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Many lines of evidence show that membranes contain microdomains, "lipid rafts", that are different from the rest of the membrane in specific lipid and protein composition. In several biological systems, they were shown to be necessary for trafficking and signal transduction. Here, we investigate if lipid rafts have a role in the regulation of the G protein-mediated pathway underlying vertebrate phototransduction. Photoreceptor membranes contain detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) rafts. Rhodopsin and cGMP phosphodiesterase are found in raft and nonraft portions of the membrane; guanylate cyclase is found exclusively in the raft. Distribution of these proteins does not change in the light or dark. In contrast, the G protein transducin, the RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex, and the p44 isoform of arrestin undergo dramatic translocation to the raft upon illumination. Phosphorylation of RGS9-1 occurs exclusively in the raft. GTPgammaS or pertussis toxin prevent the light-mediated translocation of transducin and RGS9-1, whereas AlF(minus sign)(4) causes both proteins to move to the raft in the dark. This shows that the Galphat-RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex has the highest affinity to rafts in the transition state of the GTPase. GTPgammaS binds to transducin at a significantly slower rate in the raft, indicating that this translocation results in a reduced rhodopsin-transducin coupling. Thus, an external signal can rearrange components of a G protein pathway in specific domains of the cell membrane, changing its signaling properties. These findings could reveal a novel mechanism utilized by the cells for regulation of G protein-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   
Streptomycin, an antibiotic used against microbial infections, inhibits the protein synthesis by binding to ribosomal protein S12, encoded by rpsL12 gene, and associated mutations cause streptomycin resistance. A streptomycin resistant, Lysinibacillus sphaericus DSLS5 (MIC >300 µg/mL for streptomycin), was isolated from a marine sponge (Tedania anhelans). The characterisation of rpsL12 gene showed a region having similarity to long terminal repeat sequences of murine lukemia virus which added 13 amino acids for loop formation in RpsL12; in addition, a K56R mutation which corresponds to K43R mutation present in streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli is also present. The RpsL12 protein was modelled and compared with that of Lysinibacillus boronitolerans, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The modelled proteins docked with streptomycin indicate compound had less affinity. The effect of loop on streptomycin resistance was analysed by constructing three different models of RpsL12 by, (i) removing both loop and mutation, (ii) removing the loop alone while retaining the mutation and (iii) without mutation having loop. The results showed that the presence of loop causes streptomycin resistance (decreases the affinity), and it further enhanced in the presence of mutation at 56th codon. Further study will help in understanding the evolution of streptomycin resistance in organisms.  相似文献   
The primary determinant for telomere replication is the enzyme telomerase, responsible for elongating the G-rich strand of the telomere. The only component of this enzyme that has been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the TLC1 gene, encoding the telomerase RNA subunit. However, a yeast strain defective for the EST1 gene exhibits the same phenotypes (progressively shorter telomeres and a senescence phenotype) as a strain deleted for TLC1, suggesting that EST1 encodes either a component of telomerase or some other factor essential for telomerase function. We designed a multitiered screen that led to the isolation of 22 mutants that display the same phenotypes as est1 and tlc1 mutant strains. These mutations mapped to four complementation groups: the previously identified EST1 gene and three additional genes, called EST2, EST3 and EST4. Cloning of the EST2 gene demonstrated that it encodes a large, extremely basic novel protein with no motifs that provide clues as to function. Epistasis analysis indicated that the four EST genes function in the same pathway for telomere replication as defined by the TLC1 gene, suggesting that the EST genes encode either components of telomerase or factors that positively regulate telomerase activity.  相似文献   
The synthesis of 4-ethenylidene-5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol (5) and of 4-ethenylidene-5α-androstane-3,17-dione (4) is described. Compound 5 is a competitive inhibitor of solubilized bovine microsomal adrenal Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, with Ki =2.7μM, and is converted by the enzyme to the corresponding 3-ketone. Compound 4 shown to irreversibly inactivate the enzyme in a time-dependent manner (t12 =31 min; 55μM; pH =7.0). The substrate, dehydroepiandrosterone, protects against inactivation by compound 4. In contrast, compound 5 is not oxidized at the 3-position by the 3β-(and 17β)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from P. testosteroni, but is oxidized at the 17-position. Nevertheless, the 4-ethenylidene-3,17-diketone (4) causes irreversible time-dependent inactivation (t12 =28min; 64μM; pH =7.0) when incubated directly with this bacterial enzyme, acting as an affinity label.  相似文献   
Ischemia/reperfusion of the small intestine can lead to metabolic and structural alterations in the mucosa. Cellular dysfunction occurs when mitochondrial metabolism is compromised, which may ultimately lead to impaired organ function. The aims of this study were to assess the suppression of cellular and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and involvement of mitochondria in the ischemia/reperfusion injury. The mitochondria were prepared from isolated enterocytes obtained from the small intestine of anesthetized adult rats following different time periods of ischemia and ischemia followed by 5 min reperfusion. Cellular and mitochondrial function were assessed using MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) reduction assay. Ischemia of increasing time periods caused a progressive decrease in cellular and mitochondrial MTT reduction in enterocytes and reperfusion showed further decrease of MTT formazan formation. Inclusion of 1 mM succinate, as respiratory subs trate, showed reversal of suppression of mitochondrial function in 30-60 min ischemia whereas 90 min ischemia or short time period ischemia followed by 5 min reperfusion indicated an irreversible damage to mitochondria. This study indicated that mitochondria are a sensitive target of damage due to oxygen deficiency and possibly due to sudden burst of oxygen free radicals. Mitochondria can withstand short periods of ischemia whereas long duration ischemia or reperfusion results in irreversible damage to mitochondrial function. (Mol Cell Biochem 167: 81-87, 1997)  相似文献   
