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The DA strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) causes a persistent central nervous system (CNS) infection of mice with a restricted virus gene expression and induces an inflammatory demyelinating disease that is thought to be immune mediated and a model of multiple sclerosis (MS). The relative contribution of virus vis-à-vis the immune system in the pathogenesis of DA-induced white matter disease remains unclear, as is also true in MS. To clarify the pathogenesis of DA-induced demyelination, we used Cre/loxP technology to generate a transgenic mouse that has tamoxifen (Tm)-inducible expression of a subgenomic segment of DA RNA in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. Tm-treated young transgenic mice developed progressive weakness leading to death, with abnormalities of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells and demyelination, but without inflammation, demonstrating that DA virus can play a direct pathogenic role in demyelination. Tm treatment of mice at a later age resulted in milder disease, with evidence of peripheral nerve remyelination and focal fur depigmentation; surviving weak mice had persistent expression of the recombined transgene in the CNS, suggesting that the DA subgenomic segment can cause cellular dysfunction but not death, possibly similar to the situation seen during DA virus persistence. These studies demonstrate that DA RNA or a DA protein(s) is toxic to myelin-synthesizing cells. This Cre/loxP transgenic system allows for spatially and temporally controlled expression of the viral transgene and is valuable for clarifying nonimmune (and immune) mechanisms of demyelination induced by TMEV as well as other viruses.  相似文献   
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements with high spatial resolution are performed to elucidate the impact of the actin cytoskeleton on translational mobility of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in aqueous domains of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. In vegetative Dictyostelium cells, GFP molecules experience a 3.6-fold reduction of their translational mobility relative to dilute aqueous solutions. In disrupting the actin filamentous network using latrunculin-A, the intact actin cytoskeletal network is shown to contribute an effective viscosity of 1.36 cP, which accounts for 53% of the restrained molecular diffusion of GFP. The remaining 47% of hindered protein motions is ascribed to other mechanical barriers and the viscosity of the cell liquid. A direct correlation between the density of the actin network and its limiting action on protein diffusion is furthermore established from measurements under different osmotic conditions. In highly locomotive polarized cells, the obstructing effect of the actin filamentous network is seen to decline to 0.46 cP in the non-cortical regions of the cell. Our results indicate that the meshwork of actin filaments constitutes the primary mechanical barrier for protein diffusion and that any noticeable reorganization of the network is accompanied by altered intracellular protein mobility.  相似文献   
In this work, we present a protocol to reconstitute membrane proteins into giant unilamellar vesicles (GUV) via peptide-induced fusion. In principle, GUV provide a well-defined lipid matrix, resembling a close-to-native state for biophysical studies, including optical microspectroscopy, of transmembrane proteins at the molecular level. Furthermore, reconstitution in this manner would also eliminate potential artifacts arising from secondary interactions of proteins, when reconstituted in planar membranes supported on solid surfaces. However, assembly procedures of GUV preclude direct reconstitution. Here, for the first time, a method is described that allows the controlled incorporation of membrane proteins into GUV. We demonstrate that large unilamellar vesicles (LUV, diameter 0.1 microm), to which the small fusogenic peptide WAE has been covalently attached, readily fuse with GUV, as revealed by monitoring lipid and contents mixing by fluorescence microscopy. To monitor contents mixing, a new fluorescence-based enzymatic assay was devised. Fusion does not introduce changes in the membrane morphology, as shown by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Analysis of fluorescence confocal imaging intensity revealed that approximately 6 to 10 LUV fused per microm(2) of GUV surface. As a model protein, bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was reconstituted into GUV, using LUV into which BR was incorporated via detergent dialysis. BR did not affect GUV-LUV fusion and the protein was stably inserted into the GUV and functionally active. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments show that BR inserted into GUV undergoes unrestricted Brownian motion with a diffusion coefficient of 1.2 microm(2)/s. The current procedure offers new opportunities to address issues related to membrane-protein structure and dynamics in a close-to-native state.  相似文献   
Axo-glial interactions regulate the localization of axonal paranodal proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The SR proteins, a group of abundant arginine/serine (RS)-rich proteins, are essential pre-mRNA splicing factors that are localized in the nucleus. The RS domain of these proteins serves as a nuclear localization signal. We found that RS domain-bearing proteins do not utilize any of the known nuclear import receptors and identified a novel nuclear import receptor specific for SR proteins. The SR protein import receptor, termed transportin-SR (TRN-SR), binds specifically and directly to the RS domains of ASF/SF2 and SC35 as well as several other SR proteins. The nuclear transport regulator RanGTP abolishes this interaction. Recombinant TRN-SR mediates nuclear import of RS domain- bearing proteins in vitro. TRN-SR has amino acid sequence similarity to several members of the importin beta/transportin family. These findings strongly suggest that TRN-SR is a nuclear import receptor for the SR protein family.  相似文献   
