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Wildlife data gathered by different monitoring techniques are often combined to estimate animal density. However, methods to check whether different types of data provide consistent information (i.e., can information from one data type be used to predict responses in the other?) before combining them are lacking. We used generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed-effects models to relate camera trap probabilities for marked animals to independent space use from telemetry relocations using 2 years of data for fishers (Pekania pennanti) as a case study. We evaluated (1) camera trap efficacy by estimating how camera detection probabilities are related to nearby telemetry relocations and (2) whether home range utilization density estimated from telemetry data adequately predicts camera detection probabilities, which would indicate consistency of the two data types. The number of telemetry relocations within 250 and 500 m from camera traps predicted detection probability well. For the same number of relocations, females were more likely to be detected during the first year. During the second year, all fishers were more likely to be detected during the fall/winter season. Models predicting camera detection probability and photo counts solely from telemetry utilization density had the best or nearly best Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), suggesting that telemetry and camera traps provide consistent information on space use. Given the same utilization density, males were more likely to be photo-captured due to larger home ranges and higher movement rates. Although methods that combine data types (spatially explicit capture–recapture) make simple assumptions about home range shapes, it is reasonable to conclude that in our case, camera trap data do reflect space use in a manner consistent with telemetry data. However, differences between the 2 years of data suggest that camera efficacy is not fully consistent across ecological conditions and make the case for integrating other sources of space-use data.  相似文献   
Characterizing the effects of force fields generated by cells on proliferation, migration and differentiation processes is challenging due to limited availability of nondestructive imaging modalities. Here, we integrate a new real‐time traction stress imaging modality, Hilbert phase dynamometry (HPD), with spatial light interference microscopy (SLIM) for simultaneous monitoring of cell growth during differentiation processes. HPD uses holographic principles to extract displacement fields from chemically patterned fluorescent grid on deformable substrates. This is converted into forces by solving an elasticity inverse problem. Since HPD uses the epi‐fluorescence channel of an inverted microscope, cellular behavior can be concurrently studied in transmission with SLIM. We studied the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and found that cells undergoing osteogenesis and adipogenesis exerted larger and more dynamic stresses than their precursors, with MSCs developing the smallest forces and growth rates. Thus, we develop a powerful means to study mechanotransduction during dynamic processes where the matrix provides context to guide cells toward a physiological or pathological outcome.   相似文献   
Apoptotic cell death induced by kainic acid (KA) in cultures of rat cerebellar granule cells (CGC) and in different brain regions of Wistar rat pups on postnatal day 21 (P21) was studied. In vitro , KA (100–500 μM) induced a concentration-dependent loss of cell viability in MTT assay and cell death had apoptotic morphology as studied by chromatin staining with propidium iodide (PI). In vivo , twenty-four hours after induction of status epilepticus (SE) by an intraperitoneal KA injection (5 mg/kg) we quantified apoptotic cells in hippocampus (CA1 and CA3), parietal cortex and cerebellum using PI staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique. We report that dantrolene, a specific ryanodine receptor antagonist, was able to significantly reduce the apoptotic cell death in CGC cultures and in hyppocampal CA1 and parietal cortex regions. Our finding can be valuable for neuroprotective therapy strategies in patients with repeated generalized seizures or status epilepticus.  相似文献   
Telocytes (TCs) were recently described as interstitial cells with very long prolongations named telopodes (Tps; www.telocytes.com ). Establishing the TC proteome is a priority to show that TCs are a distinct type of cells. Therefore, we examined the molecular aspects of lung TCs by comparison with fibroblasts (FBs). Proteins extracted from primary cultures of these cells were analysed by automated 2‐dimensional nano‐electrospray ionization liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (2D Nano‐ESI LC‐MS/MS). Differentially expressed proteins were screened by two‐sample t‐test (P < 0.05) and fold change (>2), based on the bioinformatics analysis. We identified hundreds of proteins up‐ or down‐regulated, respectively, in TCs as compared with FBs. TC proteins with known identities are localized in the cytoskeleton (87%) and plasma membrane (13%), while FB up‐regulated proteins are in the cytoskeleton (75%) and destined to extracellular matrix (25%). These identified proteins were classified into different categories based on their molecular functions and biological