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Vesl/Homer proteins physically link proteins that mediate cellular signaling [Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 10 (2000) 370; Trends Neurosci. 23 (2000) 80; J. Cell Sci. 113 (2000) 1851] and thereby influence cellular function [Nat. Neurosci. 4 (2001) 499; Nature 411 (2001) 962]. A previous study reported that Vesl-1L/Homer-1c (V-1L) controls the gain of the intracellular calcium activated calcium channel ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1) channel [J. Biol Chem. 277 (2002) 44722]. Here, we show that the function of RyR1 is differentially regulated by two isoforms of Vesl-1/Homer-1, V-1L and Vesl-1S/Homer-1a (V-1S). V-1L increases the activity of RyR1 while important regulatory functions and pharmacological characteristics are preserved. V-1S alone had no effect on RyR1, even though, like V-1L, it is directly bound to the channel. However, V-1S dose-dependently decreased the effects of V-1L on RyR1, providing a novel mechanism for the regulation of intracellular calcium channel activity and calcium homeostasis by changing expression levels of Vesl/Homer proteins.  相似文献   
Development of reliable techniques for experimental manipulation of gene expression in multinucleated skeletal muscle fibers is critical for understanding molecular mechanisms involved in both physiology and pathophysiology. At present, viral vectors represent the only method to obtain efficient gene transfer in terminally differentiated myotubes. Here we present an in vitro procedure that relies on the application of a pulsed electric field for transferring naked DNA into differentiated myotubes seeded on coverslips. Compared with standard transfection methods, electroporation was at least 1000 times more efficient, as judged by quantitative determination of luciferase content. Percentage of transfected myotubes averaged around 45%. Moreover, we were successful in transfecting a dominant-negative ADP ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) mutant, i.e., ARF1N126I, in myotubes, thus interfering with endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi traffic, as indicated by alterations of subcellular distribution of GM130, a cis/medial-Golgi marker. Co-transfection experiments with beta-galactosidase also showed that the ARF1 mutant appeared to inhibit myoblast fusion and could not be used before myotube formation. The present work validates the use of electroporation as a highly efficient approach for gene transfer in fully differentiated myotubes.  相似文献   
The degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) by matrix metalloproteases is crucial in physiological and pathological cell invasion alike. Degradation occurs at specific sites where invasive cells make contact with the ECM via specialized plasma membrane protrusions termed invadopodia. Herein, we show that the dynamin 2 (Dyn2), a GTPase implicated in the control of actin-driven cytoskeletal remodeling events and membrane transport, is necessary for focalized matrix degradation at invadopodia. Dynamin was inhibited by using two approaches: 1) expression of dominant negative GTPase-impaired or proline-rich domain-deleted Dyn2 mutants; and 2) inhibition of the dynamin regulator calcineurin by cyclosporin A. In both cases, the number and extension of ECM degradation foci were drastically reduced. To understand the site and mechanism of dynamin action, the cellular structures devoted to ECM degradation were analyzed by correlative confocal light-electron microscopy. Invadopodia were found to be organized into a previously undescribed ECM-degradation structure consisting of a large invagination of the ventral plasma membrane surface in close spatial relationship with the Golgi complex. Dyn2 seemed to be concentrated at invadopodia.  相似文献   
The subcellular distribution of endoplasmic reticulum proteins (IP3R1 and RYR), plasma membrane(PM) proteins (mGluR1 and PMCA Ca2+-pump), and scaffolding proteins, such as Homer 1b/c, was assessed by laser scanning confocal microscopy of rat cerebellum parasagittal sections. There appeared to be two classes of Ca2+ stores, nonjunctional Ca2+ stores and junctional Ca2+ stores, possibly referable to central cisternae/tubules and sub-PM cisternae, respectively, in soma, dendrites, and dendritic spines. Only some IP3R1s appeared to be part of multimeric, junctional Ca2+ signaling networks, whose composition is shown to include PMCA, mGluR1, Homer 1b/c and, not always, RYR1.  相似文献   
The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle controls the contraction-relaxation cycle by raising and lowering the myoplasmic free-Ca2+ concentration. The coupling between excitation, i.e., depolarization of sarcolemma and transvers tubule (TT) and Ca2+ release from the terminal cisternae (TC) of SR takes place at the triad. The triad junction is formed by a specialized region of the TC, the junctional SR, and the TT. The molecular architecture and protein composition of the junctional SR are under active investigation. Since the junctional SR plays a central role in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ release, some of its protein constituents are directly involved in these processes. The biochemical evidence supporting this contention is reviewed in this article.  相似文献   
Contraction of skeletal muscle is triggered by release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In this study, highly purified normal and dystrophic mouse sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were compared with respect to calcium release characteristics. Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were actively loaded with calcium in the presence of an ATP-regenerating system. Calcium fluxes were followed by dual wavelength spectrophotometry using the metallochromic indicators antipyrylazo III and arsenazo III, and by isotopic techniques. Calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was elicited by (a) changing the free calcium concentration of the assay medium (calcium-induced calcium release); (b) addition of a permeant anion to the assay medium, following calcium loading in the presence of a relatively impermeant anion (depolarization-induced calcium release); (c) addition of the lipophilic anion tetraphenylboron (TPB?) to the assay medium and (d) using specific experimental conditions, i.e. high phosphate levels and low magnesium (spontaneous calcium release). Drugs known to influence Ca2+ release were shown to differentially affect the various types of calcium release. Caffeine (10 mM) was found to enhance calcium-induced calcium release from isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ruthenium red (20 μM) inhibited both calcium-induced calcium release and tetraphenylboron-induced calcium release, and partially inhibited spontaneous calcium release and depolarization-induced calcium release. Local anesthetics inhibited spontaneous calcium release in a time-dependent manner, and inhibited calcium-induced calcium release instantaneously, but did not inhibit depolarization-induced calcium release. Use of pharmacological agents indicates that several types of calcium release operate in vitro. No significant differences were found between normal and dystrophic sarcoplasmic reticulum in calcium release kinetics or drug sensitivities.  相似文献   
The glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransferase activity but not the uridyltransferase activity of the bifunctional GlmU enzyme from Escherichia coli was lost when GlmU was stored in the absence of β-mercaptoethanol or incubated with thiol-specific reagents. The enzyme was protected from inactivation in the presence of its substrate acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), suggesting the presence of an essential cysteine residue in or near the active site of the acetyltransferase domain. To ascertain the role of cysteines in the structure and function of the enzyme, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to change each of the four cysteines to alanine, and plasmids were constructed for high-level overproduction and one-step purification of histidine-tagged proteins. Whereas the kinetic parameters of the bifunctional enzyme appeared unaffected by the C296A and C385A mutations, 1,350- and 8-fold decreases of acetyltransferase activity resulted from the C307A and C324A mutations, respectively. The Km values for acetyl-CoA and GlcN-1-P of mutant proteins were not modified, suggesting that none of the cysteines was involved in substrate binding. The uridyltransferase activities of wild-type and mutant GlmU proteins were similar. From these studies, the two cysteines Cys307 and Cys324 appeared important for acetyltransferase activity and seemed to be located in or near the active site.  相似文献   
Abstract: To understand the assembly characteristics of the high-molecular-weight neurofilament protein (NF-H), carboxyl- and amino-terminally deleted NF-H proteins were examined by transiently cotransfecting mutant NF-H constructs with the other neurofilament triplet proteins, low- and middle-molecular-weight neurofilament protein (NF-L and NF-M, respectively), in the presence or absence of cytoplasmic vimentin. The results confirm that NF-H can coassemble with vimentin and NF-L but not with NF-M into filamentous networks. Deletions from the amino-terminus show that the N-terminal head is necessary for the coassembly of NF-H with vimentin, NF-L, or NF-M/vimentin. However, headless NF-H or NF-H from which the head and a part of the rod is removed can still incorporate into an NF-L/vimentin network. Deletion of the carboxyl-terminal tail of NF-H shows that this region is not essential for coassembly with vimentin but is important for coassembly with NF-L into an extensive filamentous network. Carboxyl-terminal deletion into the α-helical rod results in a dominant-negative mutant, which disrupts all the intermediate filament networks. These results indicate that NF-L is the preferred partner of NF-H over vimentin and NF-M, the head region of NF-H is important for the formation of NF-L/NF-H filaments, and the tail region of NF-H is important to form an extensive network of NF-L/NF-H filaments.  相似文献   
The selective immunosuppressants cyclosporin A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506) are used in the prevention of allogenic transplant rejection and in the therapy of chronic autoimmune inflammatory pathologies. Chronic treatment with CsA leads to secondary functional and trophic alterations of multiple organs and cell systems among which endocrine ones, through insofar uncharacterized mechanisms. With the recent use of FK506 there have been reports of an improved therapeutic efficacy and a reduction of side-effects, as compared to CsA. An intriguing hypothesis is that toxic damage could be due to a systemic CsA activation of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism, through pathways as yet only partially characterized. The side-effects of both drugs have been poorly studied on cells from tissues other than blood or kidney. We have thus proceeded to study their action on AA release in corticotropic AtT-20/D16-16 cells. The results obtained are as follows: 1) during incubation times > or =12 h, basal AA release is increased by CsA, but not FK506; the acute effect (10 min) of melittin, a PLA2 activator, is significantly potentiated starting from a 30 min pretreatment with CsA but not FK506; manoalide, a PLA2 inhibitor, antagonizes the melittin potentiation of AA release by CsA whereas the inhibition of the melittin stimulus by glucocorticoids is antagonized both by CsA and FK506. 2) during longer (>2 d) incubation times, cell growth is inhibited by CsA but not FK506. These results indicate a role for CsA, not apparent for FK506, in the activation of PLA2 and in the inhibition of cell growth. They also suggest that CsA does not have a direct (i.e. not mediated by the immune system) therapeutic effect in inflammatory processes.  相似文献   
The YvcK protein has been shown to be necessary for growth under gluconeogenic conditions in Bacillus subtilis. Amazingly, its overproduction rescues growth and morphology defects of the actin-like protein MreB deletion mutant by restoration of PBP1 localization. In this work, we observed that YvcK was phosphorylated at Thr-304 by the protein kinase PrkC and that phosphorylated YvcK was dephosphorylated by the cognate phosphatase PrpC. We show that neither substitution of this threonine with a constitutively phosphorylated mimicking glutamic acid residue or a phosphorylation-dead mimicking alanine residue nor deletion of prkC or prpC altered the ability of B. subtilis to grow under gluconeogenic conditions. However, we observed that a prpC mutant and a yvcK mutant were more sensitive to bacitracin compared with the WT strain. In addition, the bacitracin sensitivity of strains in which YvcK Thr-304 was replaced with either an alanine or a glutamic acid residue was also affected. We also analyzed rescue of the mreB mutant strain by overproduction of YvcK in which the phosphorylation site was substituted. We show that YvcK T304A overproduction did not rescue the mreB mutant aberrant morphology due to PBP1 mislocalization. The same observation was made in an mreB prkC double mutant overproducing YvcK. Altogether, these data show that YvcK may have two distinct functions: 1) in carbon source utilization independent of its phosphorylation level and 2) in cell wall biosynthesis and morphogenesis through its phosphorylation state.  相似文献   
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