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Resistance genotyping provides an important resource for the clinical management of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). However, resistance to protease (PR) inhibitors (PIs) is a complex phenotype shaped by interactions among nearly half of the residues in HIV-1 PR. Previous studies of the genetic basis of PI resistance focused on fixed substitutions among populations of HIV-1, i.e., host-specific adaptations. Consequently, they are susceptible to a high false discovery rate due to founder effects. Here, we employ sequencing “mixtures” (i.e., ambiguous base calls) as a site-specific marker of genetic variation within patients that is independent of the phylogeny. We demonstrate that the transient response to selection by PIs is manifested as an excess of nonsynonymous mixtures. Using a sample of 5,651 PR sequences isolated from both PI-naive and -treated patients, we analyze the joint distribution of mixtures and eight PIs as a Bayesian network, which distinguishes residue-residue interactions from direct associations with PIs. We find that selection for resistance is associated with the emergence of nonsynonymous mixtures in two distinct groups of codon sites clustered along the substrate cleft and distal regions of PR, respectively. Within-patient evolution at several positions is independent of PIs, including those formerly postulated to be involved in resistance. These positions are under strong positive selection in the PI-naive patient population, implying that other factors can produce spurious associations with resistance, e.g., mutational escape from the immune response.  相似文献   
Ecological interaction networks, such as those describing the mutualistic interactions between plants and their pollinators or between plants and their frugivores, exhibit non‐random structural properties that cannot be explained by simple models of network formation. One factor affecting the formation and eventual structure of such a network is its evolutionary history. We argue that this, in many cases, is closely linked to the evolutionary histories of the species involved in the interactions. Indeed, empirical studies of interaction networks along with the phylogenies of the interacting species have demonstrated significant associations between phylogeny and network structure. To date, however, no generative model explaining the way in which the evolution of individual species affects the evolution of interaction networks has been proposed. We present a model describing the evolution of pairwise interactions as a branching Markov process, drawing on phylogenetic models of molecular evolution. Using knowledge of the phylogenies of the interacting species, our model yielded a significantly better fit to 21% of a set of plant–pollinator and plant–frugivore mutualistic networks. This highlights the importance, in a substantial minority of cases, of inheritance of interaction patterns without excluding the potential role of ecological novelties in forming the current network architecture. We suggest that our model can be used as a null model for controlling evolutionary signals when evaluating the role of other factors in shaping the emergence of ecological networks.  相似文献   
Infectious diseases are widely presumed to be one of the greatest threats to ape conservation in the wild. Human diseases are of particular concern, and the costs and benefits of human presence in protected areas with apes are regularly debated. While numerous syndromes with fatal outcomes have recently been described, precise identification of pathogens remains difficult. These diagnostic difficulties are compounded by the fact that direct veterinary intervention on wild apes is quite rare. Here we present the unique case of a wild chimpanzee at Gombe National Park that was observed with a severe illness and was subsequently examined and treated in the field. Multiple specimens were collected and tested with the aim of identifying the pathogen responsible for the illness. Our findings represent the first extensive screening of a living wild chimpanzee, yet despite our efforts, the cause and source of illness remain unknown. Nevertheless, our findings represent valuable baseline data for the ape conservation community and for comparison with other recent findings. In addition, we present the case here to demonstrate the planning required and multiple types of expertise necessary to maximize the amount of data obtained from such a rare intervention, and to provide lessons learned for future studies.  相似文献   
Declining use and abandonment of traditional ranges by migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) have often been related to density-dependent depletion of summer forage. The Pen Islands caribou herd (R. t. caribou), Ontario and Manitoba, Canada, numbered in the thousands on its traditional summer tundra range during the 1980s, but then declined in that region. We postulated that increased caribou abundance over three decades negatively affected phytomass, given that under the exploitation ecosystem hypothesis (EEH), grazers limit the amount of primary production if few predators are present. We tested this prediction using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), as a proxy for phytomass available to caribou. We lagged caribou abundance in the explanatory model by the number of years (4–7) between peak caribou abundance and minimum NDVI. NDVI was negatively related to caribou abundance lagged by 6 years, and growing degree days explained much of the annual variation in NDVI. Precipitation was not an important predictor in the model. Our study is the first to apply NDVI to support the EEH for caribou. We propose that this method could be used over broad scales to shed light on limiting factors for migratory caribou across the circumpolar North.  相似文献   
Following interruption of antiretroviral therapy among individuals with acquired drug resistance, preexisting drug-sensitive virus emerges relatively rapidly. In contrast, wild-type virus is not archived in individuals infected with drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and thus cannot emerge rapidly in the absence of selective drug pressure. Fourteen recently HIV-infected patients with transmitted drug-resistant virus were followed for a median of 2.1 years after the estimated date of infection (EDI) without receiving antiretroviral therapy. HIV drug resistance and pol replication capacity (RC) in longitudinal plasma samples were assayed. Resistance mutations were characterized as pure populations or mixtures. The mean time to first detection of a mixture of wild-type and drug-resistant viruses was 96 weeks (1.8 years) (95% confidence interval, 48 to 192 weeks) after the EDI. The median time to loss of detectable drug resistance using population-based assays ranged from 4.1 years (conservative estimate) to longer than the lifetime of the individual (less conservative estimate). The transmission of drug-resistant virus was not associated with virus with reduced RC. Sexual transmission of HIV selects for highly fit drug-resistant variants that persist for years. The prolonged persistence of transmitted drug resistance strongly supports the routine use of HIV resistance genotyping for all newly diagnosed individuals.  相似文献   
Interactions between subunit a and oligomeric subunit c are essential for the coupling of proton translocation to rotary motion in the ATP synthase. A pair of previously described mutants, R210Q/Q252R and P204T/R210Q/Q252R [L.P. Hatch, G.B. Cox and S.M. Howitt, The essential arginine residue at position 210 in the a subunit of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase can be transferred to position 252 with partial retention of activity, J. Biol. Chem. 270 (1995) 29407-29412] has been constructed and further analyzed. These mutants, in which the essential arginine of subunit a, R210, was switched with a conserved glutamine residue, Q252, are shown here to be capable of both ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation, and ATP-driven proton translocation. In addition, lysine can replace the arginine at position 252 with partial retention of both activities. The pH dependence of ATP-driven proton translocation was determined after purification of mutant enzymes, and reconstitution into liposomes. Proton translocation by the lysine mutant, and to a lesser extent the arginine mutant, dropped off sharply above pH 7.5, consistent with the requirement for a positive charge during function. Finally, the rates of ATP synthesis and of ATP-driven proton translocation were completely inhibited by treatment with DCCD (N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide), while rates of ATP hydrolysis by the mutants were not significantly affected, indicating that DCCD modification disrupts the F(1)-F(o) interface. The results suggest that minimal requirements for proton translocation by the ATP synthase include a positive charge in subunit a and a weak interface between subunit a and oligomeric subunit c.  相似文献   
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