processes. While the proteins identified in TCs are mainly involved in catalytic activity (43%) and as structural molecular activity (25%), the proteins in FBs are involved in catalytic activity (24%) and in structural molecular activity, particularly synthesis of collagen and other extracellular matrix components (25%). Anyway, our data show that TCs are completely different from FBs. In conclusion, we report here the first extensive identification of proteins from TCs using a quantitative proteomics approach. Protein expression profile shows many up‐regulated proteins e.g. myosin‐14, periplakin, suggesting that TCs might play specific roles in mechanical sensing and mechanochemical conversion task, tissue homoeostasis and remodelling/renewal. Furthermore, up‐regulated proteins matching those found in extracellular vesicles emphasize TCs roles in intercellular signalling and stem cell niche modulation. The novel proteins identified in TCs will be an important resource for further proteomic research and it will possibly allow biomarker identification for TCs. It also creates the premises for understanding the pathogenesis of some lung diseases involving TCs.  相似文献   
Novel type of interstitial cell (Cajal-like) in human fallopian tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We describe here--presumably for the first time--a Cajal-like type of tubal interstitial cells (t-ICC), resembling the archetypal enteric ICC. t-ICC were demonstrated in situ and in vitro on fresh preparations (tissue cryosections and primary cell cultures) using methylene-blue, crystal-violet, Janus-Green B or MitoTracker-Green FM Probe vital stainings. Also, t-ICC were identified in fixed specimens by light microscopy (methylene-blue, Giemsa, trichrome stainings, Gomori silver-impregnation) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The positive diagnosis of t-ICC was strengthened by immunohistochemistry (IHC; CD117/c-kit+ and other 14 antigens) and immunofluorescence (IF; CD117/c-kit+ and other 7 antigens). The spatial density of t-ICC (ampullar-segment cryosections) was 100-150 cells/mm2. Non-conventional light microscopy (NCLM) of Epon semithin-sections revealed a network-like distribution of t-ICC in lamina propria and smooth muscle meshwork. t-ICC appeared located beneath of epithelium, in a 10-15 microm thick 'belt', where 18+/-2% of cells were t-ICC. In the whole lamina propria, t-ICC were about 9%, and in muscularis approximately 7%. In toto, t-ICC represent ~8% of subepithelial cells, as counted by NCLM. In vitro, t-ICC were 9.9+/-0.9% of total cell population. TEM showed that the diagnostic 'gold standard' (Huizinga et al., 1997) is fulfilled by 'our' t-ICC. However, we suggest a 'platinum standard', adding a new defining criterion- characteristic cytoplasmic processes (number: 1-5; length: tens of microm; thickness: < or =0.5 microm; aspect: moniliform; branching: dichotomous; organization: network, labyrinthic-system). Quantitatively, the ultrastructural architecture of t-ICC is: nucleus, 23.6+/-3.2% of cell volume, with heterochromatin 49.1+/-3.8%; mitochondria, 4.8+/-1.7%; rough and smooth endoplasmic-reticulum (1.1+/-0.6%, 1.0+/-0.2%, respectively); caveolae, 3.4+/-0.5%. We found more caveolae on the surface of cell processes versus cell body, as confirmed by IF for caveolins. Occasionally, the so-called 'Ca2+-release units' (subplasmalemmal close associations of caveolae+endoplasmic reticulum+mitochondria) were detected in the dilations of cell processes. Electrophysiological single unit recordings of t-ICC in primary cultures indicated sustained spontaneous electrical activity (amplitude of membrane potentials: 57.26+/-6.56 mV). Besides the CD117/c-kit marker, t-ICC expressed variously CD34, caveolins 1&2, alpha-SMA, S-100, vimentin, nestin, desmin, NK-1. t-ICC were negative for: CD68, CD1a, CD62P, NSE, GFAP, chromogranin-A, PGP9.5, but IHC showed the possible existence of (neuro)endocrine cells in tubal interstitium. We call them 'JF cells'. In conclusion, the identification of t-ICC might open the door for understanding some tubal functions, e.g. pace-making/peristaltism, secretion (auto-, juxta- and/or paracrine), regulation of neurotransmission (nitrergic/purinergic) and intercellular signaling, via the very long processes. Furthermore, t-ICC might even be uncommitted bipotential progenitor cells.  相似文献   
Telocytes (TCs) are described as a particular type of cells of the interstitial space ( www.telocytes.com ). Their main characteristics are the very long telopodes with alternating podoms and podomers. Recently, we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of human lung TCs with fibroblasts, demonstrating that TCs are clearly a distinct cell type. Therefore, the present study aims to reinforce this idea by comparing lung TCs with endothelial cells (ECs), since TCs and ECs share immunopositivity for CD34. We applied isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) combined with automated 2‐D nano‐ESI LC‐MS/MS to analyse proteins extracted from TCs and ECs in primary cell cultures. In total, 1609 proteins were identified in cell cultures. 