syphilis, in palaeopathological material, it seems possible to elucidate the matter of origin and spread of syphilis further and to evaluate previous diagnoses of treponemal disease.  相似文献   
The effects of indomethacin on intestine mucosal cAMP, intestinal fluid secretion, and mucosal and fluid PGE were studied in rabbits in vivo following challenge with cholera toxin. Indomethacin had no effect on cholera toxin-induced fluid secretion or cAMP accumulation. Inhibition of PGE synthesis was achieved by the administration of two but not one injection of indomethacin. These studies provide evidence against a role for PGE in mediating cholera toxin-induced secretion and point out the need to measure prostaglandin levels when using prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors in vivo.  相似文献   
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