Bacteriorhodopsin is a proton-transporting membrane protein in Halophilic archaea, and it is considered a prototype of membrane transporters and a model for G-protein-coupled receptors. Oligomerization of the protein has been reported, but it is unknown whether this feature is correlated with, for instance, light activation. Here, we have addressed this issue by reconstituting bacteriorhodopsin into giant unilamellar vesicles. The dynamics of the fully active protein was investigated using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and freeze fracture electron microscopy. At low protein-to-lipid ratios (<1:10 w/w), a decrease in mobility was observed upon protein photoactivation. This process occurred on a second time scale and was fully reversible, i.e. when the dark-adapted state was reestablished the lateral diffusion rate of the protein was returned to that prior to activation. A similar decrease in lateral mobility as observed upon photoactivation was obtained when bacteriorhodopsin was reconstituted at high protein-to-lipid ratios (>1:10 w/w). We interpret the shifts in mobility during light adaptation as being caused by transient photoinduced oligomerization of bacteriorhodopsin. These observations are fully supported by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, and the size of the clusters during photoactivation was estimated to consist of two or three trimers.  相似文献   
Myelination is a developmentally regulated process whereby myelinating glial cells elaborate large quantities of a specialized plasma membrane that ensheaths axons. The myelin sheath contains an unusual lipid composition in that the glycolipid galactosylceramide (GalC) and its sulfated form sulfatide constitute a large proportion of the total lipid mass. These glycolipids have been implicated in a range of developmental processes such as cell differentiation and myelination initiation, but analyses of mice lacking UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT), the enzyme required for myelin galactolipid synthesis, have more recently demonstrated that the galactolipids more subtly regulate myelin formation. The CGT mutants display a delay in myelin maturation and axo-glial interactions develop abnormally. By interbreeding the CGT mutants with mice that lack myelin-associated glycoprotein, it has been shown that these specialized myelin lipids and proteins act in concert to promote axo-glial adhesion during myelinogenesis. The analysis of the CGT mutants is helping to clarify the roles myelin galactolipids play in regulating the development, and ultimately the function of the myelin sheath.  相似文献   
To ensure rapid and efficient impulse conduction, myelinated axons establish and maintain specific protein domains. For instance, sodium (Na+) channels accumulate in the node of Ranvier; potassium (K+) channels aggregate in the juxtaparanode and neurexin/caspr/paranodin clusters in the paranode. Our understanding of the mechanisms that control the initial clustering of these proteins is limited and less is known about domain maintenance. Correlative data indicate that myelin formation and/or mature myelin-forming cells mediate formation of all three domains. Here, we test whether myelin is required for maintaining Na+ channel domains in the nodal gap by employing two demyelinating murine models: (1) cuprizone ingestion, which induces complete demyelination through oligodendrocyte toxicity; and (2) ceramide galactosyltransferase deficient mice, which undergo spontaneous adult-onset demyelination without oligodendrocyte death. Our data indicate that the myelin sheath is essential for long-term maintenance of sodium channel domains; however, oligodendrocytes, independent of myelin, provide a partial protective influence on the maintenance of nodal Na+ channel clusters. Thus, we propose that multiple mechanisms regulate the maintenance of nodal protein organization. Finally, we present evidence that following the loss of Na+ channel clusters the chronological progression of expression and reclustering of Na+ channel isoforms during the course of CNS remyelination recapitulates development.  相似文献   
We report Nogo-A as an oligodendroglial component congregating and interacting with the Caspr-F3 complex at paranodes. However, its receptor Nogo-66 receptor (NgR) does not segregate to specific axonal domains. CHO cells cotransfected with Caspr and F3, but not with F3 alone, bound specifically to substrates coated with Nogo-66 peptide and GST-Nogo-66. Binding persisted even after phosphatidylinositol- specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) removal of GPI-linked F3 from the cell surface, suggesting a direct interaction between Nogo-66 and Caspr. Both Nogo-A and Caspr co-immunoprecipitated with Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, and the developmental expression pattern of both paralleled compared with Kv1.1, implicating a transient interaction between Nogo-A-Caspr and K(+) channels at early stages of myelination. In pathological models that display paranodal junctional defects (EAE rats, and Shiverer and CGT(-/-) mice), distances between the paired labeling of K(+) channels were shortened significantly and their localization shifted toward paranodes, while paranodal Nogo-A congregation was markedly reduced. Our results demonstrate that Nogo-A interacts in trans with axonal Caspr at CNS paranodes, an interaction that may have a role in modulating axon-glial junction architecture and possibly K(+)-channel localization during development.  相似文献   
The Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii, is the largest extant marsupial carnivore. In 1996, a debilitating facial tumor was reported. It is now clear that this is an invariably lethal infectious cancer. The disease has now spread across the majority of the range of the species and is likely to occur across the entire range within 5 to 10 years. The disease has lead to continuing declines of up to 90% and virtual disappearance of older age classes. Mark-recapture analysis and a preliminary epidemiological model developed for the population with the best longitudinal data both project local extinction in that area over a timeframe of 10 to 15 years from disease emergence. However, the prediction of extinction from the model is sensitive to the estimate of the latent period, which is poorly known. As transmission appears to occur by biting, much of which happens during sexual encounters, the dynamics of the disease may be typical of sexually transmitted diseases. This means that transmission is likely to be frequency-dependent with no threshold density for disease maintenance. Extinction over the entire current range of the devil is therefore a real possibility and an unacceptable risk.  相似文献   
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