98 proteins (the 5th day), and 82 proteins (10th day) were confidently quantified (screened by two‐sample t‐test, P < 0.05) as up‐ or down‐regulated (fold change >2). We found that in TCs there are 38 up‐regulated proteins at the 5th day and 26 up‐regulated proteins at the 10th day. Bioinformatics analysis using Panther revealed that the 38 proteins associated with TCs represented cellular functions such as intercellular communication (via vesicle mediated transport) and structure morphogenesis, being mainly cytoskeletal proteins and oxidoreductases. In addition, we found 60 up‐regulated proteins in ECs e.g.: cell surface glycoprotein MUC18 (15.54‐fold) and von Willebrand factor (5.74‐fold). The 26 up‐regulated proteins in TCs at 10th day, were also analysed and confirmed the same major cellular functions, while the 56 down‐regulated proteins confirmed again their specificity for ECs. In conclusion, we report here the first extensive comparison of proteins from TCs and ECs using a quantitative proteomics approach. Our data show that TCs are completely different from ECs. Protein expression profile showed that TCs play specific roles in intercellular communication and intercellular signalling. Moreover, they might inhibit the oxidative stress and cellular ageing and may have pro‐proliferative effects through the inhibition of apoptosis. The group of proteins identified in this study needs to be explored further for the role in pathogenesis of lung disease.  相似文献   
The alphabeta dimer of active nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. R312 contains one low-spin ferric ion that is coordinated by three Cys residues, two N-amide groups from the protein backbone, and one OH(-). The enzyme isolated from bacteria grown in the dark is inactive and contains the iron site as a six-coordinate diamagnetic Fe-nitrosyl complex, called NH(dark). The active state can be obtained from the dark state by photolysis of the Fe-NO bond at room temperature. Activation is accompanied by the conversion of NH(dark) to a low-spin ferric complex, NH(light), exhibiting an S = (1)/(2) EPR signal with g values of 2.27, 2.13, and 1.97. We have characterized both NH(dark) and NH(light) with M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The z-axis of the 57Fe magnetic hyperfine tensor, A, of NH(light) was found to be rotated by approximately 45 degrees relative to the z-axis of the g tensor (g(z) = 1.97). Comparison of the A tensor of NH(light) with the A tensors of low-spin ferric hemes indicates a substantially larger degree of covalency for nitrile hydratase. We have also performed photolysis experiments between 2 and 20 K and characterized the photolyzed products by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Photolysis at 4.2 K in the M?ssbauer spectrometer yielded a five-coordinate low-spin ferric species, NH(A), which converted back into NH(dark) when the sample was briefly warmed to 77 K. We also describe preliminary EPR photolysis studies that have yielded new intermediates.  相似文献   
NMDA receptors (NRs) are glutamate-gated calcium-permeable channels that are essential for normal synaptic transmssion and contribute to neurodegeneration. Tetrameric proteins consist of two obligatory GluN1 (N1) and two GluN2 (N2) subunits, of which GluN2A (2A) and GluN2B (2B) are prevalent in adult brain. The intracellularly located C-terminal domains (CTDs) make a significant portion of mass of the receptors and are essential for plasticity and excitotoxicity, but their functions are incompletely defined. Recent evidence shows that truncation of the N2 CTD alters channel kinetics; however, the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. Here we recorded activity from individual NRs lacking the CTDs of N1, 2A, or 2B and determined the gating mechanisms of these receptors. Receptors lacking the N1 CTDs had larger unitary conductance and faster deactivation kinetics, receptors lacking the 2A or 2B CTDs had longer openings and longer desensitized intervals, and the first 100 amino acids of the N2 CTD were essential for these changes. In addition, receptors lacking the CTDs of either 2A or 2B maintained isoform-specific kinetic differences and swapping CTDs between 2A and 2B had no effect on single-channel properties. Based on these results, we suggest that perturbations in the CTD can modify the NR-mediated signal in a subunit-dependent manner, in 2A these effects are most likely mediated by membrane-proximal residues, and the isoform-specific biophysical properties conferred by 2A and 2B are CTD-independent. The kinetic mechanisms we developed afford a quantitative approach to understanding how the intracellular domains of NR subunits can modulate the responses of the receptor.  相似文献   
Summary Under experimental conditions of genetic transformation, protamine and total histone were bactericidal for Bacillus subtilis cells. The abilities to cause lethality were very similar for both, either protamine or histone, with no antagonistic effects amongst these natural polycations. With both basic proteins acting simultaneously the enhancement was higher than a summation of the separate lethal effects. Sublethal concentration of protamine added at the beginning of transformation time, produced a strong inhibition of transforming efficiency. The same concentration added later than 10 min from the start of transformation had no inhibitory effect. These facts together with the absence of inhibition by simple pretreatment of DNA alone as well as the cell protection by protamine against lytic activity of lysozyme, suggest a protamine-cell surface interaction which impedes DNA uptake events.  相似文献   
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