Although multiple environmental cues regulate the transition to flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana, previous studies have suggested that wild A. thaliana accessions fall primarily into two classes, distinguished by their requirement for vernalization (extended winter-like temperatures), which enables rapid flowering under long days. Much of the difference in vernalization response is apparently due to variation at two epistatically acting loci, FRI and FLC. We present the response of over 150 wild accessions to three different environmental variables. In long days, FLC is among those genes whose expression is most highly correlated with flowering. In short days, FRI and FLC are less important, although their contribution is still significant. In addition, there is considerable variation not only in vernalization response, but also in the response to differences in day length or ambient growth temperature. The identification of accessions that flower relatively early or late in specific environments suggests that many of the flowering-time pathways identified by mutagenesis, such as those that respond to day length, contribute to flowering-time variation in the wild. In contrast to differences in vernalization requirement, which are mainly mediated by FRI and FLC, it seems that variation in these other pathways is due to allelic effects at several different loci.  相似文献   
Development of transgenic plants by introducing defense genes is one of the strategies to engineer disease resistance. Transgenic ASD16 rice plants harbouring rice chitinase chi11 gene, belonging to a PR-3 group of defense gene conferring sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn) resistance, were used in this study. Three T2 homozygous lines (ASD16-4-1-1, 5-1-1, and 6-1-1) were identified from seven putative (T0) transgenic lines expressing chi11 using Western blotting analysis. The inheritance of sheath blight resistance in those lines was studied over generations. The stability of chi11 expression up to T4 generation in all the three homozygous lines was proved by Western blot and the stability of sheath blight resistance in the homozygous lines was proved up to T4 generation using detached leaf and intact leaf sheath assays. Among the three homozygous lines tested, ASD16-4-1-1 showed consistent results in all the generations and gave a better protection against the sheath blight pathogen than the other two lines.  相似文献   
Rats bearing the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma showed important changes in lipid metabolism. The presence of this rapidly growing tumour induced a significant reduction in the intestinal absorption of an oral [l4C]triolein load but without changes in whole body oxidation of the tracer to CO3. Both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities were increased at day 4 of tumour growth, changes that seem to be related with those observed in [14C] lipid accumulation; however, heart LPL activity was increased at day 7 but there was no change at day 4. In addition, there was a marked hyperlipemia in the tumour-bearing animals, whereas the blood ketone body concentrations were lower in these animals in comparison with the corresponding pair-fed group. The in vivo lipogenic rate was increased in liver of the tumour-bearing animals (day 4); conversely, it was decreased in WAT and skeletal muscle (day 4) and IBAT (day 7) of the AH-130-bearing rats. It may be suggested that the increased liver lipogenic rate associated with tumour burden is the main factor contributing to the hyperlipidaemia present in the Yoshida AH-130 bearing rats.  相似文献   
Cytokinesis in many eukaryotes requires an actomyosin contractile ring. Here, we show that in fission yeast the myosin-II heavy chain Myo2 initially accumulates at the division site via its COOH-terminal 134 amino acids independently of F-actin. The COOH-terminal region can access to the division site at early G2, whereas intact Myo2 does so at early mitosis. Ser1444 in the Myo2 COOH-terminal region is a phosphorylation site that is dephosphorylated during early mitosis. Myo2 S1444A prematurely accumulates at the future division site and promotes formation of an F-actin ring even during interphase. The accumulation of Myo2 requires the anillin homologue Mid1 that functions in proper ring placement. Myo2 interacts with Mid1 in cell lysates, and this interaction is inhibited by an S1444D mutation in Myo2. Our results suggest that dephosphorylation of Myo2 liberates the COOH-terminal region from an intramolecular inhibition. Subsequently, dephosphorylated Myo2 is anchored by Mid1 at the medial cortex and promotes the ring assembly in cooperation with F-actin.  相似文献   
As the topological properties of each spot in DNA microarray images may vary from one another, we employed granulometries to understand the shape-size content contributed due to a significant intensity value within a spot. Analysis was performed on the microarray image that consisted of 240 spots by using concepts from mathematical morphology. In order to find out indices for each spot and to further classify them, we adopted morphological multiscale openings, which provided microarrays at multiple scales. Successive opened microarrays were subtracted to identify the protrusions that were smaller than the size of structuring element. Spot-wise details, in terms of probability of these observed protrusions,were computed by placing a regularly spaced grid on microarray such that each spot was centered in each grid. Based on the probability of size distribution functions of these protrusions isolated at each level, we estimated the mean size and texture index for each spot. With these characteristics, we classified the spots in a microarray image into bright and dull categories through pattern spectrum and shape-size complexity measures. These segregated spots can be compared with those of hybridization levels.  相似文献   
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